Posted: February 26th, 2023
Ethics homework
Ethical Culture Analysis Project (Hallmark Assessment (HAT)) This project provides the opportunity to analyze the ethical culture and climate of a real organization of your choice. This must be an organization with which you are personally familiar so that you can secure the interviews. To complete the assignment you will need to read online and printed materials, draw upon news articles, and conduct at least 2 interviews with current or former members of the organization (if possible, get the perspective of one management employee/one non-management employee). You should introduce and reflect on theories and concepts from the readings. Your book offers several ethics audit questions for organizations that you can use.
This paper should be approximately 8 pages (1700-2500 words)
History. Brief history of the organization and unit, and statement of purpose for the paper.
– Ethical Challenges. Overview of an ethical challenge (with a positive or negative outcome) the organization or unit leaders and members have faced (focus on the last 5 years, but if there is something historic that has had a lasting impression on the culture you should include). The ethical challenge may be one with a positive outcome, or one that resulted in a negative outcome such as a lawsuit.
– Power and/or Leadership and/or Trust. You must interview one person who has supervisory responsibility, and one person with non-supervisory responsibility, and determine their personal beliefs about power or leadership or trust in this situation (e.g. rely on Chapter 5 for formulating 3-5 questions. Also discuss how you think the leader in this situation is dealing with the six types of leadership challenges (see Chapter 7). – Culture and Climate. Explore current ethical culture and climate based on official and unofficial measures (e.g., interviews; mission statement, ethics code, morale in organization, reputation in community).
– Ratings. Include relevant ratings of this organization based on tools in the Johnson text (Multiple examples exist in your text). Provide rationale for ratings.
– Assessment. Assessment of whether this organization is ethically decoupled or transformed. (Evidence for this assessment should be clearly linked to the previous sections of your paper including evidence from your interviews, news articles, internal communication, etc.)
– Recommendations. Make specific, actionable recommendations on how this organization can become a more ethical workplace.
LEAD 578
Workplace and Information Ethics
A great place to learn, work, and invest
Hallmark Assessment Task
Competencies and Standards
ATD 6 Build trust, 19 Manage organizational knowledge
Ideas to Action 3 Assumptions, 8 Consequences
Grading Rubric for Ethical Culture Analysis Project
Exceeds Standards Meets Standards Needs
History and
(10 possible
10 points
Provides enough research on
the organization or unit to
enable the reader to
understand the organization’s
purpose and what the
organization stands behind.
9 points
Provides some level
of historical context
of the organization/
0-8 points
Provides only cursory
information on the
organization based on
minimal research.
(15 possible
5 points
Provides background on
ethical challenges/situations
the unit/ leader/ member(s)
has faced either internally or
13 points
Provides top line of
ethical issues the
organization has
faced in recent years.
0-12 points
Does not address ethical
challenges the
organization has faced
LEAD 578
Workplace and Information Ethics
A great place to learn, work, and invest
externally in the last 5 years
with a level of objectivity.
Applies ethical theories from
class readings.
or provides only one
(15 possible
14-15 points
Evaluates the organization/
unit/ leader/ member(s) citing
examples to support the
ratings. Uses rating criteria
from textbook.
13 points
Evaluates but with
minimal evidence to
support ratings.
0-12 points
Evaluates the
organization but offers
little to no evidence to
support ratings.
Power and/or
and/or Trust
(15 possible
14-15 points
Identifies the leader’s power
bases, leadership style, or unit
trust, from an ethical
perspective and with
examples to support the
analysis. Discusses how these
dimensions influenced the
ethical challenge situation or
13 points
Identifies power
bases, leadership, or
trust but offers no
examples to support
the analysis.
0-12 points
Does not describe the
leader’s power bases,
leadership style, or trust.
Culture and
14-15 points 13 points 0-12 points
LEAD 578
Workplace and Information Ethics
A great place to learn, work, and invest
(15 possible
Analyzes with depth the
ethical culture of the
organization using both
official and unofficial
materials as evidence.
Explores how these cultural
factors influenced the kay
players’ actions in the ethical
challenge discussed.
Provides an opinion
on the culture using
Describes the culture
purely based on opinion.
(10 possible
10 points
Uses the analysis and
evidence presented in
previous sections to interpret
whether this organization/
unit is ethically decoupled or
transformed. Constructs a
logical case for the decision.
9 points
Presents a mostly
defensible, thoughtful
and logical case based
on an analysis of the
0-8 points
Provides a claim about
the organization, but is
one-sided or without
(15 possible
14-15 points
Formulates actionable
recommendations for how
this organization/ unit can
13 points
but they are not
grounded in reality.
0-12 points
Fails to provide
LEAD 578
Workplace and Information Ethics
A great place to learn, work, and invest
become a more ethical
Writing Clarity
(5 possible
5 points
Paper is exceptionally well
written and is organized in a
seamless manner. Uses at
least two quotes from each of
the interviewees to support
analyses. Cites outside
resources correctly.
4.5 points
Report is organized
and well-written, but
not of exceptional
quality. Uses at least
two quotes from
interview sources to
support the analyses.
1-4 points
Report is not organized
and/or well-written, as
expected in a 500-level
course. Does not provide
interviewee quotes. Does
not cite others’ work.
Place an order in 3 easy steps. Takes less than 5 mins.