Posted: February 26th, 2023
(You do NOT need to use the “CHECK YOUR SIMILARTY HERE” submission box, as you will be cutting and pasting again for this note-taking assignment)
You must find THREE more research articles related to your topic in exploration of your research question.
For this assignment, you are asked to download the Finals ‘Mission’ Packet below and SAVE it to your computer. You will be working on this document for the rest of the semester.
Open to p. 13a and complete Phase I and Phase II for all FOUR research articles you found.
Final ‘Mission’ Packet x
EACH set of W(5) H(1) equals 25 pts
You will open your Final ‘Mission’ Packet that is saved to your computer, and turn to p. 16a, “Activity: Analyze Your Research Articles: Compare and Contrast.”
Complete p. 16a using all 4 research articles in your workbook and them COPY and PASTE into a NEW Word document to be submitted here.
Comparison = 50%
To earn full credit, you will have mentioned all four research articles, used correct in-text citations, used appropriate comparison, transition words, have written in full sentences, and have written FULLY in your own words.
Contrast = 50%
To earn full credit, you will have mentioned all four research articles, used correct in-text citations, used appropriate contrasting, transition words, have written in full sentences, and have written FULLY in your own words.
Final ‘Mission’ Packet
[Your Name]
Department of [Your Major], King Graduate School
KG 604: Graduate Research & Critical Analysis
Professor Ramlochan
April 2023
Required Task
Week Skill is Practiced
Workbook Activity
Page Number
APA-7-Compliant Title Page
Week 3
Level 1 Header:
Title of Your Paper
· Introduction paragraph with a thesis statement
Week 12
Activity: 1st Sentence of the Opening Paragraph
Activity: Drafting Your Thesis Statement
Level 1 Header:
Literature Review
· Opening paragraph ensuring credibility of sources evaluated in the Review of Literature
Week 7
Activity: Developing Introductory Paragraph to Literature Review
· Review of Literature including only research articles
Week 6
Activity: Notes for Research Articles, Notice My Capitalization
· Analysis of Literature including compare and contrast of methodologies, findings, and recommendations
Week 8
Activity: Analyze Your Research Articles: Compare and Contrast
Activity: Checklist for the Literature Review
Level 1 Header:
Discussion: Mitigation Recommendation
· Opening paragraph summarizing the populations/locations affected by this problem
Week 10
Activity: Reintroduce and Summarize the Problem and Populations Affected
· Summary of existing mitigation techniques
Week 9
Activity: Find a Company/Organization/Policy Working to Mitigate the Problem
· Recommendation, connecting existing mitigation techniques to the specific location/population of the problem
Week 10
Activity: Develop Your Recommendation with Evidence
Level 1 Header:
· Conclusion paragraph
Week 12
Activity: Checklist to the Conclusion Paragraph:
New Page – Level 1 Header:
APA-7-Compliant References Page including every source cited in-text
Week 3
Instructions to Packet Use
Activities must be completed according to the weekly order on p.
The process and order of conducting secondary applied research taught in KG 604 will provide you with a strong framework of research, which you will continue to build upon and adjust throughout your program. Do not complete Actives in any other order than the weekly order on p.2.
You will then use all Activities, in the order listed on p. 2, to guide you during the writing process.
Page #
Paper Title (bold with title capitalization)
Racial Disparities in Healthcare Among Pregnant Women in the United States
(NOTICE one blank, double-spaced line)
Katniss Everdeen
Department of Public Health, King Graduate School
Due Date
Your Name
Department & Name of College
Course Number & Name
KG 604: Research & Critical Analysis
Instructor’s Name
(first name optional)
Dr. John H. Watson
July 1, 2021
Introductory Paragraph
Outline for Introductory Paragraph
Opening Sentence: Grab the reader’s attention.
Transition Sentence(s): Each sentence should naturally flow from the opening sentence into the thesis statement.
Thesis Statement: One sentence to summarize what is addressed in the paper with your recommendation: It is your whole paper “squished” into one sentence!
Transition Sentences
Opening Sentence
Thesis Statement
Color Coding:
Green = Opening sentence meant to grab reader’s attention
= Sentences in between that are needed to transition from Green to Purple
Purple = Thesis statement
Student Sample: Introduction
African American, American Indian, and Alaska Native women are up to three times
more likely to die from adverse pregnancy-related outcomes, a disparity that increases with
age (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).
Researchers found a program which provided support to African American women through group trainings entailing stress reduction techniques, life skills development, and the building of social support. This enabled mitigation efforts to be focused and geared around the factors that influence and contributed to adverse pregnancy outcomes among the minority women within the community, thus reducing and preventing negative pregnanchy outcomes in women of color. In the United States, maternal mortality and adverse health outcomes persist within the minority community, and as a result, racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women is a current preventable public health concern, therefore it is vital to understand the determinants of health that influences negative pregnancy related outcomes in minority women, similar to one of California’s intervention programs, the Black Infant Health Program (Nichols & Cohen, 2019).
Opening Sentence
Activity: 1st Sentence of the Opening Paragraph
Purpose: To Grab the Reader’s Attention
This ONE Sentence Must include:
1. a surprising, disturbing, little-known, or wonderful fact
2. a statistic
3. an in-text citation
Examples: Find and Number All Three of These Elements Below
Student Samples: Opening Sentence
Sample 1
African American, American Indian, and Alaska Native women are up to three times
more likely to die from adverse pregnancy-related outcomes, a disparity that increases with
age (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019).
Sample 2
Studies estimate that approximately 40 million Americans, or about 20 percent of the population, are attempting to restrict their intake of food high in carbohydrates (Sanders and Katz, 2004; Hirsch, 2004).
Write your own here, and number the 3 parts!
1st sample adapted from student paper, Tamifer Lewis;
2nd sample adapted from on-line textbook, retrieved from
Thesis Statement
Your thesis statement is the driving force of your paper based on research. It should feel like it is your entire paper in one sentence: the problem, the research, recommendation based on research.
General Formula
Problem + research + recommendation based on the research (citation) = your thesis statement
Certain things can change in the general formula based on what your professor asks. This is why it is so important to read directions very carefully.
KG 604: Steps to the Thesis
1. Restate the Problem with citation
2. Isolate and name the company/organization/program/policy and state why it works, with citation
3. Connect #2 to your population or location and write your
Student Sample Thesis Statement
Research examples to illustrate the points above.
In the United States, maternal mortality and adverse health outcomes persist within the minority community, yet as racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women is a current preventable public health concern, it is vital to understand the determinants of health that influences negative pregnancy related outcomes in minority women, similar to one of California’s intervention programs, the Black Infant Health Program (Nichols and Cohen, 2019).
Activity: Drafting Your Thesis Statement
Answer the following questions in the orange column below and place a check mark next to each task.
Description of Steps
Draft Your Notes to Build Your Thesis Statement
· Restate the Problem with citation:
· Isolate and name the company/organization/ program/policy and state why it works, with citation:
· Connect #2 to your population or location and write your recommendation
Ensure the Following:
My thesis statement is the Last Sentence of the Opening Paragraph
My recommendation is based ONLY on the Research, with no
My thesis statement contains in-text citations
Now, use your work above to write your statement in the blank space below!
Literature Review
Definition (part of the overall research paper you will write for this course)
literature review
is an objective summary of what the scientific literature says about
your specific topic or question. In this kind of paper, you demonstrate your familiarity with pertinent work in the field. The literature review gives the research history, upon which later research can be built.
The Literature Review is Not a Research Paper
Research Paper (what you may be writing in other courses;
includes a literature review) The goal of a
research paper
is to draw on what others have to say about a topic and
engage the sources in order to thoughtfully offer a unique perspective on the issue at hand.
Typically includes these sections (may vary per your professor’s assignment):
1. Introduction
2. Review of Literature
3. Analysis of Literature
Adapted from:
Three Parts of the Literature Review
Introduction Paragraph for the Literature Review: 6 Steps
Six Steps to a Successful Introduction
Description of Steps
Opening sentence: isolate your research problem, with citation
“Research suggests that racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women persists in the United States (Zhang et al. 2013).”
Explain why it is necessary to solve this problem
“Due to this continuous occurrence, it is vital to examine the factors that contribute to the adverse outcomes in maternal health.”
Ensure your reader that you have only included research articles in the literature review and identify the main theme among them
“The literature review
contained only research articles about factors that impacted and influenced disparities in
pregnancy outcomes.”
If you notice multiple factors, you should list them
“Factors that were reviewed were socioeconomic status, public health insurance, race/ethnicity, and poverty status.”
Include the names of the databases you used to conduct your research from the Monroe College Library
“The literature review was conducted using EBSCO
Host and ProQuest databases from the Monroe College Library.”
Lastly, list any search words/terms you used in order to find your research articles
“The search terms used to
compile pertinent articles were racial disparities maternal health, adverse pregnancy outcomes,
and maternal health outcomes
Student Sample: Introduction to Literature Review
Literature Review
Research suggests that racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women persists in
the United States (Zhang et al. 2013). Due to this continuous occurrence, it is vital to examine
the factors that contribute to the adverse outcomes in maternal health. The literature review
contained only research articles about factors that impacted and influenced disparities in
pregnancy outcomes. Factors that were reviewed were socioeconomic status, public health
insurance, race/ethnicity, and poverty status. The literature review was conducted using EBSCO
Host and ProQuest databases from the Monroe College Library. The search terms used to
compile pertinent articles were racial disparities maternal health, adverse pregnancy outcomes,
and maternal health outcomes
Activity: Developing Introductory Paragraph to Literature Review
Fill in the orange column to build out your introductory paragraph.
Description of Steps
Your Sentences
Opening sentence: isolate your research problem, with citation
Explain why it is necessary to solve this problem
Ensure your reader that you have only included research articles in the literature review and identify the main theme among them
If you notice multiple factors, you should list them
Include the names of the databases you used to conduct your research from the Monroe College Library
Lastly, list any search words/terms you used in order to find your research articles
Review of Literature
This part consists of the objective summaries of your research articles. The order in which you present these is important. You will need to create Level 2-3 headings to cluster similar research articles by theme or purpose. (Typically, each level heading should include at least three research articles, amounting to 5-10 research articles,
but as this is a foundations course, you will only provide a total of three to four (3-4) research articles for your Literature Review.)
For each research article found on your topic, you must write a strong objective summary, academic paragraph, that includes all aspects below (W[5] H[1]). The answer to each of these questions below will help you keep track of notes that will eventually be used to write each academic paragraph.
Six Questions to Answer to Summarize a Research Article:5 “W” Questions and 1 “H” Question
Who: Who conducted the study? (name of the author*)
*If more than two authors, the name you use must be the first (primary) author listed, who is responsible for ensuring the quality of others’ contributions followed by et al.
When: In what year was the study conducted? (usually not the publication year)
Where: In which city, state, or country was the study conducted?
Why: Why was the study conducted – what did the researcher(s) hope to learn?
How: How was the study conducted? —D
etailed description
methodology (
qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method, literature review, or meta-study), participants etc.
What: What did the researcher(s)
find? — Give the results of the study with specificity, so we understand the value of the study, and how it relates to the WHY
Writing an Objective Summary
What to Do: Write A Short Version of the Article Focus on the 6 Important Questions:
Anyone reading the summary below knows
the main author is (last name of the first
author listed if there are more than one);
the study was conducted;
the researcher(s) found
(5 “W” questions and 1 “H” question).
Good Example of an Objective Summary
Activity: Practice with Objective Summaries
Please Find the Answers to All Six Questions Below and Underline or Highlight Them!
Student Sample: Objective Summary
Darling et al. (2021) conducted a study between 2001 and 2018 to examine the efficiency of qualified interventions in preterm birth, small for gestational age, low birth weight, neonatal death, cesarean deliveries, maternal care satisfaction, and coast effectiveness programs. A systematic review was used to collect data from the United States, France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The studies consisted of mostly non- Caucasian women from low-income population ranging from 12 to 46 years of age and being between 20 to 32 weeks’ gestation. Interventional programs were implemented into three categories: group prenatal care, augmented prenatal care, or a combination of both group and augmented prenatal care (Darling et al. 2021). The researchers found that certain interventions, such as prenatal care and augmented care, or a combination of both, may decrease adverse outcomes in small-for-gestational-age and preterm birth, and could aid in increasing maternal care satisfaction. Interventions that worked on enhancing coordination of care were found to result in providing more effective cost savings. The researchers also found disparities in the quality of access to care in the vulnerable population. There was insufficient evidence of suitable quality to confirm that the interventions were successful at enhancing clinical outcomes in prenatal care for at risk populations (Darling et al. 2021).
Writing an Objective Summary: What Not to Do
What NOT to Do: Write ABOUT the Article
The example below gives us information on what the article was about, but we are left in
the dark about
how the author conducted the study, and
what she found.
Bad Example
In the study, Chiara Dall’Ora et al. (2015), explained the connection between shift length and burnout among nurses in European countries. In the article, they tell why they conducted the research, how they conducted the research, and also gives the results of the research, providing statistics of the findings (Dall’Ora et al., 2015).
(Can you even find the W5 H1?)
What NOT to Do: Write
The example below gives us information about what the reader’s
conclusions or
BAD Example
In the study, Chiara Dall’Ora et al. (2015), explained the connection between shift length and burnout among nurses in European countries. This is an important issue because we have to make sure nurses are not burnt out so they can care for patients properly. In the article, they tell why they conducted the research, how they conducted the research, and they also give the results of the research, providing statistics of the findings. If more hospital administrators cared about the well-being of nurses and implemented change, we would have a better healthcare system (Dall’Ora et al., 2015
(Again, can you find the W5 H1?)
Rubric for Objective Summary
Please check off where your assignment is on each criterion in this rubric and submit it with your assignment
Not yet excellent
Not yet satisfactory
Free of opinion
Summary is free of opinion
Summary has one opinion word
Summary has more than one opinion word
Using own words
Summary is entirely in the student’s own words
A short phrase appears not to be in student’s own words
Piece has elements of plagiarism (some parts appear to be copied from the article being summarized)
Effectiveness of summary
Summary provides ALL 6 important points:
Who conducted the research (primary author)
What were the findings?
1 of the 6 questions is unanswered or is insufficiently answered
2 or more of the 6 questions are unanswered or are insufficiently answered
Activity: Notes for Research Articles, Notice My Capitalization
Complete this note sheet in two phases (based on ALL research articles found).
Phase 1: First answer questions 5 and 6 for each article below. IF you cannot find the answers to questions 5 and 6, that means your article is NOT a research article, so you must find a new one.
Phase 2: Once you have determined EACH article is a research article, AND your professor has approved them, you may complete questions 1-4 for each.
W(5)H(1): New Research Article #1 (Basic Research Article)
Who conducted the research?
Why was the study completed (purpose / what researchers hoped to learn)
When was data collected (not the publication year)
Where was data collected (physical location)
in hospitals in NY State,
in rural China,
in 3 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Djibouti)
How was data collected (methodology)? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the methodology and HIGHLIGHT the indicator words that specifically show you the methodology
What were the findings? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the findings and HIGHLIGHT the sentences that specifically show you the summary of findings:
W(5)H(1): New Research Article #2 (Basic Research Article)
Who conducted the research?
Why was the study completed (purpose / what researchers hoped to learn)
When was data collected (not the publication year)
Where was data collected (physical location)
in hospitals in NY State,
in rural China,
in 3 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Djibouti)
How was data collected (methodology)? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the methodology and HIGHLIGHT the indicator words that specifically show you the methodology
What were the findings? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the findings and HIGHLIGHT the sentences that specifically show you the summary of findings:
W(5)H(1): New Research Article #3 (Basic OR Applied Research Article)
Who conducted the research?
Why was the study completed (purpose / what researchers hoped to learn)
When was data collected (not the publication year)
Where was data collected (physical location)
in hospitals in NY State,
in rural China,
in 3 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Djibouti)
How was data collected (methodology)? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the methodology and HIGHLIGHT the indicator words that specifically show you the methodology
What were the findings? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the findings and HIGHLIGHT the sentences that specifically show you the summary of findings:
W(5)H(1): New Research Article #4 (Applied Research Article)
Who conducted the research?
Why was the study completed (purpose / what researchers hoped to learn)
When was data collected (not the publication year)
Where was data collected (physical location)
in hospitals in NY State,
in rural China,
in 3 countries in Africa: Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Djibouti)
How was data collected (methodology)? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the methodology and HIGHLIGHT the indicator words that specifically show you the methodology
What were the findings? Cut and paste the paragraph below that describes the findings and HIGHLIGHT the sentences that specifically show you the summary of findings:
Now that you have found all the parts to your research ‘scavenger hunt’, you need to consider what order you will present these in. Complete the next Activity to help you determine a logical order to present research. This Activity will be needed later, as well. Only after completing the Activity can you write your Review of Literature.
Student Sample: Review of Literature
Review of Literature
Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Factors
Darling et al. (2021) conducted a study between 2001 and 2018 to examine the efficiency of qualified interventions in preterm birth, small for gestational age, low birth weight, neonatal death, cesarean deliveries, maternal care satisfaction, and coast effectiveness programs. A systematic review was used to collect data from the United States, France, Spain, and the Netherlands. The studies consisted of mostly non- Caucasian women from low-income population ranging from 12 to 46 years of age and being between 20 to 32 weeks’ gestation. Interventional programs were implemented into three categories: group prenatal care, augmented prenatal care, or a combination of both group and augmented prenatal care (Darling et al. 2021). The researchers found that certain interventions, such as prenatal care and augmented care, or a combination of both, may decrease adverse outcomes in small-for-gestational-age and preterm birth, and could aid in increasing maternal care satisfaction. Interventions that worked on enhancing coordination of care were found to result in providing more effective cost savings. The researchers also found disparities in the quality of access to care in the vulnerable population. There was insufficient evidence of suitable quality to confirm that the interventions were successful at enhancing clinical outcomes in prenatal care for at risk populations (Darling et al. 2021).
Similar observations were made in a study conducted by Nichols and Cohen (2020), between 2006 and 2018 to examine the methods used to improve the results of maternal mortality in California. The study was conducted using a scoping review to evaluate research on women and maternal health in the United States. The researchers used information from the US Maternal Fetal Medicine Network to measure the percentage of studies where pregnant women, women, and children were the main focus. The researchers also reviewed documentation on healthcare policies and practices from California’s public health department, healthcare foundation, and Maternal Quality Care Collaborative. Nichols and Cohen (2020) found that although the health of fetus and children could be adversely affected by the health of the mother, the majority of maternal programs in the United States places emphasis on the child. The researchers also found four areas of concern in women health experiences, both in pre and postnatal care. The problem areas entailed inadequate investment in women’s health, inefficient quality of care and avoidable caesarean delivers, expanding disparities in minority women and women living in rural areas, and contradictory collection and distribution of data (Nichols & Cohen, 2020).
Approaches to Improving Pregnancy Outcomes
In contrast to the preceding studies, Zhang et al. (2013) conducted a study between 2005 and 2007 to calculate the excessive rate of unfavorable outcomes in pregnancy within racial and ethnic groups. The study also aimed to measure the possibility of Medicaid savings that are linked to paid maternal care claims resulting from the inequalities that contribute to unfavorable maternal outcomes. A cross-sectional study using Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) data was used to gather pregnancy outcome information from inpatient hospitals from 14 states (Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, North Carolina, Georgia, Louisiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, Maryland, Missouri, Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia, and Texas). The study consisted of a little over 2 million patients who were insured with Medicaid and had a delivery code of maternal delivery stay. Zhang et al. (2013) found that, with the exception of gestational diabetes, African American women showed the worst outcomes out of all unfavorable pregnancy outcomes. These disparities are postulated as being multi-factorial, having causes stemming from complicated experiences with racism, poverty, and complex healthcare interactions. It was also found that women covered under Medicaid health insurance were more likely to have consistency in care from prenatal care through delivery compared to their counterparts. However, due to participation in Medicaid programs being influenced by reimbursement rates, some providers may choose to stop accepting Medicaid patients because of reimbursement delays and low payment rates, which could contribute to negative birth outcomes (Zhang et al., 2013).
Analysis of Literature
In that last paragraph, you will analyze what you have learned about your research problem through the research summarized in the Review of Literature. Different courses may ask you to consider varying but specific things during your analysis. In KG 604, you will present what is the same among your 3-4 research articles and what is different among methodologies, findings, and recommendations. After completing the Activity on the next pager, decide on the order in which you will present research articles and write your Review of Literature.
Activity: Analyze Your Research Articles: Compare and Contrast
Use Activity: Notes for Research Articles, Notice My Capitalization (on the pages between 13 and 14) to help you analyze below what is the same among your 3 research articles and what is different.
You must use language like the words listed below:
Sample comparison words
Sample contrast words
…similar to… …different from…
…like… …however…
…also… …on the other hand…
Example for You
If asked to write a complete sentence, comparing similarities among my research articles, I might come up with something like below. The example below only features two research articles. Be sure to include all of yours.
What articles have similarities in each section below?
Dall’Ora et al. (2015) and Stimpfel et al. (2012) both used qualitative methods with large sample sizes; 31,627 (Dall’Ora et al., 2015) and 22,275 (Stimpfel et al., 2012)
Both studies (Dall’Ora et al., 2015; Stimpfel et al., 2012) found a strong association between longer shifts and job dissatisfaction and the negative effects on patient satisfaction.
Both studies (Dall’Ora et al., 2015; Stimpfel et al., 2012) suggest policy makers to use the findings to reconsider their current approach of increasing hours due to nurse shortage because of the long-term negative effects on nurses and patients.
What articles have similarities in each section below?
What articles have differences in each section below?
Student Sample: Analysis of Literature
Analysis of Literature
In the United States, the persistence of maternal mortality continues to be a problem area in public health. The contributing factors that impact pregnancy outcomes persist in burdening the U.S., leading to poor healthcare quality, and increasing health disparities. The studies used in this literature review each used a different form of research methodology to collect data, including systematic and scoping reviews and cross-sectional studies. Similarly, Darling et al. (2021), Nichols and Cohen (2020), and Zhang et al. (2013) have emphasized the correlation between race/ethnicity and financial status playing a part in influencing quality of care, access of care, and pregnancy outcomes in pregnant minority women. To mitigate the disparities in maternal health Darling et al. (2021) and Zhang et al. (2013) suggested that interventions should be inspected and geared towards determining and eradicating the racial and ethnic disparities that affect pregnancy-related outcomes. Whereas Nichols and Cohen (2020) suggested focusing on exploring the distinctive experiences of particular at-risk subgroups of women, such as women in prison, who are of childbearing age, and the pregnant women who are less likely to pursue prenatal care, such as undocumented women.
Activity: Checklist for the Literature Review
your professor may want this to be submitted with your literature review)
Part 1: Introductory Paragraph to Literature Review
Description of Steps
Opening sentence: isolate your research problem, with citation
Explain why it is necessary to solve this problem
Ensure your reader that you have only included research articles in the literature review and identify the main theme among them
If you notice multiple factors, you should list them
Include the names of the databases you used to conduct your research from the Monroe College Library
Lastly, list any search words/terms you used in order to find your research articles
Part 2: Review of Literature
1st paragraph is the objective summary of the first research article with limitations.
2nd paragraph includes a transition word from the first research article to the objective
summary of the second research article with limitations.
3rd paragraph includes a transition word from the first research article to the objective
summary of the second research article with limitations.
Is organized by findings, geography, methodology, or time
Uses headings to help your readers find their way
Uses transition words like compare/contrast words so the reader sees the flow
from article to article
Sample comparison words
Sample contrast words
…similar to… …different from…
…like… …however…
…also… …on the other hand…
Part 3: Analysis of Literature
Includes similarities and differences of methodologies
Includes similarities and differences of findings
Includes similarities and differences of recommendations
Discussion: Mitigation Recommendation
Important: the requirements of the Discussion Section may differ from one course to the next. Therefore, it is very important to read directions carefully to understand what your professor is asking.
For KG 604, you will use research conducted throughout the semester that reports on your research problem; you will use this to introduce your discussion. This is important, as it provides ‘proof’ that the problem is relevant today.
Activity: Reintroduce and Summarize the Problem and Populations Affected
(think of this like your formal introduction into the Discussion section)
Complete the Orange Columns.
Description of Steps
Your Notes
In-Text Citations
Whatever your research problem is, you will need to summarize the proof that the
problem exists today by
1. Identify the problem:
2. Identify populations affected:
3. Identify the location:
the problem
populations affected by
providing an ‘example’ of your research problem happening in the world.
the problem
location of the problem, if applicable
For your ‘example’, you will use articles found for KG- 604, but in other courses it
may be a case study from
your textbook, a summary of
the problem provided by your
professors, or you may need
to find a relevant ‘case’ on
your own.
Activity: Find a Company/Organization/Policy Working to Mitigate the Problem
Complete the orange columns in your notebook.
Description of Steps
Your Notes
In-Text Citations
Use p. 18 to find and summarize an existing evidence-based solution to use as a foundation to YOUR
Conduct further research using methods on p. 18 to find a company/organization/ program/policy that is doing a good job trying to mitigate this problem (this could be from another state or even another country where populations are comparable).
1. Name of company/organization/ program/policy:
2. Include detailed evidence that this ‘solution’ is working (do not forget to include dates/years, and statistics as support):
3. Identify specific ‘parts’ of the ‘solution’ that you wish to recommend:
Guidance: Foundation to Your Recommendation
Through Your Existing Sources
1. Go to your news article or any of the research articles used for the Literature Review
2. Do any of the above sources mention a policy, program, law, etc. that has been implemented to help reduce the problem?
3. If yes, go to Google and find that policy, program, law etc. (save it)
4. If no, proceed below.
Through Additional Sources
If your news article or any of your research articles do not tell you about a law, policy, or program etc. that has been implemented to help reduce your research problem, please use the guidance below to help you find a foundation policy, program, law, etc. You will need this for next class.
1. Go to Google
-OR- the Monroe College Library databases associated with your major (see pp. 8-9 in the
Foundations text for databases you should be using)
2. Type in the search bar your research problem + population + chosen search term
Your Research Problem
+ Population +
Search Terms
· Legislation
· Policy
· Law
· Intervention
· Program
· Education
Activity: Develop Your Recommendation with Evidence
Complete the orange columns in your notebook.
Description of Steps
Your Notes
In-Text Citations
Form your recommendation
Use your selected company/organization/ program/policy as a basis for your recommendation.
Connect this recommendation to the research problem.
1. Identify what is the same and different between your research population and the ‘solution’s’ population:
2. Explain how you envision the “specific parts of the ‘solution’” helping to mitigate your research problem:
Student Sample: Discussion
There is current evidence that racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women continues to be a problem in the United States. In an article published by The New York Times, there has been a persistence and growth in racial disparity throughout the years despite calls to take action to improve medical care access for women of color (Rabin, 2019). Similarly, in a study conducted by Nichols and Cohen (2019) mounting disparities continue amid women health outcomes in the United States, primarily among race and ethnicity and within residents living in urban and rural areas (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). These disparities directly affect African American, Alaska Native and Native American Women (Rabin, 2019). When compared to other high-income countries, the United States has substandard records in maternal health outcomes, and while the rate of maternal mortality dropped across the world, America’s maternal health outcomes have worsened (Rabin, 2019).
To reduce the disparities among minority women policy changes have been made. Federal law enacted the Preventing Maternal Death Act providing states with grants to explore, examine and investigate pregnancy related deaths for up to one year after the birth of a child (Rabin, 2019). Also, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists created new guidelines in treating cardiovascular disease in pregnant women (Rabin, 2019). In 2014 Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) was developed by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology to collaborate with partners of the states and hospitals to gather information on safety measures being taken to improve maternal health outcomes, allowing partners to assess and track program progress (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). In the study conducted by Nichols and Cohen (2019), two out of the various programs that California implemented were the Black Infant Health Program (BIH) and increasing the states income eligibility for pregnant women to 200% of the federal poverty level. With the implementation of these programs, mortality rates decreased from 22.1% to 8.3% in the best practices toolkit, a program developed for hemorrhage and high blood pressure during pregnancy. Altogether, California’s maternal mortality rate decreased by above 50% between 2006 and 2018 (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). To prevent negative pregnancy outcomes in women of color, California used federal funds to develop programs that focused on African American mothers and the health determinants that are influenced by social and structural factors. The Black Infant Health Program provided support to African American women through group trainings, entailing of stress reduction, life skills development, and building social support (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). Nearly half of the babies born in the United States are insured under Medicaid which covers the child through the first year of life. However, in most states, Medicaid provides coverage for the mother until 60 days postpartum, after which the mother must meet the federal poverty level to be eligible for coverage (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). This exposes the mother to various risks that can adversely affect her health. Expanding Medicaid access would mitigate the maternal healthcare barriers that affect low socioeconomic minority women.
Racial disparities in maternal healthcare are a persistent problem in the United States. African American mothers experience higher adverse pregnancy outcomes and are less likely to obtain sufficient prenatal care when compared to Caucasian women (Zhang et al., 2013). Similarly, racial disparities among women of color are made worse by partialities in the healthcare that they receive (Nichols and Cohen, 2019). To mitigate racial disparities in maternal health among minority women it is important to understand the determinants that contribute to their health outcomes. With increased federal funding, programs can be geared towards providing quality care to women of color. This can be established by utilizing specific methods of care that are relatable to those being serviced in the community, providing them with medical professionals that are culturally competent and adequately trained in servicing underserved communities, fostering a trusting provider-patient relationship. Nichols and Cohen (2019) suggest that funding should be used to address the social factors that influence maternal health to reduce the psychosocial risks in women who may be more vulnerable to adverse pregnancy outcomes. The pregnancy-related risks of a mother do not end after her child’s birth. The expansion of Medicaid access and coverage would provide a mother with the means of receiving adequate care during all stages of pregnancy and during the postpartum period, in which she can still be adversely affected from her pregnancy. It is vital for the federal government to enact policies requiring states to provide medical coverage to women for one year after the birth of their child. Providing coverage to various specialties would ensure the mother has efficient access to care should adverse symptoms develop. Nichols and Cohen (2019) postulated that state programs should expand Medicaid coverage for women focusing on their healthcare needs before, during and after pregnancy, paying close attention to women’s health and chronic disease management, especially to those who have or had high risk pregnancies. Implementing these programs would develop a foundation in the quality of racial maternal care across all states and provide cohesion and uniformity in the delivery of care.
Conclusion Paragraph
For the last paragraph of your research paper, you will simply reiterate and connect main ideas discussed in your paper to your recommendation.
Student Sample: Conclusion
As seen in one of California’s intervention programs, the Black Infant Health Program (Nichols and Cohen, 2019), a program which provided support to African American women through group trainings, which entailed stress reduction techniques, life skills development, and the building of social support enabled mitigation efforts to be focused and geared around the influencing factors that contributed to adverse pregnancy outcomes among the minority women within the community, thus reducing and preventing negative pregnancy outcomes in women of color. African American, American Indian, and Alaska Native women are up to three times more likely to die from adverse pregnancy related outcomes, a disparity that increases with age (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). In the United States, maternal mortality and adverse health outcomes persist within the minority community and as a result racial disparities in healthcare among pregnant women is a current preventable public health concern, therefore it is vital to understand the determinants of health that influences negative pregnancy related outcomes in minority women.
Continue to the checklist on the next page; your professor may require it.
Activity: Checklist to the Conclusion Paragraph:
· I restated my research problem (Y/N)
· I restated recommendations provided in the literature review (Y/N)
· I have included the name of company/organization/program/policy, which is the basis for my recommendation (Y/N)
· I have explained why I believe the above company/organization/program/policy will work to mitigate the problem shown in my news article (Y/N)
Space for Notes:
References (bold, centered, & on the first line)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, September 6). Racial and ethnic disparities continue in pregnancy-related deaths. racial-ethnic-disparities-pregnancy-deaths.html
1 tab (hanging indent)
Darling, E. K., Cody, K., Meara Tubman-Broeren, & Marquez, O. (2021). The effect of prenatal care delivery models targeting populations with low rates of PNC attendance: A systematic review. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 32(1), 119- 136.
Nichols, C. R., & Cohen, A. K. (2021). Preventing maternal mortality in the United States: Lessons from California and policy recommendations. Journal of Public Health Policy, 42(1), 127-144.
Rabin, R. C. (2019, May 8). Huge racial disparities persist in pregnancy-related deaths, and are growing. New York Times, A20(L).
Zhang, S., Cardarelli, K., Shim, R., Ye, J., Booker, K. L., & Rust, G. (2013). Racial disparities in economic and clinical outcomes of pregnancy among Medicaid recipients. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 17(8), 1518+.
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Safety of the Introduction of Self-Driving Vehicles in a Logistics Environment
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Safety of the Introduction of Self-Driving Vehicles in a Logistics Environment
Viktor and Szeghegyi (2022) conducted research concerning the use of new automatic vehicles alongside safety concerns in the transport sector. The authors are both members of Obuda University and are thus qualified to engage in the research above. This study was conducted in Hungary before the authors presented it for publication in the year 2022. The authors researched to mark the progress of automobile vehicles in the market and the solutions that would help avoid the ethical drawbacks of such new technology. The research aims to explain the incorporation of automated vehicles in several areas of application. The research method involved a literature review in finding the recent developments in the issue of self-driving vehicles. Viktor and Szeghegyi’s (2022) analysis presented the current strengths and drawbacks that the logistics field may encounter upon incorporating this new technology. The authors based primary research on the secondary research based on previous literature on the topic.
The result of the study showed that the key determinant in selecting an information system was the price. The price of these systems affects not only the choice but also the how well these systems can be managed. The authors used the results to introduce several important parameters that would help designers to produce efficient automated vehicles. The question at the end of the study is whether these machines will ever be sufficient and automatic to the extent of replacing human drivers.
Viktor, P., & Szeghegyi, Á. (2022). Safety of the introduction of self-driving vehicles in a logistics environment.
Periodica Polytechnica.Transportation Engineering, 50(4), 387-399. doi:
HW: Research Problem Proposals with Research Questions
Issue/Problem 1: 5G Applications
1) People Involved: Individuals, organizations
The US was involved in the 5G race. President Trump explained that America had to win the 5G
race by quickly launching the network. However, it was noted that 5G networks were more
vulnerable to cyberattacks than other networks.
2) Link to article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about impacts of 5G networks on
cybersecurity of individuals and organizations?
5G complicates cyber vulnerability because it virtualizes in software high-level
network functions. There is vulnerability caused by attaching many hackable smart devices to the
Issue/Problem 2: Internet of Things and data privacy
The rise of Internet of Things raised privacy concerns. IoT devices collected data about the daily
activities and habits of individuals. These data included location data, health data, and
consumption-rate data.
1) People Involved: Internet users
2) Link to Article:
3) My Research Question: What have researchers learned about the impact of Internet of
Things on data privacy of internet users?
IoT devices can be used by entities to obtain access to people’s homes. Individuals
might not be able to determine what will happen to their information.
The Internet of Things and Its Impact on Individual Privacy
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The Internet of Things and Its Impact on Individual Privacy
Caron et al. (2016) researched the recent technological advancement of self-driving vehicles. The researchers claim that the internet has become a significant technology in the current world, not forgetting the incredible risks that it carries along. This technology has proven beneficial to first-world countries that value advancement as they use it in everyday activities. This research happened in Australia since the authors considered the principles of privacy to apply to the Australian environment and published it in 2016. Caron et al. (2016) wanted to establish whether the APP helped protect data concerning those using the internet frequently.
The research methodology involved a total of two stages. In the first stage, the authors searched for research articles that were relevant to the topic under discussion. After bringing forth all articles for the study, Caron et al. (2016) further analyzed the literature to determine the themes of concern about individual privacy when using the internet. The second stage of the methodology was the comparison of the articles that they found in the previous set of research above. The result of this research was that an element like the privacy of the individual limited the current privacy policies of Australia. After outlining the limitations of these policies, the researchers present the ethical concerns that stakeholders will have to consider.
Caron, X., Bosua, R., Maynard, S. B., & Ahmad, A. (2016). The Internet of things (IoT) and its impact on individual privacy: An Australian perspective.
Computer Law & Security Review,
32(1), 4-15.
Assessing Cybersecurity Readiness within SMEs: Proposal of a Socio-Technical based Model
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Assessing Cybersecurity Readiness within SMEs: Proposal of a Socio-Technical based Model
Perozzo et al. (2021) performed research on the issue of small businesses and how they handle day-to-day issues of cybersecurity. Two authors were part of the higher institution of Carlo Cattaneo, while the remaining one was from a business school in Southampton. The authors’ affiliations qualify them to research a topic sensitive to individuals and enterprises. The paper’s authors need to indicate when they conducted the research. However, the journal article was published in 2021, meaning the authors may have completed the research earlier. Unlike the year of study, Perozzo et al. (2021) include the location of the study showing that the companies were from Italy. These authors use different SMEs in Italy as this is where threats have occurred likely.
The researchers use the study to propose a model for SMEs facing cybersecurity problems. The researchers use the organization’s perspective to suggest a model yielding information from the concerned companies. The model would further inform the body of research on the environment and the strategies that help improve cybersecurity. The authors use semi-structured interviews with three different manufacturing companies and go on to review the internal documentation of these companies. The research proposes a model SME managers can use to determine how prepared they are to deal with cybercrime. The research helps SMEs develop policies and measures to curb the occurrence and severance of industrial cybercrime. The paper is exemplary, as companies can use the model to measure the degree of risk of cybercrime activity.
Perozzo, H., Ravarini, A., & Zaghloul, F. (2021). Assessing Cybersecurity Readiness within SMEs: Proposal of a Socio-Technical based Model. Proceedings.
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