Posted: March 12th, 2023

Case study

Functional Assessment Interview for the Older Adult The student will conduct a functional assessment interview on an older adult. The student will identify the category as on the following age brackets: young elderly (65–74 years old), middle elderly (75–84 years old), and frail elderly (85 years old and older). The student will examine the health beliefs, culture, and activities of daily living of the older adult. Select and use the below functional assessment tools, to describe the type of screening used in evaluating frail and cognitively impaired older adults, including the following screening instruments: • Katz ADL Scale • Lawton-Brody IADL Scale • Fulmer SPICES • Get Up and Go Test and Timed Get Up and Go Test • Clock Drawing Test • Mini-Mental Exam • Geriatric Depression Scale. Upon completion of the interview, the student will submit a 2 – 4-page summary paper in APA format on the functional assessment components for a) self-care, b) mobility, c) cognitive behavior, and d) mental status. Examine how observing a patient’s ability to perform tasks may be necessary when patient-reported capabilities are incongruent with caregiver information or the nurse’s clinical observation. Draw a conclusion on the services that will be required to maintain the patient’s health.

Questions Self-Care Eating Oral hygiene Toileting hygiene Sphincter Control – Urine, Bowel Shower/bathe self Upper body dressing Lower body dressing Putting on/taking off footwear Instrumental Activities for Daily Living Medication Administration Grocery shopping Preparing Meals Using the telephone Driving and transportation Handling own finances Housekeeping Laundry Feeding: Are you able to feed yourself? Can you cut up food without help? Toileting: Do you need help to use the toilet? Continence: Do you ever wet yourself if you are not able to get to the toilet in time? Do you ever soil or mess yourself with bowel motions? Bathing: Are you able to take a bath or shower without help? Are you confident to take a bath or shower with no one in the room or house? Grooming: Do you need help with brushing hair, shaving, or applying make-up? Dressing: Can you get dressed without help? Can you manage buttons and laces? Leisure: Are you able to continue your previous hobbies? Are you able to stay in contact with friends and family? Domestic: Are you confident in managing your finances? Are you able to go shopping for essentials? Can you manage your laundry? Kitchen: Are you able to make a hot drink or snack? Are you able to walk with a hot drink without spilling it? Mobility a) Locomotion b) Gait c) Transfer Roll left and right Sit to lying Lying to sitting on side of bed Sit to stand Chair/bed to chair transfer Toilet transfer Car transfer Walk 10 feet Walk 50 feet with two turns Walk 150 feet Walking 10 feet on uneven surfaces 1 step up with curb 4 steps up or down12 steps Picking up objects If in wheelchair, ability to wheel 50 feet with two turns: 150 feet in a corridor Transfers: Are you able to get out of bed and on to a chair with no help? Mobility: Are you able to walk 50 yards on the flat with no help? Do you use any walking aids such as a stick or frame? Have you fallen or stumbled in the past year? Are you able to walk outside on uneven surfaces? Are you able to travel on your own to local destinations? Do you feel confident to use public transport? Stairs: Are you able to climb a flight of stairs without help

How would you describe your life at home? Can you tell me what your typical day at home is like? Mental Status Depression Alzheimer Delirium Dementia Confusion Do you often feel sad or depressed? With your recent problems, are you feeling depressed

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