Posted: March 12th, 2023

Replies for peers. Need ONE Response Per Each Discussion Total 4 Responses. Attached Are The Discussions And Rubric Please Follow Them. Posts Will Be A Minimum Of 100 Words, APA Format.One Reference Per Each Discussion

Ana Salazar – Monday, February 13, 2023, 4:33 PM

Number of replies: 5

Identify Some of The Social, Ethical, And Economic Reasons for Addressing Immigration Policy Reform.

People migrate from other countries for various reasons, including joining their families, seeking refuge and safety from war, and working. During the integration process, social interaction is crucial. Various social reasons warrant immigration policy reforms. They include the existence of xenophobia and racism. Immigrants develop a sense of belonging when their social contacts create a suitable climate for that to happen. Xenophobia and racism act as obstacles to any efforts made toward integration. This is because they bring a sense of hostility, insecurity, and isolation, thus warranting reforms. Replacement of overt racism by indirect discrimination also leads to such effects, which results in the pushing of ethnic minorities and migrants to society’s margins. Such situations lead to social disintegration and adversarial interactions. Immigration policy reforms will result in constructive interaction between institutions and people and among people that respect existing differences (Portes, 2019). This can ultimately lead to social cohesion and foster integration.

Ethical issues arising from matters of immigration warrant addressing immigration policy reforms. Ethical questions arise, especially when handling immigrants since they represent a part of the vulnerable population. Many immigrants are not aware of the legal system in the United States and thus uninformed about their rights. This subsequently leads to some of their representatives, such as attorneys falling into undesirable habits since they are not bothered by possible malpractice complaints and lawsuits. These representatives make the assumption that immigrants will not put themselves at risk of deportation by acting even if litigation is real. Immigration issues that arise from a lack of immigration policies include conflict of interest that arises from immigration issues pertaining to families (Onarheim et al.,

2021). Immigration policy reforms are necessary to prevent questions that arise in the form of multi-jurisdictional issues, complaints, and immigration statuses.

Immigration is one of the defining characteristics of this nation. It is still one of the most important economic advantages of the country. Immigration policy reforms are necessary since immigration enhances the potential for the country’s economic output through an increment of the labor force size. Wage effects are one of the reasons for addressing these reforms. Immigrants are more likely to suffer adverse wage effects compared to native employees. Negative wage effects occur mainly among low-skilled employees, thus the need for reforms. Formal restrictions put on the healthcare access of immigrants are meant to reduce cost, but they have the opposite effect, thus the need for reform (Gottlieb et al., 2020). Since reforms will ensure a legal immigration system that is functional, immigration violations will decrease due to the facilitation of compliance with the law.

Yunierka Quesada Nunez – Thursday, February 16, 2023, 12:26 PM

Number of replies: 5

Immigration Policy Reform: Ethical, Economic and Social Issues


            Reforming immigration policies is a very contentious issue that has ramifications not only for the economy but also for the society and on ethics. Taking action to solve this problem is absolutely necessary if we want to preserve the peace and prosperity of nations.

            Social Perspective:

            Reforming immigration policies can assist in addressing the issues of integration and cultural diversity, from a social viewpoint. It is more crucial than ever to create policies that support peaceful coexistence and respect between various groups as the number of immigrants from various cultures and backgrounds rises (Kalra, 2019). Reforms can encourage cultural exchange and social cohesion while reducing prejudice and discrimination.

            Ethical Perspective:

            From an ethical standpoint, immigration policy reform is crucial for the protection of the migrants’ human rights. Many immigrants face discrimination and are exploited, and they are frequently forced to work in deplorable conditions for pitiful wages (Butz & Kehrberg, 2019). Reforms can assist in resolving these issues by providing migrants with a legal framework that protects their rights and ensures they are treated fairly and with respect.

            Economic Perspective:

            From an economic standpoint, immigration policy reform is essential for sustaining national growth and competitiveness. Immigrants can boost economic growth, generate new jobs, and contribute to the development of new industries by bringing fresh talents and ideas (Gsir, 
al., 2018). In addition, immigration can help solve the issues of an aging population, as immigrants can provide the elderly with much-needed labor and support.

            On the other hand, reforming immigration policy also poses certain economic concerns, such as higher competition for employment opportunities, a greater need for social services, and increasing strain on housing facilities and the infrastructure. Reforms need to strike a balance between these challenges and the benefits that immigration may bring to the economy. Additionally, the immigration system has to be made more equitable and efficient.


            In summary, the need for reforming immigration policy is essential if the social, ethical, and economic problems that are associated with immigration are to be solved. It is of the utmost importance to put in place a legal framework that encourages peaceful coexistence among people, safeguards human rights, and finds a middle ground between the positive and negative effects of immigration on the economy. Countries can ensure that their immigration policies promote stability, prosperity, and a better future for all of their citizens by addressing this issue, which allows them to do so.

Germina Labbe Jean Louis

 – Sunday, February 19, 2023, 10:36 PM

Number of replies: 6

Alternative and complementary medicine (CAM) is a collection of diverse health care systems, practices, and products that are not considered part of conventional medicine. Holistic health care is a type of CAM that concentrates on considering each individual as a complete, not just the illness, and allopathic medicine refers to conventional Western medicine, which treats illnesses by using drugs, surgery, and radiation. The safety and effectiveness of CAM in treating particular illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension have been a subject of debate for years.

Cancer is a life-threatening disease that requires prompt diagnosis and effective treatment. Many CAM therapies have been proposed for cancer treatment, including herbal medicines, dietary supplements, acupuncture, and mind-body practices such as meditation and yoga. Some studies have suggested that certain CAM therapies can help alleviate cancer symptoms, such as nausea and pain, and improve quality of life. However, there is limited scientific evidence to support the use of CAM therapies as a primary treatment for cancer. Moreover, some CAM therapies may interact negatively with conventional cancer treatments, leading to serious health problems. Therefore, it is essential for cancer patients to inform their doctors of any CAM therapies they may be using.

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the body’s ability to produce or use insulin, leading to high levels of blood glucose. CAM therapies for diabetes include herbal medicines, dietary supplements, acupuncture, and mind-body practices such as meditation and tai chi. While some studies have suggested that certain CAM therapies may help improve blood sugar control, there is insufficient evidence to support their use as a primary treatment for diabetes. Moreover, some herbal medicines and dietary supplements may interact negatively with diabetes medications, leading to hypoglycemia or other health problems.

High blood pressure, often known as hypertension, is a widespread disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide. CAM therapies for hypertension include herbal medicines, dietary supplements, acupuncture, and mind-body practices such as meditation and yoga. Some studies have suggested that certain CAM therapies may help lower blood pressure, but the evidence is insufficient to support their use as a primary treatment for hypertension. Furthermore, some herbal medicines and dietary supplements may interact negatively with hypertension medications, leading to serious health problems such as heart attack or stroke.

In terms of holistic and allopathic care, both have their strengths and weaknesses. Holistic care emphasizes the importance of treating the whole person, including physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. This approach can help patients feel more empowered and in control of their health. In contrast, allopathic care focuses on treating the disease with medications and procedures, which can be effective in controlling symptoms and improving health outcomes. However, this approach may not address the underlying causes of the illness or the patient’s emotional and spiritual needs.

As a healthcare provider, I have no issues or conflicts with assisting a patient who selects allopathic or alternative care. Respecting the patient’s preferences and views is crucial, as is giving them evidence-based information about the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment options. Also, healthcare professionals must to collaborate to deliver all-encompassing care that attends to the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual requirements. 

In conclusion, CAM therapies have been proposed as a complementary approach to conventional medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. However, the evidence for their safety and effectiveness is limited, and some therapies may interact negatively with conventional treatments. Holistic and allopathic care both have their strengths and weaknesses, and healthcare providers should work together to provide comprehensive care that addresses the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. It is critical for healthcare professionals to respect the patient’s preferences and views while also educating them about the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment options using evidence-based information. 


Melissa LLano

 – Monday, February 20, 2023, 4:20 PM

Number of replies: 5

Alternative and complementary medicine (CAM) includes various therapies, practices, and products not typically part of conventional medicine. Although some people may benefit from CAM treatments in improving their health and well-being, the safety and effectiveness of CAM treatments in treating specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension are controversial (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2021).

CAM therapies may help manage symptoms of cancer, diabetes, and hypertension but should not replace conventional treatments. While some CAM therapies may relieve symptoms associated with specific illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension, little scientific evidence supports their safety and effectiveness as a primary treatment for these conditions (National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, 2021). Some CAM therapies may be harmful and interfere with conventional treatments. Therefore, CAM therapies should be used with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Holistic care focuses on the entire person, considering the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of their life. It emphasizes prevention and self-care and promotes natural healing methods such as acupuncture, massage, and meditation (Hastings, 2018). A more traditional approach is allopathic care, which utilizes drugs or surgery to treat specific symptoms or diseases. It relies heavily on diagnostic tests and medical procedures to identify and treat health issues (Hastings, 2018). To provide the best possible care for patients, it is essential to understand both approaches and work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals. Some patients may prefer a more holistic approach, while others may prefer a more traditional approach. Respecting the patient’s wishes and working together to find the most effective treatment plan is essential.

In supporting a patient who chooses holistic or allopathic medicine, I have no conflicts or concerns. However, some healthcare providers may have different perspectives or beliefs regarding holistic and allopathic medicine. It is important to remember that the patient has the right to choose their preferred treatment method, and as health care providers, we are responsible for providing unbiased support and care. It is also essential to understand each approach’s potential benefits and risks and communicate these to the patient so they can make an informed decision. Ultimately, the goal should be to provide the best possible patient care and work collaboratively with the healthcare team to achieve this. 

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