Posted: March 12th, 2023
Assignment 2
CIMA 706
Assignment 2 – Transition Committee Brief (Literature Review on Transformational Leadership)
Today, effective educational leaders need to be able to initiate and sustain
complex organizational transformation. Transformation and restructuring are topics of concern in
any organization so understanding what it takes to effect change is critical for decision makers at all
levels. Transformational leadership influences the behavior and practice of leaders to improve
student achievement. Transformational leadership requires leaders to demonstrate specific skills
focused on the equitable implementation of major reforms.
Purpose of the Assignment:
The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a literature review on educational change and effective
techniques for leading and managing change and to present your case with the supportive literature you
found to the organizational decision makers to help their search for a new CEO.
➢ The CEO/Leader of your Organization/Institution/District has just submitted a letter of
resignation effective in 12 months. It is the desire of the Board of Directors to fill this vacancy
with a highly qualified leader who will be able to lead the organization through a restructuring
initiative aligned with current research.
➢ A Transition Committee has been formed to assess the needs of the organization and to begin
the search for a dynamic leader who will lead the organization toward this transformative
➢ You have been assigned to this Committee and tasked with presenting the research on
transformative change that will help to guide the selection of the organizations next leader.
1. Identify literature from a variety of research-based resources that will logically and
dispassionately explore as many facets as possible on educational change and effective
techniques for leading and managing change.
a. What does the literature tell you about how change occurs in the world of
b. What does the literature tell you about required competencies of leadership in
times of change?
c. Be sure to tie your findings to the need of the committee: Finding a new CEO
2. Following your review of the literature, you will submit your findings to the Transition
Committee in a report that clearly states the research findings and their support to the
selection of the next CEO
a. The paper should be an expository paper
b. Since your review should be as comprehensive and as authoritative as possible,
choose carefully so that the committee can feel confident in the research you
c. The paper should be organized in the following manner:
i. Abstract or Executive Summary
CIMA 706
Assignment 2 – Transition Committee Brief (Literature Review on Transformational Leadership)
ii. Introduction (Setting the stage)
iii. Synthesized Review of the literature on educational change and
characteristics of transformational leaders linked to the need of the district
in finding a new CEO.
iv. Conclusion with recommendations (Synthesize the points and make
recommendations clear tied to the need in finding a new CEO)
v. Reference list including a minimum of 10 references, ½ (half) of which must
be from peer reviewed journals. You may cite from the Senge textbook as
one (1) of your sources.
d. Follow APA 7 guidelines
e. Exemplify excellent writing skills expected at this level.
f. Due End of Week 4
Jan 2021
CIMA 706: Assignment 2 Scoring Rubric [Transition Committee Literature Review]
Section 1: Abstract/Executive Summary | 20 Total Points |
A. Provided clear summary purpose statement to guide Transition Teams CEO Selection
B. Provided Summary Research
C. Provided Summary Conclusions
D. Provided Summary Recommendations
Section 2: Introduction (Setting the Stage) | 20 Points |
A. Provided Clear Purpose Statement to Guide Transition Team’s CEO Selection Process
B. Provided key elements required to research in identifying the right replacement CEO.
a. Contextualized Transformational Leadership (Demonstrated Data Sources)
b. Conceptualized Educational Change (Definitions) (Demonstrated Data Sources)
a. Connected Educational Change to Selecting a Transformational CEO Candidate
for Leading and Managing Change Processes in Educational Environment.
b. Described and Discussed Effective Leadership Approaches for Leading and
Managing Change in Educational Environments (Demonstrated Data Sources)
Section 3: Review of the Literature | 20 Points |
A. Synthesized Review of the Literature on Transformation Leadership with Focus on
Approaches, Activities, and Behaviors Attributable to Leading and Managing Change in
Educational Environments
1. Conceptualized Concepts
Educational Change
b. Transformational Leadership
c. Transformational Leadership Approaches & Activities
B. Synthesized Reviews of the Literature on Transformational Leadership Approaches, and
Educational Change
C. Section 4: Conclusions (Summary of Findings and Recommendations) |20 Points |
A. Recounted Details Described in the Review of Literature (e.g., Section 3: A, 1, a., b.,
c; B)
B. Provided CEO Recommendation to Transition Team Supported in the Literature
C. Demonstrated Data Sources (Research Based Evidence, Scholarly Sources Previously
Reported in Paper)
D. Section 5: References minimum of 10 peer reviewed (10 points)
Other Requirements APA Criteria | 10 Points | Citations & Mechanics-Style
a. 1-error = 1-Point b. [N = < 10] More than 10 Errors = -10 Points and/or no points added to the sum
total of points on Sections 1-5
Change remains a critical aspect of any educational institution. However, managing and leading educational changes may be more complex than other school leadership tasks. As a result, effective management and leading change require educational leaders to understand the process effectively and, most importantly, possess different skills and knowledge critical in ensuring efforts have been improved effectively. In particular, this case means educational leaders must be able to overcome any barriers and cope with the chaos that may occur during this complex process of change. Effective leadership is important in ensuring staff members and stakeholders within the school understand the change and how to effectively achieve the desired outcome, particularly by developing new organizational structures while creating common goals focused on improving the performance of their organization and authentic student learning. To achieve this, it is important to have a strong leader that inspires and informs leadership to ensure the success of the school.
With only twelve months left before the current educational leader resigns, it is important for the institution to understand what type of leader and required skills will help in achieving desired goals and outcomes. In particular, the goal is to understand what (skills and knowledge) make a good leader for this position based on the organization’s needs and, most importantly, to ensure a successful transformative change. Logically, a transformative change requires a leader capable of engaging and motivating the organization’s staff members and stakeholders, particularly by building the confidence of and, most importantly, rapport with people around. The primary focus, in this case, is to increase buy-in, thus ensuring effective outcomes when it comes to implementing the change needed. This report will present research on transformative changes needed to support and improve the selection process of the organization’s next leader (CEO).
Review Literature
First, it is important to acknowledge that educational institutions are used to change and that airship change. However, leadership tends to come up with new visions focused on how the organization will be managed and led. As a result, it is important to understand how best the organization can reach changes in requirements, expectations, and regulations. Effective management of this change will make it transformational. Besides, the most successful change will have positive impacts on staff members, students, and other stakeholders in consideration of the shared goals focused on working in new and improved ways (Penava & Šehić, 2014). As a result, the expected leaders have a crucial role in managing responses from team members and stakeholders, a critical element in ensuring a successful change. In this case, it is important to understand the roles and impacts of the transformational leadership style in this change.
Generally, transformational leadership can be seen as a long-term relationship between a leader and team members, established particularly through their interactions (Anderson, 2017). As a result, this style of leadership will ensure that the leader develops a more organizational and strategic orientation while focusing on transformational behaviors. These behaviors are critical as they help in painting a vivid and positive picture of the future that views change in a bigger picture sense, thus having a substantial impact on attitudes regarding the required change. Employee empowerment is also a major focus in this style of leadership (Hubbard & Datnow, 2020).
Typically, the idea, in this case, is to replace the current reader after retirement. As a result, the best way to approach this change will be to select a leader capable of ensuring an effective shift in consideration of the organizational culture since there will be a change in the underlying strategies and processes that are currently used. The transformational change, in this case, must therefore be organization-wide and will be enacted over some time. In particular, the leader must attempt to create a radically different than the current state of the institution and its operations (Al
Husseini et al., 2021).
The success of this change will depend on selling clear and compelling rationales that the leader and team members must accept and commit to change. The main reason, in this case, is related to the fact that transformational change will have a major impact by altering different processes, structures, and team members. As such, it is important to note that during this change, virtually everything will be different from the current state of the institution, and there will be no going back. To ensure a successful educational change through transformative leadership, it is important to focus on several crucial components of education (Islam Furuoka & Idris, 2021).
These components include a clear and collectively held vision/mission, developing a strong and committed educational community, promoting a learning environment, and successfully partnering with other stakeholders to work collaboratively towards a shared goal.
Besides, there is a need to utilize change management principles with the primary aim of ensuring the change will be manageable and impactful (Waruwu et al., 2020). Any effective change will be effective if there is a change in habits to ensure better preparations and buy into how the expected change will affect the school. As a result, some of the most important change management principles to consider will include establishing the need for this change, creating an effective and supportive change network, ensuring better communications, preparing for potential challenges or drawbacks, and tracking progress while celebrating successes (Van der Voet, 2014). These principles will be important before and after the leader has been selected. In particular, they help the leader to facilitate and guide change efforts effectively.
However, the leader must show the potential to exercise the strategic art of leadership, particularly in responding to changing educational needs that may face communities and the institution (Usman, 2020). The educational change must be approached as a shift in perspective in consideration of different educational efforts and processes of reforms within this educational facility. As a result, the leader must focus on and develop effective efforts capable of adjusting to new ideas and, most importantly, meeting those that can be categorized as educational change.
This change will also be associated with substantial organizational strategy revisions, internal processes and structures, and the organizational culture with the aim of supporting the new strategic direction. Change in leadership is also a critical strategic change for this institution, which remains a critical driver for major considerations in the general change process (Asbari, 2020).
Although the impact will most likely be positive, it is important to understand that this change might create fear, insecurity, and doubt among team members (Faupel & Süß, 2019). As a result, effective management of the change is critical to its success. Besides, while everyone might support progress, it does not mean they all want change, which might create a barrier to this change. As a result, it is important to focus on selecting a leader capable of facing more pressure during the expected change.
The success of this change and the achievement of desired outcomes will depend on a number of factors. One factor to consider is building a well-defined and inclusive strategy
. In particular, it is important for the transition committee to develop and communicate a well-defined strategy. The strategy must explain the expected approach and desired outcomes. Besides, it will be important to continually reinforce the rationale of this change and engage staff members and stakeholders in different phases of change planning and discussion. Selecting a leader with skills and knowledge of transformational leadership style is also critical. Typically, different leaders have different styles of leadership. These styles may affect how the change will be achieved. As a result, the selection process will be based on the qualities, skills, and knowledge of a leader to ensure the best skills and qualities have been selected. The committee should also gain alignment across the facility. This change will have a substantial impact. As a result, it will be important to ensure that the execution of strategies during this change is aligned across the organization.
Change in the institution’s leadership remains one of the most strategic changes for the organization.
Selecting the best leader will depend on understanding how this change will affect the organization and, most importantly, how the change can be initiated to ensure the organization achieves desired goals and objectives. The new CEO for the organization’s leadership process must therefore be able to influence and motivate people toward achieving what is best for the organization and its stakeholders. The idea, in this case, is not to manage staff members during the change but to ensure they work towards ensuring a smooth transition for the organization during this change.
Al-Husseini, S., El Beltagi, I., & Moizer, J. (2021). Transformational leadership and innovation: the mediating role of knowledge sharing amongst higher education faculty.
International Journal of Leadership in Education,
24(5), 670-693.
Anderson, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in education: A review of existing literature.
International Social Science Review,
93(1), 1-13.
Asbari, M. (2020). Is transformational leadership suitable for future organizational needs?.
International Journal of Social, Policy and Law,
1(1), 51-55.
Faupel, S., & Süß, S. (2019). The effect of transformational leadership on employees during organizational change–an empirical analysis.
Journal of Change Management,
19(3), 145- 166.
Hubbard, L., & Datnow, A. (2020). Design thinking, leadership, and the grammar of schooling: Implications for educational change.
American Journal of Education,
126(4), 499-518.
Islam, M. N., Furuoka, F., & Idris, A. (2021). Mapping the relationship between transformational leadership, trust in leadership and employee championing behavior during organizational change.
Asia Pacific Management Review,
26(2), 95-102.
Penava, S., & Šehić, D. (2014). The relevance of transformational leadership in shaping employee attitudes towards organizational change.
Economic Annals,
59(200), 131-162.
Usman, M. (2020). Transformational leadership and organizational change: In the context of today’s leader.
International Business Education Journal,
13(1), 95-107.
Van der Voet, J. (2014). The effectiveness and specificity of change management in a public organization: Transformational leadership and a bureaucratic organizational structure.
European Management Journal,
32(3), 373-382.
Waruwu, H., Asbari, M., Purwanto, A., Nugroho, Y. A., Fikri, M. A. A., Fauji, A., … & Dewi, W. R. (2020). The role of transformational leadership, organizational learning and structure on innovation capacity: Evidence from Indonesia private schools.
EduPsyCouns: Journal of Education, Psychology and Counseling,
2(1), 378-397.
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