Posted: March 12th, 2023
Produce a 10 minute PowerPoint based on the report provided
Business Plan for the Entrepreneur 2
BA (Hons) Culinary Arts – Level 6
Module Code 6H0731
January 23 Intake – Term 7
Student Name……………………………………………………………
Module Leader: Mr. Yuriy Barabantsev
Tel: + 41 27 922 04 04
This module conforms fully to the relevant UG regulatory framework.
Full details of the University of Derby Academic Regulations can be found at:
Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism
Module Specification – BA Hons Culinary Arts (Top-up) – Cesar Ritz
Module Title Business Plan for the Entrepreneur 2
Module Leader Mr. Yuriy Barabantsev
Module Title Business Plan for the
Entrepreneur 2
Date of Approval May-21
Module Code
6HO731 Module Level 6 Credit value 10
Module Delivery
Online/Distance ☐
Blended/Face to Face ü Work-Based Learning ☐
This module is specifically designed to help students develop problem
identification, problem prioritizing, and problem-solving skills;
specifically the development of skills to understand and apply the
cause and effect relationships between performance measures and
their causes. It will explore entrepreneurship and business from a
strategic level. Students will use their culinary knowledge, skill and
creative thinking to compose an innovative business plan based on
their personal culinary focus and their feasibility report. Students will
be able to understand the relevance and importance of undertaking
secondary and primary research within the culinary industry.
The module examines procedures, law, and financial accounting and
entrepreneurship considerations. The students will be exposed to
business idea generation strategies; analytical procedures, business
plan components, financial planning requirements, and improve
presentation skills. The module is designed around an individual
approach to business plan evaluation, development, and investment
quality presentation
On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:
1. Prepare, present and defend a well-researched,
professional and realistic business plan relating to a food
and beverage related business to a third party of the
culinary industry;
2. Critically examine the different functional areas impacting
the food and beverage service industry and the related
decision making;
3. Critically evaluate the feasibility of various components of a
food and beverage related to the business plan, and gain
an understanding of the various constraints placed upon
business decisions due to the external environment
Module Content
This module may cover the theoretical and practical aspects of some of
the following:
• Business Models;
• The chef as an entrepreneur: thinking outside of the
• Opportunity, feasibility and Market Analysis;
• The Entrepreneurial Solution and Concept;
• Industry, target customer and Competitive analysis;
• The Product Development Process and Operations;
• Product/ Service plan;
• The Offering;
• Developing and Presentation of a Business Plan;
• The Marketing and Sales Plan;
• The Product Development Process and Operations;
• The Management Team and Organizational Structure;
• Critical Risks and Problems;
• Financial Planning;
• Financing sources;
• Writing an Executive summary plus use of Appendices
Learning and
Scheduled Learning and Teaching Activities
Guided Independent Study
Placement Learning
Component 1: COURSEWORK
Summary of Assessment Method: Business Plan Presentation10
minutes, plus 5 minutes of questions (1500 word equivalent)
Weighting: 100 %
Assesses Learning Outcomes: 1, 2 and 3
Reading List
Blackwell, E. (2012) How to prepare a business plan, 5th ed, London,
Kogan Page.
Dess, G. (2014) Strategic management: Creating a competitive
advantage, London, McGraw-Hill.
Keegan, W.J. and Green, M.C. (2014) Global marketing, 5th ed,
London, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P. and Keller, K.L. (2014) Marketing management, 14th ed,
London, Pearson Prentice Hall.
Lee-Ross, D. and Lashley, C. (2009) Entrepreneurship and small
business management in the hospitality industry, Amsterdam,
Lovelock, C. and Wirtz, J. (2011) Services marketing: People,
technology, strategy, 7th ed, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson
Journals (accessed via UoD Library)
International Journal of Hospitality Management
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
These will be recommended by the module leader during the academic year.
1. The following details are all key elements of your assigned pieces of work.
2. Plan and organize your work carefully, bearing in mind submission dates.
3. When completing your work, keep checking it carefully against the assessment
criteria attached.
4. Your lecturer will advise you of the times during which they will be available for
consultation. So as to manage this resource and time effectively, students are
advised to respect these sessions. Please note that this is a student-based research
assignment, and as such the tutor may not be able to answer certain questions if it is
felt that this would restrict the potential grade.
5. Plagiarism and other offences will be reviewed using the University of Derby
Academic Misconduct Policy
Topic area Activities Directed Study
1 Introduction to the module
Business plan guidelines
Activity: Elevator pitch – peer assessment
How to sell your concept and focus on your
competitive advantage
Read the module handbook carefully and if you do not understand anything
contact your tutor
2 Lectures:
Elevator pitch: lecturer’s feedback
The birth of your brand DNA and of a name
Peer activity: How to create a love brand and loyalty
beyond reason. WT
Further research based on weekly activities. Develop concept & Brand
DNA & name
Draft your executive summary
3 Lectures:
Mood board
Visual presentation, Public
speaking, Infographics,
Translate brand DNA into a visual concept
The art of public speaking
Group work: give feedback on mood board
Further research based on weekly activities. Work on concept
Homework: Students must prepare their mood board for Week 4
4 Mood board feedback
Lecture: Personal branding
and story-telling
Activity: Students will present their mood board to
the class – peer feedback
Activity: How to fascinate test. Determine your
Further research based on weekly activities.
Homework: Students should prepare their kitchen layout for Monday
week 5
Homework: Students must submit their draft submission to Mr.
Barabantsev on Sunday week 4 the latest. Feedback will be given
individually on week 6 –
5 Lecture:
Public speaking
Activity: Public speaking games (mime games,
storytelling games, voice games)
Draft business plan presentation– peer assessment
Practice public speaking: record your presentation.
6 Draft business plan
presentation– peer
Activity: All students must be present to complete the
peer assessment, to help and advice their
classmates and to learn from other business plans
Further research based on weekly activities. Focus on the areas of
7 Lecture: FINANCE with
focus on corruption
Activity: Students must complete their financial
section – excel files are given to students
Finance study case: how to calculate financial figures
“Doing business without bribery” online training.
Further research based on weekly activities. Focus on the financial part.
8 Lecture: FINANCE
Activity: each student must present their main
financial facts and must be able to justify them
“Create your KPI’s tool” activity (Key
Performance Indicators)
Further research based on weekly activities. Focus on the financial part.
9 Lecture: FINANCE
Business plan submission
Activity: each student must present their main
financial facts and must be able to justify them
“Create your KPI’s tool” activity (Key
Performance Indicators)
Students must submit their business plan on Sunday week 9 the
10 Individual meetings to
revise business plan
Check timeslot: student must come with their
presentation ready on a computer
Based on the achievements of learning outcome 5
To be delivered Monday week 11
In Assessment 1 you are required to present your business plan to a panel of financiers who will judge your business to see if it will be a viable venture.
You should be prepared to answer a range of questions on different aspects of your business plan and presentation. The presentation will last maximum
for 15 minutes including 5 minutes of questions. You are advised to provide some ‘material’ for the panel that outlines some of the main points of your
Business Plan.
Tick the box that meets the criteria achieved – record actual mark on the feedback sheet. You may or may not offer comments to justify your grade.
Criteria 70% + Pass 60% + Pass 50%+ Pass 40% + Pass – 39 Fail
Oral Presentation Consistent and
inspiring presentation
showing exceptional
attention to detail,
creativity and adding
significantly to the
business plan
Consistent and in places
inspiring presentation
showing good attention to
detail and some creativity
Consistent and in
places a good
presentation showing
attention to detail but
little creativity
Generally consistent
though uninspiring
presentation showing
some attention to detail
Inconsistent and uninspiring presentation
showing little attention to detail
Structure of
A wholly consistent and
logical structure
appropriate to the
business objectives.
Priority is given to the
main issues and the
key areas are
highlighted. Sensible
and intelligent
conclusions and
based on the evidence.
A consistent and logical
structure appropriate to
the business objectives.
Priority is given to the
main issues and the key
areas are evident with
sensible and intelligent
conclusions based on the
evidence provided
A consistent and
logical structure
appropriate to the
business objectives.
Priority is given to
some of the main
issues and key areas.
A fairly consistent and
logical structure which
delivers the business
objectives. Priority is
not given to the main
issues and key areas.
Inconsistent and inappropriate structure with
little logic to the organization of content
and selling the
business plan.
Excellent ability to
verbally communicate
in a clear and concise
way. Able to
convincingly sell the
business plan to a
client panel.
Preparation & practice
Good ability to verbally
communicate in a clear
and concise way. Able to
sell the business plan to
a client panel.
Preparation & practice
mostly evident.
Ability to
communicate clearly.
Able to sell some of
the business plan to
the client panel. Pitch
demonstrates some
preparation &
Ability to communicate
in a fairly clear way and
to sell some of the
business plan to the
client panel. A degree
of preparation but little
practice. Gaps exist.
Cannot communicate or sell the business
plan to the client panel and a lack of
preparation & practice. Many gaps exist.
Any visual form of
Presentation shows a
polished and
imaginative approach
to the business plan.
Thoughts and ideas
clearly expressed.
Grammar and spelling
Presentation carefully
and logically organised.
Thoughts and ideas
expressed. Grammar
and spelling accurate and
language fluent.
satisfactory, showing
organisation and
coherence. Language
mainly fluent.
Grammar and
spelling mainly
Presentation shows an
attempt to organise in a
logical manner.
Meaning apparent, but
language not always
fluent; grammar and
spelling contain errors.
Presentation is disorganised / incoherent.
Purpose and meaning of assignment unclear
and/or language, grammar and spelling
contain errors.
The Business Idea
Yes /No
Extremely well thought
out and thorough
business plan.
Expressed very well &
structured in the
appropriate format.
Realistic & easy to
visualise. Yes
Well thought through
business plan. It is
expressed well &
structured in the
appropriate format.
Realistic & is easy to
visualise. Yes
Thought through
business plan. It is
expressed &
structured in some
format. Realistic & is
relatively easy to
visualise. Maybe
Some thought given to
the business plan. It is
expressed & semi
structured in a format
but with some gaps.
Some way to being
realistic but is not easy
to visualise. Unlikely.
Very little thought given to the business plan.
It is expressed but with little or no format. Not
really realistic & cannot be visualised. No
Verbal reasoning
of ideas when
Excellent and
authoritative discussion
that is clearly related to
the presentation and
business. Able to
answer questions
effectively and with
Very good discussion
that is clearly related to
the presentation and
business. Able to answer
questions effectively and
with some confidence
Good discussion that
is related to the
presentation and
business. Able to
answer questions but
lacking in confidence.
Adequate discussion
but not always related
to the presentation and
business. Able to
answer some of the
questions but rambling.
Little or no discussion that has weak a
relationship to the presentation and business.
Unable to answer questions correctly.
BA (Hons) Culinary Arts Business Plan for the Entrepreneur 2
Student Name/No
Based on the assessment criteria ticked above convert this to an actual mark using the classification guide.
All are equally weighted
Strategic and Innovative
thinking linked to the
Industry 20%
20-16 15-14
13-12 11-10 9-8 7 6-4 3-0
Promoting the Business
10-8 8-7
7-6 6-5 5-4 4 3-2 2-0
Operational Management.
10-8 8-7
7-6 6-5 5-4 4 3-2 2-0
Financing the Business
20-16 15-14
13-12 11-10 9-8 7 6-4 3-0
Overall structure and
feasibility of the Business
Plan 20%
20-16 15-14
13-12 11-10 9-8 7 6-4 3-0
The Business Plan
20-16 15-14
13-12 11-10 9-8 7 6-4 3-0
Total 100 marks Actual final mark achieved
What you did well?
What could you have done better?
Improvements to be made.
Signed: Date:
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