Geography Flashcards

World Geography Chapter 2 Earth’s Physical Geography study guide

question Earth’s Atmosphere has more nitrogen than oxygen in it. answer True question The sun remains overhead in areas outside the tropics. answer False question Movement of air are called winds answer True question Rain generally falls on the side of the mountain facing the Ocean. answer True question Earth has 5 basic climate zones. […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Unit 3: Food production

question primary sector answer a sector which consists of activities that provide resources obtained from nature question agriculture, livestock farming, fishing, forestry answer the four activities of the primary sector question agriculture answer the cultivation of land question agrarian holding answer a group of areas of land or farm that are worked on by a […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

48 European Countries and their capitals

question Russia answer Moscow question Andorra answer Andorra la Vella question Austria answer Vienna question Belgium answer Brussels question Denmark answer Copenhagen question Finland answer Helsinki question France answer Paris question Germany answer Berlin question Greece answer Athens question Holy See (Vatican City) answer Vatican City question Iceland answer Reykjavik question Ireland answer Dublin question […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Capitals of Countries in South America

question Colombia answer Bogota question Guyana answer Georgetown question Suriname answer Paramaribo question Brazil answer Brasilia question French Guyana answer Cayenne question Falkland Islands answer Stanley question Chile answer Santiago question Equador answer Quito question Peru answer Lima question Bolivia answer La Paz and Sucre question Paraguay answer Asuncion question Argentina answer Buenos Aires question […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Módulo 1

question Ciclo da água: answer A energia solar aquece a água formando nuvens, por meio da evapotranspiração, mares, oceanos, rios e lagos Quando a nuvem esta muito carregada acontece a precipitação e o ciclo recomeça question Estresse hídrico: answer Alta demanda de água, alterações climáticas ou de vegetação, escassez question Correntes marítimas: answer Fluxos de […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

6SS Q3 2023 SSA Vocab All 25

question apartheid answer South African system where racial groupswere separated, racial discrimination was legal question arable answer land suitable for growing crops question archaeologist answer person who studies human history through digging up sites and studying artifacts and physical remains question basin answer a bowl-shaped hollow or depression in the earth’s surface question cash crop […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Ancient Rome

question Where did the Roman Civilization arises? answer Italy question What was the central location? answer It was the Mediterranean Sea and the Italian Peninsula question What was the geography like and why was it at their advantage? answer 1. easy to unify 2. Mountains are smaller 3. no isolated valleys question Where did the […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Country Capitals

question Afghanistan answer Kabul question Albania answer Tirana question Algeria answer Algiers question Andorra answer Andorra La Vella question Angola answer Luanda question Antigua & Barbuda answer Saint John’s question Argentina answer Buenos Aires question Armenia answer Yerevan question Australia answer Canberra question Austria answer Vienna question Azerbaijan answer Baku question The Bahamas answer Nassau […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

CIE IGCSE geography- Bangladesh- Case Study

question 5 opportunities provided by Sundarbans coastline answer Largest remaining mangrove forest in the world; supports livelihood for many people- fishing, wood, tourism; food source- fish, shellfish; protects coastline from erosion; supports unique ecosystem question 5 threats to coastline answer Damage from cyclones- rising sea levels; illegal logging; clearance of land for agriculture; illegal poaching […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Key Vocabulary for Asia Geography Unit in Ukrainian

question Сезонні ВІТРИ, які приносять сильні дощі влітку та сухе повітря взимку. (Ви повинні знати, ЧОМУ це відбувається і ЯК це впливає на людей Азії) answer Monsoons Мусони question Fertile yellowish soil that gives the Huang He its name and makes the area around the river very good for farming. Родючий жовтуватий ґрунт, який дав […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023