Geography Flashcards

“50 States / Capitals”

question Alaska (AK) answer Juneau question Washington (WA) answer Olympia question Oregon (OR) answer Salem question Hawaii (HI) answer Honolulu question California (CA) answer Sacramento question Nevada (NV) answer Carson City question Arizona (AZ) answer Phoenix question Utah (UT) answer Salt Lake City question Idaho (ID) answer Boise question Montana (MT) answer Helena question Wyoming […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Earth’s people study guild

question Population growth rates are the same in all areas of the world. answer False question Cultural blending is a positive effect of migration. answer True question Members of the cultural traditions sometimes have special roles or positions as part of their culture traditions. answer True question A physical region is a geographic area in […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

7th Grade Geography

question Define “religion” answer organized system of beliefs, ceremonies and rules to worship a god or gods question What is the symbol for Buddhism? answer Wheel question What is the symbol for Christianity? answer Cross question What is the symbol for Hinduism? answer Aum question What is the symbol for Islam? answer Crescent Moon & […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

10.1 Study Guide :):

question Ancestor answer are Long Dead Family Members. question Aristocrat answer People of noble birth whose wealth came from the land they owned. question Bureaucracy answer Made up of officials who carry out tasks for the government. question Ideograph answer Another kind of character used in Chinese writing. To or more pictography linked together to […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

The Countries and Capitals of Africa

question Morocco answer Rabat question Algeria answer Algiers question Libya answer Tripoli question Egypt answer Cairo question Mali answer Bamako question Chad answer N’Djamena question Sudan answer Khartoum question Nigeria answer Abuja question Cameroon answer Yaounde question Ethiopia answer Addis Ababa question Democratic Republic of Congo answer Kinshasa question Somalia answer Mogadishu question Kenya answer […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Key Vocabulary for Asia Geography Unit in Chinese

question Seasonal WINDS that bring heavy rain in the summer and dry air in the winter. (You should know WHY that happens and HOW it affects the people of Asia) answer Monsoons 季风 question Fertile yellowish soil that gives the Huang He its name and makes the area around the river very good for farming. […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023


question Дж Кук answer три навколосвітні подорожі question Макаров answer Дослідження Тихого океану question Магеллан answer Відкрив Тихий океан question Д Уош answer дослідження Маріанської западини 1 of 4 question Дж Кук answer три навколосвітні подорожі question Макаров answer Дослідження Тихого океану question Магеллан answer Відкрив Тихий океан question Д Уош answer дослідження Маріанської западини

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Date: March 28th, 2023

5th grade TMS Region 1 Countries and Capitals

question China answer Beijing question Japan answer Tokyo question India answer New Delhi question Egypt answer Cairo question Iran answer Tehran question Israel answer Jerusalem question North Korea answer Pyongyang question South Korea answer Seoul question Mongolia answer Ulaanbaatar question Afghanistan answer Kabul question Pakistan answer Islamabad question Philippines answer Manila question Vietnam answer Hanoi […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

The United states East of the mississippi

question The united states east of the Mississippi River is divided into four subregions answer True question The Great Lakes are a cluster of 5 huge lakes answer True question The trail of tears was a forced migration of thousands of cherokee answer True question In which state does the mississippi river begin answer Minnesota […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023

Sub Saharan Africa Vocabulary

question Escarpment answer a long, steep slope, especially one at the edge of a plateau or separating areas of land at different heights. question Cataract answer a waterfall containing great volumes of water rushing over a precipice. question Rift Valley answer a lowland region that forms where Earth’s tectonic plates move apart, or rift question […]

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Date: March 28th, 2023