question Fjord answer a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes. question Peat answer a partially decayed plant matter found in bogs. question Massif Central answer the uplands of France, which account for about one-sixth of French islands question North Atlantic Drift answer a current of warm water from the tropics question […]
question clustered rural settlements answer an agricultural-based community in which several families live near each other, with fields surrounding the collection of houses and farm buildings question circular clustered rural settlement answer consists of a central open space surrounded by structures question Maasai people answer sub-Saharan Africa, pastoral nomads who build circular settlements called kraal, […]
question recycling answer the separation, collection, processing, marketing, and reuse of the unwanted material question 4 ways to recycle answer curbside programs, drop-off centers, buy-back centers (commercial operations pay consumers for recycled materials), deposit programs (price of a beverage can include a deposit fee that is returned when the container is returned) question remanufacturing answer […]
question ruimtebeslag answer de bebouwde ruimte tov de beschikbare ruimte question evolutie vh ruimtebeslag answer Het ruimtebeslag neemt toe question Ruimtelijke versnippering answer opdeling bebouwde ruimte in kleine stukjes question evolutie ruimtelijke versnippering answer neemt toe 1 of 4 question ruimtebeslag answer de bebouwde ruimte tov de beschikbare ruimte question evolutie vh ruimtebeslag answer Het […]
question Compass Rose answer A symbol that shows the cardinal directions on a map. question Cardinal directions answer North, South, East, and West question Lines of Latitude answer Imaginary lines that run east-west around the Earth question Lines of Longitude answer Imaginary lies that run north-south around the Earth question Equator answer The line of […]
question How much mountains do the Atlas Mountains contain? answer 32,505 question How much countries are in Africa? answer 50 question How much of Africa does the Sahara Desert take up? answer 30% question What region separates the Sahara Desert and the Savanna? answer The Sahel question What are the two seasons in the Savanna? […]
question half of the Earth, the division of the globe into two equal parts-northern & southern, or eastern & western answer hemisphere question One of Earth’s seven large bodies of land answer continent question An imaginary line circling Earth halfway between the North and South poles and dividing Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres (line […]
question China answer Beijing question North Korea answer Pyongyang question South Korea answer Seoul question Japan answer Tokyo question Taiwan answer Taipei question Mongolia answer Ulaanbaatar question Thailand answer Bangkok question Vietnam answer Hanoi question Indonesia answer Jakarta question Philippines answer Manila question Singapore answer Singapore City question Russia answer Moscow 1 of 12 question […]
question Dikes answer Walls or barriers to hold back water. question Estuary answer Where part of the sea connects to the lower end of a river. question Westerlies answer Strong winds that travel from west to east. question Deciduous answer Forest, which includes trees such as oak, maple, beech and chestnut, that lose their leaves […]
question Which theme of geography describes the special human and/or physical features of a location that make it different? answer Place question Which theme describes areas that share common characteristics such as climate or vegetation? answer Region question What are the two types of place? answer Human and Physical question What are physical places? answer […]