question climate answer The general weather conditions of an area over an extended period of time. question poverty answer Being really poor. question desertification answer When an area of land that didn’t use to be desert, dries up and turns into desert. question desert answer An area of land that’s dry and has little to […]
question How do geologists classify rocks? answer Geologists classify rocks by Grain size, Grain shape, Grain pattern, No visible grain, Mineral Composition. question Texture is how a rock looks and feels, give 2 examples of how a rock looks. answer A rock looks Smooth, glassy. question Texture is how a rock looks and feels, give […]
question List and number the 8 different properties used to identify minerals. answer Hardness, Color, Streak, Luster, Density, Crystal Systems, Cleavage and Fracture. question Which mineral on the scale is the hardest? answer Diamonds are the hardest. question Which mineral is the softest on the scale? answer Talc is the softest on the scale. question […]
question What civilizations were well established by 16th century european contact? answer mesoamerican / south american civilizations question Where did native americans build spectacular cities, complex systems of political organization, and rich cultures? answer in central Mexico, on the Yucatan Peninsula, and along the west coast of South America question Where was the Mayan civilization […]
question australia answer canberra question fiji answer suva question kiribati answer (south) tarawa question marshall islands answer majuro question micronesia, federated states of answer palikir question nauru answer yaren question new zealand answer wellington question palau answer ngerulmud question papua new guinea answer port moresby question samoa answer apia question solomon islands answer honiara question […]
question svor answer křemen, plagioklas, muskovit question ferolit answer jílové nerosty, tmel, siderit, chamosit question fylit answer sericit, křemen question opuka answer kalcit, jílové nerosty, křemité jehlice question pískovec answer křemen, jílové nerosty, question slepenec answer křemen, buližník, hematit, ryolity question brekcie answer ostrohrané úlomky hornin question granit answer křemen, plagioklas, živec, biotit question diorit […]
question Водоспад Анхель answer 6°пн.ш., 61°зх.д question Острів Пасхи answer 27°пд.ш., 109° зх.д question Водоспад Вікторія answer 18°пд.ш., 26°сх.д question Бермудьські острови answer 37° пд.ш., 153° зх.д question Вашингтон answer 38°пн. ш. 77°зх. д. question Сідней answer 33°пд.ш. 151°сх.д. question Париж answer 48°пн. ш. 2°сх. д. question Мехіко answer 19°пн. ш. 99°зх. д. 1 of […]
question Уявна лінія, що проходить на рівній відстані від обох полюсів і ділить земну кулю на Північну і Південну півкулі answer екватор question Уявна вісь обертання Землі, що проходитиь через її центр і перетинає земну поверхню в Південному та Північному полюсах answer земна вісь question Світіння високих шарів атмосфери, яке спостерігають біля полюсів Землі answer […]
question Where is the CN Tower? answer Canada question Where is the Niagara Falls? answer Canada/ USA question Where is the Statue of Liberty? answer USA question Where is the Mount Rushmore? answer USA question Where is the Golden Gate Bridge? answer USA question Where is the Chichen Itza? answer Mexico question Where is the […]
question L.A. latitude lines? answer tropic of cancer, tropic of capricorn, equator question Mexico’s climate? answer temperate question Central + caribbean + south america climates? answer tropical question L.A. air masses? answer mostly tropical question Mexico air mass? answer continental tropical question Caribbean air mass? answer maritime tropical question Northern south america air mass? answer […]