Posted: March 12th, 2023

clp part 3 update.

previously you completed part 2 for me and now i need help completing part 3 highlighted the sections to know where to start 


1. What competency and specific behaviour(s) are you working on developing for this project:


 Specific behaviour(s) 

2. What is your S.M.A.R.T goal? 

3. Provide an update on your progress (tip: use the plan from your last submission)

 What is the overall status?

Are there changes you will be making to your plan? Why or why not?

4. Reflection of your progress: (200 words)

o What are you most proud of at this point in your development project?

o What challenges are you facing and how will you be using your mind-set & grit to overcome these challenges? (it may be helpful to look back at your CLP content)

5. Include a evidence (photo) of your progress with a brief description (no more than 250 words).


Undergraduate Competency Development part 2

Hala Al Qasab

Sheridan College

Annette Pepenella



th, 202


Undergraduate Competency Development part 2


My U.G.C. Development Project is focused on developing the competency of the Initiative. The Initiative is the ability to act without being prompted and to take the lead in a situation (Ralston & Blackhurst, 2020). I need to develop this competency to be more proactive in my everyday life, both professionally and personally. This essay will discuss the SMART goal I have established, the measures of success, the approach and plan I will use to reach my goal, and the role of other people in my development.

Competency and specific behaviour:

The competency being developed in this project is Initiative, and the specific behaviour actively seeks ways to improve oneself or things. The project focuses on improving the financial aspect of life by saving a portion of the income and learning the best ways to save effectively.

Final SMART Goal

My final SMART goal for the competency development project is to improve the financial aspect of life by saving a portion of the income and learning the best ways to save effectively. save between 5-


0% of my income biweekly and build a budget while researching the best practices for saving and keeping track of my spending. The goal is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Setting a specific amount of money to be saved becomes measurable, and choosing a manageable percentage becomes achievable (Roy & Gupta, 2020). The goal is relevant to financial development and has a time-bound aspect as the employee share plan has a time limit of


months for a withdrawal.

Success and Evidence

Success in this project will look like being able to save a portion of my biweekly salary in a savings account and developing a budget that I can stick to and will have researched the best practices for savings and will be able to demonstrate my understanding of how to save effectively.

Recording and Measuring Progres

The progress of this project will be recorded and measured by creating a budget and monitoring spending. A weekly plan will be established to keep track of the progress, including eight weeks of planning. The plan will include the expected progress, resources, and notes for each week.

How to Measure Progress

I will measure my progress by breaking down my plan into eight weeks of activities and goals. During these eight weeks, I will be taking the following steps.



Expected progress


Research the best practices for savings.

Found the best practice from an advisor and put it into action


Open up a savings account and begin saving a portion of my income biweekly.

Savings began


Monitor my spending and create a budget.

Reduced expenses


Begin researching an employee share plan.

Found a S.M.A.R.T. employee share


Begin participating in an employee share plan.

Start by weekly savings


Monitor my spending and budget and make adjustments as needed.

Reduced budgeting expenses


Continue participating in an employee share plan and monitoring my spending and budget.

Normalized with the expenditure and budget


Complete the competency development project and review my progress

Project completed


The Horne-Ostberg Morning-Eveningness Questionnaire will be completed to understand the circadian rhythm type and its impact on the project. One obstacle that may arise is the temptation to spend the saved money, which can be overcome by setting a budget and tracking spending regularly.


In this project, support and guidance from others will play a crucial role in achieving the final goal. The support will help overcome obstacles and provide the necessary guidance to achieve the final goal (Dirani et al., 2020). The support can come from a financial advisor or a friend who has experience in budgeting and saving.


In conclusion, my competency development project focuses on developing my initiative competency by attempting to save a portion of my biweekly salary in a savings account, researching the best savings practices, and keeping track of my spending. By following this plan, I can develop my initiative competency, and I am confident that I will be able to achieve my goal successfully. I am prepared to face any obstacles that may arise and look forward to other people’s support during the project.


Dirani, K. M., Abadi, M., Alizadeh, A., Barhate, B., Garza, R. C., Gunasekara, N., Ibrahim, G., & Majzun, Z. (2020). Leadership competencies and the essential role of human resource development in times of crisis: A response to COVID-19 pandemic.
Human Resource Development International,
23(4), 380–394. Tandfonline.

Ralston, P., & Blackhurst, J. (2020). Industry 4.0 and resilience in the supply chain: a driver of capability enhancement or loss?
International Journal of Production Research,
58(16), 5006–5019.

Roy, S., & Gupta, A. (2020). Safety investment optimization in the process industry: A risk-based approach.
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,
63, 104022.

PORT 40100D – Advanced Creative Learning Portfolio

Undergraduate Competency Development Project (25%)

[Amended for Remote Delivery]


– UGC Development – Plan (4%) completed and attached for reference


This is your plan to develop the Undergraduate Competency which includes a final S.M.A.R.T. goal with your weekly plan/approach. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.


Submission type: Document submission through SLATE drop box for A & B see SLATE for due dates

Building on the exercise you did in posting #1 and incorporating the feedback from your peers, answer the following questions about your UGC Development Project. If you prefer to use a template, one is available in the Content Assignment folder on SLATE.

Important note regarding your goal:

Approval from your professor must be obtained before moving forward

1. What competency and specific behaviour(s) are you working on developing for this project:

· Competency

· Specific behaviour(s)

2. What is your final S.M.A.R.T goal?

3. What does success look like? (visualise the final goal)

· How will you be able to

you have developed this competency?(behavioural measure)

· What

would you like to provide that shows your development? (evidence)

4. How will you


your progress? Be specific.

· Breakdown a

of weekly activities and/or goals (feel free to attach an additional file if necessary)

· Sample headings included below, feel free to use your own format. Your plan should include 8 weeks of planning

This also should be included in your final project as an update


Expected progress



5. Identify any

that may make it difficult for you to achieve this goal

· Complete

Horne-Ostberg Morning-Eveningness Questionnaire

to understand you circadian rhythm type.

· What did you learn about yourself from that assessment that will impact your UGC Development project?

6. From your research questions in post #1, provide 2 references you have used in research for this project (APA format)

7. A reflection about the role that you would like other people to have in your project (example: support, guidance, coaching…)



Level 1: Beginning


Level 2: Developing


Level 3: Accomplished


Level 4: Advanced


Discussion Board Posting

Plan is missing critical information

Limited response on 7 questions

Satisfactory reflection on the 7 questions posted.  Answers are high level and are missing detailed descriptions or critical thinking

Robust and thought out plan address all 7 questions demonstrates critical thinking and includes detailed descriptions





3 – UGC Development – Update (4%)

1. What competency and specific behaviour(s) are you working on developing for this project:
· Competency
· Specific behaviour(s)

2. What is your S.M.A.R.T goal?

3. Provide an update on your progress (tip: use the plan from your last submission)

· What is the overall status?

· Are there changes you will be making to your plan? Why or why not?

4. Reflection of your progress: (200-400 words)

· What are you most proud of at this point in your development project?

· What challenges are you facing and how will you be using your mind-set & grit to overcome these challenges? (it may be helpful to look back at your CLP content)

5. Include a evidence (photo) of your progress with a brief description (no more than 250 words).

Future assignment tip UGC Development Project

· Incorporate your self-assessment and the impact it had on your development journey
· An update on what happen with your initial plan and how you progressed against it (weekly activities & goals to reality). What happen and why?
· Remember the audience of the final audience of your CLP, it’s not your professor, it could be someone in industry. Set the tone accordingly. Example: “In CLP1my strengths finders was…” vs “through a professional assessment, I discovered my strengths…”

Undergraduate Competency Development

This assignment has intentional elements to support the continued development of the following Undergraduate Competencies:

Critical Thinking & Problem Solving


Collaboration & Leadership

Agility & Adaptability

Initiative & Entrepreneurship


Oral & Written Communication


Accessing & Analyzing Information


Curiosity & Imagination


(MS Office Tools)



Level 1: Beginning


Level 2: Developing


Level 3: Accomplished


Level 4: Advanced


Discussion Board Posting

Update is missing critical information

Limited response on 5 questions

Satisfactory reflection on the questions posted.  Answers are high level and are missing detailed descriptions or critical thinking

Robust and thorough update address all questions demonstrates critical thinking and includes detailed descriptions







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