Posted: February 26th, 2023

Database homonyms research proposal



Proposed title of the project

Your name (and other group members if applicable)

Your supervisor’s name






The introduction should include the following elements. Use in-text citations (from the references) in APA format (author_lastname, year).

Background and Context

Provide explanation (definition) of the main terms in your title/topic area. Why these terms are relevant? When and how they were introduced (historical background)? How are they related (what is their contribution/importance) to the text mining or other areas? What are their practical applications? Give concrete examples of their usage, for example, in Weka, in a specific Python library, in R, in Oracle DBMS, etc.

Problem Statement

Narrow your research area to one problem. Describe one problem. Provide more details and/or give one example.

Research Questions

State the specific question(s) that you aim to answer.

Scope and Limitations

Determine the scope of your research and the limitations. Be very specific.

Relevance and Importance of the Research

Explain why your research is relevant. Who will be interested in your research? What is your contribution to knowledge/applications/etc.

Plan for Literature Review

Literature review provides a comprehensive summary and critical analysis of the most relevant sources for the specific topic. Since the topics proposed in this course are all practical with the use of concrete software systems, the sources will include websites, programming documentation, webinars, snippets of code, Jupiter notebooks, etc.

In this section, you should provide an outline of the search methods and approaches to finding the relevant literature. It can be done in a short paragraph listing the particular steps and overall plan.
The actual literature review will be done as a separate task, and it be submitted as a separate document. This section describes the planning phase and some preliminary findings (some examples).


Finish the proposal by describing why
you (or your group) finds this topic interesting. How this topic is (would be) related to your other courses, work, or future plans.


Provide at least five references using APA style (including websites, documentation, webinars, and research papers). List them in an alphabetical order.

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).
AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).
AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).
AuthorLastName, FirstInitial., & Author LastName, FirstInitial. (Year). Title of article. Title of Journal, Volume(Issue), Page Number(s).

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