Posted: February 26th, 2023



Create a brief, fictional description of a student who is struggling in school. Include the student’s name, grade level, and area of struggle. You may include additional information to provide context for your fictional student if necessary.

  • Explain how Piaget’s developmental theory could be used to support the student.
  • Explain how Vygotsky’s developmental theory could be used to support the student.
  • Which theory provides the most appropriate support for the student you described? Why?
  • (300 words)
  • (2 replies that I will send later that needs a 100 word response)

books used 


Gutek, G. (2014). Philosophical, Ideological, and Theoretical perspectives on Education (2 ed.) Pearson. ISBN: 9780132852388.

Liberty University Custom: Slavin, R. E., & Schunk, D.H. (2021). Learning Theories. (3rd ed.). Pearson. ISBN: 9780136956334.

EDLC 504

Discussion Assignment



Collaborative learning is a vital part of the educational process. Discussions serve to engage you with your peers in this process. By engaging the material of each discussion directly by way of an initial thread that is thought out, researched, and composed, followed by substantive feedback from your peers, the learning process is enhanced. Conversely, by reading and considering the threads of others and providing feedback, the process becomes well-rounded.


You will participate in 2 Discussions during this course. Each discussion will be completed in 2 parts: a thread addressing the instructor’s prompt (at least 300 words) and 2 replies (at least 100 words each) to classmates’ threads.

Two appropriate citation references from the course textbooks must be made in current APA format in your initial thread. You must include 1 paragraph for each question in the prompt. You do not need to include citations and references in your response postings; however, if you do cite from a source you must include the citation and reference. First person is allowed in your posts.

Title the subject line of your replies “Reply to John Smith,” “Reply to Jane Doe,” etc. This will ensure that it is clear who you are replying to. Also, note that responses such as “I like what you said,” “That is a good comment,” and “I disagree with your comment” do not count as complete replies in and of themselves. Rather, state why you liked or disliked a peer’s thread, present additional thoughts or ideas, and provide alternative ideas/thoughts when you disagree.

Courtesy in any disagreement is expected; see the
Student Expectations link located in the Course Overview for more information on proper online etiquette.

One of the goals of the Discussions is to encourage student community learning; thus, not every Discussion will have a comment from the instructor. Rather, the instructor will respond to a few threads in a way that adds to the conversation, asks a pertinent question, or summarizes some of the key points made by yourself or a classmate. Note that deadlines and other guidelines are meant to encourage optimal dialogue and demonstration of critical thought.

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