Posted: March 12th, 2023

Due 2/26

See attachment

1700 word min

4 sources

1700 word minimum 4 scholarly sources APA format

Division of Nursing

Research Article Critique (BIB CARD)


The article critique is a summary of a
full text nursing
research article
from a

referenced professional journal
on a selected nursing

article must have been published within the past 5 years. Article critiques that are from non-professional journals and/or do not meet the criteria listed below will not be graded and will automatically clinical grade of Unsatisfactory. Your article must be a
research article.

►Choose any health care related topic RELATED TO Pediataric Health & Nursing

►Remember, you may access the library & search for articles via

►APA Guidelines:

Article Critique Guidelines/See also Rubric posted in eLearn

· You are required to complete one (1) article critique during the semester.

· Documentation of References is to be done according to APA format.

DO NOT use articles from dictionaries (such as Gale Encyclopedia), newspapers, general public or lay magazines, or web sites.

DO NOT use editorials, opinions, or nursing perspectives.

· The article must be from medical and/or nursing journals AND be actual RESEARCH.

· The critique must be 2 pages typed not including title page or reference page & submitted via drop box for each clinical course.

The research article must be referenced within the paper & listed on the reference page.

· Title Page

· Body of the critique/summary of article

How this information impacts nursing practice

· Reference Page – must be in APA format

· Include the DOI on all references if possible

WAYS to IDENTIFY a RESEARCH Article from other articles ::::

1. The article will have an
abstract &
Review of literature (most research does)

2. The research article will contain headings such as :Abstract, Introduction,

Methods/Study Design
, Sample,

, & Discussion.

References: (Example)

Journal or periodical:

Klimoski, K.J., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations.

Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), pp. 10-26.

Journal article retrieved from the internet:

VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the selection of

resources by psychology undergraduates.
Journal of Bibliographic Research, 5, 117-

123. Retrieved from

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