Posted: March 12th, 2023
In this assessment you will conduct a piece of research based on a topic related to global food trends with a focus on the cultural and social dimensions. Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and dining appropriate to your topic.
You should develop a title that may be in the form of a statement or a question. Based on your activities in class and your own personal research you should then prepare a 1500-word report.
Food Trends
BA (Hons) Culinary Arts – Level 6
Module Code 6H072
January 2023 Intake – Term 7
Student Name……………………………………………………………
Module Leader: Dr.
Andreea Antonescu
This module conforms fully to the relevant UG regulatory framework.
Full details of the University of Derby Academic Regulations can be found at:
Centre for Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism
Sensitivity: Internal
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Sensitivity: Internal
Module Title
Food Trends
Module Leader
Credit Value
Hand in
Final Assessment
1500 Word Written Report
Submission details
Draft reports must be e mailed to by
23.59 on Sunday 12th February to ensure students receive formative
The final written report must be submitted via
Derby University’s ‘Turnitin’ by
23:59 on Sunday 12th March
Summative assessment and marking criteria
The individual course work activities and the final assignment will enable the student to research and reflect on various trends in the culinary sphere.
In the final assessment, the student will conduct a piece of research based on a topic related to a global food trend. This will be presented in the form of a written report with a focus on the cultural and social dimensions associated with the trend.
The topic should be approved by the tutor in week 2, Students must email the tutor with their proposed topic by 12.00 (noon) Friday 20 of January at the latest.
The student will be expected to use the appropriate tools and techniques to demonstrate a critical understanding of the research undertaken. Further details can be found in the assessment instructions,
it is important that these criteria are referred to when students are preparing and writing their assessments.
Formative assessment
The student will take part in a range of class activities and assignments which will form part of their formative assessment.
Teaching, learning and assessment overview
The students will learn through on-line lectures, group and individual activities. Private research will be necessary, and the student
will need to read widely to ensure that they are at the ‘cutting edge’ of new trends. This research and the students own particular area of interest will culminate in an individual report.
Student hours of study
Total 100 hrs
Hours breakdown:
Class Contact: 44 hrs.
Return of work, feedback and provisional marks will be viewable at the submission point.
Students will be able to receive feedback regarding their draft papers, directly from the tutor during weeks 6 and 7.
Assessment: General feedback on the student’s written work based on identified criteria will be given within 15 working days after submission.
Request for Additional Consideration
If serious circumstances beyond a student’s control affect their ability to complete an assessment, they may make use of the Request for Additional Consideration Policy. Please see
All marks are provisional until ratified by an Examination Board and the External Examiner.
This module is designed to provide students with an overview of food trends in a rapidly changing world. The historical development of food trends through cultural and social dimensions will be examined. Examining the chef’s role in the development of food trends will be central to this course, this will include the importance of his/her role in adapting to new tastes, climate change, technology and migration. Similarly, customer experience and multi-sensory science in food and dining will be at the core of topics discussed.
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an ability to forecast up and coming food trends.
2. Critically evaluate the cultural and social dimensions of global food related trends.
3. Analyse and evaluate applied theories in relation to food trends.
The following key skill competencies may be developed and could be used for any portfolio reflections:
· Analyse new and/or abstract data and situations, using an appropriate range of tools and techniques (
data collection and interpretation).
· Evaluate own performance by seeking and making use of feedback (
self-appraisal and reflection on practice).
· Synthesise theory / professional and vocational practice, process, solutions and outcomes (
synthesis and creativity).
Indicative Content
This module may cover the theoretical and practical aspects of some of the following:
The importance of the chef’s role in understanding food trends in the culinary industry.
The development of eating habits and practices across cultures, the evolution of the modern menu.
Nutritional aspects, changes in eating habits, special diets.
Influences and issues in relation to contemporary meal experiences and industry trends.
Use forecasting information.
Customer experience and the multi-sensory approach in dinning.
The impact of technology on food trends.
The influence of social trends on diet and eating habits.
Professional Classroom Protocol that must be observed
In order for the classes to work effectively and to meet health and safety criteria, the following guidelines must be adhered to at all times:
Punctuality – Tardiness will not be tolerated. After 5 minutes, the student is considered absent from the whole class and will be marked with a “0” for the day’s performance.
Grooming – Please refer to the SEG guidelines in the grooming section -, business uniform and hair tied back in theory classes. Points will be deducted from overall individual performance for non-compliance.
Respect to all other students in the class at all times.
Respect for the Lecturer – Students answer the Lecturer with respect.
Students are asked to keep the classroom clean and organised at all times.
Following sensory evaluation – students are required to ensure that all areas are cleaned and tidied up.
Students are not to leave the classroom at any time without permission from the Lecturer.
Flipped Classroom –
Self-directed Study
Week 1
Introduction to Module &
Learning Outcomes;
Food History and Culture.
Trends versus Fads?
· Understanding the learning outcomes, key skills and the syllabus.
· Review of academic writing resources
· Identify credible sources of trend information.
· Review of previous student’s final report “What a Good One Looks Like”
· Explore food history and culture throughout the ages.
· Trends versus Fads.
Read the module handbook carefully and if you do not understand anything contact your tutor.
Report any technical issues.
Look at the Trend reports posted on E- learning.
Select a trend for the final assignment.
Read: Global Trends 2040: Alternative Worlds
US National Intelligence Council
Week 2
Forecasting, Research and development
Friday 20th January by noon = deadline for report topics
What drives trends?
· Macro and Micro Trends.
· Understand how trends develop.
· Consider the context of key trend drivers- environment, technology, society and ingredients.
· Consider drivers and challenges to innovation.
· Understand the impact of trends on culture, society and economies.
Self-directed study
Read: Sustainable Food for the 21st Century, The World Wildlife Fund
Week 3
Trends in Dining
Evolution of trends and innovations in dining.
Self-directed study:
Read Bompas and Parr’s Imminent Future of Food 2020
Week 4
Trends in Dining (continued)
The evolution of performance dining including Multi-Sensory
Self-directed study:
Read Chapter 4, The Virtuous Cycle of Enlightened Hospitality in Setting the Table, The Transforming Power of Hospitality. Meyer, D. (Harper Books, 2008)
Week 5
Trends in Customer Experience
Evolution of trends and Innovations in Customer Experience
Draft report due by 23:59 on Sunday 12 of February
Self-directed study:
Read: Meaningful Connections: The Future of Smart Technology in Food & Drink. (Just-Food, 2019)
Week 6
Trends in Sensory Science
Evolution of trends and innovations in Sensory Science.
Self-directed study
Read: Chapters 2 & 3, Eating Authenticity and The Culinary Other: Seeking Exoticism in Foodies: Democracy and Distinction in the Gourmet Food Scape. Johnston, J & Baumann,S (Routledge, 2015)
Watch the video
Week 7
Trends in Cuisines
Evolution of trends and innovations in ethnic cuisines and research into the role of gastronomy in politics.
Paper Workshops
Self-directed study:
Read: 2020 US Foodservice Trends
Week 8
Environmental and Agricultural Trends
Evolution of trends and innovations in Agriculture and the Environment
Self-directed study
Read: Chapter 4. Health: Take Two Chia Seeds and Call Me in the Morning in The Tastemakers. Sax, D. (Public Affairs Books 2014
Week 9
Health and Ingredient Trends
Evolution of trends and innovations in Health and Ingredients
Final Assessment – Report
23:59 on Sunday 12th of March
Self-directed study
Read: The Innovation Development Process of Michelin-starred Chefs.
Ottenbacher, M.& Harrington,R.J. .
(International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2007)
Week 10
Cooking and Chef Led Trends
Evolution of trends and innovations in Cooking and in the Chef world
Self-directed study
Read: Chapter 9. How Important is
Atmosphere to the Perfect Meal? in The Perfect Meal: The Multisensory Science of Food and Dining. Spence, C & Piqueras-Fiszman, B.
(John Wiley & Sons, 2014)
Week 11
Feedback Session
The order of topics discussed could change. This will be announced in advance each week.
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Reading List
Students are encouraged to use César Ritz Colleges and the University of Derby on-line resources.
General Reading:
Anderson, E. (2014)
Everyone Eats: Understanding food and culture. New York: Univ. of New York Press.
Clover, C. (2008).
The end of the line. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press.
Crowther, G. (2013)
Eating Culture: An anthropological guide to food. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press.
De Solier, I. (2013).
Food and the self. London: Bloomsbury.
Heath, C., Heath, D. (2017).
The Power of Moments. Why certain experiences have extraordinary impact. Simon & Schuster. 320 p.
Issenberg, S. (2007)
The Sushi Economy: Globalization and the making of a modern delicacy. New York, NY: Gotham Books.
Johnston, J and Baumann, S. (2015)
Foodies: Democracy and distinction in the gourmet foodscape. New York, Routledge.
Patel, R. (2013).
Stuffed and starved. London: Portobello Books.
Singer, P. and Mason, J. (2006)
The way we eat: Why our food choices matter. New York: Rodale.
This, H. (2009)
Building a meal: From molecular gastronomy to culinary constructivism. New York: Colombia Univ. Press.
Adria, F., Soler, J. and Adria, A. (2008)
A Day at El Bulli, London, Phaidon
Blumenthal, H. (2009)
In Search of Perfection, London, Bloomsbury.
Gladwell, M. (2001)
The Tipping Point: How little things can make a big difference.
London: Abacus.
Linzey, A., Linzey, C.,(2019)
Ethical Vegetarianism & Veganism, New York, Routledge.
Myhrvold, N. (2011
) Modernist Cuisine: The art and science of cooking. Washington: The Cooking Lab
Sax, D. (2014)
The tastemakers: Why we’re crazy for cupcakes but fed up with fondue (plus baconomics, superfoods, and other secrets from the world of food trends). Santa Barbara, CA, United States: Public Affairs, U.S.
Senhauer,B., Asp, E., Kinsey,J. (1991)
Food Trends and the Changing Consumer. New York Eagon Press.
Sloan, P., Legrand, W. and Hindley, C. (eds.) (2015)
The Routledge handbook of sustainable food and gastronomy. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.
Shepherd, G.M. (2012)
Neurogastronomy: How the brain creates flavour and why it matters. New York: Colombia University Press
Spence, C. (2017)
Gastrophysics. London: Penguin Random House
Spence,C., Piqueras-Fiszman, B (2014) The Perfect Meal: The Multisensory Science of Food. Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell
The Restaurant,
Food &
Baum + Whiteman,
Food Navigator,
National Restaurant Association Website,
General instructions:
1. The following details are all key elements of your assigned pieces of work.
2. Plan and organize your work carefully, bearing in mind submission dates.
3. When completing your work, keep checking it carefully against the assessment criteria attached.
4. Your lecturer will advise you of the times during which they will be available for consultation. So as to manage this resource and time effectively, students are advised to respect these sessions. Please note that this is a student-based research assignment, and as such the tutor may not be able to answer certain questions if it is felt that this would restrict the potential grade.
5. Plagiarism and other offences will be reviewed using the University of Derby Academic Misconduct Policy
Individual Final Report:
Based on the achievement of learning outcomes 1, 2 and
To be submitted by 23:59 on Sunday 12 of March.
You must submit your report via Derby University’s ‘Turnitin’
In this assessment you will conduct a piece of
research based on a topic related to global food trends with a focus on the cultural and social dimensions. Within your research you may consider trends in agriculture, food technology, global cuisines, cooking and dining appropriate to your topic.
You should develop a title that may be
in the form of a statement or a question. Based on your activities in class and your own personal research you should then prepare a
1500-word report.
The tutor
must receive the report topic via
email for approval by
12:00 on
Friday 20 of January.
You will be expected to use the appropriate tools and techniques to demonstrate a critical understanding of the research undertaken. This requirement will mean that you need to read widely on the topic and to collect a range of references that underpin your work. You are advised to start working immediately on this piece of work. The report should include a cover page, table of contents, main report, references and possibly appendices.
Students are reminded that the body of the report should be written in paragraphs without headings. In text citations and the list of references should clearly indicate information sources. All information sources must be English language only. Any images, graphs or tables should appear as appendices. They must be labelled with a title and copyright must be observed. Please check the César Ritz Style guide for further information.
NB. It is
that your research
shows evidence of your own work through taught work, opinions and application of research.
Draft reports
must be emailed to by
23.59 on Sunday 12 of February for tutor feedback.
Please use the assessment criteria provided to ensure that you cover the areas where marks will be allocated –
note that not all criteria are weighted the same.
Tick the box that meets the criteria achieved – record actual mark on the feedback sheet. You may offer comments to justify your grade.
Criteria |
100-70% (1st) |
69-60% (2:1) |
59-50% (2:2) |
49-40% (3rd) |
39-35% (referral) |
Below 35% |
Research and originality. 25% |
An outstanding piece of work that is produced to a very high standard. It is exceptionally well researched and is commendable in its originality. |
A high-quality piece of work that is of a very good standard and is well researched. The work displays originality. |
A good standard piece of work with some originality displayed. The work is quite well researched but there are some deficiencies. |
A sound standard of work that is lacking in its research content. Very little originality displayed |
Overall, the work is marginally unsatisfactory and not well researched. No originality has been displayed in the work. |
Below the pass standard. Poorly researched and the work lacks any originality. |
Comments |
Use of data that demonstrates a grasp of theoretical and conceptual elements – 25% |
All relevant data/information/ skills accurately and extensively deployed. Excellent grasp of theoretical and conceptual elements. |
Virtually all relevant data/information/skills accurately and extensively deployed. Very good grasp of theoretical and conceptual elements. |
Most of the relevant data/information/ skills accurately deployed. Good grasp of theoretical and conceptual elements. |
Much of the relevant data/information/ skills accurately deployed. Adequate grasp of theoretical and conceptual elements. |
Some major omissions or inaccuracies in the deployment of data/ information/skills. Some grasp of theoretical and conceptual elements. |
Major deficiencies or omissions in data/information/ skills/ Major deficiencies or omissions in theoretical and conceptual elements |
Comments |
Critical analysis and evaluation. 25% |
A high level of critical analysis and evaluation that displays inclusive original thinking. |
A very good level of critical analysis and evaluation that displays original thought. |
A fairly good level of critical analysis and evaluation with some evidence of original thinking. |
A fair level of critical analysis and evaluation but with little evidence of original thinking |
Inadequate critical analysis and evaluation with little evidence of original thought and ideas |
Poor critical analysis and evaluation with virtually no evidence of originality or application |
Structure of the argument and coherence of the work – 15% |
High quality piece of work demonstrating exceptional clarity of ideas and presentation. The work has excellent coherence and is logical in any arguments. |
A very good standard of presentation that is commendable in its clarity of ideas. Very good sense of coherence and logic demonstrated in any arguments. |
A good standard of presentation with ideas that is clear and generally coherent. There is some evidence of coherence and logic demonstrated. |
A sound standard of presentation with ideas that are fairly clear and demonstrate some coherence. There is some evidence of misunderstanding. |
Standard of presentation is not acceptable, and any ideas are unclear and incoherent. |
Standard of presentation unacceptable and not up to graduate standard with any ideas confused and incoherent; |
Communicated in report format as requested identifying sources used and referenced. 10% |
Communicated with exceptional authority and tone. All sources are referenced according to Harvard convention. The higher the mark the less trivial the identification of minor errors in the work. |
Communicated with good authority and tone. Sources referenced according to Harvard convention. Very minor errors only. |
Communicated in a sound manner with the right tone. Limited sources identified but referenced according to Harvard convention. Errors identified. |
Communicated in an acceptable manner with some weakness in style and tone. Very limited sources identified but referenced according to Harvard convention. A number of errors |
Poorly communicated with weakness in style and tone. Poor range of sources included. References not in accordance with Harvard convention. Many errors identified |
Communication is incorrect in all aspects. No reading or research undertaken from any sources. Full of errors and just wrong. |
Signed…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Date……………………………………………….
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