Posted: February 26th, 2023

Iterative Reflection Process Form

Part 7: Iterative Reflection Process Form

Practitioner evaluation process 

      Based on their feedback, revise the plan

· Provide rationale for each revision of the plan (see table)

· Determine whether and how the implementation of the action plan(s) could potentially meet the originally identified needs of the school to align social justice and equity outcomes to the vision and mission statements.

      Resubmit Implementation Plan with your reflection by the due date provided by your University Supervisor.

Comment with p. #


Rationale for Revision



The purpose of this comprehensive plan is to communicate the purpose and achievements of the field project, its relationships to the school’s mission and vision, and all applicable stakeholders and/or appropriate school constituencies. This plan aims to design and develop a plan to implement the initiatives that align with the school’s mission and vision, while ensuring that all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the process.

Statement of the Problem

The field project is an important initiative that seeks to address an identified need within the school community. However, it is important to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of the purpose and goals of the project, and that it aligns with the school’s mission and vision (de Paula Arruda Filho & Przybylowicz Beuter, 2020). Additionally, it is important to have a clear plan in place to implement the initiatives and to effectively communicate the outcomes to all stakeholders.

Goals and Specific Objectives

The goal of this implementation plan is to ensure that all stakeholders understand the purpose and goals of the field project, and that it aligns with the school’s mission and vision. The specific objectives of the plan are as follows:

1. To clearly communicate the purpose and goals of the field project to all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.

2. To engage all stakeholders in the implementation of the project and to ensure that they understand their role in achieving the project goals.

3. To design and develop a plan to implement the initiatives that align with the school’s mission and vision, and to ensure that all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the process.

4. To evaluate the effectiveness of the project in achieving its goals and to communicate the results to all stakeholders.

Procedures for Implementing Proposed Solutions

The procedures for implementing the proposed solutions are as follows:

1. Communication: To ensure that all stakeholders are informed about the purpose and goals of the field project, the school will develop a communications plan that includes a variety of methods for reaching all stakeholders, such as email, newsletters, and community meetings.

2. Engagement: To ensure that all stakeholders are engaged in the implementation of the project, the school will host community meetings and other events where stakeholders can provide feedback and ask questions. The school will also create a dedicated website and email address where stakeholders can access information and ask questions.

3. Implementation Plan: The school will work with a project team to design and develop a plan to implement the initiatives that align with the school’s mission and vision. This plan will include a detailed timeline and specific procedures for each initiative.

4. Evaluation: The school will evaluate the effectiveness of the project in achieving its goals and will communicate the results to all stakeholders. This evaluation will include both qualitative and quantitative measures, and will be used to make any necessary adjustments to the project.

Timeline for Implementation

The timeline for implementation is as follows:

1. Month 1: Develop a communications plan and engage all stakeholders through community meetings and other events.

2. Month 2-3: Design and develop the implementation plan, including a detailed timeline and specific procedures for each initiative.

3. Month 4-6: Begin implementation of the project, following the procedures outlined in the implementation plan.

4. Month 7-9: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the project and make any necessary adjustments.

5. Month 10-12: Communicate the results of the project to all stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community members.

Expected Outcomes

The expected outcomes of this implementation plan are as follows:

1. All stakeholders will understand the purpose and goals of the field project, and how it aligns with the school’s mission and vision.

2. All stakeholders will be engaged and informed throughout the implementation of the project, and they will understand their role in achieving its goals.

3. The project will be implemented effectively, following a clear plan that aligns with the school’s mission and vision, and all stakeholders will be informed and engaged throughout the process.

4. The project will achieve its goals and make a positive impact on the school community.

5. The results of the project will be communicated to all stakeholders, and any necessary adjustments will be made based on the evaluation of its effectiveness.


This comprehensive plan provides a clear and detailed approach for communicating the purpose and achievements of the field project, and for implementing its initiatives. It ensures that all stakeholders are informed and engaged, and that the project aligns with the school’s mission and vision. By following the procedures outlined in this plan, the school can ensure that the field project is successful and makes a positive impact on the school community.


de Paula Arruda Filho, N., & Przybylowicz Beuter, B. S. (2020). Faculty sensitization and development to enhance responsible management education.
The International Journal of Management Education,
18(1), 100359.

Iterative Reflection Process

Practitioner evaluation process 

Based on their feedback, revise the plan

Provide a rationale for each revision of the plan (see table)

Determine whether and how the implementation of the action plan(s) could potentially meet the originally identified needs of the school to align social justice and equity outcomes to the vision and mission statements.

Resubmit Implementation Plan by the due date with your reflection

Iterative Reflection Process Rubric:

Iterative Reflection




Candidate reflects on alignment of equity, inclusiveness and cultural responsiveness to the vision and mission statements

(CAEP A.1.1c)


Candidates for advanced preparation demonstrate their proficiencies to understand and apply knowledge and skills appropriate to their professional field of specialization so that learning and development opportunities for all P-12 are enhanced through:

• Employment of data analysis and evidence to develop supportive school environments

Reflection accurately discusses evidence, explains whether and how the implementation of the action plan(s) could potentially meet the originally identified needs of the school. The narrative explicitly aligns equity, inclusiveness and cultural responsiveness outcomes to the vision and mission statements in a clear and descriptive manner and offers focused and meaningful examples to

illustrate their alignment.

Reflection discusses evidence of how the implementation of the action plan(s) could potentially meet the originally identified needs of the school. The narrative aligns equity, inclusiveness and cultural responsiveness outcomes to the vision and mission statements in a clear and descriptive manner.

Reflection discusses evidence whether and/or how the implementation of the action plan(s) could potentially meet the originally identified needs of the school. The narrative does not clearly align equity, inclusiveness and cultural responsiveness outcomes to the vision and mission statements.

Candidate submits implementation plan in timely manner.

Implementation Plan was re-submitted on

time with the reflection

Implementation Plan was re-submitted late.

Implementation Plan was not re-submitted with the reflection.

Hello Tammy
I assume that you are inquiring about the Interactive Reflection Process and Inform Stakeholders’ involvement by designing a digital media presentation.
1) Interactive Reflection Process-
For this assignment, You are to create and give a presentation to share your Project Based Learning (PBL) as a proposal for addressing the identified problem.
2) Inform Stakeholders and Reflect and Review Performance Debrief.
For this assignment, inform stakeholders and reflect on your own perceptions of the problem before and after working on your field project, and on the importance of the educational leader’s role addressing the problem.
Note that unless you have been requested to make changes by your K-12 administrator and me, the university supervisor, base this assignment on the your previously summited plan. Just follow the directions for this assignmnet.
Let me know if you have any questions and if the above explanation helps to clarify the assignments.

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