Posted: February 28th, 2023

Ldg in Future, Cmplx, & Cnflct

4.1 Assignment. TheoMedia Part 4

Getting Started

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

· Analyze your media consumption in light of TheoMedia principles.


1. Read 
TheoMedia chapters 7 and 8.

2. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper responding to the two prompts below.

a. In TheoMedia Note 5, Byers discussed online theology. This section prompts us to think about the pros and cons of the internet and the way in which is gives voice to some who would normally not have one. For those suffering injustice and neglect, this is good. But in the same way, a voice that is misinformed at best or blatantly lying at worst also has a louder voice. How does this important point influence what content you consume? How does it influence your willingness to research something instead of believing it just because someone wrote it or said it? And how does that impact the way you lead others?

b. In TheoMedia Note 6, Byers introduced the idea of weighting media. Not all media should carry the same influence. Which forms of media do you give the most weight to? Why? Do you need to reprioritize, and if so, in what ways? How does the way in which you prioritize or weight media influence your formation spiritually or as a leader?

3. Be sure to format your paper using APA and correct citations.

4.3 Scholarly Paper – Case Study of a Legal Issue Leading to a Leadership Failure

Getting Started

In LDR-305, you considered how ethics should influence the ways in which you make decisions as a leader. You also have to be aware of the laws related to the organization you work in and its field. For example, if you work at a college, you had better be familiar with FERPA and Title IX. If you work on Wall Street you have to be aware of the Dodd-Frank Act. If you work in agriculture, you would have to be aware of FDA laws. All of our organizations work with customers in some capacity, whether those customers are individuals, other businesses, or governments. How we store information related to customers and the regulations related to information storage continue to evolve. Your organization will need to stay informed on these regulations. Leaders have the responsibility to ensure that their organizations and employees are informed and following all relevant laws and regulations.

In this assignment, you will identify an organization that had a major failing in a legal area that damaged their company in some way. Maybe that led to a settlement with customers that cost the organization millions of dollars. Maybe it led to bad press and a loss of sales. Or maybe it led to the closing of the business. Take some time to search the internet for such a story. Evaluate it. Identify what went wrong. And then make a suggestion for how the company could have avoided this mistake.

Pull from your knowledge of previous courses like LDR-305 and LDR-410. It could be beneficial for you to access them in Brightspace and review the content for resources that could help you with this assignment.

At the end of the assignment, you will be challenged to identify what legal issues are related to your organization.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

· Evaluate why an organization found itself in legal trouble and how it could have avoided it.


1. Search for an organization that had legal issues. To help you have a well-rounded understanding of the situation, you must find and cite three separate sources describing the situation.

2. Compose a 2-3 page paper addressing the following prompts:

a. Describe the company and circumstance that you are using for your case study. What was it? What was its business? What went wrong (i.e., what were the unethical, immoral, or illegal actions)? What were the ramifications?

b. Based on your learning in the entire program (All content, all your principles, practices, etc.), analyze the organization’s “problem” from a leadership perspective. In other words, what were the leadership failures that led to the unethical or illegal actions? Discuss at least three potential leadership failures that occurred.

c. Apply the insights from your case study analysis to your current organization. What are the major ethical and/or legal issues that your organization has to follow? How does your organization make its employees aware of these issues? How would you assess what leaders are (or are not doing) that could protect the organization or make it vulnerable to problems? What would you recommend as changes to how your leaders function or how your organization trains people to act so as not to break applicable laws, regulations, or ethical standards?

3. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion.

4. Be sure to format your paper using APA and correct citations.


5.1 Assignment. TheoMedia Part 5

Getting Started

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

· Critique your own efforts to lead via redirection and humanizing work.


1. Read 
TheoMedia chapters 9-11.

2. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper responding to the prompts below.

a. Byers wrote that it is not our purpose as divine-image bearers to highlight ourselves or to bring ourselves fame or power. We are to redirect. This is an excellent leadership practice, to redirect praise from yourself to others. This also influences the way in which we use technology, either for self-promotion or for the good of others. In what ways do you need to redirect right now? Is it to help others receive the praise they deserve? Have you been loving yourself more than your neighbor lately and need to refocus on loving and serving others? Or is it in some other way? Would this redirect impact your leadership formation, spiritual formation, or both, and why?

b. Jesus came in the flesh so that we could relate to him personally. This speaks to the primacy of relationships and the importance of human interaction. As Jacob Morgan stated in our 

Course Overview video
(new tab)

, we must both futurize and humanize. We cannot allow technology to replace relationships. Values, principles, ethics, theories – none of these have lives of their own. They only exist when acted out by a human. In what ways are you seeing technology dehumanize work? In what ways does your organization need to recalibrate so as to humanize your work again? 

3. Be sure to format your paper using APA and correct citations.

6.1 Assignment. TheoMedia Part 6

Getting Started

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

· Select the 
TheoMedia theses that have the greatest opportunity for impact in your current context.


1. Review the information in the Getting Started section. 

2. Read 
TheoMedia chapters 12-14. 

3. Write a 1-2 page reflection paper responding to the prompts below.

a. Byers stated in the Conclusion that “Our media use should reflect God’s media use in the biblical story for reaching outward to others in building and restoring relationships.” As you lead in your various contexts, how can you shape the use of technology so that it is used for the good of others?

b. Byers ends with eight theses. Which ones stood out to you most, and why? How can you apply them to your life and/or work? 

4. Be sure to format your paper using APA and correct citations.

3.2 Discussion. VUCA and the Future Nature of Work

Getting Started

The speed at which the world is becoming more complex is increasing. Global economic markets are woven together tighter and tighter so that when one country’s economy is weakened there are ripple effects across the globe. The speed at which computers can process information is increasing exponentially. A term has been coined for leading in this environment: VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). This week you will attempt to identify the tools needed to lead in a VUCA world. You will begin with a simple video that introduces the topic. You will then read an article that explains the concept in more depth. You will follow that with two articles that explain some of the tools needed. While not required, it is suggested that you take the time to peruse the rest of the resources 

OCED’s The Future of Work
(new tab)

 website which has numerous helpful resources. We end the week with a report from consulting firm Gartner regarding the future of work. It requires you to provide an email address to get the report, and we apologize for that, but it is worth it.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

· Formulate questions that promote critical thinking in others related to VUCA and the future nature of work.


1. Review the information in the Getting Started section.

2. View the following (timing has been estimated):

a. Watch Youtube “How to Manage in a VUCA World.” (3 minutes)

b. Read Bennett & Lemoine (2014) 

What a difference a word makes: Understanding threats to performance in a VUCA world
(new tab)

. (20 minutes)

c. Read 

Managing in a VUCA World
(new tab)

. (11 minutes)

d. Read 

Leading in a VUCA World
(PDF document)

. (20 minutes)

e. Read 

Future of Work Trends Post COVID-19: 9 Long-Term Impacts of the Pandemic and Next Steps for HR
(new tab)

 – you must provide an email address and then you can download the PDF. (30 minutes)

In your initial discussion thread, post one compelling question connected to one or more of the resources for your topic this week and cite those resources in your post.


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