Posted: February 27th, 2023

Literature Review 3 pages

Please I want a 3-page double space in-text citation literature review from 7 peer review articles, APA style.

Please I want you to write them as 3 ideas: (design). (Time & Habits), (Parental perceptions & green space)

First idea: design




Second idea: Time & Habits



Third idea: Parental perceptions & green space



Please you already write about these 7 articles in annotated biography, it’s just now in-text citation and all together in three pages. try to organize them as they are three ideas.

Also in the files, you will find pictures to help organize the 3 ideas from the 7 articles. and your old work about annotated biography that has the same 7 articles.

Please I want you to weave the grouped articles to develop arguments relevant to the research question. ”  

What is social interaction in Porter Ranch park?”


Please could you do it within 12 hours,


Annotated Bibliography

Student Name



Professors Name



Fernelius, C. L. (2018). Evidence-based practices for the design of inclusive playgrounds that

support peer interactions among children with all abilities (Doctoral dissertation, Utah State


The study by Fernelius (2018) investigates the design practices of inclusive playgrounds and their

impact on peer interactions and physical activity among children of all abilities. The study was

conducted as a doctoral dissertation at Utah State University. The research focused on

understanding how playground design can support inclusive play and social interaction among

children with diverse abilities.

Ø The finding was that inclusive playground designs could support peer interactions

and physical activity among children with diverse abilities. There was a need for

evidence-based design practices for inclusive playgrounds that support peer

interactions and active play for all children. This is particularly important for

promoting inclusivity and social skills among children with diverse abilities.

Ø The core aspect of the study is a focus on inclusive design practices for

playgrounds. Playgrounds are often seen as spaces for children to engage in

physical activity and social interaction. Many traditional playgrounds are not

designed to include children with diverse abilities. It is essential to design

playgrounds that support inclusive play and social interaction, which promotes

social skills and inclusivity among children.

Ø The study provides evidence that inclusive playground design can support active

play and social interaction among children with diverse abilities, thus stimulating

sports and physical activity for families. Social interaction in public spaces and

playgrounds involves people interacting with each other in sectors such as


communication and cooperation. The study provides insight into how inclusive

playground design can promote social interaction among children with different

abilities, thus supporting the development of social skills.

Lambert, A., Vlaar, J., Herrington, S., & Brussoni, M. (2019). What Is the Relationship

between the Neighbourhood Built Environment and Time Spent in Outdoor Play? A

Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health,

16(20), 3840.

The study by Lambert et al. (2019) investigated the relationship between neighborhood built

environment and time spent in outdoor play. The authors systematically reviewed existing

literature to synthesize the current understanding of this relationship. The author found that a

neighborhood’s built environment can significantly impact the amount of time spent in outdoor


Ø The authors conclude that specific neighborhood characteristics, such as parks and

playgrounds, can promote outdoor play among children and families. On the other

hand, traffic and a lack of sidewalks can act as barriers to outdoor recreation. Social

interaction in public spaces and playgrounds is critical in promoting active play. It

provides opportunities for children and families to interact with others and engage

in physical activity together.

Ø The significant aspect of the study is the importance of the building environment

for promoting outdoor play and physical activity. This is particularly relevant in the

increasing trend of sedentary lifestyles and the associated adverse health effects.

Ø In terms of relevance, this study pertains to the research question of whether a

neighbor’s playground promotes active play for the whole family by showing that


the built environment of a neighborhood can play a significant role in promoting

outdoor recreation and physical activity. There is a relationship between

communities’ built environment and outdoor play.

Visser, K., & Van Aalst, I. (2022). Neighbourhood Factors in Children’s Outdoor Play: A

Systematic Literature Review. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 113(1), 80-


In the study, the authors investigate the factors influencing children’s outdoor play in residential

neighborhoods based on public spaces and playgrounds. It was found that neighborhood factors,

such as availability and accessibility of play facilities, social interaction in public spaces, and social

norms and values, significantly impact children’s outdoor play. Therefore neighborhoods with

diverse and accessible play opportunities, social interaction, and public spaces are encouraged.

Ø The significant aspect of the study is its use of a systematic literature review

approach, which provides a comprehensive overview of the existing research on

the topic. This allowed the authors to draw more robust conclusions based on a

broad range of studies.

Ø The relevance of this study pertains to the research question about the impact of

neighborhood factors on children’s outdoor play. It highlights the importance of

public spaces and playgrounds in promoting active sports for the whole family. The

study is relevant for policymakers, urban planners, and parents, as it highlights the

need to create environments that encourage and facilitate outdoor play for children.

Ø Social interaction in public spaces and playgrounds allows children and families to

interact and engage with each other. The interaction may entail playing together,


observing, and learning from others, thus forming social connections and


Faulkner, G., Mitra, R., Buliung, R., Fusco, C., & Stone, M. (2015). Children’s outdoor

playtime, physical activity, and parental perceptions of the neighborhood

environment. International journal of play, 4(1), 84-97.

The study by Faulkner et al. (2015) investigated the relationship between children’s outdoor

playtime, physical activity, and parental perceptions of the neighborhood environment. It used a

cross-sectional survey of families with children aged 3-12 in Toronto, Canada. Data were collected

on children’s outdoor playtime, physical activity, and parental perceptions of the neighborhood

environment through a self-administered questionnaire.

Ø The study’s main finding was that parental perceptions of the neighborhood

environment were positively associated with children’s outdoor playtime and

physical activity. It was found that parental perceptions of the neighborhood as

safety, accessibility, and attractiveness were positively associated with children’s

outdoor playtime and physical activity.

Ø A core aspect of the study was the use of parental perceptions to predict children’s

outdoor playtime and physical activity. This is important because it highlights

parents’ role in promoting active play for children. The essence of the study was to

provide evidence of the relationship between the neighborhood environment and

children’s physical activity, thus crucial for policymakers and urban planners in

promoting active play for children in public spaces and playgrounds.

Ø There was evidence of social interaction in public spaces and playgrounds between

children and other people in those sectors. Some interaction activities include


playing with other children, interacting with adults, and engaging in physical


Ø It was derived that parental perceptions of the neighborhood environment are

positively associated with children’s outdoor playtime and physical activity; thus,

there is a need to create safe, accessible, and attractive public spaces and

playgrounds for children to engage in physical activity and social interaction.

Moore, A., Lynch, H., & Boyle, B. (2022). Can universal design support outdoor play, social

participation, and inclusion in public playgrounds? A scoping review. Disability and

Rehabilitation, 44(13), 3304-3325.

In the study, Moore, Lynch, and Boyle investigate the potential of universal design in promoting

active play, social interaction, and inclusion in public spaces and playgrounds. The authors conduct

a scoping review of existing literature on the different fields.

Ø The study found that universal design features, such as accessible routes, sensory

play opportunities, and inclusive play equipment, can enhance the play experience

for individuals with disabilities and improve their social participation in public

playgrounds. However, there is limited evidence to support these conclusions, and

further research is needed to fully understand the impact of universal design on play

and social interaction in public spaces.

Ø The significant aspect of the study highlights the importance of designing public

spaces and playgrounds that are inclusive and accessible to all individuals,

regardless of ability level. The universal design can promote active play and social

interaction in public spaces and playgrounds. The findings suggested that the design

of public spaces and playgrounds can influence the play experience and social


interaction of individuals with disabilities, which is vital for promoting active play

for all family members.

Ø It is essential to design public spaces and playgrounds that encourage social

interaction and promote inclusion for all individuals.

Moore, A., Boyle, B., & Lynch, H. (2022). Designing public playgrounds for inclusion: a

scoping review of grey literature guidelines for Universal Design. Children’s Geographies, 1-


This study’s authors investigated the design of public playgrounds for inclusion, focusing

on Universal Design principles. There was a scoped-up grey literature guideline for Universal

Design in public gardens. It was found there is a need for improved procedures and design practices

in public playgrounds to accommodate better a wide range of users, including those with

disabilities. It was noted that there are inadequate comprehensive guidelines and standards for

Universal Design in public playgrounds. A core aspect of the study identified the importance of

designing public spaces and playgrounds to be inclusive and accessible to all individuals,

regardless of their abilities.

Ø The authors argue that inclusivity and accessibility in public areas, such as

playgrounds, are essential for promoting active play for families and communities

is a core aspect.

Ø Playgrounds can serve as places for individuals to engage in physical activity and

play with others, fostering a sense of community and social connectedness. There

is a need for better guidelines and design practices in public playgrounds to promote

inclusivity and accessibility for all individuals. By considering Universal Design


principles in the design of public playgrounds, communities can create spaces that

encourage active play and social interaction for the whole family.

Putra, I. G. N. E., Astell-Burt, T., Cliff, D. P., Vella, S. A., John, E. E., & Feng, X. (2020). A

systematic review of the relationship between green space and prosocial behavior among

children and adolescents. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 859.

The study investigated the relationship between green space and prosocial behavior among

children and adolescents. It conducted a systematic review of existing literature on the related

field. The main finding was that exposure to green space positively affected prosocial behavior

among children and adolescents. This includes behaviors such as cooperation, sharing, and helping

others. Green spaces can be essential in promoting prosocial behavior among young people. One

noteworthy aspect of the study is various green spaces, including parks, playgrounds, and

residential green areas. The type of green space and the level of interaction with the environment

can impact the prosocial behavior exhibited by young people.

Ø By providing opportunities for exposure to green spaces and play, neighbor’s

playgrounds can support the development of prosocial behavior and encourage

active play for families and communities. Playgrounds can serve as places for

individuals to engage in physical activity, play games, and interact with others,

fostering a sense of community and social connectedness.

Ø This study highlights the positive relationship between green spaces, including

playgrounds, and prosocial behavior among children and adolescents. By

promoting access to green areas and playgrounds, communities can support the

development of positive social behaviors and encourage active play among young

people. This has important implications for the design and maintenance of public


spaces, including playgrounds, and for families and communities looking to create

opportunities for active play and social interaction.

In conclusion, all the above studies analyzed in the annotated bibliography about the built

environment’s impact on children’s outdoor play, physical activity, and social interaction in public

spaces and playgrounds. The findings highlight the importance of the neighborhood environment

in promoting outdoor play, physical activity, and social interaction among children. The design of

public playgrounds plays a significant role in supporting social participation and inclusion. For

instance, Fernelius (2018) and Moore et al. (2022) identified evidence-based practices for

designing inclusive playgrounds to support peer interactions among children with different

abilities. Similarly, the studies by Lambert et al. (2019) and Faulkner et al. (2015) showed that

children’s outdoor playtime and physical activity are positively related to their parent’s perceptions

of the neighborhood environment.

Putra et al. (2020) study highlights the relationship between green space and prosocial behavior

among children and adolescents. It is therefore noted that green space can play a role in promoting

prosocial behavior and improving the overall well-being of children. The systematic literature

review by Visser and Van Aalst (2022) emphasized the importance of neighborhood factors in

promoting outdoor play among children.

There’s critical role of the built environment and public playgrounds in promoting outdoor play,

physical activity, and social interaction among children. The findings of these studies are relevant

to the research question of whether the neighborhood’s playground promotes active play for the

whole family. The design of public playgrounds and the neighborhood environment can

significantly promote outdoor play and social interaction among children.

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