Posted: July 25th, 2024


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This is an individual task. Please read the instructions carefully. Please do not plagiarize and include any references that you may use when answering the questions. You must write coherently and accurately. The work must be presented in a professional manner.


· Wordcount: 1200 words

· Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded of the total wordcount.

· Font: Arial 12,5 pts.

· Text alignment: Justified.

· The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

· Outcome 1: To understand communication within an organization as an element of branding and mirror of organizational culture.

· Outcome 2: To critically review and assess communication manuals and IT internal communication tools.



Look at the 2 company handbooks and compare the companies in terms of:

Organizational types (Blau & Scott)

Probable communication flows within the organization

Types of formal and informal communication likely in the company

Company culture in terms of Edgar Schein’s organizational culture framework

You may quote from the Handbooks.

You may explore other sources to justify your answers such as the company websites and employee reviews and press announcements.

The document should have the following structure:

Title: An analysis of two companies

Executive Summary (150 words)

Company descriptions (including Blau & Scott categorization) (200 words)

Probable Communication Flows (200 words) – you must include quotes and examples to illustrate your answers

Company culture (Artifacts, values and assumptions) (250 words)

Company Handbook: Summary of content and function – comment on the contrast between the two companies (180-300 words)

Further observations: Any other interesting evidence you find that contributes to the company analysis in terms of OC (this section is flexible and creative – you can explore various sources such as SWOT analyses, Glassdoor, Review websites etc) (100-400 words)



Company website:

Company handbook:


Company website:

Company handbook:


Exceptional 90-100

Good 80-89

Fair 70-79

Marginal fail 60-69

Knowledge & Understanding (20%)

Student demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts and uses vocabulary in an entirely appropriate manner. All aspects of the task have been completed to a high standard.

Student demonstrates good understanding of the task and mentions some relevant concepts and demonstrates use of the relevant vocabulary.

Student understands the task and provides minimum theory and/or some use of vocabulary.

Student understands the task and attempts to answer the question but does not mention key concepts or uses minimum amount of relevant vocabulary.

Application (30%)

Student applies fully relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.

Student applies mostly relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class.

Student applies some relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstanding may be evident.

Student applies little relevant knowledge from the topics delivered in class. Misunderstands are evident.

Critical Thinking (30%)

Student critically assesses in excellent ways, drawing outstanding conclusions from relevant authors. Reference is made to the theories covered in class and applied to the real-life situations in a coherent way.

Student critically assesses in good ways, drawing conclusions from relevant authors and references. A fair attempt is made to apply the theories talked about in class to the situations outlined in the task.

Student provides some insights but stays on the surface of the topic. References may not be relevant.

Student makes little or none critical thinking insights, does not quote appropriate authors, and does not provide valid sources.

Communication (20%)

Student communicates their ideas extremely clearly and concisely, respecting word count, grammar and spellcheck. The student paraphrases and cites the references used to answer the questions.

Student communicates their ideas clearly and concisely, respecting word count, grammar and spellcheck. Reference is made to other sources and the student has written in their own words in such a way the meaning is mainly coherent and logical according to the question.

Student communicates their ideas with some clarity and concision. It may be slightly over or under the wordcount limit. Some misspelling errors may be evident.

Student communicates their ideas in a somewhat unclear and unconcise way. Does not reach or does exceed wordcount excessively and misspelling errors are evident.

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