Posted: March 12th, 2023
exercises 7,8,9,10 on pages 38, 39,40
Second Edition
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Seay, Gary.
How to think logically / Gary Seay, Susana Nuccetelli.-2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-205-15498-2
ISBN-10: 0-205-15498-0
1. Logic-Textbooks. I. Nuccetelli, Susana. II. Title.
BC108.S34 2012
14 16
PEARSON ISBN 10: 0-205-15498-0
ISBN 13: 978-0-205-15498-2
Preface xi
About the Authors xiv
Part I The Building Blocks of Reasoning 1
brief contents .-.�?
CHAPTER 1 What Is Logical Thinking? And Why Should We Care? 3
CHAPTER 2 Thinking Logically and Speaking One’s Mind 24
CHAPTER 3 The Virtues of Belief 49
Part II Reason and Argument 71
CHAPTER 4 Tips for Argument Analysis 73
CHAPTER 5 Evaluating Deductive Arguments 94
CHAPTER 6 Analyzing Inductive Arguments 122
Part Ill Informal Fallacies 145
CHAPTER 7 Some Ways an Argument Can Fail 147
CHAPTER 8 Avoiding Ungrounded Assumptions 166
CHAPTER 9 From Unclear Language to Unclear Reasoning 187
CHAPTER 10 Avoiding Irrelevant Premises 209
Part IV More on Deductive Reasoning 227
CHAPTER 11 Compound Propositions 229
CHAPTER 12 Checking the Validity of Propositional Arguments 261
CHAPTER 13 Categorical Propositions and Immediate Inferences 293
CHAPTER 14 Categorical Syllogisms 330
Solutions to Selected Exercises 365
Glossary /Index 386
Index 396
detailed contents
Preface xi
About the Authors xiv
PART I The Building Blocks of Reasoning 1
CHAPTER 1 What Is Logical Thinking? And Why Should We Care? 3
1.1 The Study of Reasoning 4 Inference or Argument 4 • 1.2 Logic and Reasoning 5
Dimensions of the Subject 5 Formal Logic 5 Informal Logic 6 Exercises 7 •
1.3 What Arguments Are 8 Argument Analysis 9 • 1.4 Reconstructing Arguments 10
Identifying Premises and Conclusion 10 Premise and Conclusion Indicators 11
Arguments with No Premise or Conclusion Indicators 13 Exercises 14
1.5 Arguments and Non-arguments 16 Explanations 16 Conditionals 17
Fictional Discourse 18 Exercises 19 Writing Project 21 Chapter Summary 21
• Key Words 23
CHAPTER 2 Thinking Logically and Speaking One’s Mind 24
2.1 Rational Acceptability 25 Logical Connectedness 25 Evidential Support 26 Truth and
Evidence 27 2.2 Beyond Rational Acceptability 28 Linguistic Merit 28 Rhetorical
Power 28 Rhetoric vs. Logical Thinking 29 Exercises 29 2.3 From Mind to
Language 32 Propositions 32 Uses of Language 33 Types of Sentence 35
2.4 Indirect Use and Figurative Language 36 Indirect Use 37 Figurative
Meaning 37 Exercises 38 • 2.5 Definition: An Antidote to Unclear
Language 42 Reconstructing Definitions 42 Reportive Definitions 43 Testing Reportive
Definitions 43 Ostensive and Contextual Definitions 45 Exercises 45 ■ Writing
Project 47 Chapter Summary 47 Key Words 48
CHAPTER 3 The Virtues of Belief 49
3.1 Belief, Disbelief, and Non belief 50 Exercises 52 • 3.2 Beliefs’ Virtues and
Vices 53 3.3 Accuracy and Truth 54 Accuracy and Inaccuracy 54 Truth and
Falsity 54 • 3.4 Reasonableness 56 Two Kinds of Reasonableness 56
3.5 Consistency 58 Defining ‘Consistency’ and ‘Inconsistency’ 58 Logically Possible
Propositions 59 Logically Impossible Propositions 59 Consistency and Possible
Worlds 60 Consistency in Logical Thinking 61 ■ 3.6 Conservatism and
Revisability 61 Conservatism without Dogmatism 61 Revisability without Extreme
Relativism 62 3.7 Rationality vs. Irrationality 63 Exercises 65 Writing
Project 69 • Chapter Summary 69 Key Words 70
PART 11 Reason and Argument 71
CHAPTER 4 Tips for Argument Analysis 73
4.1 A Principled Way of Reconstructing Arguments 74 Faithfulness 74 Charity 74
When Faithfulness and Charity Conflict 74 4.2 Missing Premises 76 • 4.3 Extended
Arguments 77 Exercises 78 4.4 Types of Reason 81 Deductive vs. Inductive
Reasons 81 Exercises 83 4.5 Norm and Argument 85 What Is a Normative
Argument? 85 Missing Normative Premises 87 Exercises 88 Writing
Project 92 Chapter Summary 93 Key Words 93
CHAPTER 5 Evaluating Deductive Arguments 94
5.1 Validity 95 Valid Arguments and Argument Form 97 ‘Validity’ as a Technical
Word 98 Exercises 99 Propositional Argument Forms 102 Categorical Argument
Forms 104 The Cash Value ofValidity 107 Exercises 108 ■ 5.2 Soundness 114
The Cash Value of Soundness 116 5.3 Cogency 116 The Cash Value of Cogency 117
Exercises 118 • Writing Project 119 • Chapter Summary 120 • Key Words 121
CHAPTER 6 Analyzing Inductive Arguments 122
6.1 Reconstructing Inductive Arguments 123 • 6.2 Some Types of Inductive
Argument 125 Enumerative Induction 125 Statistical Syllogism 128 Causal Argument 130
Analogy 133 Exercises 135 • 6.3 Evaluating Inductive Arguments 137 Inductive
Reliability 137 Inductive Strength 138 Exercises 140 ■ Writing Project 143
Chapter Summary 143 Key Words 144
PART Ill Informal Fallacies 145
CHAPTER 7 Some Ways an Argument Can Fail 147
7,1 What Is a Fallacy? 148 • 7.2 Classification of Informal Fallacies 149
7.3 When Inductive Arguments Go Wrong 150 Hasty Generalization 150
Weak Analogy 152 False Cause 153 Appeal to Ignorance 156 Appeal to Unqualified
Authority 158 Exercises 160 Writing Project 164 • Chapter Summary 164
Key Words 165
CHAPTER 8 Avoiding Ungrounded Assumptions 166
8.1 Fallacies of Presumption 167 • 8.2 Begging the Question 167 Circular
Reasoning 169 Benign Circularity 170 The Burden of Proof 172 • 8.3 Begging the
Question Against 173 Exercises 174 8.4 Complex Question 178
8.5 False Alternatives 179 • 8.6 Accident 181 Exercises 182 • Writing
Project 185 • Chapter Summary 185 • Key Words 186
CHAPTER 9 From Unclear Language to Unclear Reasoning 187
9.1 Unclear Language and Argument Failure 188 • 9.2 Semantic Unclarity 189
9.3 Vagueness 191 The Heap Paradox 192 The Slippery-Slope Fallacy 194
9.4 Ambiguity 195 Equivocation 196 Amphiboly 197 ■ 9.5 Confused Predication 199
Composition 200 Division 201 Exercises 203 ■ Writing Project 207
Chapter Summary 207 ■ Key Words 208
CHAPTER 10 Avoiding Irrelevant Premises 209
10.1 Fallacies of Relevance 210 10.2 Appeal to Pity 210 10.3 Appeal to
Force 211 ■ 10.4 Appeal to Emotion 213 The Bandwagon Appeal 214 Appeal to
Vanity 214 10.5 Ad Hominem 215 The Abusive Ad Hominem 216 Tu Quoque 216
Nonfallacious Ad Hominem 217 10.6 Beside the Point 218 10.7 Straw Man 219
10.8 Is the Appeal to Emotion Always Fallacious? 221 Exercises 222 ■ Writing
Project 226 ■ Chapter Summary 226 ■ Key Words 226
PART IV More on Deductive Reasoning 227
CHAPTER 11 Compound Propositions 229
11.1 Argument as a Relation between Propositions 230 11.2 Simple and
Compound Propositions 231 Negation 232 Conjunction 234 Disjunction 236 Material
Conditional 237 Material Biconditional 240 Exercises 241 ■ 11.3 Propositional Formulas
for Compound Propositions 244 Punctuation Signs 244 Well-Formed
Formulas 244 Symbolizing Compound Propositions 245 Exercises 247 11.4 Defining
Connectives with Truth Tables 251 ■ 11.5 Truth Tables for Compound
Propositions 254 11.6 Logically Necessary and Logically Contingent
Propositions 256 ■ Contingencies 256 Contradictions 256 Tautologies 256 Exercises 257
Writing Project 259 Chapter Summary 259 Key Words 260
CHAPTER 12 Checking the Validity of Propositional Arguments 261
12.1 Checking Validity with Truth Tables 262 Exercises 266 12.2 Some Standard
Valid Argument Forms 268 Modus Ponens 268 Modus Tollens 269
Contraposition 269 Hypothetical Syllogism 270 Disjunctive Syllogism 271 More Complex
Instances ofValid Forms 271 Exercises 273 12.3 Some Standard Invalid Argument
Forms 276 Affirming the Consequent 278 Denying the Antecedent 279 Affirming a
Disjunct 280 Exercises 281 ■ 12.4 A Simplified Approach to Proofs of Validity 284
The Basic Rules 285 What Is a Proof of Validity? 285 How to Construct a Proof of
Validity 286 Proofs vs. Truth Tables 287 Exercises 287 Writing Project 291
Chapter Summary 291 Key Words 292
CHAPTER 13 Categorical Propositions and Immediate Inferences 293
13.1 What Is a Categorical Proposition? 294 Categorical Propositions 294 Standard
Form 296 Non-Standard Categorical Propositions 298 Exercises 299 13.2 Venn Diagrams
for Categorical Propositions 301 Exercises 305 13.3 The Square of Opposition 308
The Traditional Square of Opposition 308 Existential Import 312 The Modern Square of
Opposition 314 Exercises 315 13.4 Other Immediate Inferences 319 Conversion 319
Obversion 320 Contraposition 322 Exercises 325 ■ Writing Project 328
■ Chapter Summary 328 • Key Words 329
CHAPTER 14 Categorical Syllogisms 330
14.1 What Is a Categorical Syllogism? 331 The Terms of a Syllogism 331 The Premises of a
Syllogism 332 Recognizing Syllogisms 333 14.2 Syllogistic Argument Forms 335
Figure 335 Mood 336 Determining a Syllogism’s Form 337 Exercises 339 14.3 Testing for
Validity with Venn Diagrams 342 How to Diagram a Standard Syllogism 342
Exercises 351 ■ 14.4 Distribution of Terms 354 14.5 Rules of Validity and
Syllogistic Fallacies 356 Rules ofValidity vs. Venn Diagrams 359 Exercises 360 ■
Writing Project 363 ■ Chapter Summary 363 ■ Key Words 364
Solutions to Selected Exercises 365
Glossary /Index 386
Index 396
This is a book intended for introductory courses in logic and critical thinking, but its scope is
broadly focused to include some issues in philosophy as well as treatments of induction,
informal fallacies, and both propositional and traditional syllogistic logic. Its aim throughout,
however, is to broach these topics in a way that will be accessible to beginners in college-level
work. How to Think Logically is a user-friendly text designed for students who have never
encountered philosophy before, and for whom a systematic approach to analytical thinking
may be an unfamiliar exercise. The writing style is simple and direct, with jargon kept to a min
imum. Symbolism is also kept simple. Scattered through the text are special-emphasis boxes in
which important points are summarized to help students focus on crucial distinctions and
fundamental ideas. The book’s fourteen chapters unfold in a way that undergraduates will find
understandable and easy to follow. Even so, the book maintains a punctilious regard for the
principles of logic. At no point does it compromise rigor.
How to Think Logically is a guide to the analysis, reconstruction, and evaluation of argu
ments. It is designed to help students learn to distinguish good reasoning from bad. The book is
divided into four parts. The first is devoted to argument recognition and the building blocks of
argument. Chapter 1 introduces argument analysis, focusing on argument recognition and the
difference between formal and informal approaches to inference. Chapter 2 offers a closer look
at the language from which arguments are constructed and examines such topics as logical
strength, linguistic merit, rhetorical power, types of sentences, uses of language, and definition.
Chapter 3 considers epistemic aspects of the statements that are the components of an inference.
It explains the assumption that when speakers are sincere and competent, what they state is what
they believe, so that the epistemic virtues and vices of belief may also affect statements. Part II is
devoted to the analysis of deductive and inductive arguments, distinguishing under each of
these two general classifications several different types of argument that students should be able
to recognize. It also includes discussions of the principles of charity and faithfulness, extended
arguments, enthymemes, and normative arguments of four different kinds. In Part III, students
are shown how some very basic confusions in thinking may lead to defective reasoning, and they
learn to spot twenty of the most common informal fallacies. Part N, which comprises Chapters 11
through 14, offers a feature many instructors will want: a detailed treatment of some common
elementary procedures for determining validity in propositional logic-including a simplified
approach to proofs-and traditional syllogistic logic. Here students will be able to go well
beyond the intuitive procedures learned in Chapter 5.
Each of the book’s four parts is a self-contained unit. The topics are presented in a way
that permits instructors to teach the chapters in different sequences and combinations,
according to the needs of their courses. For example, an instructor in a critical thinking
course could simply assign Chapters 1 through 10. But in a course geared more to deductive
logic, Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 6 and then 11 through 14 might serve best. Other instructors
might want to do some of both critical thinking and deductive logic, for which the best
strategy might be to assign Chapter 1 and then either 4 through 12, or 4 through 10 plus
13 and 14.
How to Think Logically, in this new second-edition format, includes a number of
improvements, thanks to the helpful suggestions of anonymous reviewers selected by Pearson
and of philosophers we know who are using the book:
■ Chapter 1 has been reworked to present a better introduction to argument, the central
topic of the book. The treatment of non-arguments now includes entries for explanations,
conditionals, and fictional discourse.
A more concise treatment of definition now follows discussions of figurative meaning
and indirect use of language in Chapter 2. Also added to this chapter is an expanded
treatment of sentence types, including speech acts, in connection with the discussion of
uses of language, providing a more nuanced and timely treatment of this topic.
The discussions of contradiction and consistency in Chapter 3 have been rewritten for
greater clarity.
The section on evaluative reasoning in Chapter 4 has been expanded into a much
improved discussion of moral, legal, prudential, and aesthetic norms and arguments.
Many new examples, of varying degrees of difficulty, have been incorporated in the book's
account of informal fallacies. First-edition examples have been brought up to date.
Exercise sections in all chapters have been greatly expanded. Many new exercises have
been added, so that students can now get more practice in applying what they're learning.
As a result, instructors will now have a larger selection of exercises from which to choose
in assigning homework or in engaging students in class discussions.
■ The program of the book has been simplified so that it does much better, and more
economically, what instructors need it to do: namely, serve as a text for teaching
students how to develop critical-reasoning skills. The 'Philosopher's Corner' features of
the first edition have been taken out, following the consensus of reviewers, who said
that they almost never had time in a fifteen-week semester to use them if they were
teaching the logic, too. In this new edition, references to philosophical theories have
been minimized and woven into topics of informal logic. In this way, the overall length
of the book has been kept about the same as in the first edition, and the price of the
book has been kept low.
But many features of the earlier edition have been retained here. There are abundant
pedagogical aids in the book, including not only more exercises, but also study questions and
lists of key words. At the end of each chapter are a chapter summary and a writing project. And
in the back of the book is a detailed glossary of important terms.
We wish to thank our editor at Pearson Education, Nancy Roberts, and Kate Fernandes, the
project manager for this book. Special thanks are due also to Pearson editor-in-chief Dickson
Musslewhite, who provided judicious guidance at crucial points in bringing out this new
edition. We are also grateful for the criticisms of the philosophers selected as anonymous
reviewers by Pearson. Their sometimes barbed but always trenchant observations about the
first edition have helped us to make this a much better textbook.
Support for Instructors and Students is an online tool that offers a wealth of resources to help student learning
and comprehension, including practice quizzes, primary source readings and more. Please
contact your Pearson representative for more information or visit
Instructor's Manual with Tests (0-205-15534-0) for each chapter in the text, this valuable
resource provides a detailed outline, list of objectives, and discussion questions. In addition,
test questions in multiple-choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and short answer formats are
available for each chapter; the answers are page referenced to the text. For easy access, this
manual is available at
PowerPoint Presentation Slides for How to Think Logically (0-205-15538-3): These
PowerPoint Slides help instructors convey logic principles in a clear and engaging way. For
easy access, they are available at
about the authors
GARY SEAY has taught formal and informal logic since 1979 at the
City University of New York, where he is presently professor of phi
losophy at Medgar Evers College. His articles on moral philosophy
and bioethics have appeared in The American Philosophical Q.uarter!Y,
The Journal of Value Inquiry, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy,
and The Cambridge Q_uarter!Y of Healthcare Ethics, among other
journals. With Susana Nuccetelli, he is editor of Themes from
G. E. Moore: New Essays in Epistemology and Ethics (Oxford University
Press, 2007), Philosophy of Language: The Central Topics (Rowman and
Littlefield, 2007), and Latin American Philosophy: An Introduction with
Readings (Prentice Hall, 2004).
SUSANA NUCCETELLI is professor of philosophy at St. Cloud
State University in Minnesota. Her essays in epistemology and
philosophy of language have appeared in Anarysis, The American
Philosophical Q!iarter!Y, Metaphilosophy, The Philosophical Forum,
Inquiry, and The Southern Journal of Philosophy, among other
journals. She is editor of New Essays in Semantic Externalism and
Self-Knowledge (MIT Press, 2003) and author of Latin American
Thought: Philosophical Problems and Arguments (Westview Press,
2002). She is co-editor of The Blackwell Companion to Latin American
Philosophy (Blackwell, 2009) and, with Gary Seay, Ethical Naturalism:
Current Debates (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming, 2011).
The Building Blocks
of Reasoning
Pa rt
What Is Logical
Thinking? And
Why Should
We Care?
After reading this chapter, you'll be able to answer questions about
logical thinking, such as
What is its subject matter?
■ How does its approach to reasoning differ from those of neuroscience and psychology?
■ Which are the main dimensions of logical thinking?
■ How does logical thinking differ from formal logic?
■ What is an argument? And how is it distinguished from a non-argument?
■ What are the steps in argument analysis?
1.1 The Study of Reasoning
Logical thinking, or informal logic, is a branch of philosophy devoted to the study of reason
ing. Although it shares this interest with other philosophical and scientific disciplines, it differs
from them in a number of ways. Compare, for example, cognitive psychology and neuro
science. These also study reasoning but are chiefly concerned with the mental and physiolog
ical processes underlying it. By contrast, logical thinking focuses on the outcomes of such
processes: namely, certain logical relations among beliefs and their building blocks that obtain
when reasoning is at work. It also focuses on logical relations among statements, which, when
speakers are sincere and competent, express the logical relations among their beliefs.
Inference or Argument
As far as logical thinking is concerned, reasoning consists in logical relations. Prominent
among them is a relation whereby one or more beliefs are taken to offer support for another.
Known as inference or argument, this relation obtains whenever a thinker entertains one or
more beliefs as being reasons in support of another belief. Inferences could be strong, weak, or
failed. Here is an example of a strong inference:
1 All whales are mammals, and Moby Dick is a whale; therefore, Moby Dick is a
(1) is a strong inference because, if the beliefs offered as reasons ('All whales are mammals,' and
'Moby Dick is a whale') are true, then the belief they are supposed to support ('Moby Dick is a
mammal') must also be true. But compare
2 No oranges from Florida are small; therefore, no oranges from the United States
are small.
In (2) the logical relation of inference between the beliefs is weak, since the reason offered ('No
oranges from Florida are small') could be true and the belief it's offered to support ('No oranges
from the United States are small') false. But by no means does (2) illustrate the worst-case
scenario. In some attempted inferences, a belief or beliefs offered to support another belief
might fail to do so. Consider
3 No oranges are apples; therefore, all elms are trees.
Since in (3) 'therefore' occurs between the two beliefs, it is clear that 'No oranges are
apples' is offered as a reason for 'All elms are trees.' Yet it is not. Although these two beliefs
both happen to be true, they do not stand in the relation of inference. Here is another such
case of failed inference, this time involving false beliefs:
4 All lawyers are thin; therefore, the current pope is Chinese.
Since in (4) the component beliefs have little to do with each other, neither of them actually
supports the other. As in (3), the inference fails.
Success and failure in inference are logical thinking's central topic. Let's now look more
closely at how it approaches this subject.
1.2 Logic and Reasoning
Dimensions of the Subject
Inference is the most fundamental relation between beliefs or thoughts when reasoning is at
work. Logical thinking studies this and other logical relations, with an eye toward
1. Describing patterns of reasoning.
2. Evaluating good- and bad-making features of reasoning.
3. Sanctioning rules for maximizing reasoning's good-making features.
Each of these tasks may be thought of as a dimension of logical thinking. The first describes
logical relations, which initially requires identifying common patterns of inference. The
second distinguishes good and bad traits in those relations. And the third sanctions rules for
adequate reasoning. Rules are norms that can help us maximize the good (and minimize the
bad) traits of our reasoning. The picture that emerges is as in Box 1.
Understanding these dimensions is crucial to the study of reasoning. Since the third
dimension especially bears on how well we perform at reasoning, it has practical worth or cash
value. Its cash value consists in the prescriptions it issues for materially improving our reason
ing. But this dimension depends on the other two, because useful prescriptions for adequate
reasoning require accurate descriptions of the common logical relations established by
reasoning (such as inference). And they require adequate criteria to distinguish good and bad
features in those relations.
Formal Logic
What we're calling 'logical thinking' is often known as informal logic. This discipline shares
with another branch of philosophy.formal logic, its interest in inference and other logical
relations. Informal and formal logic differ, however, in their scope and methods. Formal logic
is also known as symbolic logic. It develops its own formal languages for the purpose of
Studies the logical relations among
beliefs typical of reasoning
Identifies good and bad Gives rules for achieving good
traits in reasoning and avoiding bad reasoning
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deducing theorems from formulas accepted as axioms (in ways somewhat like mathematical
proofs). Any such system consists of basic symbolic expressions, the initial vocabulary of the
formal language, and rules for operations with them. The rules prescribe how to form correct
expressions and how to determine which formulas are the logical consequence of other
formulas. In formal logic, then, inference is a relation among formulas: one that holds when
ever a formula follows from one or more formulas. Formal logic uses a symbolic notation,
which may be quite complex. And its formulas need not be translated into a natural language,
which is the language of a speech community, such as English, Arabic, or Japanese. As far as
formal logic is concerned, inference is a relation among formulas. It need be neither a relation
among beliefs nor one among statements. Furthermore, it need not be identified with
inferences people actually make in ordinary reasoning.
Informal Logic
In contrast to formal logic, logical thinking is completely focused on the study of logical
relations as they occur when ordinary reasoning is at work. Its three dimensions can be shown
relevant to reasoning in a variety of common contexts, as when we deliberate about issues
such as those in Box 2.
The study of the inferences we make in these and other issues is approached by logical
thinking in its three dimensions: once it describes the logical relations underlying particular
inferences, it evaluates them and determines whether they conform to rules of good reason
ing. Since doing this requires no formal languages, logical thinking is sometimes known as
'informal logic.' Although this discipline may introduce special symbols, it need not do so: it
can be conducted entirely in a natural language. Furthermore, in contrast to formal logic, what
we're here calling 'logical thinking' approaches the study of inference as a relation among
beliefs-or among statements, the linguistic expressions of beliefs.
Why, then, should we care about logical thinking? First, we want to avoid false beliefs and
have as many true beliefs as possible, all related in a way that makes logical sense, and logical
thinking is instrumental in achieving this goal. Second, for the intellectually curious, learning
A criminal trial:
A domestic question:
A scientific puzzle:
A philosophical issue:
An ethical problem:
A political decision:
A financial decision:
A health matter:
Is the defendant guilty?What shall we make of the alibi?
What's the best school for our kids? Should they go to a private school,
or a public school?
How to choose between equal!), supported,yet opposite, scientific
Are mind and body the same thing, or different?
Is euthanasia moral!}, right?What about abortion?
Whom should I vote for in the general election?
Shall I follow my broker's advice and invest in this new fund?
Given my medical records, is exercise good for me? Do I need more health
about the logical relations that take place in reasoning is an activity worthwhile for its own
sake. Moreover, it can help us in practical situations where competent reasoning is required,
which are exceedingly common. They arise whenever we wish to do well in intellectual
tasks such as those listed in Box 2. Each of us has faced them at some point-for example,
in attempting to convince someone of a view, in writing on a controversial topic, or simply in
deciding between two seemingly well-supported yet incompatible claims. To succeed in
meeting these ordinary challenges requires the ability to think logically. In the next section,
we'll have a closer look at this important competence.
1. How does logical thinking differ from scientific disciplines that study reasoning?
2. What is informal logic? And how does it differ from formal logic?
3. What is the main topic of logical thinking?
4. List one feature that logical thinking and formal logic have in common and one about which they
5. What is an inference?
6. Could an inference fail completely? If so, how? If not, why not?
7. What are the different dimensions of logical thinking?
8. Which dimension of logical thinking is relevant to determining reasoning's good- and bad-making
9. Which is the dimension of logical thinking that has "cash value"? And what does this mean?
10. What is a natural language? Give three examples of a natural language.
1 . Construct two inferences.
2. Construct a strong inference (one in which, if the supporting beliefs are true, the supported belief
must be true).
3. Construct a weak inference (one in which the supporting beliefs could be true and the belief they're
intended to support false).
4. Construct a blatantly failed inference.
5. Describe a scenario for which logical thinking could help a thinker in everyday life.
6. Describe a scenario for which logical thinking could help with your own studies in college.
7. Suppose someone says, "Thinking logically has no practical worth!" How would you respond?
8. 'Cats are carnivorous animals. No carnivorous animals are vegetarians; therefore, no cat is a vegetarian'
is a strong inference. Why?
9. Consider 'All geckos are nocturnal. Therefore, there will be peace in the Middle East next year.'
What's the matter with this inference?
10. Consider 'Politicians are all crooks. Therefore, it never snows in the Sahara.' What's the matter with
this inference?
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1.3 What Arguments Are
In this book, we call 'inference' the relation whereby one or more beliefs are taken to support
another belief, and 'argument' the relation whereby one or more statements are offered in
support of another statement. When speakers are sincere and competent, they believe what
they assert, and their statements express their beliefs. Thus 'inference' and 'argument' may be
taken to apply to the same relation. Just as beliefs are the fundamental parts, or building
blocks, of inference, so statements are the building blocks from which arguments are con
structed. A statement is like a belief, in that it has a truth value, which is a way of saying that it
is either true ('No apples are oranges') or false ('The Pope is Chinese').
But not all relations between statements constitute arguments. Suppose someone says:
5 Philadelphia is a large city, and Chicago is larger still, but New York is the largest
of all.
Although (s) is made up of three simple statements grouped together, it does not amount to an
argument, for there is no attempt at presenting a supported claim; that is, the statements are
not arranged so that one of them makes a claim for which the others are offered as reasons.
Rather, they are just three conjoined statements. By contrast,
6 I think, therefore I am.
7 All lawyers are attorneys. Jack McCoy is a lawyer. Thus Jack McCoy is an attorney.
8 No chiropractors are surgeons. Only surgeons can legally perform a coronary bypass.
Hence, no chiropractors can legally perform a coronary bypass.
9 A Chevrolet Impala is faster than a bicycle. A Maserati is faster than a Chevrolet
Impala. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a Maserati. It follows that a Japanese
bullet train is faster than a bicycle.
In each of these examples, a claim is made and at least one other statement is offered in
support of that claim. This is the basic feature that all arguments share: every argument must
• Statements are the building blocks of argument
• They have truth values, because they express beliefs, and beliefs also have truth values
• Each statement is either true or false
• Only sentences that can be used to express beliefs can be used to make statements
• Sentences of the following
types cannot be used to make
•1. Expressive sentences (e.g., "What a lovely day!")
•2. Imperative sentences (e.g., "Please close the door")
•3. Interrogative sentences ("What did you do last weekend?'') More
on this in Chapter 2
consist of at least two statements, one that makes a claim of some sort, and one or more others
that are offered in support of it. The statement that makes the claim is the conclusion, and that
offered to support it is the premise (or premises, if there are more than one).
Now, clearly we are introducing some special terminology here. For in everyday English, 'argu
ment' most often means 'dispute,' a hostile verbal exchange between two or more people. But that is
very different from the more technical use of 'argument' in logical thinking, where its meaning is
similar to that common in a court of law. In a trial, each attorney is expected to present an argument.
This amounts to making a claim (e.g., 'My client is innocent') and then giving some reasons to
support it ('He was visiting his mother on the night of the crime'). In doing this, the attorney is not
having a dispute with someone in the courtroom; rather, she is making an assertion and offering
evidence that supposedly backs it up. This is very much like what we mean by 'argument' in logical
thinking. An argument is a group of statements that are intended to make a supported claim. By this
definition, then, an argument is not a verbal confrontation between two hostile parties.
Before we look more closely at argument, let's consider Box 4, which summarizes what we
already know about this relation among statements.
■ In logical thinking, the meaning of the term 'argument' is similar to that common in a
court of law.
■ For a set of statements to be an argument, one of them must be presented as supported by
the other or others.
■ An argument is a logical relation between two or more statements: a conclusion that
makes a claim of some sort, and one or more premises that are the reasons offered to
support that claim.
Argument Analysis
One essential competence that all logical thinkers must have is the ability to analyze
arguments, a technique summarized in Box 5. What, exactly, is required for this competence? It
involves knowing
1. How to recognize arguments,
2. How to identify the logical relation between their parts, and
3. How to evaluate arguments.
Recognizing an argument requires identifying the logical relations among the statements that
make it up, which is essential to the process of reconstructing an argument. Reconstruction
begins by paying close attention to the piece of spoken or written language that might contain
an argument. One must read a passage carefully or listen attentively in order to determine
whether or not a claim is being made, with reasons offered in support of it. If we have identified
a conclusion and at least one premise, we can then be confident that the passage does contain
an argument. The next step is to put the parts of the argument into an orderly arrangement, so
that the relation between premise/s and conclusion becomes plain.
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Argument or
Nonargument: Argument:
STOP Proceed to
Argument reconstruction is the first step in argument analysis, and argument evalua
tion is the second. But before argument analysis can get started, we need to determine
whether the passage under consideration contains an argument or not. If it does, then we
proceed to argument reconstruction: we first make sure that we have identified premises
and conclusion correctly. To do that, it's helpful to rewrite these parts of the argument in
logical order, placing the conclusion at the end. During argument evaluation, we assess
whether the argument's premises do actually succeed in supporting its conclusion, thereby
giving good reasons for it. But before we can move ahead to the evaluation of arguments, we
must reconstruct them properly. There is, then, one important thing to which we must pay
attention before we can go further, and that is the matter of how to distinguish correctly
between premises and conclusion.
1.4 Reconstructing Arguments
Identifying Premises and Conclusion
Let's now reconstruct arguments (6) through (9) from the previous section of this chapter. For
each argument, we rewrite its premise/s first and the conclusion last, listing each of these
statements with a number, which makes it easy to refer to them later if needed. If there are
two or more premises, for our purposes here, the order does not matter. It is also customary to
introduce, before the conclusion, either a horizontal line or the word 'therefore' to indicate
that what comes next is the conclusion. In a reconstructed argument, then, we use the line to
signal that a conclusion is being drawn; when you see it, you should think: 'therefore.' Thus re
constructed, (6) through (9) are as follows:
6' 1. I think.
2. I am.
7' 1. All lawyers are attorneys.
2. Jack McCoy is a lawyer.
3. Jack McCoy is an attorney.
8' 1. No chiropractors are surgeons.
2. Only surgeons can legally perform a coronary bypass.
3. No chiropractors can legally perform a coronary bypass.
9' 1. A Chevrolet Impala is faster than a bicycle.
2. A Maserati is faster than a Chevrolet Impala.
3. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a Maserati.
4. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a bicycle.
Examples (6'), (7'), (8'), and (9') all have at least one premise, but, as shown here, there may be
more-in principle, there is no upper limit to how many premises an argument could have. In
all these reconstructed arguments, the premise/s have been listed first and the conclusion last.
But 'premise' does not mean 'statement that comes first.' Nor does 'conclusion' mean 'state
ment that comes last.' Rather, a premise is a reason for an argument's conclusion: its job is to
support it. And the conclusion is the claim that is to be supported. Sometimes the conclusion
of an unreconstructed argument does come last, but it does not have to: it can come at the
beginning of the argument, or in the middle of it, surrounded by premises. The same holds for
the premises of unreconstructed arguments: although they sometimes come at the beginning,
they don't have to. They can come after the conclusion; or there can be some premises at the
beginning, then the conclusion, then more premises. What is essential to a premise is that it is
a statement offered in support of some other statement (the conclusion). As we shall see later,
sometimes the attempted support succeeds, and other times it fails. But let us now consider
some more examples of arguments.
1 0 Aunt Theresa won't vote in the Republican primary next week, because she is a
Democrat, and Democrats can't vote in a Republican primary election.
11 Simon's cell phone will cause an incident at the Metropolitan Museum, since art
museums don't allow cell phone use in the galleries, and Simon's is always ringing.
12 It gets lousy gas mileage, so I ought to sell the SUV as soon as possible! After all, it is
just too expensive to maintain that vehicle, and besides, it pollutes the atmosphere
worse than a regular car.
In each of these arguments, the conclusion is in underlined. As you can see, in both (10) and
(n) it comes first, followed by two premises. But in (12), a premise comes first, followed by the
conclusion, which is itself followed by two more premises.
Premise and Conclusion Indicators
We have seen that the premises of an argument are sentences offered in support of a certain
claim or conclusion. But how can we tell, in any actual argument, which is which? As the
examples considered so far demonstrate, when arguments are presented in natural
language, the order of premises and conclusion can be scrambled in various ways. So how do
we distinguish one from the other? Fortunately, certain words and phrases are often helpful
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in determining this. These are of two kinds: premise indicators and conclusion indicators.
Premise indicators include such expressions as
given that
assuming that
provided that
after all
for the reason that
inasmuch as
in that
follows from
is a consequence of
considering that
When we see one of these expressions, it very often means that a premise is coming next.
In other words, one of these (or another synonymous expression) may precede the statements
of an argument that are its premises. You can see this in some of the earlier example
arguments. Recall
10 Aunt Theresa won't vote in the Republican primary next week, because she is a
Democrat, and Democrats can't vote in a Republican primary election.
11 Simon's cell phone will cause an incident at the Metropolitan Museum, since art
museums don't allow cell phone use in the galleries, and Simon's is always ringing .
In (10), 'because' is used as a premise indicator; in (11), the premise indicator is 'since.' In (12),
'after all' functions as an indicator of two of its premises:
12 It gets lousy gas mileage, so I ought to sell the SUV as soon as possible! After all, it is
just too expensive to maintain that vehicle, and besides, it pollutes the atmosphere
worse than a regular car.
We must, however, be careful here. This method is more like a rule of thumb and is not one
hundred percent dependable-not all occurrences of these words and phrases actually do
indicate that premises are coming next. But many do. How to recognize when they mean this,
and when they don't, is a competence acquired with practice, and you'll be getting some of
that when you do the exercises in this chapter.
Conclusion indicators also have different degrees of reliability. Here is a list of some
conclusion indicators:
entails that
suggests that
supports that
from this we can see that
we may conclude that
we may infer that
it follows that
recommends that
for this reason
as a result
When we see a conclusion indicator, it often means that a conclusion is coming after it.
Arguments containing such indicators can be seen in some of the examples in this chapter. In
(6), 'therefore' functions as a conclusion indicator, as does 'thus' in (7):
6 I think, therefore I am.
7 All lawyers are attorneys.Jack McCoy is a lawyer. Thus Jack McCoy is an attorney.
In (8), the conclusion indicator is 'hence'; in (9), it's 'it follows that':
8 No chiropractors are surgeons. Only surgeons can legally perform a coronary bypass.
Hence, no chiropractors can legally perform a coronary bypass.
9 A Chevrolet Impala is faster than a bicycle. A Maserati is faster than a Chevrolet
Impala. A Japanese bullet train is faster than a Maserati. It follows that a Japanese
bullet train is faster than a bicycle.
Again, you will get more practice in recognizing conclusion indicators when you do the
exercises in this chapter. But, as just noted, premise and conclusion indicators are reliable only
for the most part and not in all cases. What, then, are some cases where these expressions do not
function as indicators of premises or conclusions? Consider the following:
13 Since he first came to New York in 1979, Max has read El Diario every day.
14 Alice took out a health insurance policy on her own, because her employer did not
provide a health plan as a part of her employment contract.
In (13) 'since' is not functioning as a premise indicator. Although there are two statements
in this sentence, they do not amount to an argument, because neither statement attempts
to offer support for the other. Here, 'since' serves merely to introduce a temporal reference:
the sentence describes a sequence of actions beginning in the past and continuing for
some time. In (14) there are two statements, but it would be a mistake to think of their
relation as an argument. Rather, one statement offers an explanation of the other: the last
statement serves to account for the action described in the first, not to offer support for it.
Here is another case in which words that often are premise indicators have some other
15 The best way to maintain the peace is to be prepared for war. As a means to peace,
disarmament will surely fail.
This is not an argument, because neither statement really attempts to offer support for the
other (in fact, they are both saying much the same thing). This should make us suspect that
'for,' in the first statement, and 'as,' in the second, are not serving here as premise indicators at
all. This suspicion would be correct-for although both words sometimes serve as premise
indicators, neither is doing so in (15).
Again, we must bear in mind that learning how to recognize when words of these
kinds are functioning as indicators comes with practice. As with learning to ride a bicycle,
one gets better at it by doing it. The more one works at trying to see the distinction and
to draw it correctly, the easier it becomes. You'll get some practice at this later, in the
Arguments with No Premise or Conclusion Indicators
A further problem, however, must be noted at this point: not all arguments have premise or
conclusion indicators! Some have none at all. When this happens in an argument, there is
simply no other reliable way of identifying premises and conclusion than to ask yourself:
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What is the claim being made? (that will be the conclusion) and Which statements are offered
in support of the claim that is being made? (those are the premises). Consider this example:
16 Crocodiles aren't really dangerous at all. I've seen them on television many times,
and they seem very peaceful. And I remember seeing Paul Hogan wrestle one in
the movie Crocodile Dundee.
This is plainly an argument-a rather bad one-yet it has no indicators of any kind. Even so,
we can easily see what its conclusion is: it's the first statement. This is because the first statement
is the claim that the other three statements are supposed to support. That the support here seems
a bit dim-witted does not change the fact that the last three statements are functioning as
premises. It only means that the argument does not really succeed: it gives no good reason to
accept the conclusion. In (16), then, we don't really need indicators to be able to recognize
premises and conclusion. When arguments do have some indicators of premises and/or the
conclusion, that is usually enough to tell you what's what. For arguments that lack such
indicators altogether, asking the questions suggested above will be sufficient for this purpose.
1 . What is an argument?
2. What are the parts of an argument?
3. How should the parts of an argument be arranged if one wants to make their logical role clear?
4. How many premises could an argument have?
5. What are premises for? What is their purpose with respect to a conclusion?
6. What sense of the word 'argument' is irrelevant to logical thinking?
7. What are the steps in argument analysis?
8. What is involved in reconstructing an argument?
9. Can premises with no indicators be identified? Explain.
1 O. What should you ask yourself to identify the conclusion of an argument?
IV. The following expressions usually are premise indicators, conclusion indicators,
or neither. Identify which is which. (For exercises marked with a star; answers can be
found in the back of the book.)
SAMPLE ANSWER: 1 . 'since' is a premise indicator
1. since
2. as a result
*3. after all
4. if and only if
5. however
7. thus
9. because
*10. for *13. accordingly
11. it follows that 14. we may infer
12. given that 15. just in case
v. In the following arguments, put premises in parentheses and underline the
conclusion. Mark indicators of premises and conclusion, if any. Use angles'’
for premise indicators and square brackets ‘[ ]’ for conclusion indicators.
1. SAMPLE: (all the Dobermans I have known were dangerous) and (my neighbor’s new dog,
Franz, is a Doberman), [it follows that] Franz is dangerous.
2. Reverend Sharpton has no chance of being elected this time, because his campaign is not well
financed , and any politician who is not well financed has no real chance of being elected.
*3. Badgers are native to southern Wisconsin. After all, they are always spotted there.
4. Since all theoretical physicists have studied quadratic equations, no theoretical physicists are
dummies at math, for no one who has studied quadratic equations is a dummy at math.
5. Thousands of salamanders have been observed by naturalists and none has ever been found to be
warm-blooded. We may conclude that no salamanders are warm-blooded animals.
*6. In the past, every person who ever lived did eventually die. This suggests that all human beings are
7. Since architects regularly study engineering, Frank Gehry did, for he is an architect.
8. Britney Spears’s new CD is her most innovative album so far. It’s got the best music of any new pop
music CD this year, and all the DJs are playing it on radio stations across the United States.
Accordingly, Britney Spears’s new CD is sure to win an award this year.
*9. Online education is a great option for working adults in general, regardless of their ethnic back
ground. For one thing, there is a large population of working adults who simply are not in a position
to attend a traditional university.
10. Any airline that can successfully pass some of the increases in costs on to its passengers will be able
to recover from higher fuel costs. South Airlink Airlines seems able to successfully pass some of the
increases in costs on to its passengers. As a result, South Airlink Airlines will remain in business.
11. Jackrabbits can be found in Texas. Jackrabbits are speedy rodents. Hence, some speedy rodents
can be found in Texas.
*12. There is evidence that galaxies are flying outward and apart from each other, so the cosmos will grow
darker and colder.
13. The Cubans are planning to boycott the conference, so the Venezuelans will boycott it, too.
14. Since Reverend Windfield will preach an extra-long sermon this Sunday, we may therefore expect
that some of his congregation will fall asleep.
*15. Captain Binnacle will not desert his sinking ship, for only a cowardly captain would desert a sinking
ship, and Captain Binnacle is no coward.
16. A well-known biologist recently admitted having fabricated data on stem-cell experiments. So his
claim that he has a cloned dog is probably false.
17. The French minister of culture has announced that France will not restrict American movies.
Assuming that film critics are right in questioning the overall quality of American movies, it follows that
French movie theaters will soon feature movies of questionable quality.
*18. The University of California at Berkeley is strong in math, for many instructors in its Math Department
have published breakthrough papers in the core areas of mathematics.
19. Her Spanish must be good now. She spent a year in Mexico living with a Mexican family, and she
took courses at the Autonomous University of Mexico.
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*20. No one who knowingly and needlessly endangers his or her life is rational. Thus college students who
smoke are not rational, because every college student who smokes is knowingly and unnecessarily
endangering his or her life.
21. The next major earthquake that hits California will be more devastating than the great San Francisco
earthquake of 1906, because there are many more people in California now than there were then,
and the urban concentration along the San Andreas Fault is much greater today.
22. Isaac Newton was one of the greatest physicists of all time. After all, he was the discoverer of the law
of gravity.
23. Maestro von Umlaut will not continue in his post as music director of the Philharmonic, since con
ductors of important orchestras can continue in that post only as long as they deliver great perform
ances, and in the last ten years, von Umlaut has not delivered great performances.
24. Mayor Wilson will have to make a strong campaign for reelection next year. He lost popularity as a re
sult of his position on immigration.
*25. Given that all Athenians are Greeks and that Plato was an Athenian, we may infer that Plato was a Greek.
1. Construct two arguments, one in favor of legalized abortion, the other against it.
2. What's the matter with accepting the two arguments proposed for (1) at once?
3. Construct two arguments: one for the conclusion that God exists, and one for the conclusion that
God doesn't exist.
4. Some people argue that the death penalty is morally appropriate as a punishment for murder, but
others argue for the opposite view. For which of these two positions might it be appropriate to use as
a premise 'Murderers deserve to die'?
5. Construct a strong argument with the premises 'People who commit crimes deserve punishment'
and 'The defendant committed a crime,' listing its parts in logical order.
1.5 Arguments and Non-arguments
We've seen that an argument can be distinguished from other logical relations among state
ments chiefly by asking whether it offers some statement(s) in support of a claim. If not,
then it's not an argument but something else! We've also seen that there are some helpful
words and phrases that often point to the presence of an argument, since they could be of
help in spotting premises and conclusions. The trouble is, some of these same words and
phrases-words like 'because,' 'since,' and 'as a result'-often appear in explanations, which
many philosophers think are not arguments at all. For our purposes here, we'll assume only
that explanations are different enough from arguments that logical thinkers need a reliable
way to tell the difference.
Explanations often bear a superficial resemblance to arguments, owing to the fact that
each is a type of relation among statements in which one or more of them are supposed to give
reasons for another statement, which is the claim that's being made. But the reasons are of very
different kinds in argument and explanation.
1. In arguments, the reasons (premises) are offered to back up a claim (conclusion) that
the arguer considers in need of support.
2. In explanations, reasons are offered to account for the events or states of affairs
described by a claim that the arguer takes to be not in need of support.
Consider these relations among statements:
17 The stock market crashed in 2008 because large banks made reckless home mortgage
loans that proved uncollectable, and investors lost confidence in a broad range of
securities traded on major stock exchanges.
18 The stock market is not a realistic environment for the small investor, because such
investors are unlikely to assume the level of risk that can lead to substantial gains,
and market volatility brings the ever-present danger of ruin for those without sizable
cash reserves.
Examples (17) and (18) both make use of the word 'because,' which is often a premise indica
tor. But it has that function in on!), one of these two examples. Can you see which one? It's (18), for
(18) features reasons offered in support of the argument's conclusion. In (17), the arguer already
accepts that the stock market crashed in 2008 and offers explanatory reasons to account for that
event. Notice that in (18), the conclusion comes at the beginning-the claim that 'The stock
market is not a realistic environment for the small investor'-and then two other statements
offer reasons why we should accept that claim as true. (Is the claim true? It may be true. Or
maybe not! We need not take a stand on that! We know that it's the conclusion of an argument,
because it's offered by the arguer as being supported by the argument's premises.)
By contrast, in (17), the explanation begins with a statement that is accepted by the arguer
as a fact: 'The stock market crashed in 2008.' The other two statements serve not to give
reasons why we should accept the first statement (after all, we don't need to be convinced that
the market crashed in 2008�, but only reasons to account for why that event occurred.
Arguments and explanations, then, could each be thought of as a logical relation between
statements. In the case of argument, the relation is between some claim and the statement/s that
are supposed to provide reasons for accepting it as true; in the case of explanation, the relation is
between a claim that the thinker has already accepted as true and the statement/s that are offered
to give an account of why or how it came to be true. In light of this, explanations can be thought
of as distinct from arguments, and it's important to be able to tell the difference.
Explanations are not the only logical relation apt to be confused with arguments. Another is
that often expressed by 'if . . . then .. . ' sentences, which are used to make compound
statements called 'conditionals.' We'll later discuss them at some length. For our purposes
here, it suffices to keep in mind that although they may be part of an argument (in fact, this
is quite common), conditionals by themselves are not arguments. Let's notice why. Recall
that, according to the definition of 'argument' given earlier, there cannot be an argument
consisting of fewer than two statements. And the reason for this is easy to see. In any argu
ment, two separate functions are being performed: (1) a claim is being made and (2) some
putative support is being offered for that claim. Plainly, this requires that there be at least
two independently asserted statements. But that's just what we don't have in a conditional.
19 If Heinz is a naturalized citizen, then Heinz was not born in this country.
This is a conditional, a compound statement consisting of two simple statements joined by
the connective 'if … then … '. Now, is it asserting that Heinz is a naturalized citizen? No! Is it
asserting that Heinz was not born in this country? No! All it's asserting, as a whole, is a hypothet
ical relation between two possibilities-namely, that if Heinz is a naturalized citizen, then Heinz
was not born in this country. But regarding whether either of these two possibilities is actually the
case, it says nothing at all. This is typical of conditionals. Compare
20 Heinz is a naturalized citizen; therefore, Heinz was not born in this country.
Example (20) is an argument. Here, 'Heinz is a naturalized citizen' is being used as a
premise in support of the conclusion that 'Heinz was not born in this country.' The bottom
line is,
Whether some set of statements amounts to an argument or not depends on how they are
logically related.
Fictional Discourse
For much the same reason, many other relations among sentences do not amount to argu
ments. These include not only purely descriptive or expository passages, but also the
language of fiction and poetry. The reason for this is that one of our goals as logical
thinkers is to evaluate arguments, which in turn will require that we consider whether the
argument's conclusion would have to be true if all its premises were true (more on this in
Chapter 5). But, strictly speaking, the sentences in a work of fiction are not statements, even
those that may seem to represent facts. After all, they are neither true nor false: for
example, it is neither true nor false that Oliver Twist lived in London, simply because
'Oliver Twist' doesn't name an actual person but a fictional character invented by Dickens.
(It would be preposterous for anyone planning to visit London to look forward to visiting
Oliver Twist's house.) Is it true or false that 'Huckleberry Finn is friends with Jim' or that
'Carrie Bradshaw is clever'? It's neither, because Huckleberry Finn and Jim and Carrie
Bradshaw are all fictional characters. There are no facts in the real world to make such
sentences true or false. Thus, in the language of fiction, as for statement-like sentences in
the lyrics of songs and poetry generally, their truth-value seems ambiguous at best. Since
such language can't be used to construct assessable arguments, we'll consider any passage
of fiction a non-argument.
VII. Which of the following passages contain arguments, and which don't?
1. According to a report in the Daily Times-Gazette, Senator Smith denied the accusation that he had
misused public funds on a trip to Aruba with a French film star. However, he admitted that there was
an appearance of wrongdoing, and he vowed not to do it again.
SAMPLE ANSWER: No argument.
2. Some muskrats are not nocturnal, for naturalists who have studied the habits of these animals have
determined that there is evidence of muskrats feeding during the day and sleeping at night.
3. All architectural engineers have studied mathematics. It follows that Judith has studied mathematics,
since Judith is an architectural engineer.
*4. Since 1979, Pam has lived in Berlin. She has worked for Deutsche Bank, but now she is looking
forward to retirement and has bought a villa in Corsica.
5. Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter; therefore ye soft pipes play on; not to the
sensual ear, but, more endeared, pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone … (John Keats-from "Ode on
a Grecian Urn")
6. I have bought several CDs at the Noble Book Barn, and all have proved defective. One was supposed
to be Beyonce and turned out to be Madonna. Another was missing some tracks. Two others had
static that distorted the sound. Therefore, the Noble Book Barn is not a reliable store for CDs.
7. Elena should dump that creep Oscar! After all, Oscar has been nothing but trouble for her. He sneaks
around with other women behind her back, and he spends all his money at the racetrack.
8. John is not going to class today, because he is wearing a leather jacket, and he never goes to class
wearing that jacket.
9. They all felt that Jane was the sort of woman who needed help. I, on the other hand, saw that she
was capable of drawing on inner resources that made her impervious to all adversity.
*10. Although Ed's new BMW will outrun nearly every other car in town, it was not a good idea to buy it,
for it costs him a lot to maintain it. And on his meager salary, he will never be able to keep up with the
monthly payments on it.
11. If Henderson wins the election, then the balance of power in the legislature will change.
12. Since Vaclav and Bogdan are only fraternal twins, not identical, they don't look exactly alike.
*13. Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. Love is not love which alters when it alter
ation finds, or bends with the remover to remove: O no! It is an ever-fixed mark that looks on tempests
and is never shaken. It is the star to every wand'ring bark, whose worth's unknown although his height
be taken … (William Shakespeare-from Sonnet 116)
14. Companies should incorporate top Latino professionals. For one thing, Latino purchasing power has
increased dramatically in the last decade in the United States.
15. To dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free, silhouetted by the sea, circled by the
circus sands, with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves, let me forget about today
until tomorrow! Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me! In the jingle-jangle morning I'll come
following you. (Bob Dylan-from "Mr. Tambourine Man")
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Thinking Logically
and Speaking
One’s Mind
In this chapter you’ll learn about some matters of concern in logical thinking, and also about
some aspects of natural language that can affect arguments. Major topics are
■ Rational acceptability and how this depends on logical connections and evidential support.
The distinction between truth and evidence.
The irrelevance of linguistic merit and rhetorical power in weighing rational acceptability.
The role of propositions as the contents of beliefs and statements.
The uses of language in connection with four basic categories of speech act.
Four types of sentence and their relation to the basic uses of language.
How to distinguish between direct and indirect language, and between literal and figurative uses
of language.
Definition as an antidote to unclear language.
2.1 Rational Acceptability
Logical Connectedness
Acceptable thinking requires logical connectedness and the support of reasons. Salient among
logical connections is that of argument, which obtains when at least one statement is offered
as being supported by others. In argument, the strength of the logical connection between
premises and conclusion is proportional to the strength of the argument itself: the more
logical connectedness among its parts, the stronger the argument. And since statements are
the expressions of beliefs, the same could be said of belief and inference. Consider,
1 That smoking is linked to early lung disease argues against smoking.
(1) contains remarks about the logical relation between premises (that smoking is linked to
early lung disease) and a conclusion (which we may paraphrase as ‘people should not smoke’).
Such remarks point to the feature we are calling ‘logical connectedness.’ Similarly, logical
connectedness is alluded to when we say that a certain statement is a premise, a reason, a
conclusion, or follows from another.
Logical connectedness is a matter of degree: some relations among beliefs might have it
absolutely, others only in part. In addition, some groups of beliefs may lack it entirely.
For example,
2 Florida is on the Gulf of Mexico. Any state on the Gulf of Mexico has mild winters.
Therefore, Florida has mild winters.
(2) has a high degree of logical connectedness, since its premises support its conclusion
strongly: if they are true, the conclusion has to be true. By contrast, (3) has a low degree of
logical connectedness, for it is a weak argument, in the sense that, although its premises are
true, its conclusion could be false.
3 Florida has mild winters, and so do Hawaii and Texas; therefore, most U.S. states
have mild winters.
Now consider an argument whose premise and conclusion have no logical connectedness
at all:
4 Florida is a subtropical state on the Gulf of Mexico; therefore, computers have
replaced typewriters.
(2), (3), and (4) illustrate decreasing degrees of logical connectedness. (2) has the highest degree
of logical connectedness. Logical thinkers who recognize this, together with the fact that (2)’s
premises seem true, cannot reject (2)’s conclusion without a serious failure of reasoning.
Logical connectedness partly determines whether an argument is rationally acceptable-that
is, whether it counts as acceptable reasoning. Neither (3) nor (4) qualifies as rationally acceptable:
(3) lacks a sufficient degree of logical connectedness, and (4) doesn’t have it at all. Neither is a
model of the sort of reasoning logical thinkers ought to engage in.
Beliefs with a good share of logical connectedness are the kind of reasoning we ought to
engage in-provided that they also meet other conditions, such as being based on solid
CJ z
II. Determine whether the following statements bear on logical connectedness,
evidential support, linguistic merit, rhetorical power, or a combination of some
of these.
� 1. The Declaration of Independence has just the right words and makes claims that are backed up
� by reasons.
� SAMPLE ANSWER: linguistic merit and logical connectedness
z 2. The observation points to the truth of Galileo’s law of falling bodies.
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*6. A rhetorically powerful group of statements that has linguistic merit.
7. A group of statements that has logical connectedness and evidential support but lacks
rational acceptability.
*8. A poorly phrased passage that has linguistic merit.
9. A rationally unacceptable inference that lacks rhetorical power.
*10. An unpersuasive speech that has rhetorical power.
11. A speech that has neither linguistic merit nor rhetorical power.
12. A passage that is neither rationally acceptable nor rhetorically powerful.
*13. A passage that has rhetorical power.
14. A false statement that is supported by the evidence.
*15. A true statement that is unsupported by the evidence.
1 . Provide a statement that is supported by the current total evidence.
2. Provide an example of a statement that is false but was once supported by the total evidence.
3. Provide an example of a statement that is true but was once unsupported by the total evidence.
4. Provide an example of a statement that has been undermined by the scientific evidence available
5. Suppose you believe that there is a party in the street, but, unknown to you, your belief is false.
Provide a scenario in which that belief would nonetheless be supported by the evidence.
2.3 From Mind to Language
We've already seen that inference is the logical relation that obtains whenever at least one
belief is taken to support another, and that it can also be conceived as a logical relation that
obtains whenever one or more statements are offered in support of another. When thus
considered, inference is often called "argument." Any argument, then, is the linguistic
expression of an inference. As beliefs are the parts that make up inferences, so statements are
the parts that make up arguments.
Now, what, exactly, are statements? Roughly, they are the standard way to express one's
beliefs by means of language, provided one is sincere and competent. Consider
8 Snow is white.
When someone accepts (8) in thought, that thinker entertains the belief that snow is white.
The standard way to express this belief would be to say that snow is white. Whether as a belief
in the mind, or put into words in a statement, (8) has the content
9 That snow is white.
(9) represents snow as being in a certain way (white). This content is complete, in the sense that
it represents a state of affairs, and if snow is as represented, then (9) is true-and if not, (9) is
false. Contents of this sort are called 'propositions.' They are true when things are as
represented by them and false when they are not. Since any belief or statement has a
proposition as its content, it also has one or the other of two truth values:
Any belief or statement is either true or false.
This is clearly illustrated by (9), whose truth value is determined by applying the following
rule: (9) is true if and only if snow is white, and it is false otherwise. For the content of each belief
or statement we are considering, we may formulate its truth conditions in the same manner.
Thus propositions may be said to have truth conditions, which are the conditions that
have to be met for a proposition to be true. Compare concepts, which are also contents but have
no truth conditions. For example,
10 Snow.
By contrast with (9), (10) is incomplete, in the sense that it is neither true nor false. Its truth
value cannot be determined because (10) lacks truth conditions: what would be the conditions
that (10) has to meet in order to be true? No truth-condition rule similar to that in Box 3 can be
offered for isolated concepts, which accordingly have no truth values (i.e., they are neither true
nor false). Although isolated concepts can be considered proposition parts, they do not count
as propositions.
Note also that when different statements have one and the same information content,
they all express the same proposition. Since in any such case the statements would represent
the same state of affairs, they would have the same truth conditions. For example, Spanish and
French translations of (8) above would be different statements, because the sentences used to
make these then would be different-namely,
11 La nieve es blanca.
12 La neige est blanche.
Yet (8), (11), and (12) have the same content, thus expressing the same proposition, (9) above.
Uses of Language
By using language we perform speech acts, which are the things we can do simply by uttering
(saying or writing) certain words: accepting or rejecting propositions, asking questions,
making promises and requests, expressing our feelings, greeting, apologizing, voting, and
many more. Speech acts can be classified according to how we intend our utterances to be
A proposition is true if and only if things are as represented by it, and it's false otherwise.
understood by an audience. We use language primarily to (A) represent the facts, (B) get the
audience to do something, (C) express our own mental world, or (D) show our commitment to
bringing about certain states of affairs. Accordingly, our expressions fall primarily within the
(.') four categories below, each comprising many speech acts.
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A. INFORMATIVES: claiming, asserting, affirming, reporting, stating, denying,
announcing, identifying, informing, predicting, answering, describing, and so on.
Example: the speech act of claiming that the defendant was involved in the crime.
B. DIRECTIVES: prescribing, asking, advising, admonishing, entreating, begging, dismiss
ing, excusing, forbidding, permitting, instructing, ordering, requesting, requiring, sug
gesting, urging, warning, and so on. Example: the speech act of prescribing that we
should respect our parents.
C. EXPRESSIVES: lamenting, regretting, apologizing, congratulating, greeting, thanking,
accepting, rejecting, objecting, cheering, and so on. Example: the speech act of
apologizing for having been rude.
D. COMMISSIVES: promising, adjourning, calling to order, bequeathing, baptizing,
guaranteeing, inviting, volunteering, naming, and so on. Example: the speech act
of naming one's cat 'Felix.'
Informatives are utterances aimed at reporting how things are. For example, a statement
that a thing has (or doesn't have) a quality ('Snow is white'); or that it is related to another thing
in a certain way ('Snow is softer than ice'). Directives are utterances aimed at eliciting an
audience's response, whether an answer (13) or an action (14).
13 How long is the line?
14 Pass me the salt!
Prohibitions are requests to refrain from doing something, so they qualify as directives-for
1 5 No pets allowed.
As illustrated by (16), expressives are aimed at communicating a speaker's psychological world,
which includes attitudes (hopes, fears, desires, etc.) and feelings (of regret, thankfulness,
acceptance, rejection, exasperation, annoyance, etc.)
16 Good heavens!
Commissives convey the speaker's intent that the utterance itself bring about a state of affairs,
such as promising (17), adjourning, agreeing, and bequeathing.
17 At American Telecom, we guarantee you, our customers, unlimited free local calls.
Utterances can bring about such states of affairs, provided, of course, that some conditions are
met: for my words to count as bequeathing you my Ferrari, I must, to begin with, own a
Finally, note that only informative expressions ('Snow is white') have straightforward truth
conditions: they are true if things are as represented by them and false otherwise. For the most
part, expressions of the other types don't have truth conditions, though they do have more
idiosyncratic conditions that must be met if the expressions are to succeed. The bottom line:
as illustrated by examples (13) through (17), it makes no sense to say that directives, expressives,
or commissives are true (or false).
Types of Sentence
A sentence falls under one or another of four types depending on its grammatical form. Natural
languages allow for constructing sentences of many different grammatical forms, which could
be grouped into the basic types listed in Box s below.
Sentences in the indicative mood are declarative ('Snow is white'). Although these sentences
are the primary vehicle for the informative use of language, they are sometimes the means for
directives ('Passengers are advised not to leave their luggage unattended'), commissives (17 above),
and even expressives ('I hope the rope is strong enough'). Imperative sentences are the principal
means for requests (15 above) and wishes ('Have fun'); interrogative sentences for questions
(13 above); and exclamatory sentences for expressives (16 above). The latter sentences can be used,
however, for emphatic requests (14) and assertions ('The king is dead!'). Some sentence types
relate better to certain uses of language, even when, except for interrogative sentences, there are
no one-to-one relations. Here is a summary of their relations:
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helps Mary,' even when each part in the two expressions has the same standard meaning.)
Metaphors constitute a common type of figurative meaning. For example,
19 You are a donkey.
The literal meaning of 'donkey' includes elements such as being a domestic Equus asinus, often
employed as a beast of burden. A person saying (19) to a donkey is using the sentence with its
literal meaning. But (19) might be used figuratively to mean that a certain person is obstinate-or
unable to understand, say, a theorem. Since here 'donkey' doesn't have its literal meaning, (19) is
used figuratively. Similarly, in the context of peace talks, (20) has figurative meaning:
20 The Palestinian and Israeli negotiators have reached a plateau.
In argument reconstruction, whenever possible, recast premises and conclusions in such a
way that they feature only declarative sentences, direct speech acts, and literal
(nonfigurative) meanings. Suppose someone argues, 'Your current investment strategy is
real estate. Are you nuts? An investment strategy is bad if it yields losses for the last five
years, and real estate has yielded losses for the last five years.' Here the conclusion ('Are you
nuts?') must be recast so that it performs the direct act of stating that the audience's current
investment strategy is bad. The conclusion cannot say this by way of asking whether the
audience is nuts. Also, the figurative 'being nuts' needs to be replaced with words that can
be interpreted literally. Thus reconstructed, the argument is
1. Your current investment strategy is real estate.
2. If an investment strategy yields losses for the last five years, it's a bad strategy.
3. Real estate has yielded losses for the last five years.
4. Your current investment strategy is a bad strategy.
1 . What is a statement? And what is a proposition?
2. Different statements could express the same proposition. Provide some examples.
3. What are speech acts?
4. Name two characteristics of each sentence type.
5. How are the uses of language related to the sentence types?
6. Which sentence type is commonly associated with the informative use of language? Explain.
7. What are the main categories of uses of language? Provide two examples of each.
8. What is figurative meaning? Provide two examples of your own.
9. Could a speech act be performed by way of another speech act? Explain.
1 O. Why doesn't informal logic welcome indirect use and figurative meaning?
VIII. Identify the type of speech act that each of the following sentences could
be used to perform directly (informative, directive, expressive, or commissive):
1. At first, America was not called "America."
SAMPLE ANSWER: Informative
2. Home buyers are recommended to be prudent when requesting a mortgage.
*3. How wonderful!
4. I promise to arrive to be there on time.
*5. Whether you like it or not, you must move on with your life.
6. One after another, they all signed up.
*7. Each person has some natural talents.
8. We must go to bed early tonight.
9. No parking at any time.
*10. Let's hope that Boris's problems will be over soon.
11. Evolution vs. creation is an endless debate.
*12. Try a little bit harder.
13. There is life on Mars.
14. Who is telling the story?
*15. What an odd statement to make!
16. Why was Jane traveling alone?
17. That animal is a beaver.
*18. Passengers are advised not to leave their luggage unattended.
19. This is amazing!
*20. We hereby bequeath you our up-state mansion.
IX. Determine which of the following sentences is declarative, interrogative,
imperative, or exclamatory:
1. Fido is a dog.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Declarative
2. Snow isn't white.
3. God exists.
*4. Please shut the door.
5. What time is it?
6. Good Lord!
*7. Winter days are short.
8. Some dentists have clean teeth.
9. Not all cars need gas.
*10. What is your favorite dish?
11. How is John?
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1. For three sentences of your own, identify which (A) direct and (B) indirect speech acts it could be
used to perform.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Isn't it time to go to bed?
A. Direct speech act of asking whether it's time to go to bed (directive)
B. Indirect speech act of informing someone that it's time to go to bed (informative)
2. Provide three sentences of your own that could be interpreted first literally, and then figuratively. Give
both interpretations.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Words are cheap. Literally, 'Words don't cost anything.' Figuratively, 'It's easier to talk
than to act or prove.'
3. Construct or find a short dialogue that uses some words literally and others figuratively. Identify its
figurative and indirect uses of language.
4. Make a list of six common figurative expressions that you believe are overused.
2.5 Definition: An Antidote to Unclear Language
The logical relations that obtain when reasoning is at work can be obscured by nonliteral and
indirect uses of language. But we may often be able to minimize obscurity, and sometimes
eliminate it completely, by resorting to definitions, which may be used to either clarify or revise
the meaning of linguistic expressions. Of interest here are three kinds of definition: reportive,
ostensive, and contextual. But first, let's consider the structure of definitions generally.
Reconstructing Definitions
Before we can evaluate a definition, it's best to reconstruct it first, so that we may grasp what is
being defined and what provides the definition. This requires distinguishing the two sides of
a definition: the definiendum (that which is to be defined) and the definiens (that which provides
the definition). In reconstructing a definition, its definiendum is listed first, on the left-hand
side, and its definiens last, on the right-hand side. We'll adopt the practice of placing the sym
bol '=df.' (which reads 'equal by definition') between definiedum and definiens in any recon
structed definition. For example,
21 Puppy =df. Young dog
22 Triangle =df. Plane figure with exactly three internal angles
22 Cube =df. Three-dimensional object with six sides, all of which are flat and square
The expression listed on the left-hand side of each definition is its definiendum, that on the
right-hand side its definiens. Everyday definitions are phrased in many different ways-as can
be seen in the following familiar ways of defining 'lawyer' as synonymous with 'attorney':
24 To be an attorney is to be a lawyer.
24' To say that a person is an attorney is to say that the person is a lawyer.
24'' 'Attorney' means 'lawyer.'
A succinct reconstruction of any of these reads, 'Attorney =df. Lawyer,' where 'attorney' is the
de.finiendum and 'lawyer' the dejiniens.
Reportive Definitions
(21) through (24) are definitions that purport to give the everyday meaning of a word or of
some larger linguistic expression. Definitions of this sort are commonly found in dictionaries
and translation manuals. To be adequate, the two sides of a reportive definition must have
exactly the same meaning:
A reportive definition is adequate if and only if its two sides are synonymous or meaning
equivalent (i.e., they mean the same). Otherwise, it is inadequate.
Among the defects that would make a reportive definition inadequate are being too
broad, too narrow, or too broad and too narrow. For example,
25 Sister =df. Female person
(25) is too broad because its dejiniens picks out females who are not sisters (e.g., a woman with
no siblings). As a result, its two sides are different in meaning.
26 Sister =df. Adult female sibling
(26) is too narrow because the dejiniens leaves out sisters who have not reached adulthood.
27 Sister =df. Adult sibling
(27) is too broad and too narrow because the de.finiens both picks out some brothers and leaves
out sisters who are not adults. Clearly, a male adult sibling is not a sister, and a two-year-old
sister is not an adult sibling. So (27)'s two sides fail to have the same meaning.
Testing Reportive Definitions
When a reportive definition is inadequate, counterexample is the method to show it. A single
counterexample would do this. A counterexample to (25) is a female person who is not a
sibling; to (26), a sister who is not an adult; and to (27), a male adult who is a sibling or a
non-adult sister.
A reportive definition that doesn't have counterexamples is adequate. When presented
with a definition, we can use a thought experiment to determine whether it has a
counterexample. If we try this method with (21) through (24) above, we soon discover that it's
simply not possible that, for example, someone could be an attorney without being a lawyer
or a sister without being a female sibling. In any possible world where someone is an
attorney, that person is a lawyer, and if she is a sister, then she is also a female sibling. Since
counterexamples to these definitions seem impossible, we must conclude that the
definitions are adequate.
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■ A counterexample to a reportive definition is a case that satisfies one of its sides without sat-
isfying the other.
■ In the absence of counterexamples to it, a reportive definition is adequate.
■ The principle underlying the method of counterexample is: Adequate until proven inadequate!
■ A reportive definition is inadequate just in case there is at least one counterexample to it.
In his dialogue Laches, the Greek philosopher Plato (428-347 BCE) has a general of that
name proposing a definition of 'courage' that we'll now test for adequacy.
28 Courage =df. Moving forward in battle.
(28) is adequate provided there is no case that satisfies one side without satisfying the other. A
counterexample to it could be a real-life case or a thought experiment, which is a possible
scenario entertained only in thought (see Box 7). To be a counterexample to (28), the scenario
should make credible that someone might be courageous without moving forward in battle
or that someone might move forward in battle without being courageous. Here is one such
thought experiment: the case of a fighter who moves backward in battle as a strategy (say, to
confuse the enemy and counteract more forcefully). Since any such case is possible (and even
actual!), the actions of this imaginary fighter satisfy (28)'s deji.niendum, but not its deji.niens, thus
amounting to a counterexample to Laches' definition.
When running a thought experiment, we must follow some rules. First, the described
scenario must be logically coherent, otherwise it wouldn't qualify as a logically possible
world. Furthermore, the scenario must be thoroughly described in the same language, with
out changing the meanings of the words. In addition, we must be competent users of the
words employed in describing the scenario: we must have no reason to suspect that our
views about their meanings are atypical, in the sense of departing from the ordinary con
ception of them.
A reportive definition is adequate if and only if there is no possible scenario in which something
satisfies one of its sides without satisfying the other.
■ A reportive definition is adequate just in case there are no counterexamples to it.
■ A counterexample to a reportive definition is a possible scenario in which the words apply on
one of its sides, but not on the other.
■ To serve its purpose, the scenario must be coherent and be described without changes in the
meaning of the words.
Ostensive and Contextual Definitions
Not all definitions of the meaning of expressions purport to offer a definiens that is
synonymous with the definiendum. Among those that don't are ostensive and contextual
definitions, to which we now turn. The definiens of an ostensive definition offers some
examples of things paradigmatically falling under its definiendum-for instance,
29 To be a socialist country is to have the socioeconomic system at work in Cuba.
30 A metropolis is a city as large as London, Sao Paulo, or Tokyo.
A contextual definition presents in its definiens another expression or context in which neither
the definiendum nor a strict synonym of it occurs. For example, in logic the connective 'unless'
is sometimes defined by equivalence with 'either … or … ' in this way:
31 'P unless Q' is equivalent to 'either P or Q.'
Here the definiens is logically equivalent to the definiendum, in the sense that they both relate
'P' and 'Q' through the same logical relation. But the two sides of the definition are not equiv
alent in meaning.
1 . What is a definition?
2. Name the two parts of a definition and explain their roles.
3. Provide two reportive definitions, and explain in each case why it counts as such.
4. What are ostensive and contextual definitions? Illustrate your answer with examples.
5. Can reportive definitions be inadequate? If so, how? If not, why not?
6. How do reportive, ostensive, and contextual definitions differ? Support your answer with examples.
XV. Reconstruct the following definitions, marking the definiendum with a single
underline and the definiens with a double underline. Make each definition as
succinct as possible.
1. In English, an oculist is an eye doctor.
SAMPLE ANSWER: In English, an oculist is an eye doctor.
� =df. Eye doctor
2. 'Anger' means the same as 'being inclined to exhibit anger behavior.'
*3. A small elephant is an elephant that is smaller than most elephants.
4. To say, 'An event caused another event.' is to say, 'If the first event had not happened, then the
second event would not have happened.'
*5. A creature counts as a human being if and only if it is a featherless biped.
6. By 'glue,' English speakers mean an adhesive substance used to join two surfaces.
*7. A horse is a beast of burden with a flowing mane.
8. To name incorrectly is to misname.
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9. What makes you timid or fearful is something that intimidates you.
10. An electronic apparatus for the production and control of sound is a synthesizer.
XVI. Detennine whether the following definitions are reportive, contextual, or ostensive.
1 . Pandas are those animals that we saw in the last cage at the Washington zoo.
2. 'x is the brother of y' is identical to 'x is a male sibling of y.'
*3. 'All dogs are canines' means 'It is not the case that some dogs are not canines.'
4. To be a woman is to be a female human being.
*5. Bachelor = unmarried man.
6. Chilis are the peppers that you ate at Garza's Rio Grande Restaurant.
*7. 'Some are philosophers' means 'There are philosophers.'
8. 'Hunter' means 'person who hunts.'
*9. Cricket is that sport which is popular in the West Indies.
10. 'P if and only if Q' means 'If P, then Q, and if Q, then P.'
XVII. For each of the following reportive definitions, indicate whether it is too broad,
too narrow, or both.
1. A human arm is a human limb.
2. To be human is to be an animal.
*3. 'Bachelor' is meaning-equivalent to 'unmarried human being who is sexually neurotic.'
4. A paint stripper is a solvent of paint used for removing bright paint.
*5. A lawyer is an attorney specialized in litigation.
6. Tiger =df. Striped animal.
*7. Lemon =df. natural fruit with yellow peel and vitamin C that grows in Florida.
8. A duck is an aquatic bird that lives in the Great Lakes.
*9. A human being is a creature with lungs.
10. Capitalism is a way of life in the developed world.
XVIII. Show the inadequacy of the definitions in the above exercise by offering a
counterexample to each of them. (Tip: you'd need an example that satisfies one
side of the definition without satisfying the other.)
1. A human arm is a human limb.
SAMPLE ANSWER: A human leg, which is a limb that is not an arm.
XIX. Redefine the expressions listed in Exercise XVII in a way that avoids the
objections of being too broad, too narrow, or too broad and too narrow. If that's
not possible, explain why.
1. A human arm is a human limb.
SAMPLE ANSWER: A human arm is an upper-body limb of humans normally attached to the body at the
shoulders and ending in a hand.
1 . Use the method of counterexample to show the inadequacy of the following definitions:
A Morally right action =df. Action that obeys the laws of the state.
B. Being hungry =df. Saying that one desires food.
C. Guilty person =df. Someone who has been convicted of a crime.
2. Explain why thought experiments would support the adequacy of the following definitions:
A Mother =df. Female parent.
B. Tennis player =df. One who plays tennis.
C. Rectangle =df. Plane figure with four straight sides forming four right angles.
Writing Project
University campuses are often seen as prime recruiting grounds by zealots of various
descriptions-some political, some religious, some ideological, or other types. They are trying
to win converts to their fervently held beliefs. Write a long email (about 300 words) to an
imaginary friend, reporting about one such rhetorically skillful speaker you've seen in action
recently (this may be either a real-life or an imaginary case). First describe the speech and its
context in detail, then assess it critically in light of what you've learned about rational
acceptability and warn your friend of the dangers of uncritical acceptance of these speakers'
■ Chapter Summary
Standards for rationally acceptable beliefs:
1. That they have logical connectedness, which is a quality of beliefs that stand in an
adequate logical relation such as inference. It comes in degrees.
2. That if they are empirical, they have evidential support, which is provided by information
based on observation.
Evidence: the information pointing to a belief's being true. A belief is true if and only if its
content corresponds to the facts. Evidence and truth are independent.
Linguistic merit: a quality of either written or oral language resulting from a combination of
grammatical, syntactical, and stylistic factors such as concision, adequate vocabulary, and
compliance with the rules of grammar.
Rhetorical power: the power to persuade.
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3.1 Belief, Disbelief, and Non belief
Beliefs and disbeliefs are two types of psychological attitudes people may have when they are
engaged in accepting what they think is true and rejecting what’s false. We’ll call these was states of
mind ‘cognitive attitudes’ (from the Latin, ‘cognoscere,’ which means ‘to know’). Nonbeliefs
represent the lack of either of these two attitudes. A belief is the cognitive attitude of accepting
a proposition, which is an information content representing states of affairs. Consider, for
example, the proposition expressed by
1 Dogs are carnivorous.
Anyone who believes (1) has the psychological attitude of accepting that dogs are carnivorous.
That person takes (1) to be true. If asked whether (1) is true, under normal circumstances, she
would assent. Assuming she’s sincere and competent, she could voice her belief by stating (1),
or many other sentences such as
2 It is true that dogs are carnivorous.
3 It is the case that dogs are carnivorous.
(1), (2), and (3) may be used to express the same content: namely, the proposition that dogs are
Supposing we use ‘S’ to stand for a speaker ( or person), ‘P’ for a proposition, and ‘believing
that P’ for the psychological attitude of accepting that P, we can define belief in this way:
S has a belief that P just in case S accepts that P. Assuming that the circumstances are normal and
S is sincere, if asked,
■ ‘Is P true ?’ S would assent.
■ ‘What do you make of P?’ S would assert sentences such as ‘P,’ ‘Pis true,’ and ‘It is the case that P.’
Note that the definition of belief in Box 1 invokes normal circumstances and the speaker’s
sincerity. In their absence, it may be that what a person S says is not what she believes. Because
there are deceivers (whose words misrepresent the beliefs they actually have) and self
deceivers (who deny the beliefs they actually have), we must assume the speaker’s sincerity
when we draw a parallel between what she says and what she believes. And because S might,
out of coercion, delusion, or other impairment, say something she doesn’t in fact believe, we
must assume normal circumstances, which include the speaker’s being competent-that is,
not mentally compromised, threatened, or impaired in any way.
But what about those who simply don’t believe a certain proposition, such as (1) above?
They may have either a disbelief or a nonbelief. A disbelief about (1) may be expressed by
sentences such as (4) through (6):
4 Dogs are not carnivorous.
5 It is false that dogs are carnivorous.
6 It is not the case that dogs are carnivorous.
Under normal circumstances, a person who sincerely says any of these disbelieves (1), which
amounts to having the psychological attitude of rejecting (1). If asked whether (1) is true, she
would dissent. And to voice her disbelief, she would deny (1}-for example, by asserting (4). We
may now summarize the concept of disbelief in this way:
S has a disbelief that P just in case S rejects that P. Assuming that the circumstances are normal
and S is sincere, if asked,
■ ‘Is P true ?’ S would dissent.
■ ‘What do you make of P?’ S would deny that Pis true by uttering sentences such as ‘Pis false,’
‘Not P,’ and ‘It is not the case that P.’
What about those who neither believe nor disbelieve (1)? They have the attitude of
nonbelief about (1). Under normal circumstances, they would neither accept nor reject it. If
asked whether that content is true, they might shrug, giving no sign of assent or dissent. Box 3
summarizes all these reactions.
S has a nonbelief that P just in case S neither accepts, nor rejects, that P. Assuming that the
circumstances are normal and S is sincere, if asked
■ ‘Is P true ?’ S would neither assent nor dissent.
■ ‘What do you make of P?’S would suspend judgment.
Nonbelieving that P, then, amounts to lacking any belief or disbelief about P. The corre
sponding psychological attitude is that of suspendingjudgment about P. We should bear in mind
that whenever we are considering whether to accept or reject a proposition-for example, that
dogs are carnivorous-there is also the option of nonbelief, which amounts to withholding
belief about a proposition. Thinking logically can help in developing the most adequate attitude
toward a proposition, whether that be accepting it, rejecting it, or suspending judgment about
it. Deciding which is the correct attitude matters, since our beliefs are the building blocks of our
reasoning. Here the rule is that, to keep the whole edifice sound, one must use high-quality
building blocks and do regular maintenance. But how are we to tell which building blocks of
reasoning are high-quality and which aren’t? That’s the topic of our next section.
Considering that P?
Accept that P
‘—–l Suspend judgment
First, note that since logical thinkers wish to avoid beliefs with bad-making features,
someone might think that it is advisable to avoid beliefs altogether. For if we didn’t have any
beliefs at all, we wouldn’t have any beliefs with bad-making features! But this advice is self
defeating, for it is not possible to avoid having beliefs. The very claim that logical thinkers are
better off without beliefs itself expresses a belief, assuming that those who make it are sincere
and competent. As logical thinkers, we must have some beliefs, so our aim should be simply to
have as many beliefs with good-making features, and as few with bad-making features, as
possible. Our aim, in other words, is that of maximizing the virtues and minimizing the vices
of beliefs. To say that a belief has a virtue is to praise it-while to say it has a vice is to criticize
it. Let’s now take up each of the virtues and vices of beliefs.
3.3 Accuracy and Truth
Accuracy and Inaccuracy
To have an acceptable degree of accuracy, a belief must either represent, or get close to
representing, the facts. In the former case, the belief is true-in the latter, merely approxi
mately true or close to being true. The following belief represents things as they actually are,
and it is therefore true:
7 Brasilia is the capital of Brazil.
True beliefs have the highest degree of accuracy. On the other hand, false beliefs have the high
est degree of inaccuracy, simply because they neither represent, nor get close to representing,
things as they actually are. For example,
8 Rio is the capital of Brazil.
Any belief that denies (8), which is false, would be true. Thus, that Rio is not the capital of
Brazil, and that it is not the case that Rio is the capital of Brazil, are both true-and therefore
have maximal accuracy. To determine this, we use the rule in Box 6.
Truth and Falsity
As logical thinkers, we should believe what is true and disbelieve what is false. But it is often dif
ficult to tell which beliefs are true and which are false. Thus sometimes we end up mistakenly
believing what is false-as when people in the Middle Ages believed that
9 The Sun revolves around the Earth.
They were, of course, later shown to be mistaken: (9) was always false, and therefore inaccurate.
For (9) not only fails to represent the facts truly, but (most crucially) never even got close at all to
When a belief is true, it has maximal accuracy; and when it is false, it has maximal inaccuracy.
representing them as they are. A belief can be more or less accurate depending on how close it is
to representing the facts as they are-that is, to getting them right. But some beliefs could be
accurate without being true. For example,
1 0 France is hexagonal.
11 Lord Raglan won the Battle of Alma. 1
(10) is roughly accurate, but not accurate enough to count as strictly true (not good enough
for a cartographer!). Similarly, (11) is accurate, but should we say it’s true? Well, it’s approxi
mately true. In fact, the battle was won by the British army, not just by its commander. Yet
it’s not clearly wrong to say that “Lord Raglan won it.” These examples suggest that accuracy
and inaccuracy are a matter of degree: some beliefs are closer to (or father from) repre
senting the facts than others are. Some beliefs are thus more accurate (or inaccurate) than
others. Yet truth and falsity are not a matter of degree at all: each belief is either true or false.
It makes no sense to say of a belief that it is ‘more true’ or ‘less true’ ( or ‘false’) than another
belief. A belief is either true or it isn’t. At the same time, both accuracy and truth are virtues
that either a single belief or a set of beliefs may have (likewise for the vices of inaccuracy and
In the case of (12) and other beliefs that are vague, it is unclear whether they are true or
false, and also unclear whether they are accurate or inaccurate.
12 Queen Latifah is young.
Caution is likewise needed for statements that express evaluations such as (13). It is
controversial among philosophers whether evaluative statements are capable of being true or
false. Some such statements seem plainly true (“Hitler was evil”), others less clearly true than
(It corresponds
to the facts)
‘For more on puzzling examples of this sort, see J. L. Austin, ‘Performative-Constatif’ (La Philosophie Ana{ytique, Cahiers de
Royaumont, 1962).
expressive of endorsement or attitudes of approval (“Frank Sinatra’s music is great”). Likewise
in judgments of taste such as
13 Ford Mustangs are better looking than Chevrolet Corvettes.
In cases of this sort, we’ll adopt the convention of simply indicating that they are statements of
value (more on this in Chapter 4).
3.4 Reasonableness
Beliefs that may fall short of being true, and even accurate, could still be reasonable. How is
this possible? To answer that question, let us consider the virtue of reasonableness and the vice
of unreasonableness, which, like accuracy and inaccuracy, are features that either a single
belief or a set of beliefs can have, and which come in degrees: some beliefs are more reason
able (or unreasonable) than others. Their, degree of reasonableness depends on how much
support of the adequate type they possess.
A belief is reasonable if and only if it has adequate support. Otherwise, it is unreasonable.
Beliefs of different types are supported in different ways. Thus how a belief might attain
reasonableness would vary according to its type. Since we’ll consider here only two kinds of
beliefs, empirical and conceptual, we’ll abstain, for the time being, from judging the
reasonableness of other types of beliefs: for example, of beliefs that are value judgments such
as (13) above.
Two Kinds of Reasonableness
What’s required for a belief to be reasonable varies according to what sort of belief it is.
14 Fido is barking.
15 Dogs bark.
(14) and (15) can be supported only by observation and are therefore empirical beliefs
(’empirical’ means observational). The kind of support needed for beliefs of this sort to be
reasonable differs from that of nonobservational beliefs. Among the latter are conceptual
beliefs, which may be supported by reasoning alone. For example,
17 A brother is a male sibling.
The grounds for (16) and (17) are conceptual: it is sufficient to understand the concepts
involved to realize that each of these beliefs is true. The truth of (16) is clear to anyone who
has mastered the numbers and the concept of addition-as is the truth of (17) to anyone
who has mastered the concepts, ‘brother’ and ‘male sibling.’ Thus (16) and (17) are both
reasonable, since each is supported by adequate reasoning alone.
A conceptual belief is reasonable if and only if all that’s needed to realize that the belief is
true is to master the concepts involved.
A reasonable conceptual belief, then, is one whose truth goes without saying once we
understand the content of the belief.
By contrast, (14) and (15) are not eligible for this kind of support: they require the support
of observation or evidence. In which circumstances would (14) or (15) be unreasonable?
Suppose that someone believes falsely that her dog, Fido, is barking now. That is, she believes
(14) even though she knows that Fido has been mute for many years. When challenged, she
engages in what is plainly a case of wishful thinking: her desire that Fido could bark somehow
makes her believe that the dog is barking. In this scenario, (14) would be unreasonable, simply
because it’s an empirical belief and the rule is
To be reasonable, empirical, beliefs must be supported either by evidence or by inference
from evidence.
As we saw in Chapter 2, evidence is the outcome of observation, which is provided by the
sensory experiences of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and/or smelling. Thus if as a result of
seeing Fido’s barking behavior and hearing him barking one comes to believe (14), then that
sensory experience itself would count as evidence for (14), thus rendering it reasonable to
believe (in the absence of evidence to the contrary). Trustworthy testimony also counts as
evidence, since we may consider it vicarious observation. Being supported by the evidence,
then, is all that’s usually needed for a belief like (14) to be reasonable.
On the other hand, for beliefs such as (15) to be reasonable, inference from evidence is
required. After all, (15) amounts to
15′ All dogs bark.
This belief is supported by the evidence and by other beliefs based on the available evidence.
The evidence consists in the observation that many dogs bark, from which one can infer that
all dogs bark. That is, one would need more than simply the firsthand evidence from
observing some barking dogs to support (15 1). After all, it is impossible to observe all barking
dogs. What else, apart from evidence, is contributing to its support? Other beliefs are
required, such as
18 A great number of dogs have been observed.
19 They all barked.
Supported by
Empirical evidence
Supported by
Two KINDS OF inference from
Conceptual Supported by
Belief reasoning alone
On the basis of (18) and (19), it is reasonable to think that dogs bark. But if (15) is supported by
(18) and (19), then the relation among these is that of inference: (15) is inferred from (18)
and (19).
For empirical beliefs, then, evidence and inference from evidence are the two standard
routes to reasonableness. For conceptual beliefs, the route is reasoning alone. Empirical and
conceptual beliefs that lack the adequate kind of support would suffer from a substantial
degree of unreasonableness. Yet keep in mind that, for beliefs of other types, the criteria of
reasonableness may be different.
3.5 Consistency
Accuracy, truth, and reasonableness are virtues a single belief may have. Consistency, on the
other hand, is a virtue that on!}, a set of beliefs, two or more of them, can have-and likewise
for the vice of inconsistency. But what does ‘consistency’ mean?
Defining ‘Consistency’ and ‘Inconsistency’
A good place to start for a definition of ‘consistency’ is ‘inconsistency,’ since a set of beliefs is
consistent just in case it is not inconsistent. So, let’s begin with ‘inconsistency,’ defined thus:
A set of beliefs is inconsistent if and only if its members could not all be true at once.
Consider (20) and (21),
20 Dorothy Maloney is a senator.
21 Dorothy Maloney is a jogger.
These could both be true at the same time: Dorothy Maloney could be both a senator and a
jogger. But suppose we add the belief that
22 Dorothy Maloney is not a public official.
(20), (21), and (22) make up an inconsistent set, since it is impossible for all its members to be
true at the same time: clearly, no one could be a senator while at the same time failing to be a
public official. We may now say that
A set of beliefs is consistent if and only if its members could all be true at once.
To say that some beliefs are consistent is to say that they are logically compatible. Compatible
beliefs need not in fact be true: it is sufficient that they could all be true at once. Beliefs that are
actually false could make up a perfectly consistent or compatible set if they could all be true in
some possible scenario.
Logically Possible Propositions
Consider, for example, a set made up of
23 Arnold Schwarzenegger is a medical doctor.
24 Pigs fly.
(23) and (24) could both be true at once in some logically possible scenario or world. Our world,
which we’ll call the ‘actual world,’ is just one among many worlds that are logically possible
where a world is logically possible if it does not involve any contradiction. Logically impossible
worlds make no sense and are therefore unthinkable. We can also say that a proposition is
logically possible when it meets the condition in Box 9.
A proposition is logically possible if and only if it involves no contradiction.
Logically Impossible Propositions
Propositions that are not thinkable at all are logically impossible, necessarily false, or absurd, as
illustrated by each of the following:
25 All pigs are mammals, but some pigs are not mammals.
26 Arnold Schwarzenegger is a medical doctor and he isn’t.
27 Arnold Schwarzenegger is a married bachelor.
Propositions of this sort are self-contradictions.
■ A proposition is self-contradictory if and only if it is necessarily false or logically impossible.
■ A self-contradictory proposition is false all by itself in every possible world, not just in the
actual world.
(25), (26), and (27) illustrate self-contradictions: each is logically impossible or necessarily false,
owing to its having self-contradictory concepts or logical words. A quick inspection of (25) and
(26) shows that there is no possible world in which either one could be true, simply because
they have, respectively, these logical forms:
25′ All such-and-such are so-and-so, but some such-and-such are not so-and-so.
26′ X has a certain feature and does not have it.
(25′) and (26′) exhibit arrangements of logical words (in italics) that make it impossible for any
proposition with either of these arrangements to be true. Each is therefore logically self-con
tradictory. On the other hand, (27) is conceptually self-contradictory: given the concepts
involved, there is no possible world where (27) could be true. No one could literally be a married
bachelor,just as no triangle could have four internal angles. Any proposition with such contents
would be absurd or nonsensical and therefore unthinkable, since it would be impossible to
comprehend its content.
It is not only individual propositions that could be logically impossible: entire sets of propo
sitions could be. That would be the case in any inconsistent set. Inconsistency occurs in either of
these two cases: the set has some propositions that are logically incompatible or contradictory
among themselves, or the set has at least one self-contradictory proposition. The propositions
that Dorothy Maloney is a senator and that she is not a public official illustrate the first case of
inconsistency, that of a set containing contradictory propositions. By the definitions of inconsis
tency and contradiction, any set consisting of contradictory propositions is inconsistent.
Any two propositions are contradictory just in case they cannot have the same truth
value: if one is true, the other must be false, and vice versa.
Consistency and Possible Worlds
Let’s now reconsider the following set:
23 Arnold Schwarzenegger is a medical doctor.
24 Pigs fly.
These propositions, though actually false, are nonetheless consistent. For there are possible
worlds (i.e., scenarios involving no contradiction) where they could be compatible. In those
possible worlds, they are both true at the same time: for example, a world where Arnold
Schwarzenegger never became a movie star but became a medical doctor instead, and where
pigs were anatomically equipped to overcome the force of gravity so that they could fly.
In light of these considerations, ‘consistent’ and ‘inconsistent’ may be recast as the following:
A set of beliefs is consistent if and only if
■ There is a logically possible world where its members could all be true at once.
A set of beliefs is inconsistent if and only if
■ There is no logically possible world where its members could be all true at once.
Consistency in Logical Thinking
Given the above definitions, no set of contradictory beliefs is eligible for consistency.
Inconsistency, or failure of consistency, amounts to a serious flaw, since it offends against our
intuitive sense of what is logically possible and, to that extent, thinkable at all. Inconsistent
beliefs are to be avoided completely. Whenever a set of beliefs is found to be inconsistent,
logical thinkers must first ask whether it can be made consistent, and if it can, then they must
take the necessary steps to make it so. How? By revising it in a way that eliminates the source
of inconsistency. Recall our inconsistent set:
20 Dorothy Maloney is a senator.
21 Dorothy Maloney is a jogger.
22 Dorothy Maloney is not a public official.
To remove the inconsistency here requires that either (20) or (22) be abandoned.
Note, however, that although consistency is a virtue, it is not a guide to accuracy or even to
reasonableness. Beliefs that could all be true in some possible scenario might, as we have seen,
in fact be false and even quite preposterous in our actual world. Another thing to notice is
that, like truth and falsity, neither consistency nor inconsistency comes in degrees. No set of
beliefs can be ‘sort of consistent’: it’s either consistent or inconsistent. We’ll now turn to con
servatism, a virtue of beliefs closely related to consistency.
A salient feature of logical thinkers is that they reflect upon their beliefs ( or the statements they
make) and try to make them consistent.
3.6 Conservatism and Revisability
Conservatism without Dogmatism
Conservatism or familiarity is a virtue that our beliefs have insofar as they are consistent with
other beliefs of ours. That is, beliefs have this virtue if they fit in with the beliefs we presently
have. Suppose that in a circus performance we observe that
28 A person inside a box was cut in two halves, later emerging unharmed.
Shall we accept (28)? Although (28) appears based on observational evidence, it’s inconsistent with
beliefs we already have, such as that
29 No one who has been cut in two halves could emerge unharmed.
Conservatism recommends that we reject (28) and that we take it to report nothing more than
a clever illusionist’s trick. The more outlandish a belief is, the less conservative it is.
Yet conservatism has to be balanced with revisability, to which we’ll turn below. Otherwise,
conservatism could lead to accepting only what is consistent with what we already believe,
whether the evidence supports it or not-which would be not only unreasonable, but dogmatic.
Dogmatism is the vice that some revisable beliefs have when they are held immune to
revision. Those who have beliefs with a significant share of this vice are dogmatists.
Dogmatism conflicts with revisability, a virtue that boils down to the open-mindedness needed
for the accuracy, reasonableness, and consistency of our beliefs. For our beliefs to have any of
these virtues, they must be revised often in light of new evidence and further reasoning.
Revisability without Extreme Relativism
Revisability is the virtue that beliefs have insofar as they are open to change. It comes in
degrees, as do accuracy and reasonableness. But, unlike them, revisability has an upper limit:
too much revisability may lead to extreme relativism, the vice of thinking that everything is a
matter of opinion. This makes sense only when beliefs are taken to be ‘true for’ a group of
people-rather than ‘true period.’ With the qualification ‘true for,’ the relativist can say that, for
example, the belief that the Earth doesn’t move was true for people in antiquity. At the same
time, it is not true for us. And there is no contradiction here.
Thus, given extreme relativism, some contradictory beliefs could all be equally true at the
same time. But this clashes with some common intuitions. One is that
A belief is true if and onry if it corresponds to the facts.
Plainly, it is false that the Earth didn’t move in antiquity. That belief did not correspond to
the facts then, just as it doesn’t correspond to the facts now. Moreover, given relativism, ‘true’
is actually ‘true for … ,’ where the dots could be filled in with ‘culture,’ ‘social group,’ ‘historical
period,’ or whatever is the preference of the relativists. This leads to the relativists’ acceptance
of at least some contradictions, since opposite beliefs may be ‘true for,’ for example, different
cultures. But a strong view in the West since antiquity is that contradiction makes dialogue
among logical thinkers impossible.
Logical thinkers must not be too strict about conservatism, for sometimes beliefs that seem not to
be conservative turn out to be accurate-or even true!
How much revisability, then, counts as a virtue? In fact, this varies according to belief type.
Consider mathematical and logical beliefs such as
30 6 is the square root of 36.
31 Either Lincoln is dead or he isn’t.
These may perhaps be counted as needing very little of that virtue at all. And similarly for
32 Lawyers are attorneys.
Other beliefs of these types, which are all supported by reasoning alone, may also be only mar
ginally revisable. They will typically have the highest degree of conservatism and the lowest de
gree of revisability.
On the other hand, consider empirical and memory beliefs such as
33 The John Hancock Building is Chicago’s tallest building.
34 I visited the John Hancock Building in 1996.
These have a great share of revisability. (33), an empirical belief, can be revised in light
of evidence (it is in fact false), as can (34), which could be nothing more than a false
memory. Beliefs of either type change in light of evidence, provided that they are not
held dogmatically.
If we allow our beliefs to be changed too easily and too frequently, we may end up thinking
that contradictory beliefs could all be true at once-or that ‘true’ just means ‘true for.’ This
is the vice of extreme relativism.
3. 7 Rationality vs. Irrationality
Rationality is the supervirtue characteristic of all beliefs within the limits of reasoning, while
irrationality is the supervice characteristic of all beliefs beyond that limit. Although a person’s
actions may also be said to be rational in some cases and irrational in others, here we shall
consider these features only insofar as they apply to beliefs. Rational belief requires the condi
tions listed here.
Condition (1) limits the range of beliefs to which (2) and (3) apply: not all beliefs,
but just the beliefs a thinker is presently and consciously considering. Typically, as thinkers
A thinker’s belief is rational only if the thinker
1. Has it presently and consciously in his mind,
2. Could provide evidence or reasons for it, and
3. Is not aware of the belief’s failing any of the virtues discussed above.
Conservatism: a belief’s virtue of being compatible with other beliefs we already have. Related
vice: dogmatism. A matter of degree.
Revisability: a belief’s virtue of being held open to change. Related vice: extreme relativism.
A matter of degree.
Rationality: a supervirtue a belief has insofar as is currently and consciously held by the
thinker, who has some reason to support it and is not aware of the belief’s having any of the
listed vices. Related supervice: irrationality. When a belief is irrational, that’s a compelling
reason to reject it.
■ Key Words
Belief Contradiction
Disbelief Self-contradiction
Nonbelief Conservatism
Accuracy Dogmatism
Truth Extreme relativism
Reasonableness Revisability
Consistency Rationality
Reason and Argument
Tips for Argument
This chapter considers some techniques for argument reconstruction. Here you’ll
learn about
The roles of faithfulness and charity in reconstructing arguments.
Arguments that have missing premises.
Recognizing extended arguments and their component parts.
The distinction between deduction and induction.
Normative reasoning
■ Normative arguments and missing normative premises.
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You can't simply change what the arguer had in mind in order to make an argument as strong as
possible. The price of doing that is to end up analyzing an argument that is altogether different
from the one actually proposed.
Compare the argument
4 Contemporary biologists believe that there are microorganisms. From this, it follows
necessarily that there are microorganisms.
If we focus on (4)'s premise and conclusion, they both seem plainly true. But here again, once
we prioritize faithfulness in reconstructing (4), we must also say that the argument fails sim
ply because its conclusion, though reasonable, does not follow necessarily from its premise.
After all, although the possibility that all biologists have got it wrong about microorganisms
might be an exceedingly remote one, it is still a possibility. On the other hand, if we priori
tize charity in our reconstruction of (4), its premise would be taken as merely providing
a reason for its conclusion-and the argument would therefore consist in a weaker relation,
such as
4' Contemporary biologists believe that there are microorganisms. This supports the
conclusion that there are microorganisms.
But should we recast (4) as (41)? No, for recall that when the two principles come apart in re
constructing an argument, the rule is: always prioritize faithfulness. In other words, faithful
ness is more stringent than charity. The rationale for this rule is in Box 3.
Finally, we should point out that failure to take account of faithfulness and charity in
reconstructing arguments can lead to a serious error in reasoning, the 'Straw Man argument,'
which we'll discuss in Chapter 10.
4.2 Missing Premises
Charity and faithfulness sometimes require that any missing (but implicit) premise be re
stored. Recall one of the arguments discussed in Chapter 1,
5 I think, therefore I am.
To make this argument as strong as possible without compromising the arguer's intentions, we
must add a missing premise, something to the effect that 'anything that thinks exists.' With this
extra premise, the inference is much stronger, for the argument could then be reconstructed as
5' 1. I think.
2. Anything that thinks exists. Missing premise
3. I exist.
It is now such that if its premises are true, its conclusion has to be true. Here is another ar
gument with a missing premise:
6 1. Mary is my sister.
2. Mary has a sibling.
(6) is a strong inference, since if its premise is true, its conclusion must be true. Yet a connec
tion between the premise and the conclusion is left implicit. A version of (6) that makes that
connection explicit would read
7 1. Mary is my sister.
2. Anyone who is a sister has a sibling.
3. Mary has a sibling.
4.3 Extended Arguments
Missing premise
Sometimes the conclusion of an argument serves as a premise of another argument. In such a
case, we may speak of an extended argument. Here is an extended argument that has as its
starting point our previous argument (5):
8 1. I think.
2. Anything that thinks exists.
3. I exist.
4. If I exist, then there is at least one thing (rather than nothing).
5. There is at least one thing (rather than nothing).
When you are presented with an extended argument, bear in mind that
■ You may in fact be presented with two or more arguments linked together.
■ The conclusion of the first may be a premise of the second, intended to support some
further conclusion … and so on.
■ Any conclusion that itself fails to be supported by the premises of an extended argu
ment cannot succeed in supporting further conclusions of that argument.
In (8) we have in fact two arguments: one offers two premises to support the first
conclusion, statement 3, and the other takes statement 3 as a premise, adds premise 4, and
draws the argument's second conclusion, statement 5. Since (8) has more than one conclu
sion, it is an extended argument. The reconstruction and evaluation of extended
arguments proceed according to the principles of faithfulness and charity recommended
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1 . What are the two main requirements of argument reconstruction?
2. In what respects do the principles of charity and faithfulness differ?
3. Why are charity and faithfulness important in argument analysis?
4. What should the logical thinker do in a case where charity and faithfulness come apart?
5. What is a missing premise?
6. What is an extended argument?
7. In reconstructing an argument, what should one do if there is a missing premise?
8. In reconstructing an argument, charity requires which of the following: to make that argument as
strong as possible, to try to capture the author's intentions, or to suspend judgment?
II. Each of the following arguments has a missing premise. Identify that premise.
(Some flexibility in wording is allowed.)
1. On paydays Jack rarely goes home before 11 :00 p.m.; therefore, he will not be home tonight until
11 :00 p.m., at the earliest.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Today is payday.
2. Buzz will probably not major in one of the sciences, because his grades in mathematics have always
been rather low.
*3. Rolf is European, for he was born in Germany.
4. Probably Michael is not a heavy drinker. After all, he is an athlete.
5. If the papers find out, she won't be promoted. So, if the papers find out, she'll feel miserable.
*6. According to the Federal Reserve Board, there will soon be a trend among U.S. banks to raise their
prime interest rates. Thus probably U.S. banks will be raising their prime interest rates in the near
7. Since she moved to this town, Pam has frequently gone to the doctor. Hence, she is seriously ill.
8. The Bible says that God exists. Thus God exists.
*9. Either she is telling the truth or she is committing perjury. We must conclude that she is committing
10. If she has a truck, then she can move herself out. Therefore, she can move herself out.
11. No dolphins are fish. Therefore, no dolphins are creatures with gills.
*12. Tony is Canadian. Thus he is used to cold weather.
13. Emily did not come for lunch. For had she come, the maid would have noticed it.
14. Isosceles triangles have three internal angles. After all, they are triangles!
*15. According to a survey, more than 90 percent of cell phone users cannot get through the day without
using their phone. Thus Jane cannot get through the day without using hers.
16. Socrates is human. Therefore, Socrates is mortal.
*17. Since creation science is a religious theory, creation science should not be taught in biology courses
in public schools.
18. The Earth is a planet and has carbon-based life. This suggests that Mars has carbon-based life.
19. My cousin has good vision, for people who don't wear eyeglasses have good vision.
*20. Canaries are birds and have feathers. Thus pelicans probably have feathers.
21. People who move from city to city frequently have a rough time establishing relationships. Thus
Marcello has a rough time establishing relationships.
22. Beatrice might have bone disease. After all, experts have found that exposure to cigarette smoke
makes the probability of bone disease three times more likely.
23. Fuel costs are rising. This will deliver a boost to sales of fuel-efficient cars.
*24. Scientists are interpreting the dark areas shown by the Mars probe as dry lake beds. Therefore, there
might have been life on Mars at some time.
25. Consuming foods rich in folic acid cuts the risk of dementia. So Grandpa has a lower risk of demen
tia than others his age.
Ill. Underline the conclusions of the following arguments, and determine which
arguments are simple and which extended.
1. Since I'm happy to be alive, my mother did the right thing in not having an abortion when she was
pregnant with the fetus that became me. It follows that I must oppose abortion.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Since I'm happy to be alive, my mother did the rnJht thing in not having an abortion
when she was pregnant with the fetus that became me, It follows that I must oppose abortion Extended
2. Teens who sleep only a few hours a day often report psychological problems. Tom is a teenager who
sleeps about two hours a day. As a result, he is likely to report psychological problems.
*3. No real vegetarian eats meat. Alicia is a real vegetarian. Thus she doesn't eat meat. Hence, there is
no point in taking her to Tony Roma's Steak House.
4. Tonight I'll be working extra hours. Whenever I work extra hours, I'm home late. It follows that tonight
I'll be home late. All days when I'm home late are days when I don't see my kids. Thus I won't see my
kids today.
*5. If the ocean is rough here, there will be no swimming. If there is no swimming, tourists will go to an
other beach. Thus if the ocean is rough here, tourists will go to another beach.
6. Fluffy is a feline, for cats are felines and Fluffy is a cat. Since felines are carnivorous, Fluffy is carnivorous.
*7. No Democrat votes for Republicans. Since Keisha voted for Republicans, she is not a Democrat.
Thus she won't be invited to Jamal's party, for only Democrats are invited to his party.
8. If we go by car, it will take us four hours but we'll save money. If we fly to that location, we'll spend
more money, and it will take us a little more than three hours, from the time we leave the house until
we arrive at the hotel. This suggests that we should go by car.
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*9. To understand most web pages, you have to read them. To read them requires a good amount of
time. Thus to understand web pages requires a good amount of time. Since I don' t have any time, I
keep away from the web, and as a result, I miss some news.
10. If whether the fetus is a person is controversial, then whether abortion is morally permissible is also
controversial. It is in fact controversial whether fetuses count as persons. Therefore, whether
abortion is morally permissible is controversial.
*11. Because Jerome is an atheist and Cynthia's mother does not like him, it follows that Jerome will not
be invited to the family picnic next month. We may also infer that Jerome will come to see Cynthia
only when her mother is not around.
12. Actor Owen Wilson must have done something wrong in his movie You, Me and Dupree. After all,
there is a document posted on a website claiming that the "rip-off with Dupree was uncool."
*13. Professor Veebelfetzer will surely be expelled from the Academy of Sciences. For he admits using
false data in his famous experiment on rat intelligence. As a result, his name will also be removed
from the list of those invited to the academy's annual banquet next fall.
14. The electronics industry is growing twice as fast in Japan as in the United States. For this reason,
Japanese-made computer screens will probably take over the American market. Thus some
American electronics companies will go out of business. It also follows that Americans will be able to
buy less expensive computer screens.
*15. Since books help to develop comprehension skills, web pages do that too. After all, in both cases
one must read carefully to understand what is presented.
IV. For each of the following arguments, determine whether it is (A) simple; (8)
extended, with at most two conclusions; or (C) extended, with more than two
1. A reliable study shows that soda drinkers have weaker bones. Therefore, soda is bad for the
2. Central High School must have a good science department, since many of its graduates every year
go on to study science in college and several members of the graduating class this year have won
science scholarships. So Ms. Gomez must be a good science teacher, since she teaches in the
science department at Central High School.
3. Because Wolfinger spent his entire paycheck at the racetrack, therefore we can expect that his wife
will berate him fiercely when he gets home. It also follows that his mother-in-law will not speak to him
for at least a month.
*4. Since Wittgenstein authored two path-breaking books, he is rightly considered one of the most
important twentieth-century philosophers. Thus any educated person today should know about
Wittgenstein's works. Accordingly, any college survey of twentieth-century philosophy should include
some discussion of them.
5. There is evidence that people exposed to radiation tend to develop thyroid disease in greater
numbers than those not exposed to it. This suggests that radiation exposure increases the risk of
thyroid disease.
6. Many members of his party oppose the prime minister's position on the Middle East. Therefore it's
doubtful that the party will continue to support him. So we may expect that he will not remain as
prime minister.
•7. Since the Venezuelans and the Cubans are hostile to the Organization of American States, therefore the
Bolivians are hostile too. So they will be ineffectively represented at the OAS. In consequence, some
voices from Latin America will be ignored at this forum and the OAS. will not solve the region's problems.
8. Because of last summer's infestation of gypsy moths in New York, we must conclude that the same
pestilence will return this summer. It also follows that the infestation may reach at least New Jersey
and Connecticut.
9. "Our new cars offer distinctive styling and outstanding fuel economy," said the vice president for
sales and marketing. Now, a vice president is usually a responsible person unlikely to make false
claims. Therefore, probably his company's new cars do offer distinctive styling and outstanding fuel
*10. Spies work for secret intelligence services. Now we have irrefutable evidence that Ken is a spy. It
follows that he works for a secret intelligence service. So we should pass this information to the
press without delay.
1. Use the following argument in an extended argument of your own: 'If I get a good review, I'll be
promoted. Therefore, if I get a good review, I' ll have a better salary.'
2. State the missing premise in (1).
3. Provide two arguments of your own with missing premises and then identify each missing premise.
4. Write an argument with a missing premise for this conclusion: 'I have a right to an education.'
4.4 Types of Reason
Deductive vs. Inductive Reasons
We have seen that an argument consists of a conclusion that makes a claim of some sort and one
or more premises intended as support for that conclusion. But there are two different ways such
support can be offered, depending on whether the premises aim at guaranteeing the truth of the
conclusion, or at simply providing some reasons for it. A rough distinction between these two
might be to say that the former amounts to a conclusive relation, the latter a nonconclusive
relation. But we can now be more precise and say that a conclusive relation between certain
premises and a claim is the mark of a deductive argument, a nonconclusive relation that of an
inductive argument. All arguments exemplify either the one or the other of these two relations.
A deductive argument is one in which the conclusion is supposed to follow necessarily
from the premises. The following illustrate such arguments:
9 1. If today is Monday, then we have logic class.
2. Today is Monday.
3. We have logic class.
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1 0 1 All dogs bark.
2. Fido is a dog.
3. Fido barks.
11 1. Today is cloudy and warm.
2. Today is cloudy.
In each of these, if the premises are all true, the conclusion must be true too (it cannot be false).
So they are all plainly deductive. Now compare
12 1. Most university students have studied plane geometry.
2. Some students in this class have studied plane geometry.
13 1.Many cats are docile.
2. Felix is a cat.
3. Felix is docile.
Both (12) and (13) illustrate arguments where the premises provide at most nonconclusive rea
sons: they both fall short of guaranteeing the truth of the conclusions they're offered to sup
port. In each, the conclusion could be false even if the premises are true. Thus we count such
arguments as inductive.
In argument analysis, it's useful to keep in mind the distinctions represented in Box 5. We
must always decide whether a given argument is deductive or inductive, since the standards of
evaluation vary accordingly. Many arguments are defective if evaluated as deductive but quite
good if evaluated as inductive. When in doubt, what should we do? Simply ask yourself: Are
the premises presented as guaranteeing the conclusion? If so, then the argument is best
considered deductive and should be analyzed by deductive standards. Or, are the premises
presented as merely providing some reason for the conclusion, which might still be false even
if all the premises are true? If so, then the argument is best considered inductive and should be
analyzed by inductive standards. Just what these standards are, in the case of either deduction
or induction, is the topic of the next two chapters.
1. What is a conclusive reason? Contrast it with a nonconclusive reason.
2. Define 'deductive argument.'
3. Define 'inductive argument.'
4. Could a deductive argument with true premises have a false conclusion? Explain.
5. Could an inductive argument with true premises have a false conclusion? Explain.
VII. Read each of the following arguments carefully, adding any missing premise if
needed, and then determine whether it is deductive or inductive.
1. The defendant is not guilty. After all, his mother says he wasn't at the scene of the crime.
2. Soledad O'Brien is either a TV news anchor or a newspaper reporter. Since she is not a newspaper
reporter, it follows that she is a TV news anchor.
*3. Pigeons fly. Sparrows fly. Even ducks fly. It follows that all birds fly.
4. The Wisconsin Badgers will win this season because they have trained hard. In the past, when they
trained hard, they usually won.
5. If whales are mammals, then they are not fish. Hence, whales are not fish, since they are mammals.
*6. Joe will fail Philosophy 100, because he never goes to class, and most students who don't go to
class fail.
7. Gold expands under heat. Aluminum expands under heat. Copper expands under heat. It follows
that all metals expand under heat.
*8. All metals expand under heat. Gold is a metal. So, gold expands under heat.
9. George will have lung problems, because a high percentage of smokers develop lung problems, and
he is a smoker.
*10. Lawyers are attorneys. Rumpole is a lawyer. Therefore, Rumpole is an attorney.
11. Cats are furry animals. It follows that all pets are furry animals.
*12. Coffee is a common beverage and contains caffeine. Tea is a common beverage and contains
caffeine. Coca-cola is a common beverage and contains caffeine. In sum, all common beverages
contain caffeine.
13. Some mothers are married. Gwen is a mother. Therefore, she is married.
14. No bankers are jokers. Harriet is a banker. Therefore, she is not a joker.
*15. Harriet drives a Mercedes-Benz. After all, she is a banker and many bankers will drive nothing but a
16. The reality show's winner will either meet the president or he will meet the vice president. It is not the
case that he'll meet the vice president. Therefore, he'll meet the president.
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17. Today I met someone in an Internet chat room. But there is no chance that we could have a suc
cessful long-term relationship, for no people who meet in internet chat rooms can have successful
long-term relationships.
*18. Some Texans are tall. Billy Bob is a Texan. Therefore, Billy Bob is tall.
19. No sharks are friendly. Hammerheads are sharks. Therefore, no hammerheads are friendly.
*20. Columbus was either Spanish or Italian. He was not Spanish. Therefore, he was Italian.
21. Lady Gaga has no problems. She is a famous singer, and no famous singer has problems.
22. All famous politicians are celebrities. Some governors are famous politicians; therefore, some gover
nors are celebrities.
*23. Some comedians are Canadians. Mike Meyers is a comedian. So Mike Meyers is probably a
24. Lake Michigan most likely carries commercial shipping, since it's one of the Great Lakes, and the
other Great Lakes carry commercial shipping.
*25. No hip-hop artist is a fan of harmonica music. Since Zoltan is a fan of harmonica music, it follows that
he is not a hip-hop artist.
VIII. All the arguments below have missing premises and may be counted as either
deductive or inductive, depending on what missing premises are put in. For each
argument, provide the missing premise that would make it (a) deductive, or (b)
inductive. Some flexibility in wording is allowed!
1. People waste a huge amount of time surfing the web. It follows that the web is not such a great
1 a: No invention that allows people to waste a huge amount of time is great.
1 b: Many inventions that allow people to waste a huge amount of time are not great.
2. Ellen is a sophisticated artist, hence she listens to jazz.
3. Digsby was fired. After all, he had been spending all day surfing the web.
4. Latino purchasing power is approaching billions of dollars in the United States. Therefore, there will
be better employment opportunities for talented Latinos.
5. Air Canada is an airline. Therefore, Air Canada charges a baggage fee to passengers who check bags.
6. The British red squirrel is a rodent. Consequently, the British red squirrel is an endangered species.
7. The galaxies are flying outward. This suggests that the Milky Way Galaxy will spin apart.
8. Mount Everest is a tall mountain. Therefore, Mount Everest is difficult to climb.
9. President Calvin Coolidge was a fiscal conservative. So he was not a gambler.
10. The NAFTA treaty regulates North American commercial relations. Therefore, the NAFTA treaty is
unpopular with opponents of free trade.
1. Consider the claim 'Ray has at least one sibling.' Write two arguments for it, one deductive (i.e., pro
viding conclusive reasons) and the other inductive (i.e., providing nonconclusive reasons).
2. Write an argument with a missing premise, and then identify that premise.
3. Consider the claim 'There is life after death.' Write an argument for it and another one against it.
Discuss whether these arguments are conclusive or nonconclusive.
4.5 Norm and Argument
What Is a Normative Argument?
We've seen that all arguments fall into either one of the other of two classes: they're either
deductive or inductive. From a different perspective, both deductive and inductive arguments
could be classified as being either normative or non-normative. The examples we've discussed in
this book up to now have nearly all been made up entirely of statements that assert or deny
some facts (or putative facts) about the world, such as 'Toronto is the largest city in Ontario,'
'Mercury is heavier than water,' and 'Jerry Seinfeld is a comedian.' Statements of this sort fall
under the category of non-normative. But some other expressions go beyond facts to assess in
dividuals, actions, and things, or to say what an individual ought to do (or ought not to do) or
how things should be (or not be). For example, 'You ought to keep your promises,' 'Reggae
music is cool,' 'Hitler was evil,' and 'Elena deserves credit for her hard work.'
Expressions of this latter type are used to make normative judgments, which figure in a
sort of reasoning that we'll call normative reasoning. When we make a normative judgment and
offer reasons intended to support it, the result is a normative argument. These are arguments
for the conclusion that something has a certain value, such as being good or bad, right or
wrong, just or unjust, beautiful or ugly, and the like. Also, arguments for the conclusion that
something is permissible (may be done), obligatory (ought to be done), or forbidden (should
not �e done) may be classified as being normative arguments. Consider
14 1. One ought to obey one's parents.
2. My parents told me not to go to the party on Friday night.
3. I ought not to go the party on Friday night.
The conclusion of (14) is a normative judgment, since it represents a certain action (going to
the party on Friday night) as being forbidden. By doing so, it directs or guides the arguer's be
havior in a certain way-namely, away from the Friday-night party. That the conclusion is a
normative judgment here is sufficient to make argument (14) normative. In addition, (14)'s
premise 1 belongs to the category of general normative judgments, sometimes also called
'principles,' because they state rules that are supposed to apply not just to one person, but to
anyone. We may distinguish between normative judgments that express a generalization or
rule and those-like (14)'s conclusion-that are particular sentences used to make claims
about individual persons, things, events, and so on. The distinctions we have in mind here are
summarized in Box 6.
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Judgments of obligation involve concepts such as right and wrong, and duty (what we're
obligated to do or forbear from doing, what we're permitted to do or forbidden to do). For
15 You ought not to deceive your friends.
16 Spreading that malicious rumor about Anderson was wrong.
Judgments of value, or simply evaluative judgments, are about the value of actions or
things (whether they are good or bad, just or unjust, etc.). For example,
17 Honest people make good co-workers.
18 The desert of southern Utah is beautiful.
(15) and (17) are general: they purport to apply to a set of individuals or things. (16) and (18) are
particular: they purport to apply to a single individual or thing.
Of concern here are certain general and particular normative judgments about matters of
taste, the law, prudence, and morality. We'll classify them accordingly as aesthetic, legal,
prudential, or moral judgments. Whenever any such normative judgment is the conclusion of
an argument, we'll say that the argument itself is aesthetic, legal, prudential, or moral, as the
case may be. A normative judgment is aesthetic just in case it expresses an evaluation or norm
involving a matter of taste such as that some piece of art is beautiful or ugly, a dish is tasty or
inedible, or that we ought to admire good music. Aesthetic judgments could be either particu
lar ('Beyonce's recordings are superior art,' 'Frank Lloyd Wright's designs are overrated,' 'The
Parliament buildings in Ottawa are a majestic sight') or general ('White socks don't go well
with black shoes,' 'You ought to watch Law and Order').
The conclusion of a legal argument features a normative judgment involving a legal mat
ter: something that's said to be a duty or obligation according to the law, or to be permitted to
do or forbidden to do by statute-for example, that drivers ought not to tear up a parking ticket
or are permitted to turn right on red (except in New York City!) and that adults have a duty to
file an income tax return. Legal normative judgments could have a conditional form, as in 'If a
person is called for jury service, that person must show up,' and 'When a person is sworn as a
witness in court, that person is obligated to tell the truth.'
The conclusion of a prudential argument makes a claim about what it would be in your
own self-interest to do, such as 'You ought to be especially nice to your rich Aunt Gertrude,' 'It's
not in your interest to antagonize your boss,' 'People should look out for themselves first!' and
'Don't cheat your business associates if you don't want them to cheat you.'
The conclusion of a moral argument is a moral judgment. Judgments of this sort make a
claim about what is good or bad, just or unjust, and what ought (or ought not) to be done, not
because it's sanctioned by the law, but because, as the case may be, it deserves praise or
blame- for example, 'Lying is wrong,' 'You ought to help the earthquake survivors,' 'Matthew's
behavior was dishonest,' and 'The firefighters showed great courage on 9/11.'
The upshot, then, is that when normative judgments of any of these four types occur in
the conclusion of an argument, the argument is itself normative. And it's by paying attention
to the type of normative judgment in the conclusion that we tell which type of normative
argument it is: aesthetic, legal, prudential, or moral.
Missing Normative Premises
Earlier in this chapter, we saw that when arguments are presented in everyday language,
they sometimes have missing premises that need to be restored if the argument is to be
reconstructed in a way that respects the principles of faithfulness and charity. One especially
common way in which important premises may be left out is a pattern that sometimes
occurs in normative arguments. In fact, such arguments often have normative judgments,
not only in their conclusions, but also in at least one premise, and it's that premise that is
sometimes left out.
What we shall call normative general premises, such as 'Keeping promises is right,' 'Slavery
is unjust,' or 'One ought to obey the law,' are judgments that may seem to the arguer too obvi
ous to need repeating, and so they may get left out. Here are some examples of normative ar
guments in which the normative general premises are in place. As you read them, try imagin
ing what they'd sound like with that crucial premise left out.
19 Legal argument:
1. Driving faster than 55 miles per hour on the Taconic Parkway
is forbidden by law. � NORMATIVE GENERAL PREMISE
2. Yesterday I drove faster than 55 miles per hour on the Taconic Parkway.
3. Yesterday I did what I ought not to do, according to the law.
20 Aesthetic argument:
1. Music that consists of only a random collection of honks, bleats,
and screeches is worthless noise. � NORMATIVE GENERAL PREMISE
2. Professor Murgatroyd's 'Second Symphony' consists of only a random collection
of honks, bleats, and screeches.
3. Professor Murgatroyd's 'Second Symphony' is worthless noise.
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■ Normative arguments often leave out general normative reasons.
■ Such reasons must be made explicit in argument analysis.
■ The bottom line is that a careful logical thinker will want to be sure that all of an argument's
premises are in place, since only in that way can a fair assessment be made of the argument's
conclusiveness or nonconclusiveness.
21 Prudential argument:
1. You ought to do whatever would best serve
your own self-interest. f- NORMATIVE GENERAL PREMISE
2. Agreeing with your boss whenever possible would best serve your own self-interest.
3. You ought to agree with your boss whenever possible.
22 Moral argument:
2. Failing to report income on your tax return is lying.
3. Failing to report income on your tax return is wrong.
Normative arguments are properly reconstructed only when their normative premises are
made explicit, as they are here (together with whatever other reasons are given in the
argument's premises). Now, the point to be noticed is that normative arguments of the sort
one is likely to meet in everyday life very often fail to include among their premises the rele
vant normative general principles-since such premises are often taken for granted, as in
20' Professor Murgatroyd's ' Second Symphony' consists of only a random collection of
honks, bleats, and screeches; thus Professor Murgatroyd's 'Second Symphony' is
worthless noise.
21 ' Agreeing with your boss whenever possible would best serve your own self-interest,
so you ought to agree with your boss whenever possible.
In (20'), 'Music that consists of only a random collection of honks, bleats, and screeches is
worthless noise' is the missing premise. What's left out is the normative general premise that
purports to say what worthlessness in music is. In (21') the missing premise is 'You ought to do
whatever would best serve your own self-interest'-again, a normative general premise, in this
case holding that serving one's self-interest is a sufficient reason to justify an action (some
thing we might take for granted as being too obvious to need stating-but is it true?).
1 . What is a normative argument?
2. When a normative argument has a missing premise, what sort of premise is likely to be left out?
3. What is a normative general premise?
4. How do prudential arguments differ from moral arguments?
5. What is an aesthetic argument?
6. What's the difference between a normative judgment of obligation and a normative judgment of
XI. Some of the following arguments are normative, and some are non-normative.
Indicate which is which.
1. The Internet gives a huge opportunity to waste time web surfing while at work. It follows that the
Internet is not such a great invention.
2. Plain and simple: the European Union did the right thing. For funding for stem-cell research should
not be banned when so many lives could be saved and so much suffering with debilitating illnesses
could be stopped.
*3. You oppose abortion. Therefore, you probably oppose the deaths of children by way of "collateral
damage" in war.
4. If cell technology develops, then people afflicted by certain illnesses could be cured, which is clearly
good. Thus any restriction on stem cell research ought to be avoided.
*5. The challenge for us is reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on the climate. After all,
we've already agreed that we want to preserve ecodiversity.
6. If we are serious about helping the developing world, new kinds of energy are needed. Since we do
want to help the developing world, it follows that new kinds of energy are needed.
*7. We should either save money or the environment. Attempts to save the environment cannot suc
ceed, scientists say. Therefore, we should save money.
8. If you care about switching to a new laptop, you also care about fast Internet access . But fast
Internet access doesn't matter to you. So you shouldn't waste your money on a new laptop.
*9. One liter of seawater can contain more than twenty thousand different types of bacteria, according
to an international project attempting to catalog all ocean life. As a result, microbial biodiversity is
now considered much greater than previously thought.
10. It's clear that unless we can control carbon-dioxide emissions, we'll run into climate change sooner
than expected. But we cannot control carbon-dioxide emissions. It follows that sooner than
expected, we'll run into climate change.
*11. You must sign up! We won't judge you. If you don't wish to risk your own safety in the future, you
should be one of us.
12. Taxpayers' money should not be used to help build more laboratories to carry out tests on animals
for medical research. After all, many taxpayers are against such research.
*13. The first commercial trip around the Moon for "space tourists" will cost an estimated $100 million. So
each space tourist will have to pay a great deal of money.
14. A recent survey reveals that while 75 percent of people think it is rude to use a cell phone during
dinner, only 9 percent of respondents said it was unreasonable to do so on a train. Therefore,
although it is rude to use a cell phone during dinner, it is permissible to use it on a train.
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*15. Whenever a species is in the news, that species is at risk of disappearing. Thus polar bears and
hippos might disappear, since they have recently been in the news.
16. Anabolic-substance users deserve to be suspended from athletic competition. So Natalia ought to
be banned from competition at next year's Olympics, since she is an anabolic-substance user.
*17. Actor Ben Stiller must have made some mistake in his movie Meet the Parents. After all, there is a
document posted on a website claiming that the "comedy scenes with Stiller and De Niro were not
18. Orville is the Liberal Party nominee for chief of dog catchers, so he will be running for office in the next
election. From this we can also conclude that Orville is not indifferent to politics.
*19. Because Messina is running against Foley, and Messina is a popular candidate, therefore Foley will
spend more money for campaign advertising next year.
20. Los Angeles and Mexico City are places where there is a lively mix of cultures and also a lot of wealth.
Such places tend to be good places to live. It follows that both Los Angeles and Mexico City are
good places to live.
XII. The following arguments are either moral, aesthetic, prudential, legal, or a
combination of some of these. In each case, indicate which is which.
1 . Thelonious Monk's music is great jazz, as it has subtle harmonic phrasing and tonal complexity that
distinguish it from all other jazz.
2. It is in your self-interest to succeed in college. Besides, that's what you promised to your parents. It
follows that you must try to succeed in college.
3. Senator Jones favors legalizing embryonic stem-cell research. Embryonic stem-cell research is
immoral. Therefore, Senator Jones favors immoral legislation.
*4. Julia Roberts's performances are well crafted. Comparing hers with those of other Hollywood
actresses today, we must acknowledge that hers are the best and that she deserves an award.
5. Benito Mussolini had many of his opponents shot. So he was an evil man.
*6. Wal-Mart uses partially hydrogenated oil in its food products, and these oils are a health hazard.
Furthermore, it has questionable labor practices. It follows that I ought not to buy at Wal-Mart.
7. A woman has a right to choose on the question of abortion. Our laws require that those who favor
women's rights speak up. Furthermore, their views can improve our society. Therefore, we should
speak up on this question.
8. Five-year-old Tyler must get his vaccinations. After all, he needs to start school with the other
children, and the law requires children to be inoculated if they're going to attend school.
*9. Since you're going to smoke, you must step outside the restaurant.
*1 O. I know my boss has been breaking the law with his illegal stock trading. But since nothing could be
gained by reporting this, I should keep quiet about it.
11. In light of the legal right to freedom of speech in the United States, defamation laws cannot be
used to stifle neo-Nazi comments on the Internet. Some biogs make neo-Nazi comments on the
Internet. Therefore, defamation laws cannot be used to stifle those biogs' comments on the
12. World champion cyclist Landis was found to violate the regulations of the Tour de France by using a
banned steroid substance in the race. Thus what he did was both illegal and wrong.
*13. Recently, polar bears and hippos were added to the list of threatened species. This suggests that we
should take the necessary steps to protect them. It is good for its own sake and, in the long run, can
only benefit us.
14. Since consumers are wrestling with higher interest rates and other increased household costs on a
monthly basis, in order to stay competitive in the present market we should adopt new sales
*15. We should all support the Municipal Museum of Art, because it contributes toward making our city a
more beautiful place to live. And by contributing to the quality of life in our city, it thereby also raises
our property values.
16. It is now apparent that key scientists who advised the World Health Organization to stockpile vac
cines for the expected swine flu pandemic had financial ties with pharmaceutical companies that
stood to profit from this policy. So these scientists did what they must have known was wrong.
*17. Small private colleges are not doing well in the present economic environment. Therefore, they must
downsize if they are going to stay in business.
18. Any winner of the Gershwin Prize in Music must have created great popular music. Sir Paul
McCartney was honored recently with the Gershwin Prize. So, no doubt about it: he has created
great popular music.
19. According to a new federal law, small banks that enter into mergers with other small banks qualify for
government stimulus money. Thus First Investors Trust and the Squeedunk National Bank should
consider merging for their own sake. As a result, they would also have a rightful claim on stimulus
*20. People who pursue higher education stand to benefit over the long term by their college training and
broad exposure to the arts and sciences, but they are also better able to contribute to the improve
ment of their communities. So Ignacio ought to go ahead with his plans for college. He owes it to
himself and also to his fellow citizens.
XIII.Each of following arguments has at least one missing normative premise. Identify
that premise or premises. (Some flexibility in wording is allowed.)
1. Voluntary euthanasia reduces suffering. Thus voluntary euthanasia is ethically justified
SAMPLE ANSWER: Whatever reduces suffering is ethically justified.
2. Cambodian dictator Pol Pot brought misery and death to millions of people. Therefore what Pol Pot
did was wrong.
*3. The new Hearst Building was designed by Sir Norman Foster; therefore, the Hearst Building is
4. It's better to be safe than sorry. You are playing games that are not safe. Therefore, you should stop
playing those games.
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Evaluating Deductive
In this chapter, you’ll look more closely at deductive reasoning, focusing first on the
concept of validity and then on related topics, including
The difference between valid and invalid arguments.
Some alternative ways of talking about validity.
The relation between validity and argument form.
How to represent propositional and categorical argument forms.
Soundness as an evaluative standard.
Deductive cogency as an evaluative standard.
The practical implications (or ‘cash value’) of validity, soundness, and cogency.
5.1 Validity
Sometimes people use ‘valid’ to mean ‘true’ or ‘reasonable’ and ‘invalid’ to mean ‘false’ or
‘unreasonable.’ But these are not what ‘valid’ and ‘invalid’ mean in logical thinking. A deductive
argument is valid if and only if its premises necessitate or entail its conclusion, where ‘entail
ment’ is defined as in Box 1.
As we’ve seen, a deductive argument is one in which the conclusion is supposed to follow neces
sarily from the premises-so that if the premises were all true, the conclusion would be, too.
Since a valid argument’s premises, if true, determine that the conclusion is true, valid arguments
can also be said to be truth-preserving. Any argument that fails to be truth-preserving would be
one whose premises could be true and its conclusion false at once. Such an argument is, by defi
nition, invalid: its premises do not entail its conclusion. Note that we’re introducing here some
different expressions that all mean the same thing. To say that an argument is valid is equivalent
to saying that its premises entail its conclusion. And both of these are equivalent to saying that
the argument is truth-preserving, and that its conclusion follows necessarily from its premise or
premises. The upshot of all this is:
In a valid argument, it makes no logical sense to accept the premises and reject
the conclusion.
Once you accept a valid argument’s premises, were you to reject its conclusion (i.e., think that it
is false), that would be contradictory or nonsensical. Contradictory statements cannot have the
same truth value: if one is true, the other must be false. Consider this valid argument:
1 If the Ohio River is in North America, then it is not in Europe. The Ohio River is in
North America; therefore it is not in Europe.
You cannot accept both that if the Ohio River is in North America, then it is not in Europe and also
that it is in North America and at the same time reject that the Ohio River is not in Europe. That
would be contradictory, thus making no logical sense.
Validity is one of the standards used to evaluate deductive arguments. Whether an argu
ment is valid or not is never a matter of degree, but instead one of all or nothing. An argument
cannot be ‘sort of valid.’ It’s either valid or it’s not. Furthermore, there is a simple test to deter
mine the validity of an argument. As you read it, ask yourself, ‘Could the conclusion be false
with all the premises true at once?’ If so, the argument flunks the test: it’s invalid. But if not,
then you may accept it as valid. Let’s consider some examples. Suppose we ventured to predict
what next summer in Baltimore will be like. We might say,
There is entailment in an argument if and only if the truth of the argument’s premises guarantees
the truth of its conclusion-in the sense that, if the premises are all true, the conclusion cannot be
false. Such an argument is valid and truth-preserving.
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w if it has entailment (its premises necessitate its conclusion).
Cash Value
■ It is not possible that the argument’s premises are true and its conclusion false.
■ The conclusion could be false, if at least one of the premises is false.
■ It is contradictory to accept a valid argument’s premises and reject its conclusion.
An argument is sound if and on!)> if it is valid and all its premises are true.
Cash Value
■ The argument’s conclusion is true: to deny it is to say something false.
■ A logical thinker who recognizes an argument as sound must accept its conclusion.
An argument is cogent if and on!)> if it is recognizab!J valid and has acceptable premises which
are more acceptable than the conclusion they attempt to support.
Cash Value
■ Any argument that satisfies these conditions is rationally compelling, in the sense that
it would move the thinker to accept its conclusion (provided she accepts its premises
and works out the entailment).
■ It would be irrational for the thinker to reject the conclusion of that argument.
■ Key Words
Truth-preserving argument
Argument form
Propositional argument
Categorical argument
Substitution instance
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1. Sufficient cause: C is a sufficient cause of E if and only if C always produces E.
2. Necessary cause: C is a necessary cause of E if and only if E cannot occur in the absence of C.
3. Necessary and sufficient cause: C is a necessary and sufficient cause of E if and only if C always
is the sole cause of E.
The methods of agreement and difference, and of concomitant variation. In his System of
Logic (1843), John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) made use of ordinary intuitions in an attempt to
establish generalizations about cause-and-effect relations. According to those intuitions,
whenever something occurs, it is often possible to narrow the range of acceptable hypotheses
about its likely cause-or about its effect-by eliminating plainly irrelevant factors until at
last we find the hypothesis most likely to be the actual cause (or effect) of the occurrence. Of
the five methods to establish generalizations about causal relationships proposed by Mill,
we'll here consider two: the so-called method of agreement and difference and the method of
concomitant variation.
The method of agreement and difference The method of agreement and difference rests on
the following basic principles:
1. Agreement: What different occurrences of a certain phenomenon have in common is
probably its cause.
2. Difference: Factors that are present only when some observed phenomenon occurs are
probably its cause.
Suppose a coach wants to find out why Mick, Jim, and Ted, three of his best players, often
perform poorly on Friday afternoons. After collecting some data about what each player does
before the game, the coach reasons along these lines:
35 1. Mick,Jim, and Ted have been performing poorly on Friday afternoons.
2. Going to late parties on Thursday is the one and only thing that all three do when
and only when they perform poorly.
3. Going to late parties on Thursday likely causes their poor game performance.
The coach's reasoning here illustrates 'agreement,' since it runs roughly alone these lines:
36 1. X has occurred several times.
2. Y is the one and only other thing that precedes all occurrences of X.
3. Y causes X.
But to make a more precise cause-effect claim, the coach should also use the method of
difference: first, he should compare the players' performance when they've been going to late
parties and when they haven't, and then, if they perform poorly only in the former cases, he
should conclude that that difference also points to late-evening party-going as the likely
cause of their poor performance. In fact, although the methods of agreement and difference
are independent, they are usually employed jointly for the sake of greater precision.
The method of concomitant variation The method of concomitant variation rests on the
following principles:
1. When variations of one sort are highly correlated with variations of another, one is likely
to be the cause of the other, or they may both be caused by something else.
2. When variations in one phenomenon are highly correlated with variations in another
phenomenon, one of the two is likely to be the cause of the other, or they may both be
caused by some third factor.
Suppose now someone asks the coach why being fit matters for the members of a team. He
may safely invoke empirical evidence to argue that there is a causal relationship between a
player's being fit and his or her performance:
37 1. The more fit the players are, the better their performance.
2. Probably, being fit causes their better performance, or their better performance
causes their being fit, or something else causes both their better performance and
their being fit.
The underlying reasoning is roughly
38 1. X varies in a certain way if and only if Yvaries in a certain way.
2. Y causes X, or X causes Y, or some Z causes both X and Y.
Analogy is a type of inductive argument whereby a certain conclusion about individuals,
qualities, or classes is drawn on the basis of some similarities with other individuals, qualities,
or classes. Here is an example of an analogy whose conclusion about a certain vehicle rests on
this vehicle having some things in common with other similar vehicles:
39 1. Mary's vehicle, a 2007 SUV, is expensive to run.
2. Jane's vehicle is a 2007 SUV and is expensive to run.
3. Simon's vehicle is a 2007 SUV and is expensive to run.
4. Peter's vehicle is a 2007 SUV.
5. Peter's vehicle is expensive to run.
In (39), the arguer attempts to make her conclusion reasonable by analogy: Peter's vehicle
shares two features with Mary's, Jane's, and Simon's: being a 2007 model and an SUV. This
provides some reason to think that it may also have in common a third feature, that of being
expensive to run. Let 'm,' 'j,' 's,' and 'p' stand, respectively, for Mary's vehicle, Jane's vehicle,
Simon's vehicle, and Peter's vehicle; and A, B, and C for the ascribed features: being a 2007
model, being an SUV, and being expensive to run. Then (39)'s pattern is
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When an inductive argument is reliable, it has a form that makes its conclusion plausible
provided that its premises are true. Consider
41 1. 99 percent of guitar players also play other musical instruments.
2. Phong is a guitar player.
3. Phong also plays other musical instruments.
This inductive argument seems pretty reliable: its form is such that, if its premises were true,
its conclusion would be plausible. Compare (42), which is itself less reliable than (41) but more
reliable than (43):
42 1. 59 percent of guitar players also play other musical instruments.
2. Phong is a guitar player.
3. Phong also plays other musical instruments.
43 1. 39 percent of guitar players also play other musical instruments.
2. Phong is a guitar player.
3. Phong also plays other musical instruments.
Inductive reliability is, then, a matter of degree. An inductive argument of (44)’s form is more
reliable than (45):
44 1. 59 percent of A are B
2. p is an A
3. p is a B
45 1. 39 percent of A are B
2. p is an A
3. p is a B
The cash value of inductive reliability for logical thinkers can be better appreciated by comparing
it to the cash value of deductive validity. Each of these concerns argument form, as well as the sup
port an argument’s premises may give its conclusion, provided they are true. In the case of a valid
argument, if its premises are true, its conclusion must be true. In that of a reliable argument, if its
premises are true, its conclusion is likely to be true. As we saw in Chapter 5, a valid deductive
argument is truth-preserving. By contrast, a reliable inductive argument is not. Even so, inductive
reliability is one of the two desirable features that ordinary and scientific arguments should have.
Inductive Strength
Strength is another desirable feature for inductive arguments; thus we may use it to
evaluate such arguments. An inductive argument is strong just in case it meets the
conditions listed in Box 5.
An inductive argument is strong if and only if
1. It is reliable.
2. It has all true premises.
When an inductive argument is strong, it is reasonable to accept its conclusion. That is, it
is reasonable to think that the conclusion is true. We may think of this standard in terms of
competition: given the structure of an inductive argument, rival conclusions are always
logically possible. Imagine a case where a professor in Biology 100 has just received an email
from one of her new students, whose name is Robin Mackenzie. She is trying to decide
whether she should begin her reply, ‘Dear Mr. Mackenzie’ or ‘Dear Ms. Mackenzie.’ Let’s
assume that it is true that 80 percent of the students in Biology 100 are women and reason
through the steps of this inductive argument:
46 1. 80 percent of the students in Biology 100 are women.
2. Robin is a student in Biology 100.
3. Robin is a woman.
Since (46) is an inductive argument, the conclusion, statement 3, may in fact fail to be true,
even if both premises are true. After all, a person named ‘Robin’ could be a man. Even so, given
the evidence provided by the premises, it seems that conclusion 3 is more plausible than the
other competing hypothesis (i.e., that Robin is a man). But imagine a different scenario:
suppose that we knew that 80 percent of the students in Biology 100 were men. Then, among
then the competing hypotheses, the conclusion that is most likely to be true on the basis of
that information is that Robin is a man. The argument now is
47 1. 80 percent of the students in Biology 100 are men.
2. Robin is a student in Biology 100.
3. Robin is a man.
We may alternatively define inductive strength in this way:
An inductive argument is strong if and only if its hypothesis is the one that has the greatest
probability of being true on the basis of the evidence.
In the same way that inductive reliability can be contrasted with deductive validity,
inductive strength can be contrasted with deductive soundness. For one thing, the latter does
not come in degrees, since it depends on validity and truth, neither of which is itself a matter
of degree (there’s no such thing as a ‘sort of true’ premise or a ‘sort of valid’ argument). Hence,
just as any given deductive argument is either valid or invalid, so, too, it’s either sound or
unsound. On the other hand, inductive strength does come in degrees, for it depends in part
on reliability, which is a matter of degree. What about the cash value of these standards? When
an argument is deductively sound, its conclusion is true-and must be accepted by any logical
thinker who recognizes the argument’s soundness. But the conclusion of any inductively
strong argument can be, at most, probably true-and thus reasonable to accept by a logical
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■ Key Words
Enumerative induction
Statistical syllogism
Inductive generalization
Causal argument
Inductive reliability
Inductive strength
Non-universal generalization
Universal generalization
Method of agreement and difference
Method of concomitant variation
Pa rt
Informal Fallacies
Some Ways
an Argument
Can Fail
This chapter introduces the notion of fallacy as illustrated in common patterns of
defective argument and proposes a way of classifying twenty of the so-called
informal fallacies. It then considers how inductive arguments can fail in at least
five different ways, each of which illustrates one of the fallacies of the abuse of
induction. Here you'll find:
■ A classification of twenty informal fallacies.
■ Discussion of the fallacy of hasty generalization.
■ Discussion of the fallacy of weak analogy.
■ Discussion of the fallacy of false cause and three of its common variations.
Discussion of the fallacy of appeal to ignorance.
■ Discussion of the fallacy of appeal to unqualified authority.
Discussion of arguments that appeal to authority but are not fallacious.
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7.1 What Is a Fallacy?
We've seen that arguments sometimes go wrong by failing to meet deductive standards, such
as validity and soundness, or inductive ones, such as reliability and strength. We'll now look
more closely at other types of defect that arguments may have. We can learn a lot about what
good reasoning is by paying close attention to some clear examples of how reasoning can go
wrong. Here we begin the study of fallacies, which are recurrent types of mistake in reasoning,
affecting especially arguments and other relations among beliefs and concepts. In logical
thinking, a fallacy is not simply an erroneous belief or a mistaken opinion-as, for example,
when in an ordinary conversation someone speaks of the "fallacy that animals do not feel
pain." Rather,
A fallacy is a pattern of failed relation among concepts or beliefs. It affects any reasoning
that exemplifies that pattern.
Fallacies are worth studying, not only because arguments that exemplify them fail to
support their conclusions, but also because they could be misleading. They may affect an
argument in subtle ways, so that it will seem okay when we first read or hear it. But the
more we think about it, the more we will come to suspect that something has gone wrong.
Fallacies are standardly classified as either formal or informal. A formal fallacy is a type of
mistake made in arguments that may appear to be instances of a valid argument form but
are in fact invalid in virtue of their form. As there are many types of such mistakes, there
are many formal fallacies. They all have in common that they affect only deductive arguments
whose forms superficially resemble valid forms of a logical system, such as propositional or
categorical logic, but are actually invalid. When one such type of mistake is recurrent, it's
usually given a name-we'll discuss some of these in Part IV. The informal fallacies, on
the other hand, involve defects that arguments may have in virtue of instantiating some
patterns of error in form or content. They may affect either deductive or inductive
arguments, in all cases rendering them ill-suited to support their conclusions. For example,
an argument committing an informal fallacy may show a pattern of failed relation between
premises and conclusion that's not related to any specific argument form. It may also be
affected by confusion in expression or content. Since there are many types of informal
fallacy, our first step must be to provide some assistance in site navigation by offering a
tentative classification.
Logical thinking requires knowing how to detect and avoid fallacies-that is, knowing
■ how to recognize when someone else's argument commits a fallacy (so as not to be fooled), and
■ how to keep one's own arguments from committing them (so that they can support their
7.2 Classification of Informal Fallacies
There is more than one way to classify the informal fallacies. But some fallacies are more
important than others. In this book, you'll find a fairly standard list, which includes the
Fallacies of Failed Induction
1 hasty generalization
2 weak analogy
3 false cause
4 appeal to ignorance
5 appeal to unqualified authority
Fallacies of Presumption
6 begging the question
7 begging the question against
8 complex question
9 false alternatives
10 accident
Fallacies of Unclear Language
11 slippery slope
12 equivocation
13 amphiboly
14 confused predication
Fallacies of Relevance
15 appeal to pity
16 appeal to force
17 appeal to emotion
18 ad hominem
19 beside the point
20 straw man
We'll consider each of these subcategories one by one, looking carefully at each of the
informal fallacies grouped under them. Since we've just finished (in Chapter 6) discussing
inductive reasoning, let's look first at fallacies that may arise through the abuse of
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7 .3 When Inductive Arguments Go Wrong
In this chapter, we consider five informal fallacies associated with the misuse of inductive
reasoning, grouped as follows:
I I I j
Hasty Generalization
The fallacy of hasty generalization may affect enumerative induction. Earlier we saw that an
enumerative induction typically starts out with premises asserting that certain things have
(or lack) some feature, and then draws a general conclusion about all things of that kind, to the
effect that they have (or lack) that feature. The conclusion of the argument is a universal gener
alization, such as 'All leopards are carnivorous' and 'No leopard is carnivorous'. Thus an
enumerative induction might go like this:
1 1. All leopards so far observed have been carnivorous
2. All leopards are carnivorous
When a representative sample of leopards has been observed to be carnivorous, the conclusion
of this inductive argument is well supported. Similarly, if we've observed a representative
sample of leopards and found them all to be wild animals, we would be justified in drawing
the general conclusion that leopards are wild animals on the basis of those observations. Our
inductive argument would be,
2 1. Every leopard observed so far has been a wild animal
2. All leopards are wild animals
But for any such inductive conclusion to be justified, the conditions listed in Box 3 must be
met. If either of those two conditions, or both, is unfulfilled, then the argument commits
the fallacy of hasty generalization and therefore fails.
Hasty generalization is the mistake of trying to draw a conclusion about all things of a certain
kind having a certain feature on the basis of having observed too small a sample of the things
that allegedly have it, or a sample that is neither comprehensive nor randomly selected.
Suppose a team of naturalists were to observe 500,000 leopards, which all turn out to be
wild animals. Yet they were all observed in India, during the first week of August, at a time
when these animals were about to eat. The sample seems large enough, and the observers
might therefore draw the conclusion that
3 All leopards are wild animals.
But they would be committing a hasty generalization, since leopards are also found in other parts
of the world. And they are found at other times of the year, and in other situations. Clearly, the
sample lacks comprehensiveness and randomness. In this case, argument (2) would fail to provide
a good reason for its conclusion. On the other hand, suppose the naturalists directly observed
patterns of wild behavior among leopards in all parts of the world where such animals are found,
at different times of the year, and in many different situations. Yet the sample now consists of
only thirty-seven leopards. Do the naturalists have better grounds for concluding (3) above? No,
because although the comprehensiveness and randomness criteria are now met, the sample is
too small. The charge of hasty generalization would similarly apply in this scenario.
It is, however, not only naturalists and other scientists who will need to beware of this
sort of blunder. Logical thinkers will want to be on guard for hasty generalization in many
everyday situations. Among these is the familiar mistake of stereotyping people. Suppose
someone from the Midwest visits California for the first time. He becomes acquainted with
three native Californians, and it happens that all three practice yoga. Imagine that, on his
return home after his vacation, he tells his friends,
4 All Californians practice yoga.
If challenged, he would offer this argument:
5 1. I met Margaret Evans, who is Californian and practices yoga.
2. I met Alisa Mendoza, who is Californian and practices yoga.
3. I met Michael Yoshikawa, who is Californian and practices yoga.
4. All Californians practice yoga.
The reasoning in (s) is again an instance of hasty generalization. Furthermore, it stereotypes
Californians: on the basis of the sample described by the premises, the conclusion is simply
Now imagine a different scenario: suppose that an anthropologist visited California with the
intention of studying the folkways of modern Californians. Suppose she went to southern
California, northern California, the San Joaquin Valley, the Bay Area, all regions of the state, and
met Californians from all walks of life, all social groups, all religions, all ethnic groups-from
cities, suburbs, small towns, and rural areas. Suppose she talked to thousands, and suppose she
discovered that all of these people practiced yoga! (This is unlikely, but suppose it happened.)
Then it would not be a fallacy to draw conclusion 4: assuming the thoroughness and breadth of
the study, this conclusion would be a reasonable outcome of a strong enumerative induction.
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But notice how different this argument is from the earlier (s) above! A conclusion about
all Californians based only on three instances is plainly unreasonable. It is a mockery of enumer
ative induction, and an offensive stereotype, to boot. To avoid stereotyping, together with the
fallacy of hasty generalization that always underlies it, logical thinkers should keep in mind that
No conclusion about a class or group could gather support from a sample that is either
■ too small, or
■ insufficiently comprehensive and random, or both.
In evaluating an enumerative induction, keep in mind that it would avoid hasty generalization only if
■ The sample on which its conclusion is based is large enough. In examples (1) and (2) above,
the arguer has to have observed quite a few leopards.
■ The sample is both comprehensive and randomly selected among the target group.
In (1) and (2), the arguer has to have observed typical leopards, under a variety of different
circumstances, from all the regions of the world where leopards are found.
Weak Analogy
Weak analogy is another way an inductive argument could fail to support its conclusion.
The underlying pattern of reasoning in analogy is something like this:
6 1. f and j are alike in that both have features n.
2. f also has feature n + 1.
3. j has also feature n + 1.
But whether an argument of this form can succeed depends very much on whether it passes
the test outlined in Box 4. If the test shows that n + 1 may be features that only fhas, then the
things thought to be analogous would actually be disanalogous and the argument would
commit the fallacy of weak analogy, which we may summarize as follows:
To succeed, an analogy must make reasonable that the things alleged to be alike in the
premises are in fact analogous in ways relevant to its conclusion. Any failure to do so
would count as a fallacy of weak analogy.
Imagine this scenario: there are two siblings, a boy five years old and his sister, who is thirteen.
One evening it's little Johnny's bedtime, and his mother says to him, "Johnny, it's nine o'clock.
Time for bed!" But Johnny replies, "You let Susie stay up late." Could Johnny rightfully claim
unfair treatment here? His argument may be reconstructed as follows:
7 1. Susie and I are alike in a number of ways.
2. Susie is not supposed to go to bed at 9:00 p.m.
3. I'm not supposed to go to bed at 9:00 p.m.
This, however, is a weak analogy, since it takes for granted that Susie's situation and Johnny's are
relevantly similar. Yet they are not. Although they live in the same house, attend the same school,
and have the same parents, there is a feature relevant to this argument that they don't share: the
same age. Johnny is only five years old, while Susie is thirteen. When it comes to staying up late,
the mother may reasonably respond: What I allow for a thirteen-year-old differs from what I
allow for a five-year-old. In this respect, the two cases are relevantly dissimilar; thus Johnny's
argument is too weak an analogy to support its conclusion.
Of course, not all cases of weak analogy are as clear-cut as this, and often there is room for
disagreement about whether a certain analogy is a fallacy at all. Some analogies are weak, but
others are strong. Still others are borderline cases whose degree of strength or weakness is
hard to assess. Moreover, analogy is one of the most common forms of argument in everyday
reasoning. It's a form widely used in political rhetoric. Logical thinkers are advised to beware
of attempts by politicians to treat certain analogies as obviously strong, when in fact they are
debatable. Was the threat from Saddam Hussein's Iraq really analogous to that of Hitler's
Germany? Is the Afghan War really analogous to the Vietnam War? When we think logically
about current affairs, we will want to do careful research into the facts of the matter before we
decide that an analogy is strong or weak. And obviously, this is the kind of argument on which
much may depend in real-life decisions. When presented with an argument to the effect thatj
has feature D because j and fare similar in having some other features A, B, and C in common,
and because f also has feature D, we should
Accept the analogy's conclusion only if
■ having A, B, and C is relevant to also having D; and
■ no available evidence suggests that f and j differ in some important respect relevant to
whether or not both have D.
In evaluating an argument of (6)'s form, ask these questions:
■ How large is number n? And are these n features relevant to the analogy's conclusion? (Here
we want to know whether the premises provide an exhaustive account of the features relevant
to the claim being made in the analogy's conclusion.)
■ Are the things alleged, in the premises, to be alike really alike, in that they all have features n?
(Here we want to know whether the similarities alleged in the premises are in fact present.)
False Cause
We saw earlier that a causal argument occurs when, on the basis of having observed two
constantly conjoined events, it is inferred that they are causally related to each other or to
some other event. Some such arguments can be inductively strong. If little Emily comes down
with the chicken pox only a week after her sisters, Penelope and Bernice, had chicken pox, and
if Emily has been in contact with Penelope and Bernice during that time, we may reasonably
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infer that she caught the chicken pox from her sisters. Given what we know about how
infectious diseases are transmitted, this inductive conclusion seems supported. But not all
causal arguments are strong. When either of the two types of error listed in Box s occurs, a
fallacy of false cause has been committed.
False cause is the mistake of arguing that there is a significant causal connection between
two phenomena, when in fact the connection is either minimal or nonexistent.
Causal arguments can fail in two basic ways:
■ The argument concludes that there is a cause-effect connection between two phenomena
where there is none at all.
■ The argument mistakenly identifies some phenomenon as a sufficient (or determining) cause,
when in fact it's only a contributory cause (i.e., one among many) of some observed effect.
Let's consider three different ways the fallacy of false cause may occur. One is:
Post hoc ergo propter hoc ('after this, therefore because of this'):
The fallacy of concluding that some earlier event is the cause of some later event, when
the two are in fact not causally related.
The inclination to commit this fallacy in everyday life rests on the fact that, when we see two
events constantly conjoined-so that they are always observed to occur together, first the one,
then the other-it may eventually seem natural to assume that the earlier is the cause of the latter.
But it is not difficult to imagine cases of precisely this sort where an imputation of causal connec
tion would be absurd. Suppose we saw a bus passing the courthouse in the square just before the
clock in the tower struck 9:00 a.m., and we then continued to see the exact same sequence of
events day after day. Do we at last want to say that it's the bus's passing the courthouse that causes
the clock to strike 9:00 a.m.? Of course not! And yet, in our experience, the two events have been
constantly conjoined: the clock's striking has always been preceded by the bus's passing.
Clearly it would be preposterous to argue, in that case, that, from the evidence of constant
conjunction between the bus's passing and the clock's striking 9:00, it follows that the former
causes the latter. But equally absurd arguments are in fact sometimes heard in everyday life.
Suppose that Hector and Barbara are not getting along, and one of their friends ventures to
explain the source of the problem:
8 1. Hector was born under the sign of Capricorn.
2. Barbara was born under Pisces.
3. Capricorns and Pisces are not compatible.
4. Their recent difficulties are owing to their having incompatible zodiac signs.
Argument (8) fails to support its conclusion, since it claims a causal connection for which the
argument gives no good evidence-nor, in this case, should we expect good evidence to be
forthcoming. After all, there's no good reason to think that configurations of stars and other
celestial events really do affect the courses of our lives, and whatever the cause of this couple's
troubles may be, it's probably traceable to something else. Argument (8) is a fallacy of post hoc
ergo propter hoc, a form of false cause, for it assumes a cause-effect relation between being born
on a day when celestial bodies have a certain configuration (which determines a certain zodiac
sign) and subsequently growing up to develop certain personality traits. But there is no reason
to think that these two sequential events are in fact causally related.
Another way false cause may occur is
Non causa pro causa (roughly, what is not the cause is mistaken for the cause):
A fallacy in which the error is not an imputation of causality in a temporal sequence of
events (as in post hoc ergo propter hoc, where an earlier event is wrongly thought to be
the cause of a later one), but rather the simple mistake of misidentifying some event
contemporaneous with another as its cause, when in reality it's not.
One form of this error occurs when cause and effect are confused. An early nineteenth-century
study of British agriculture noted that, of farmers surveyed, all the hard-working and industri
ous ones owned at least one cow, while all the lazy ones owned no cows. This led the
researchers to conclude that productivity could be improved overall and habits of industry
encouraged in the lazy farmers by simply giving them each of those farmers a cow!
Now, plainly there is something wrong in this reasoning. But what? It seems to rest on an
extended argument along these lines:
9 1. All of the observed industrious farmers are cow owners.
2. None of the observed lazy farmers is a cow owner.
3. All and only cow-owning farmers are industrious.
4. There is a positive correlation between cow-owning and industriousness.
5. It's cow-owning that causes industrious farmers to be industrious.
If we grant, for the sake of discussion, that the sample of British farmers in the study was large
enough, and that it was also comprehensive and randomly selected, then premises 1 and 2
support conclusion 3, and its restatement, conclusion 4. But s's claim about cause and effect
fails to be supported! It's industriousness that is probably the cause of cow-owning, and not the
other way around. By confusing cause with effect, (9) commits non causa pro causa.
Finally, there is a version of false cause in which the source of the mistake is something
rather different from what we've seen so far:
Oversimplified cause:
The fallacy of overstating the causal connection between two events that do have some
causal link.
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Suppose a vice president, campaigning for reelection, says,
10 1. At the beginning of this administration's term, the national economy was sluggish.
2. At the end of this administration's term, the national economy is booming.
3. White House economic policies do have an effect on the nation's economy.
4. The improvement in the economy is due to this administration's policies.
(10) fails to support its conclusion. Let's assume that the premises are true. Even then, the
causal relation asserted in premise 3 is merely one of contributory cause-in effect, one causal
factor among others-which amounts to a rather weak sense of 'cause.' But 4 grandly asserts as
the conclusion something much more than that: namely, that the actions taken by the incum
bent administration are a sufficient cause of the improvement in the economy. Now, surely
this is an exaggeration. The campaigning vice president commits a fallacy of oversimplified
cause by taking full credit for the nation's economic turnaround, thereby overstating the sense
in which his administration's policies 'caused' it. Of course, many politicians are quite prepared
to take credit for anything good that happens while they're in office. But proving that it was
due entirely to their efforts is something else again. The logical thinker should be on guard for
this and any of the other versions of false cause as representing different ways in which a
causal argument may fail.
Post Hoc Ergo
Propter Hoc
Appeal to Ignorance
Non Causa Pro
Another fallacy of failed induction is the appeal to ignorance (or ad ignorantiam): an argu
ment that commits this fallacy concludes either that some statement is true because it has
never been proved false, or that it is false because it has never been proved true. More
The fallacy of appeal to ignorance is committed by any argument in which the conclusion
that something is (or isn't) the case is supposedly supported by appeal to the lack of
evidence to the contrary.
Suppose someone reasons,
11 1. It has never been proved that God doesn't exist.
2. We can confidently assert that God exists.
(11) commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance, but so does (12):
12 1. It has never been proved that God exists.
2. We can confidently assert that God doesn't exist.
Similarly, a believer in 'extrasensory perception' might argue,
13 1. No one has ever been able to prove that ESP doesn't exist.
2. It's reasonable to believe that there is ESP.
Clearly, the only reason offered by (13) to support its conclusion is the absence of contrary evi
dence. But from that premise, all that can be supported is that we don't know what to say about
ESP! The conclusion given-that "it's reasonable to believe that there is ESP"-is far too strong
to be supported by such a flimsy premise. Reasoning along similar lines could also be used to
demonstrate the failure of (11) and (12).
■ An argument whose premises merely invoke the lack of evidence against a certain conclusion
commits the fallacy of appeal to ignorance. Such premises are bad reasons for the conclusion
they attempt to support, and the argument therefore fails.
■ Why? Because the mere lack of negative evidence does not in itself constitute positive evidence
for anything! It justifies nothing more than an attitude of non belief (i.e., neutrality) toward
the conclusion.
We must, however, add a note of caution. Suppose that the attempt to prove some claim
has occasioned rigorous scientific investigation, and that these efforts have repeatedly turned
up no evidence in support of the claim. Furthermore, suppose that the claim doesn't serve the
purpose of explaining anything. In that case, it is not a fallacy to reject that claim out of hand.
Here we have to proceed case by case. Consider the claim,
14 There are witches.
Although there is of course a long history of claims that witches exist, all efforts to prove those
claims have so far failed for lack of evidence. Furthermore, the concept of a witch has no serious
explanatory function in any scientific theory: the existence of witches doesn't explain anything that
happens in the natural world. These considerations suggest that it is not a fallacy to conclude,
15 Probably there are no witches.
Inductive conclusions of this sort are rendered plausible by the absence of reliable empirical
evidence after thorough investigation, and must not be confused with the fallacy of appeal to
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� Appeal to Unqualified Authority
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3: <i: Another fallacy of weak induction that may prevent an argument from supporting its
2 z conclusion is the appeal to unqualified authority, also known as ad verecundiam.
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An argument commits the fallacy of appeal to unqualified authority when its premises
attempt to support the conclusion by invoking an alleged authority that in fact either has
no expertise relevant to the claim that's being made or presents a point of view at odds
with the consensus of expert opinion on the topic.
When CNN talk-show host Larry King, the well-known television personality, proclaimed the
health benefits of 'Ester-C,' a brand of vitamin C pills, King's many fans might well have been
influenced in their beliefs about the nutritional properties of this vitamin supplement.
Suppose that a viewer, inspired by King's message, argued,
16 Ester-C will help me to be healthier, because Larry King said so.
(16) is an appeal to unqualified authority. King, though undoubtedly an expert on popular
celebrities in entertainment, sports, and politics, has no special expertise in the field of
nutrition. He was merely exploiting his own immense popularity by serving as a television
pitch man for a product. But note that in this case, it's not King committing the fallacy-it's
the TV viewer speaking in (16), who wrongly thinks that the television personality's testi
mony supports the claim that a regimen of Ester-C pills will be conducive to health. The
argument would not have committed this fallacy if she had instead cited a view for which
there is consensus among experts on the topic of the commercial in support of the claim.
Experts on this topic would be respected nutritionists and biomedical researchers. But
whether such real-life experts would actually have shared King's on-camera enthusiasm for
the product is not clear.
Now, notice another important point: not all appeals to authority are fallacious. Consider,
17 1. To prevent tooth decay, the American Dental Association recommends daily flossing.
2. Daily flossing is a good way to prevent tooth decay.
Although (17) appeals to an authority, the American Dental Association, in support of its claim
about the benefits of daily flossing, it does not commit the fallacy under discussion. Since the ADA
is a qualified authority on the topic of the conclusion (namely, dental health), that conclusion is
supported by (17)'s premise. There are, then, perfectly legitimate uses of appeal to authority.
When the expert opinion being cited is that of a person, group, or organization that is truly well
informed on the topic of discussion, and therefore in a position to render an authoritative judg
ment about it, an argument from authority citing that source commits no fallacy. Indeed, most of
what we know is known on the basis of testimony from sources we trust (certainly most of what
we know about science, and near(y all of what we know about history, is known in this way). And
although this trust is usually justified, it sometimes is not, for even the most respected experts are
occasionally wrong. The truth of the conclusions of arguments that appeal to authority, then, is at
best probable in some degree, never certain. Since expertise is itself something had by degree
(some experts are bigger experts than others), the degree of support provided by premises
appealing to authority is never conclusive. Such arguments are plainly inductive.
Even so, it is beyond denying that there are cases of uncontroversially bogus claims made
by mountebanks and crackpots who present themselves as 'experts' when they are nothing of
the kind. And it is the appeal to the testimony of such pseudo-authorities on behalf of a claim
that is perhaps the most egregious form of the fallacy of appeal to unqualified authority. But
an equally misleading form of the fallacy occurs when one cites, on behalf of a claim, the tes
timony of a genuine expert on one side of a question disputed among the experts themselves.
That is, on a topic on which there is presently no consensus among experts, to treat on(y one
side's view as ultimately authoritative by citing it in support of one's conclusion amounts to an
appeal to unqualified authority. That Sir Arthur Eddington, an eminent physicist, believed
'paranormal' psychic phenomena deserved to be taken seriously as a topic of research gives us
no good reason to believe it too, for Eddington's view on this subject does not represent the
consensus of expert opinion among physicists, either in his day or in ours.
Yet another version of this fallacy occurs when we draw a conclusion based on the testi
mony of sources that are biased by virtue of self-interested involvement in the issue at hand.
In a study reported recently in the New York Times, researchers attempted to determine
whether the use of paper towels or air dryers was more efficient in drying hands quickly. But
the research was sponsored by a paper company! Unsurprisingly, the researchers discovered
that drying with paper towels was quicker. Now, imagine using that conclusion as the basis of
a knowledge claim about the quickest way to dry your hands. It would plainly be an appeal to
unqualified authority.
Thus appeals to authority are sometimes open to dispute-and may be fallacious-only
when the invoked source is not authoritative on the subject of the claim an argument makes,
or when a genuine authority's views are presented as representing expert consensus when in
fact they do not. Consider
18 State University Law School is a great place to study law, because Uncle Jack says so.
This appeal would be fallacious unless Uncle Jack is an authority expressing a view well repre
sented among experts on law schools. By contrast, the appeal to authority is not fallacious in
19 Many eminent jurists and law professors hold State University Law School in high regard.
State University Law School is a great place to study law.
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Argument (19) appeals to the view of experts on the topic of the conclusion, which is
supported-provided that the premise is true. Since an appeal to authority is often needed for
the justification of many claims, it is crucial that we distinguish between legitimate authorities
who have expertise relevant to the claim being made and those who don't. The rule is:
In evaluating an argument of the form, A says P, therefore P, check whether A is a
genuine authority expressing a view on P that is well represented among the experts on
P. If A is not, then the argument fails to support its conclusion and must be rejected.
For example, beliefs about history are more reasonable when based on the writings of
reputable professional historians than when proposed by amateur ones. If we want to have
well-founded beliefs about the French Revolution, the Ming Dynasty, or the presidency of
Theodore Roosevelt, we should look to writers whose books are not "self-published" or
published by vanity presses (where the authors pay to get their books into print). We should
look for historians who are held in high regard by peers in their fields and whose work has
been favorably reviewed. Although none of these criteria guarantee expertise, they make it
vastly more likely. Similarly, for beliefs about nature, it goes without saying that respected
journals in the natural sciences are generally dependable sources of information, unlike
supermarket tabloids that describe miracle cures for cancer and 'evidence' of mental telepathy.
For scientists, too, being the author of respected, mainstream scholarship and having the
favorable regard of fellow scholars are usually the marks of credibility as genuine experts. For
logical thinkers, then, an important competence is the ability to tell the difference between
real experts and bogus ones, since it is often on that distinction that the difference between
legitimate appeals to authority and the fallacy of appeal to unqualified authority turns.
To avoid fallacious appeal to authority, keep in mind the way it differs from appeals to authority
that aren't fallacious. The difference hinges on whether the authority cited in support of a claim
■ does indeed have sufficient expertise in the relevant field; and
■ is expressing a view well represented (perhaps the prevailing one) among experts on the topic.
1 . What is a fallacy?
2. What's the point of studying fallacies, as far as logical thinking is concerned?
3. What is the fallacy of hasty generalization?
4. Are all generalizations to be avoided?
5. What is stereotyping? And how is this related to hasty generalization?
6. What is the fallacy of weak analogy?
7. The fallacy of false cause has at least three different forms. Identify the kind of mistake each makes,
and explain why they are all mistakes in causal reasoning.
8. What is the fallacy of appeal to ignorance?
9. When a fallacy of appeal to unqualified authority is committed, who commits it? Is it the arguer or
the bogus authority?
1 o. What is the difference between the legitimate use of appeal to authority and the fallacy of appeal to
unqualified authority?
II. Each of the following arguments commits one of the fallacies of failed induction
discussed in this chapter. Identify the fallacy.
1. I'm an Aquarius, so I love doing lots of projects at once.
SAMPLE ANSWER: False cause
2. Some people can cure heart disease by meditation. I know because the coach of my son's soccer
team told me.
*3. Wage and price controls will not work as a means of controlling the rate of inflation. After all, no econ
omist has ever been able to give conclusive proof that such controls are effective against inflation.
4. Most HIV patients are young. Thus youth causes HIV.
5. Yogi Berra, an Italian American, was one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Other all-time
greats of baseball include Joe DiMaggio, Mike Piazza, and Roy Campanella. So, no doubt about it,
Italian Americans are great baseball players.
*6. Last week, when Notre Dame won the game, the coach was wearing his green tie. So their victory
must have been due to the coach's choice of necktie, since this nearly always happens when he
wears that tie.
*7. Foreign wars are good for a nation, just as exercise is good for the body. In the same way that
exercise keeps the body fit, foreign wars keep a nation fit as a society.
8. According to recent polls of registered voters, the state of Massachusetts has a large percentage of
voters who are political liberals. This suggests that all states have a large percentage of voters who
are political liberals.
*9. The chances for stability in the Middle East will continue to improve. Popular singer Britney Spears
has recently said that that is what she expects to happen.
10. Dallas and Houston are North American cities, and one can drive from the one to the other in only a
few hours. Montreal and Los Angeles are also North American cities. Thus one can drive from
Montreal to Los Angeles in only a few hours.
11. Some years ago, after not having seen my best friend from Duckwood High School for several years,
we met for lunch and were surprised to find that our clothes and hairstyles were the same! The only
possible explanation for this is that we both went to Duckwood High.
*12. Some regular churchgoers believe that taxpayers' dollars should not be used to fund laboratories
that carry out tests on animals for medical research. Hence, it is wrong to go on spending taxpayers'
dollars for that purpose.
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13. I think you're giving up on advanced calculus too easily. Calculus and simple arithmetic are both
parts of math. Since you can do simple arithmetic, you can also do advanced calculus.
14. Every rainy day I have a pain in my elbow; so it must be the damp weather we're having that's solely
responsible for this pain.
*15. Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court, did not do a
good job. This suggests that women are not fit to serve as Supreme Court justices.
16. There is no extraterrestrial life. After all, no one has ever found observable data to support the claim
that such life exists.
17. The Internet is a great technological advance and is available to many people. Space travel is another
great technological advance. Thus space travel is available to many people.
*18. Off-shore oil drilling is an environmental hazard, for there is no conclusive evidence to prove that it
is safe.
*19. Several television personalities on the David Letterman Show the other night said that they had
decided to invest in gold. So, it's probably a good idea to buy gold now.
20. Local radio station KNSR provides lively reporting on local and national news. So probably all local
radio stations provide lively reporting on local and national news.
Ill. Each of the following arguments commits one or two of the fallacies of failed
induction discussed in this chapter. Identify the fallacies.
1. There is no evidence linking industrial waste in our rivers with the higher incidence of birth defects in
this area. Thus industrial waste in our rivers is not responsible for such defects. So it must be the
mothers' carelessness that is responsible for them.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Appeal to ignorance/false cause
2. The reason why the band U2 hasn't had a hit in the Top 40 for nearly a year is simply that they have
been touring for too long, which follows from what a fan of the band told a local TV news reporter
today: "U2 toured New Zealand, Australia, Japan, and Hawaii this year. Now they don't have any hit
in the Top 40. This failure is no doubt the result of being on the road too long."
*3. Irving Berlin ate beet soup every day, and he lived to be 101. Therefore, regular consumption of beet
soup leads to longevity.
4. The attorneys for the prosecution were not able to establish beyond a doubt that Hinckley was sane
when he fired at President Reagan. We know this because Hinckley's own lawyers declared that at
the end of the trial. So we have no choice but to conclude that he was insane.
*5. Bats not only harbor Ebola virus, but also are the hidden cause of mental illnesses among humans.
Each of these long-standing suspicions has been proved true on the Austin American-Statesman
website by Alicia Smith, professor of ancient Greek at Texas A&M.
6. To achieve something good, we sometimes have to break things. A famous twentieth-century politi
cal leader once observed, "In order to make an omelet, it is necessary to break some eggs." So, in
exactly the same way, in a revolution to make a better world, some civilian enemies of the revolution
will have to be shot."
*7. Drinking and smoking are not harmful for anyone. In fact, they promote longevity. After all, Winston
Churchill and Ulysses S. Grant both smoked cigars and drank whiskey every day, and they did not
die young.
8. I ought to wait before deciding whether or not to take that job in California, because my friend Mack,
who is a professional astrologer, told me to wait.
*9. Bud had a stomachache before he was to take the LSAT exam to qualify for law school. He failed the
exam and went on to become a taxi driver. Thus a stomachache caused Bud to become a taxi driver.
10. My grandfather never went to a doctor in his life. He went to a healer who practiced folk medicine.
As a result, granddad lived to be ninety-four. So folk remedies always work.
*11. When I'm really hungry, the best thing for me is a double cheeseburger. I know this because the ad
for Burger King says, "Double cheeseburger: what you really need when you're really hungry!"
*12. All the stories in the newspaper about Zheng's resignation are false. For one thing, some interested
parties tried to prove them true and did not succeed.
13. When Professor Digby began studying philosophy as a young man, he also began losing his hair. The
more philosophy he read, the balder he became. After years of study, he was completely bald. We
may infer that Digby could have avoided baldness if he hadn' t studied philosophy.
14. The top ten biggest earners in music include Aerosmith, Coldplay, and Sir Paul McCartney, and they
all play popular music. Since Aerosmith and Coldplay are bands, we may infer that Sir Paul
McCartney is a band.
*15. Toyota Corollas are fuel-efficient Japanese cars recently found to have defective accelerators that
made them dangerous. Subaru Foresters are also fuel-efficient Japanese cars. So Subaru Foresters
are likely to have defective accelerators that make them dangerous. This also suggests that all
Japanese-made cars are dangerous.
IV. For each of the above arguments, explain how it commits one or more fallacies.
V. Assuming that the premises of the following arguments are true, determine which
commits a fallacy of appeal to unqualified authority and which doesn't.
1. We must accept that Landis was the best American rider in the last Tour de France, since that's
precisely what tour director Jean-Marie Leblanc reported as an opinion shared by all the judges of
this important event.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Not a fallacy
*2. Leonardo DiCaprio is the best American actor this year. We may be sure of this because it is the
unanimous decision of the worldwide Leonardo DiCaprio Fan Club.
3. The most recent National Census shows that Latinos are the fastest-growing ethnic group,
representing the largest minority in the country. Therefore, Latinos are the fastest-growing ethnic
group, representing the largest minority in the country.
*4. There is reason to suspect that Mel Gibson may have been involved in drunk driving, since a
spokesman for the sheriff's department confirmed that Gibson has been charged with driving while
intoxicated. His bail was set at $5,000.
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Avoiding Ungrounded
In this chapter you’ll learn about the fallacies of presumption and some related
logical and philosophical issues. The topics include
■ Circular reasoning: When is it vicious? When is it benign?
■ The fallacies of begging the question and begging the question against.
The concept of burden of proof.
■ The fallacy of complex question.
■ The fallacy of false alternatives.
■ The fallacy of accident.
8.1 Fallacies of Presumption
Now we’re ready to look at some fallacies that can be grouped together because arguments
committing them take for granted something that is in fact debatable. Such arguments rest on
presumptions, which are strong assumptions or background beliefs taken for granted.
Generally, there is nothing wrong with presumptions: arguments commonly rest on implicit
beliefs that create no fallacy of presumption at all. But when an argument takes for granted a
belief that is in fact debatable, it commits a fallacy of presumption. The unsupported belief at
work in such fallacious arguments may at first seem innocent or even acceptable, though in
reality it is neither. The patterns of mistake illustrated by arguments that rest on debatable
presumptions include the five types of fallacy listed in Box 1.
8.2 Begging the Question
In Chapter s we saw that the premises of valid arguments could be true yet fall short of count
ing as persuasive reasons for their conclusion. That would be the case with any sound argument
that failed to be cogent. As a result, no such argument can move a rational thinker to accept its
conclusion, even when the validity of the argument may be obvious to the thinker. Why?
Imagine that we intend to convince you rationally to accept a certain claim-say, that
1 We care about logical thinking.
We offer you this reason as a premise:
2 It is not the case that we don’t care about logical thinking.
The argument is
3 1. It is not the case that we don’t care about logical thinking.
2. We care about logical thinking.
(3) is valid, and we may assume that it has a true premise. Yet it lacks cogency, since it doesn’t
offer reasons that could persuade a logical thinker of the truth of its conclusion if that thinker
is skeptical about that very conclusion. Philosophers call this ‘circular reasoning.’ (3) is affected
by a degree of circularity that may be considered ‘vicious,’ since it would make any argument
that has it fail-by contrast with ‘benign circularity,’ which, as we’ll see, is the tolerable degree
of circularity that affects many deductive arguments.
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Although in (16) there is some conceptual circularity between the concepts 'satellite' and 'large
celestial body that orbits a planet,' this does not make the argument question-begging. For a
logical thinker who lacked some basic astronomical knowledge and initially doubted claim 4
could be persuaded to accept it on the basis of deducing it from 1, 2, and 3, provided that she
were led to recognize the acceptability of those premises and the validity of the argument.
An important point to keep in mind is that
Logical circularity, whether formal or conceptual, comes in degrees. Some valid arguments
have more circularity than others. The more logically circular an argument is, the more its
conclusion follows trivially from its premises and is likely to beg the question.
The Burden of Proof
It is not uncommon to find the expression 'burden of proof' in dialectical contexts, which are
situations involving deliberation among two or more parties, such as a debate, controversy, or
deliberation on a disputed question between opposing sides defending incompatible claims.
'Burden of proof' refers to the obligation to take a turn in offering reasons, which, at any given
stage of the deliberation, is on one side or the other (except for the paradoxical situations
discussed below). A deliberation commonly follows this pattern: one party, C, makes a claim.
The other party, 0, replies by raising some objections to it. If these objections are adequate,
the burden of proof is now on C, who must get rid of (or 'discharge') it by offering reasons for
her claim. If she comes up with a sound or strong argument that outweighs O's argument, the
burden of proof then switches to 0, who must try to discharge it by offering the appropriate
It may happen, however, that the reasons on both sides appear equally strong. As a result,
there would then be a dialectical impasse, or standoff in the deliberation. No progress can be
made until new reasons are offered to resolve the conflict. Except for these situations,
however, we may expect that the burden of proof will, at any given stage of a deliberation, be
on either the one side or the other. As the deliberation progresses, it will likely switch from the
one side to the other more than once, always falling on the participant whose claim is more in
need of support.
In the following debate,® shows the burden of proof andQan impasse.
1. A rejects a claim made by!!, which is a commonly held belie£®A
2. A defends her rejection with an argument that begs the question against!!-® A
3. A recasts her argument so that it now seems cogent.®!!
4. !! offers an argument that turns out to be clearly invalid.®!!
5. !!'s argument is modified and now seems as cogent as A's.Q
6. A provides further strong evidence in support of her view.®!!
7. !! replies by offering weak evidence for his view.®!!
8. !! offers further evidence which is equally strong as A's.Q
Commonsense beliefs, which are ordinary beliefs based on observation, memory, and
inference, enjoy a privileged standing with respect to the burden of proof. Whoever
challenges them has, at least initially, the burden of proof. For example, the belief that the
Earth has existed for more than five minutes belongs to common sense. If someone
challenges it, the burden of proof is on the challenger, who must now offer adequate
reasons against that commonsense belief. But that advantage can be overridden by a strong
argument if available.
Knowing where the burden of proof is at any given stage of a debate has this cash value:
■ If you know that the burden of proof is on you, you know you must discharge it by
offering an adequate argument in support of your claim.
■ If you know that the burden of proof is on the other side, you can rest until a sound
objection to your view has been offered.
■ If you know that you are defending a claim that is part of common sense, then you also
know that the burden of proof is on any challenger.
Finally, note that some deliberation goes on 'internally'-for example, when a person
reflects upon which of two opposite theories is correct. If, in the course of inner delibera
tion, a thinker is fair-minded, then the burden of proof will tend to shift from one position
she is considering to an opposite view, following the same general considerations outlined
8.3 Begging the Question Against
A common mistake that undermines argument is committed by failing to discharge the
burden of proof. Suppose that we assert 'Not P' (i.e., that Pis false), but someone else, Melinda,
has just offered us some good reason for thinking that P is true.
Don't include any controversial statement among your premises without first offering adequate
reasons for it.
(f) <( <(
The burden of proof is now on us, and we must discharge it by offering an adequate
argument against P. The failure to do so-by assuming that P is false, without offering a reason
for this-commits the fallacy of begging the question against Melinda. For it amounts to
implicitly reasoning in either of these viciously circular forms:
17 1. P is false
2. P is false
Or similarly,
18 1. NotP
2. Not P
The fallacy of begging the question against (your opponent) is often committed in everyday
arguments on controversial topics. For example, when someone maintains
19 1. In abortion, the fetus is intentionally killed.
2. A fetus is an innocent person.
3. Intentionally killing an innocent person is always murder.
4. Abortion is always murder.
Although 1 seems unobjectionable, 2 and 3 are controversial premises that cannot be
employed unless good reasons have already been offered to back them up. Premise 2 begs
the question against the view that a fetus is not a person-a view that can be supported in a
number of ways (as most parties to the current popular debate over the morality of abortion
now recognize).
Begging the question against can be difficult to detect, for it involves presupposing the
truth of premises that, although controversial, are sometimes inadvertently taken for granted.
To avoid this fallacy, always abide by the rule in Box 6 above.
1. When an argument begs the question, at least one premise assumes the conclusion being
argued for.
2. When an argument begs the question against, at least one premise assumes something that
is in need of support.
1 . What do all fallacies of presumption have in common?
2. What does it mean for an argument to be 'circular'? Is all circularity bad?
2. Define non-cogency in relation to begging the question.
3. What's wrong with a question begging argument?
4. What is the fallacy of begging the question against? How does it differ from begging the
5. Against whom is the question begged in any argument that begs the question against?
6. Could the conclusion of a question-begging argument be true? Explain.
7. What is meant by burden of proof? How do commonsense beliefs matter to it?
8. Where is the burden of proof at each stage of a deliberation?
II. Each of the following arguments begs the question. Explain why.
1. Dylan is a brother. Therefore, Dylan has a sibling.
SAMPLE ANSWER: The logical thinker who rejects the conclusion would reject that Dylan is a brother.
2. Capital punishment is cruel, for it is cruel and unusual punishment. And it's demeaning to the society
that inflicts it.
*3. The mind is different from the body. Hence, the mind and the body are not the same.
4. Mount Aconcagua and Mount Whitney are both tall mountains. But Mount Aconcagua is taller than
Mount Whitney. Consequently, Mount Whitney is shorter than Mount Aconcagua.
*5. Demons are supernatural beings. Supernatural beings are only fictional. Therefore, demons do not exist.
6. Dorothy is a historian. For, she is a historian and art collector.
*7. Since Aaron is a hunter, he is someone who hunts.
8. The U.S. president and the British prime minister both oppose the treaty. Hence, it's false that both
leaders do not oppose the treaty.
*9. If a plane figure is a circle, then it is not a rectangle. Therefore, if the figure is a rectangle, then it is not
a circle.
10. The first witness is not trustworthy, since he is not reliable.
Ill. [Note: This exercise is somewhat more challenging.] For each of the above
arguments, determine whether the circularity is formal, conceptual, or both.
IV. For each of the following arguments, determine whether it would, under normal
circumstances, beg the question, beg the question against, or do both.
1. Whoever is less productive should have lower wages. Women are less productive than men. Hence,
women should have lower wages.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Begs the question against
2. Euthanasia is murder and is wrong. So, euthanasia is wrong.
*3. Fido is a puppy. Therefore, Fido is a young dog.
4. A woman has an absolute right to control her own body. And if a woman has an absolute right to
control her own body, then abortion is morally permissible. Therefore, abortion is morally permissible.
*5. Since the Democrats won the '08 presidential election, it is simply false that they didn't win.
6. Derek Jeter has an insurance policy on his cars, for it is not the case that his cars lack such a policy.
*7. The fetus is an unborn baby. Therefore, it is not the case that the fetus is not an unborn baby.
8. Anyone who is an idealist is also a loser. Thus idealists are losers.
9. Vladimir is a bachelor. Therefore, Vladimir is unmarried.
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*10. Infanticide is always morally wrong. So, infanticide is never morally right.
11. If there is intelligent life elsewhere in the universe, then life on Earth is not unique. But life on Earth is
unique. Hence, there is no intelligent life elsewhere in the universe.
12. The right to life is God's will. Therefore, the right to life is the will of Divine Providence.
*13. Given atheism, God doesn't exist. But it is not the case that He doesn't exist, so atheism is mistaken.
14. Priscilla got a B on her philosophy paper this semester. Therefore, she turned in a philosophy paper
this semester.
15. There is life after death. Therefore, there is an afterlife.
*16. Since no person should be denied freedom, and Bruno is a person, it follows that Bruno is entitled to
17. Magdalene is a sister. Therefore, she is a female.
18. Since capital punishment is murder, capital punishment is wrongful killing.
*19. Northfield is not far from Minneapolis. Thus Northfield is close to Minneapolis.
20. Socialism is an unjust system of government. Unjust systems of government must be abolished.
Therefore, socialism must be abolished.
V. Determine whether the following arguments are possible or impossible.
1. An argument that is cogent for a logical thinker but not rationally compelling.
2. A valid argument that is non-cogent.
3. A sound argument that is non-cogent.
*4. A question-begging argument that is not circular.
5. A circular argument that is not fallacious.
*6. A cogent argument that begs the question against.
7. A sound argument that is cogent.
*8. A question-begging argument that is sound.
9. A question-begging argument that is rationally compelling.
*1 0. The burden of proof being on the side that has offered the most cogent argument.
VI. In the deliberation described below, determine where the burden of proof lies at
each stage: if on Carolyn, write 'C'; if on Karl, write 'K'; and if there is a dialectical
impasse, write 'I.'
1. C rejects a commonsense belief held by K.
2. C defends her rejection with an argument that begs the question against K.
3. C recasts her argument in a way that makes it clearly unsound.
*4. C offers a new argument that turns out be invalid.
5. C's argument undergoes another recast that makes it cogent.
*6. K advances a valid yet question-begging argument against C.
7. K offers a non-question-begging argument with clearly false premises.
*8. K recasts his argument so that it is now as cogent as C's.
VII. In the following deliberation, either Sor O has the burden of proof. Identify which
has it at any given stage in the deliberation, and mark dialectical impasses.
Explain your choice.
1. S makes a claim that challenges a commonly held belief.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Burden of proof on S. When commonsense beliefs are at issue, the burden of proof is
on the challenger.
2. S attempts to support her claim by offering an inductively weak argument.
*3. S recasts her argument so that it is now clearly valid but unsound.
4. S recasts her argument again so that it is now sound but question-begging.
*5. S's argument undergoes another recast that makes it deductively cogent.
6. 0 responds with a valid argument that begs the question against S.
*7. 0 recasts her argument so that it is now non-question-begging but plainly unsound.
8. 0 recasts her argument once more so that it is now as cogent as S's argument.
*1. Consider the following argument: "Marriage can be only between two persons of different sexes.
Therefore, gay couples cannot be married." What's the matter with this argument?
2. Provide an argument that both begs the question and begs the question against.
3. Provide an argument that begs the question without begging the question against.
4. Provide an argument that begs the question against without begging the question.
*5. Discuss the conditions an argument must meet to be deductively cogent.
*6. An argument that is invalid always falls short of being rationally compelling, but could such an
argument be cogent? Must its conclusion be rejected? Explain your answers.
7. Imagine a debate in which two rival claims are equally well supported by observational data. Of the
two, one agrees with common sense, the other doesn't. Does this make a difference? Where is the
burden of proof? Explain.
8. Discuss what's wrong with an argument that begs the question.
9. Discuss what's wrong with an argument that begs the question against.
<l'. <l'.
This has the form
26' Either P or Q(or both).
That is, (26) presupposes that any apple that is both too small and too ripe is also discarded.
Another thing to notice about these disjunctions is that they present the alternatives as being
exhaustive-that is, they are the on/y possible alternatives. For example, (25) presupposes that
hibernation (or suspended animation) and animation are the only two possible states a
groundhog could enter in winter.
An argument commits the fallacy of false alternatives if and only if it offers in its premises
a disjunction presenting two extreme alternatives as the only ones possible, when in reality
there are one or more others equally plausible.
When an arguer offers a disjunctive premise as presenting exhaustive, exclusive alterna
tives, we must determine whether this is really so. This involves checking premises of (24)'s
form, to be sure that P and Qexhaust all the alternatives and could not both be true-provided
that the disjunction is intended to be exhaustive and exclusive. A fallacy of false alternatives
would be committed, for example, by this argument:
27 There are only two possibilities: either our country abandons its involvement in
foreign wars or it continues to interfere in other nations' affairs. If it does the former,
then it will become neutral like Switzerland, but if it does the latter, it'll get deeper in
debt to China. So our country will either become neutral like Switzerland or get
deeper in debt to China.
Although this argument is valid, it is also unsound, since its first premise is false in virtue of
treating as exhaustive, exclusive alternatives what are in reality only two among plausible
scenarios. In fact there are more alternatives than the two expressed in that premise! Much
the same problem affects
28 1. Either all U.S. universities will convert their programs entirely into online
courses, or they'll all soon go bankrupt.
2. U.S. universities will not convert their programs entirely to online courses.
3. They'll all soon go bankrupt.
This argument, too, is plainly valid, but unsound owing to the falsity of premise 1, which causes
the argument to commit false alternatives.
Let's consider one more example. Suppose that a political activist is trying to convince us
to agree with her. She appeals to our sense of civic duty and says,
29 You must join my party, the only one that offers a solution to the problem of
homelessness. For you're either part of the solution or part of the problem.
But these options seem unduly restrictive. Why are just those the only choices? Perhaps we are
neither part of the problem (since we did not really contribute to causing it) nor part of the
solution (since our participation might not make any difference). Or perhaps we are both part
of the problem and also (potentially) part of its solution-isn't that equally possible? So, in this
example, the activist commits the fallacy of false alternatives. Once all missing premises are
stated, her extended argument is:
29' 1. There is a problem of homelessness.
2. Either you are part of this problem or part of its solution.
3. It is wrong for you to be part of the problem.
4. You must be part of the solution to the problem of homelessness.
5. To be part of the solution to that problem, you must join my party.
6. You must join my party.
Assuming that other premises are true, premise 2 rests on an inaccurate assumption: namely,
that our choice is limited to either the one or the other of the two mutually exclusive alterna
tives offered there-that is, to being either part of the solution or part of the problem. Since
that is false, the argument should be rejected on the ground that it commits the fallacy of false
Yet not all arguments featuring exhaustive, exclusive disjunctions commit this fallacy, for
there are situations that do appear to present us with such a choice. It is plausible to say that
citizens of France in 1940 really did have to make a decision between only two mutually
exclusive alternatives: either collaborate with the puppet government imposed by Hitler's
invading armies, or resist it in some way. And a southerner in the United States in 1961 really
did have to choose whether or not to support the integration of schools, churches, and lunch
counters-a movement that was then challenging racially discriminatory laws. But most every
day situations are not likely to be as dramatic as these. Therefore, for the most part, one is well
advised to be skeptical when someone claims that there is a choice of only two extreme alter
natives. (It may be so, but probably not.)
In evaluating an argument with a disjunctive premise, check that premise to see if
1. It claims that the two extreme alternatives offered are the only possible ones.
2. The alternatives are assumed to be incompatible.
3. In reality, both (1) and (2) are false.
If these conditions are met, then the argument commits the fallacy of false alternatives.
8.6 Accident
Accident is another fallacy of presumption that can undermine arguments: it is committed
when some 'accidental' or exceptional feature of the case at hand is overlooked.
The fallacy of accident is committed by an argument that treats a certain case as falling
under a general rule or principle when in fact the case counts as an exception to it.
<! <!
Suppose someone reasons as follows:
30 1. Dogs are friendly animals.
2. My Rottweiler, Otto, is a dog.
3. Otto is a friendly animal.
But suppose it's also true that Otto has recently bitten six of my friends and two hapless
bystanders. What, then, shall we say about the above argument? Although it's true in general
that "dogs are friendly animals," that rule does not apply to Otto. Thus (30) commits the fallacy
of accident. As in other arguments committing this fallacy, here the arguer fails to notice that
some principle that is generally true may not be always true, so that he fails to allow for an
exception to the rule in a case where an exception is warranted.
Now imagine that Smith invites Adkins to lunch one day. "Come on, let's go to lunch," he
says. "We can go to the corner delicatessen, and I'll treat you." Adkins is about to accept but then
thinks to himself, "Wait a minute! There's no such thing as a free lunch!" Now, this judgment
results from the fallacious reasoning involved in accident. Although part of the problem is that
a familiar cliche is being taken too literally, the larger mistake is that some principle that is
generally true is being misapplied. Of course, for the most part, it is true that "there's no such
thing as a free lunch" (meaning that things ostensibly free of charge ordinarily come with
hidden costs we must pay), but if Smith is inviting Adkins to lunch, then this is an exception.
Usual!}, there's no free lunch, But today there is. Adkins is simply being obtuse.
Logical thinkers must bear in mind that even the best principles usually have exceptions, and that
if a principle is applied inappropriately-that is, to a case that is rightly an exception-then a fallacy
of accident has been committed.
Or again, suppose Jones believes that one should always tell the truth. In general, this is of
course a good rule to follow. One day Jones meets his next-door neighbor in the supermarket. She
says, "How do you like my new hat?" Jones looks at the hat and thinks to himself, "Always tell the
truth, no matter what." So he says, "I think it looks ridiculous," thereby hurting her feelings and
contributing slightly toward increasing the unhappiness in the world. Now, wouldn't we say here
that Jones is simply being too fanatical about truth telling? Yes, one should usually tell the truth. But
surely this was a case in which a small lie was called for! No one would have been treated unfairly
or otherwise wronged by doing so, and a small degree of happiness would thereby have been
produced. By not recognizing this, Jones has committed a fallacy of accident. He has failed to
understand that, although the rule prescribing veracity is in general a good one, there are justifiable
exceptions; and here he has not allowed for an exception where an exception was warranted.
1 . What sort of questions may commit the fallacy of complex question?
2. In which sense may complex questions be considered arguments?
3. Are all questions with presuppositions instances of complex question?
4. How does complex question differ from begging the question? And how do both count as fallacies
of presumption?
5. What is the fallacy of accident?
6. Consider: 'All arguments featuring an either/or statement commit the fallacy of false alternatives.'
Is this claim true? Explain.
X. The following arguments are instances of complex question, false alternatives,
and accident. Determine which is which.
1. Are you still in agreement with the senator's unpatriotic view that tax cuts will help the economy?
SAMPLE ANSWER: Complex question
2. Jorge plans to apply to the University of Texas, where one can major in biology or in history. But since
he cannot stand history, he'll major in biology.
*3. Since people generally survive influenza, you shouldn't worry about your eighty-eight-year-old grand
father's catching it.
4. Have you stopped cheating on your taxes?
5. One can be either a Roman Catholic or a Protestant. But since both religions are too demanding for
me, it's clear that there is no religion suitable for me.
*6. I'm sure that Jane avoids eating at night. For she has been losing weight without dieting. And to lose
weight, one either diets or avoids eating at night.
7. Professor Wilson almost never gives F's in her classes. So I'm sure I won't get an F this time, even
though I've missed all but one of her class sessions and failed all three exams.
8. Midwesterners vacation in either Florida or the Rocky Mountains. The Gustafsons are Midwesterners
but don't like the Rocky Mountains. Therefore, the Gustafsons vacation in Florida.
*9. Does the defendant wish to deny his past connections to terrorist organizations?
10. Since successful people usually come from a background of wealth and privilege, and Pele, the
soccer player born in a shantytown in Brazil, was a successful person, he must have come from a
background of wealth and privilege.
11. How long will we permit taxpayer dollars to be used as a welfare program for rich farmers?
*12. There can be no such thing as the "politics of happiness" for America. For either we'll have a
Republican president who'll get us into more wars, or we'll have a Democrat who'll get us into a
*13. People with long-lived parents and grandparents often can expect to be long-lived them
selves, so I'll be long-lived. Of course, I've smoked cigarettes, a pack a day, for the last thirty
years. But because of my long-lived parents and grandparents, I'm sure I'll live to be at least
14. Is Aunt Betty still wasting her days watching soap operas on television?
*15. Cancer is a deadly disease, so Isabel should resign herself to her breast cancer and simplify her life
by refusing treatment for it-even when it was detected early in her case.
< <
3. Complex Question. The question either has an unsupported assumption built into it or is
a conflation of two or more different questions.
4. False Alternatives. The argument features a premise with a disjunction, mistakenly taking
it to be either exclusive, when in fact both disjuncts could be true, or exhaustive, when in
fact there is a third alternative.
5. Accident. The argument assumes that some principle generally applicable is applicable
also in the anomalous case, when in fact it isn't.
■ Key Words
Begging the question
Begging the question against
Burden of proof
Commonsense belief
Vicious circularity
Formal circularity
Conceptual circularity
Complex question
False alternatives
Benign circularity
From Unclear
Language to Unclear
This chapter considers some common forms of unclarity in language, and the ways
in which they lead to unclarity in reasoning. Its topics will include
Three types of linguistic unclarity that may lead to fallacies: vagueness, ambiguity, and
confused predication.
■ The heap paradox.
■ The fallacy of slippery slope.
The fallacy of equivocation.
■ The fallacy of amphiboly.
■ The fallacy of composition.
The fallacy of division.
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9.1 Unclear Language and Argument Failure
Vagueness, ambiguity, and confused predication are three different sources of unclear
language. Each may lead to argument failure, and we shall find, rooted in these defects, several
types of informal fallacy as well as a type of puzzling argument. When an expression is vague
to a significant degree, it is unclear whether it applies to certain things. For instance, it’s
unclear whether ‘rich’ applies to Betty, who has $900,000 in her bank account. She’s certainly
doing well, but she’s not even a millionaire, much less a billionaire! The problem is that ‘rich’ is
a vague word: for some cases, it’s not clear what (or who) counts as being ‘rich.’ By contrast,
when an expression is ambiguous to a significant degree, it has more than one meaning and
reference, and it is unclear which one is intended by its user. For example, it is unclear whether
“challenging arguments” means either the act of disputing some arguments or complex
arguments that are difficult to follow. Roughly, the reference of an expression is what the
expression applies to, while its meaning is its content. Consider
1 The sum of 1+1
2 The smallest even number.
Both (1) and (2) may be used to refer to the same thing, since they both apply to the same
number-namely, the number 2. Yet (1) and (2) don’t have the same content, which is equivalent
to saying that they don’t have the same meaning, for
Since reference and meaning belong to the semantic dimension of a language, vagueness and
ambiguity are two different forms of semantic unclarity. Each may undermine an argument by
affecting some of the terms or concepts that make up its premises and conclusion.
Confused predication, on the other hand, also amounts to semantic unclarity, but it can
arise only at the level of relations between statements in an argument. That is, confused predi
cation is a fallacy involving a certain error committed in using some predicate, or expression
that attributes some feature or quality to a thing- for example, ‘occupying 60 percent of the
surface of the Earth’ in the conclusion of this argument:
3 Since oceans occupy 60 percent of the surface of the Earth and the Mediterranean is
an ocean, therefore the Mediterranean occupies 60 percent of the surface of the
While ‘occupying 60 percent of the surface of the Earth’ might be truly predicated of all oceans
taken collectively, it obviously fails to be true of the Mediterranean Sea. The confusion in (3) is
a common type of mistake that stems from an erroneous inference involving a predicate (we’ll
have more to say about predicates later in this chapter).
Linguistic unclarity rooted in any of these phenomena (confused predication, vagueness,
or ambiguity) can render an argument fallacious. Yet before we examine common ways
in which this may happen, we must ask why such mistakes matter to logical thinking at all.
I paradox
Two millennia ago, Greek philosophers pointed out that unclarity in language is a sign of
unclarity in reasoning. Today we’d say much the same. Assuming that speakers are sincere,
what they say is what they believe. And since beliefs are the building blocks of their reasoning,
it is then quite likely that any unclarity in what they say results from unclarity in how they rea
son (for more on this topic, see Chapters 2. and 3).
9.2 Semantic Unclarity
Vagueness and ambiguity are forms of semantic unclarity that may affect linguistic expressions
of different kinds, as well as the logical relations between them. When an expression is vague, it
is unclear whether or not certain cases fall within its reference. When an expression is ambiguous,
it is unclear which of its possible meanings is the one intended by the speaker. Suppose some
one says
4 She got the cup.
Furthermore, this is said in a room where there are several women, without pointing to any
one in particular. In this context, it is unclear to whom the word ‘she’ applies. At the same time,
the term ‘cup’ is ambiguous, since it may equally mean and refer to either ‘bowl-shaped drink
ing vessel’ or ‘sports trophy.’ Furthermore, if we assume that it is used to refer to a drinking
vessel, it is unclear just how wide the range of its application may be. Does it apply, for exam
ple, to coffee mugs? What about beer tankards? These seem borderline cases about which ‘cup’
neither definitely applies nor definitely fails to apply. Hence, ‘cup’ is not only ambiguous, but
also to some degree vague.
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■ When an expression is vague, there are borderline cases where it is unclear whether the
expression applies.
■ When an expression is ambiguous, it has more than one meaning and sometimes more than
one reference.
Vagueness and ambiguity are, however, also found at a higher level in the statements that
make up arguments. Here the worst-case scenario is one where a defect of either type renders
an argument misleading. In any such argument, although its conclusion might at first appear
acceptable on the basis of the argument’s premises, a closer look could show that in fact it’s
not. The premises actually provide no support for it.
Logical thinkers should be alert for misleading arguments and try, through careful, case
by-case scrutiny, to unmask fallacies lurking behind vague or ambiguous language.
These two forms of semantic unclarity are unavoidable features of many everyday
arguments. Such arguments are, after all, cast in a natural language, which, unlike a formal
language, is rich in semantic connotations. For example, suppose that a college instructor, on
the day of an examination, receives this phone message on her answering machine:
5 This is Mary. I was at the bank during the test, so I’d like to take the makeup.
Unable to recognize the voice, and aware of several financial institutions as well as a river
nearby, the instructor cannot make much of (5). For one thing, of the several students
named ‘Mary’ who missed the exam, it is unclear who the caller in (s) is. Furthermore, of the
two meanings of ‘bank’ possible in (5), either ‘financial institution’ or ‘side of a river,’ it is
unclear which one is intended. Suppose the student who left the message later sends a note
from the local Citibank branch attesting that, on the date of the exam, she, Mary McDonald,
had to go there to refinance her mortgage. Putting two and two together, the instructor
reasons that
6 Mary McDonald was the student who reported her absence. She can prove she was at
the local Citibank branch the day of the exam. Thus she qualifies for the makeup.
No ambiguity remains now: a look at contextual information has eliminated the semantic
unclarity in (s) above.
Yet sometimes semantic unclarity bearing on the soundness or strength of an argument
persists even after we have engaged in a charitable and faithful reconstruction of the argu
ment. In that case, we must reject the argument on the ground that its premises provide no
support for its conclusion, even though they might at first appear to support it. As we shall
presently see in detail, each of these two types of semantic unclarity can render an argument
Ambiguity and vagueness are a matter of degree. Although they affect most expressions in
natural languages (which is in part why symbolic logic has developed formal languages to study
logical relations such as inference), the fog they raise can often be thinned by looking at the context
that is, other linguistic expressions surrounding the affected ones, and factors in the arguer’s
environment. When we are engaged in argument reconstruction, the principles of charity and
faithfulness recommend that we check the context, when available, to gain semantic clarity.
9.3 Vagueness
Vagueness is at the root of some philosophically interesting puzzling arguments and also of
many fallacious ones. Later in this section, we’ll examine some cases of each. But first, let’s
consider a shortcoming common to all arguments affected by vagueness: indeterminacy.
When either the premise or conclusion of an argument is significantly vague, that
statement is indeterminate: neither determinately true nor determinately false. Such
indeterminacy undermines the argument as a whole.
This is because, as you may recall, to be deductively sound or inductively strong, an argu
ment must have premises that are determinately true. Without that, it counts as neither.
Consider this argument:
7 1. Tall buildings in Chicago are in danger of terrorist attacks.
2. The 30-story Nussbaum Building in Chicago is a tall building.
3. The 30-story Nussbaum Building in Chicago is in danger of terrorist attacks.
This argument seems valid, since if its premises are true, its conclusion cannot be false. At the
same time, it also seems unsound, for soundness requires determinately true premises, and
premise 2 suffers from a significant degree of vagueness: putting aside the problem that tall
ness is relative, although a 100-story building is clearly tall (even by Chicago standards) and a
2-story building clearly not tall, it is unclear whether a 30-story building is tall in Chicago. No
contextual information is available to reduce the vagueness of premise 2, which results from
the two facts described in Box 4. The problem is that there is no determinate point or cutoff
between tall Chicago buildings and Chicago buildings that are not tall.
1. It uses the expression ‘tall,’ which has no clear cutoff point between the cases to which it
determinately applies and those to which it determinately does not apply.
2. The 30-story Nussbaum Building is among the borderline cases of things about which it is
indeterminate whether that word applies or not. It is neither determinately tall nor
determinately not tall.
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CJ z
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_J <(
a: w
<( a:
w a:
_J <(
Ow z _J
:J 0
0 :J
a: 0
LL f-
When a statement has a vague term applied to a borderline case, that statement is neither
determinately true nor determinately false. Try this yourself: run another series with, for
example, 'cold,' beginning with the determinately true statement, 'A temperature of zero degrees
Fahrenheit is cold,' and continuing to a point where you 'cannot draw the line.' Is it 47 degrees?
48 degrees? 50? Again, any cutoff point in the series would be rather arbitrary.
Keep in mind, however, that vague terms may have non-vague occurrences. Compare
8 The 30-story Nussbaum Building is tall.
9 The 100-story John Hancock Building is tall.
10 The one-story Exxon Station on Route 10 is tall.
While (8) is indeterminate, (9) seems determinately true and (10) determinately false.
When a term is vague,
■ It is indeterminate whether it applies or not to certain borderline cases.
■ There is no cutoff between the cases to which it determinately applies and those to
which it determinately does not.
When a statement is vague, it is neither determinately true nor determinately false.
The Heap Paradox
Every bit as puzzling to us today as it was to the philosophers of ancient Greece who discov
ered it is the heap paradox, also called 'argument from the heap' or 'sorites' (from the Greek,
soros, 'a heap'). The argument begins with obviously true premises, but, because they contain a
vague term, ends with an obviously false conclusion:
11 1. One grain of sand is not a heap.
2. If 1 grain of sand is not a heap, then 2 grains of sand are not a heap.
3. If 2 grains of sand are not a heap, then 3 grains of sand are not a heap.
4. If 3 grains of sand are not a heap, then 4 grains of sand are not a heap.
5. If 4 grains of sand are not a heap, then …
6. A large number (say, a million) grains of sand are not a heap.
Given (u), no matter how many grains of sand there are, they never make up a heap.
Something has gone wrong in (u), but since it is difficult to tell what, (11) is a puzzle or para
dox. After all, it seems that,
A. The argument is valid.
B. Its premises are true.
C. Its conclusion is false.
D. But a valid argument can't have true premises and a false conclusion.
Like other heap arguments, (11) then creates a paradox, for D is true by definition of 'valid
argument.' Therefore, A, B, and C cannot all be true, but it is difficult to say which of them
is false.
A paradox is a puzzle without apparent solution involving claims that cannot
all be true at once, even though each seems independently true. Standardly,
a paradox may be dealt with in one or the other of two ways: it may be solved
or it may be dissolved. To solve a paradox, at least one of its claims must be
shown false. To dissolve it, it has to be shown that the claims are not really
Until we do either the one or the other, the paradox remains. Since antiquity, the heap
paradox has resisted many attempts of both kinds, all of which have turned out to be flawed in
one way or another.
Let's now use another vague word, 'child,' to run a simplified heap paradox.
12 1. A 3-year-old is a child.
2. If a 3-year-old is a child, then a 4-year-old is a child.
3. If a 4-year-old is a child, then …
4. A 90-year-old is a child.
Again, the argument seems valid, its premises true, and its conclusion false. Premise 2 suggest
a chain of premises such as
13 If a 4-year-old is a child, then a 5-year-old is a child.
14 If a 5-year-old is a child, then a 6-year-old is a child.
The series eventually reaches borderline cases such as a 14-year-old or a 15-year-old, about
whom to the term 'child' neither clearly applies nor doesn't apply. There is no cutoff point
between these and the previous cases, to which the word clearly applies. Or between these and
the following case, to which the word clearly doesn't apply:
15 A no-year-old person is a child.
The unclarity affecting (12), then, is owing to the vagueness of the word 'child.'
More needs to be said about what goes wrong in the heap argument, but on the basis of
its puzzling aspects, it has all the marks of a paradox.
The above arguments run into the heap paradox because they feature words such as
'heap' and 'child,' which are affected by vagueness.
C) C)
<{ z ::J –
C) z
<{ (/)
….J <{
a: w
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w a:
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…J <l'. a: w
<l'. a:
w a:
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w a:
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z __J
::) (.)
0::) a: 0 LL f-
We smile when we read or hear amphibolous sentences like the patient's, where a clumsy word
order causes it to have a double meaning. Of course, the sentence by itself is not an argument,
but if its ambiguity leads the 'doctor' to draw the wrong conclusion from it, then the dialogue
contains an implicit argument. How, then, does that argument commit the fallacy of amphiboly?
Plainly, it is defective by virtue of ambiguity caused by word order. The argument runs,
23 1. Your arm hurts in two places.
2. Pain is to be avoided.
3. You shouldn't go to those places where your arm hurts.
Assuming that premise 2 is true, even so, since premise 1 is amphibolous, (23) fails to support
statement 3. Fortunately for those who want to be alert for this fallacy, there is a distinguishing
characteristic that may help in recognizing it: in all cases of amphiboly, the ambiguity can
be eliminated by recasting the sentence. For example, in (22), the patient's complaint is not
amphibolous if recast as
24 There are two places on my arm that hurt.
Although not all amphibolies are humorous, the amphiboly that makes us laugh is fairly typical
of this fallacy. Here is another example:
25 The Chase Manhattan Bank once ran an advertisement that said, Talk to one of
Chase's small business advisers today. "So," one potential customer wondered, "what
is the average height of business advisers at Chase?"
In this argument, the conclusion (signaled by 'so') is phrased as a question, but really it's a
sarcastic reaction to the advertisement, better rendered as, 'So Chase bankers who specialize in
business loans are all short!' The semantic confusion that generates this miscommunication is
in the amphibolous phrase 'small business advisers.' Is it the businesses that are small? Or is it
the advisers? Let's look at one more example, this time from Moses Hadas, the distinguished
classical scholar. An author who had sent his book to Hadas hoping for a favorable review
received Hadas's acerbic reply,
26 I have read your book and much like it.
If, from this sentence, the author had drawn the conclusion, "Therefore, Hadas liked my book!" he
would have been too hasty, since it's not clear that that's what Hadas meant. (26) is ambiguous,
owing to its grammar: in this case, 'like' could be either a verb expressing Hadas's favorable assess
ment of the book, or a modifier of 'it.' In the latter case, the statement would have meant, "I have
read your book and many other things very similar to it" (i.e., "this work lacks originality!'').
The lesson we can take from all of these examples is that we must be on guard for
language that carries a double meaning. To detect (and avoid) the fallacy of amphiboly, the
rule is to inspect an argument's premises as directed in Box 8. If you find ambiguity caused
by awkward grammar, word order, excessive concision, or mere carelessness in the wording
of a premise, recast that premise, when possible, in a way that removes the ambiguity. In
doing so, be sure to follow the principles of charity and faithfulness for argument
When evaluating an argument, be alert for ambiguous word order in the premises that leaves
uncertain whether they do in fact support the argument's conclusion.
9.5· Confused Predication
We must now turn our attention to two types of informal fallacy that are rooted in a confusion
involving predication. First, let's explain terminology. What, exactly, is 'predication'? Consider,
for example,
27 Mount Whitney is tall.
The smallest meaningful components of statements are terms or concepts, which divide into two
categories: singular, used to talk about individual things, and general, used to attribute properties
or qualities, such as being tall, amused, or a philosopher. General terms have the logical role of
predicates. To assign a predicate is, in many cases, to describe something.
Of the two terms in (27), 'tall' and 'Mount Whitney,' only the former is uncontroversially a
predicate-in this case, one that attributes the property of being tall to Mount Whitney.
Predicates are often used to describe individual entities as being in certain ways. But they
may also be used to attribute properties to complex entities such as classes, groups, and
wholes. Those entities may involve a class of things (e.g., yellow cars), a collective group
(e.g., the Cleveland Orchestra), or a whole made up of parts (e.g., a computer). Classes and
collective groups have members, while wholes have parts. Predicates are used to attribute
properties and relations to individual things or persons and also to such complex entities.
Consider the following:
28 Yellow cars are fashionable.
29 The Cleveland Orchestra is first-rate.
30 My new computer is well designed.
Here being fashionable, being.first-rate, and being well designed are the properties attributed by
the predicates. There is, of course, nothing wrong with using predicates in these ways to
describe individual things or classes, collectives, and wholes. We couldn't do without these
types of descriptions.
But sometimes a confusion in predication leads to defects in reasoning that happen when
the arguer fails to notice either of these:
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1. Some properties that apply to a whole, a class of things, or a collective group, as stated
in an argument's premises, do not apply to each part of the whole or to each individual
member of the class or group as stated in its conclusion.
2. Conversely, some properties that apply to a part of a whole, or an individual member of
a class or a group as stated in an argument's premises, do not apply to the entire whole,
class, or group as stated in its conclusion.
Whether it is an individual thing that is said to have a property or a class of things (or a collective
group or a whole) matters for clarity in reasoning. When this important distinction is ignored, an
argument may, for example, fallaciously attribute a certain property to a class of things in the
premises and to a member of that class in the conclusion, as in argument (3) at the beginning of
this chapter:
3 Since oceans occupy 60 percent of the surface of the Earth and the Mediterranean is
an ocean, therefore the Mediterranean occupies 60 percent of the surf ace of the
Let's now look closely at two informal fallacies of confused predication, known as composition
and division.
Confused predication underlies the informal fallacy known as 'composition.'
Composition rests on the mistake of thinking that, since each of the parts of some
whole, or each of the members of a class or group, has a certain property, therefore
the whole, class, or group itself also has that same property.
For example, consider this argument:
31 1. Each player for the Chicago Cubs is an excellent player.
2. The Chicago Cubs are an excellent team.
It is very likely that (31)'s premise is true (in baseball, one has to be very good to get into the
major leagues). Yet even if each player for the Cubs is excellent, that wouldn't support the
claim that the team as a group is excellent. For an excellent team is more than just a
collection of excellent individual athletes. It's a team that functions well as a coordinated
group. Argument (31), then, is defective, even if the premise and conclusion are both true.
Why? Because it commits the fallacy of composition through overlooking the crucial dis
tinction in Box 10.
■ It is one thing to predicate a property of each individual member of a team, class, and so on,
but quite another to predicate it of the team itself What may be true in the one case might
not be so in the other.
■ If an argument concludes that a whole itself has a certain property on the basis of its parts
each having that property individually, it commits the fallacy of composition and should be
Similarly, consider
32 1. Each part of a computer consumes very little energy.
2. A computer consumes very little energy.
Argument (32) falls short of being deductively valid, or even inductively strong. A research-lab
supercomputer would make its premise true and its conclusion false. Again, the root of the
problem is in thinking that because each of the parts individually has a certain property
(namely, that of running with little energy), therefore the whole made up of all of those parts
must have it, too. Here's another argument with the same sort of problem:
33 Advertisement: "At Global Gobel Airlines, we've got the best-maintained fleet of
planes in the air. We have more than 500 state-of-the-art jets, and each plane is
expertly operated. Therefore, our airline is expelrtly operated."
To predicate the property 'expertly operated' of the aiirPlane is one thing. To predicate that
same property of the airline is something else. So it doesn't follow that Global Gobel is 'expertly
operated' just because each of its planes is. Argument (33) commits the fallacy of composition.
Bear in mind the advice in Box 10.
Another fallacy of confused predication is division.
Division rests on the mistake of thinking that because the whole has a certain property,
therefore each of the parts or members that make it up has that same property.
Unlike composition, division makes the mistake of thinking that what can be truly
predicated of the whole can likewise be truly predicated of the parts that make it up. Suppose
someone argues,
34 1. The U.S. Congress represents every state in the Union.
2. Each member of the U.S. Congress represents every state in the Union.
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Here the premise is uncontroversially true, but the conclusion is plainly false. What has gone
wrong is that a simple principle has been ignored. That a property can be truly predicated of
some collective group provides no guarantee that it can also be truly predicated of each
member of that group. In (34), someone's being a member of a body that represents every
state in the Union is taken to support the conclusion that that person individually represents
every state in the Union. And, of course, that does not follow. What is true of the Congress
may well not be true of each member of Congress. Thus the argument commits the fallacy
of division.
While we're on the subject of Washington, here is another argument that commits the
fallacy of division:
35 1. The taxicabs in Washington, D.C., are numerous.
2. Each taxicab in Washington, D.C., is numerous.
(35) makes an inferential move from a predicate being true of a class of things (i.e., Washington
taxicabs) in the premise, to that predicate's being true of each individual Washington taxi in
the conclusion. Thus this is an instance of division. It is only classes of things that can (collec
tively) be numerous. Individuals can't be, so the conclusion in (35) is just nonsense! As we've
seen, the fact that some collective entity has an attribute does not provide a good reason
to conclude that the same attribute can rightly be ascribed to any part of it. Let's look at one
more argument:
36 The annual National Spelling Bee contest has grown popular over the years, partly as
a result of the Academy Award-nominated documentary Spellbound. Therefore, the
fourteen-year-old girl from Ohio who has won the spelling bee has grown popular
over the years.
Again, the problem is that a property rightly attributed to a complex whole is being wrongly
attributed to the part. In this case, the complex whole is the National Spelling Bee, and the
part is the current winner of the contest, the girl from Ohio. The property in question is
that of having 'grown popular over the years.' From the fact that that is true of the spelling
bee, it doesn't follow that it's true of the girl. A fallacy of division has been committed.
Logical thinkers, then, should beware of the informal fallacies that can arise through con
fusion in predication and be able to distinguish the two different types of confusion that
underlie division, on the one hand, and composition, on the other. To detect and avoid these
fallacies, follow the rules in Boxes 11 and 12.
In evaluating an argument, ask whether it concludes that each part of a whole has a certain
property on the basis of the whole's having that property. If it does, the argument commits the
fallacy of division and should be rejected.
In evaluating an argument, check whether
■ It concludes that each part of a whole has a certain property because the whole has that
property, or
■ It concludes that a whole itself has a certain property because each of its parts has that
property individually.
If either of these is the case, then the argument commits one of the fallacies of confused
predication and must therefore be rejected.
Review auestjons
1 . What is the difference between meaning and reference?
2. Explain the difference between vagueness and ambiguity.
3. What is a predicate? Provide examples of sentences, identifying their predicates.
4. What is the heap argument? And why is it a paradox?
5. Explain what a slippery-slope fallacy is. Why should such arguments be rejected?
6. What is the fallacy of equivocation?
7. Name three sources of confusion that might lead to the fallacy of amphiboly.
8. Why are composition and division fallacies of confused predication?
II. Some of the following are plainly vague and some are not. Determine which is
1. Hot day
SAMPLE ANSWER: Plainly vague
2. Young
*3. Equilateral triangle
4. Leopard
*5. Bachelor
6. U.S. District Attorney
*7. Poor
8. Populous
*9. Parallel lines
10. Odd number
11 . The United Nations
*12. Person
13. Human being
14. Gold
*15. Bald
Ill. For each of the above terms that are plainly vague, show its vagueness by
constructing a heap paradox involving that term.
IV. For each of the following expressions, show that it can be used ambiguously by
constructing a sentence where the expression could have different meanings. If
necessary, provide a context.
:3 �
<( (J)
_J <(
a: LI.I
<( a:
LI.I a:
_J <( 0 LI.I
z _J
:::) 0
a: 0
LL f-
1. Sub
SAMPLE ANSWER: 'My recent experience with subs has been a disaster.' In one context, 'sub'
may mean a type of naval vessel; in another, a type of sandwich; in still another, a substitute
2. Snake in the grass 6. Desert
3. Fraternity 7. Pirate
4. Siren 9. Honey
5. Birthday 10. Plateau
The following are instances of the heap paradox, slippery slope, equivocation,
amphiboly, composition, or division. For each argument, indicate which of these
it exemplifies.
1 . The one who testified against Tony Soprano was a rat. A rat is a rodent of the genus Rattus. It follows
that the one who testified against Tony Soprano was a rodent of the genus Rattus.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Equivocation
2. Donors to the Philharmonic's fund-raising campaign have given the orchestra millions of dollars this
year. My neighbor Mrs. Martinez was one of those donors. We may infer that Mrs. Martinez gave the
orchestra millions of dollars.
*3. Phil is taking six courses this semester, and they're all three-credit courses. But each course is easy,
so Phil will have an easy semester.
4. Leon Kass, a prominent bioethicist. argues for a ban or moratorium on human cloning. Permitting
such cloning, he insists, can only lead to abuse. "Today, cloned blastocysts for research; tomorrow,
cloned blastocysts for baby-making"-New York Times, February 17, 2004.
5. Perhaps you think that twelve is an even number? Well, I can prove that it is odd. Consider my uncle
Horace. He was born with five toes on one foot and seven toes on the other, which gives him twelve
toes. Now, I'm sure you'll agree that twelve toes is an odd number of toes for a man. Therefore,
twelve is an odd number.
6. If we continue to permit abortion, then we'll soon be allowing euthanasia on demand. This line of rea
soning leads straight to justifying mass exterminations of any 'unwanted' people. At last we'll be led
to death camps and outright genocide. Therefore, abortion should not be permitted.
*7. Sue says: "The Department of Traffic Control announced last month that in Boston a pedestrian is hit
by a car once every thirty-seven minutes." Sam replies: "Wow! That guy must be in bad shape!"
8. The manager told me she would lose no time in looking at my resume. So I'm sure she will read it
9. Young people are independent minded. Ryan Seacrest is young, so he is independent minded.
*1 O. Some people think that all citizens should have to carry national identity cards, just as people do in
most other countries. But it's clear that this is a bad idea. Once we begin registering our identities
with the government, that can lead only to more government control over individual lives. Eventually,
all our precious freedoms will be gone, and we'll have a dictatorship.
11 . The Rolling Stones were at their best in the first half of the year. It follows that their guitarist Keith
Richards was at his best in the first half of the year.
12. If a man has one hair on his head, he is bald, isn't he? Suppose he has two hairs: he is also bald. This
seems to suggest that a man with one million hairs on his head is also bald.
*13. The Brooklyn Bridge is made up entirely of atoms. Science has proved that atoms are invisible.
Therefore, the Brooklyn Bridge is invisible.
14. Mother says Uncle Ryan is a couch potato. Since potatoes are vegetables, it follows that Uncle Ryan
is a vegetable.
15. Dissenters must be suppressed at once, to ensure that they do not undermine presidential authority.
One dissenter today means millions of dissenters tomorrow. If even a single person is allowed to dis
sent, this will be the first step that will lead ultimately to anarchy.
16. Private universities are not particularly expensive. For they are charging about $48,000 per year for
tuition plus room and board. If that's expensive, then $47,999 is expensive, too. But if $47,999 is
expensive, then $47,998 is expensive. It follows that any amount, even $1, is expensive.
*17. You can eat that chocolate chip cookie if you want, but I say you're asking for trouble. Next you'll be
eating ice cream, then hot fudge sundaes. Soon it'll be double cheeseburgers, fried chicken, and
layer cakes! Stroke and a heart attack are waiting for you, without a doubt.
18. The chemical designation for common table salt is sodium chloride (NaCl). Salt is a compound of
sodium and chlorine. And since salt is, of course, edible and not at all poisonous, it follows that
sodium and chlorine are each edible and not at all poisonous.
19. A "cybersquatter" misused a web address containing Tom Cruise's name, which must be returned to
the actor, since the arbitrators have determined that the actor owns it.
*20. Ice cream is enjoyable. Beer is enjoyable, too. Therefore, ice cream and beer for lunch would be
21. Colleges should not consider cheerleading a competitive sport, for that will lead to their hav
ing to consider tai chi a competitive sport. That will lead to considering hotdog eating, stilt
walking, and many other activities as competitive sports. The concept of sport would then lose
its meaning.
22. In the ancient world, Persia was a mighty kingdom. But Croesus, the Greek king, also ruled a mighty
kingdom in Lydia. When Croesus asked the Delphic Oracle for advice, she told him, "If Croesus
crossed the river Halys (i.e., invaded Persia) he would destroy a mighty kingdom." Croesus was
delighted with this news and concluded that he should immediately invade Persia, which he did. As
a result, Lydia was destroyed.
23. Some who read the New York Times headline 'ON DRUGS, BUSH AIMS FOR A MEETING OF THE
MINDS AT LEAST,' concluded that the president was on drugs!
*24. Residents of San Francisco come from every country in the world. Ms. Solomon is a resident of San
Francisco. It follows that Ms. Solomon comes from every country in the world.
25. A candidate for Congress introduces himself as follows: "My name is Henry G. Honest, and I
believe you should vote for me. I'm the only candidate in this election who can truly call himself
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LL f-
Amphiboly, committed by any argument in which an awkward grammatical con
struction, word order, or phrasing of the premise creates ambiguity and makes it pos
sible to draw the wrong conclusion.
Composition, committed by any argument that concludes that a whole (class, group)
itself has a certain property, given that each of its parts or members has that property
Division, committed by any argument that concludes that each part of a whole (class,
group) has a certain property, given that the whole has that property.
■ Key Words
Semantic unclarity
Borderline case
Slippery-slope fallacy
Confused predication
Heap paradox
Avoiding Irrelevant
This chapter is devoted to the fallacies of relevance. You'll learn about six different
ways in which premises may be irrelevant to the conclusion they're supposedly
supporting. There is also a discussion of how logical thinkers can take account of
emotion in reasoning. The topics include
Appeal to pity.
Appeal to force.
Appeal to emotion.
Ad hominem.
Beside the point.
Straw-man arguments.
Non-fallacious appeals to emotion in everyday reasoning.
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10.1 Fallacies of Relevance
Another source of error in reasoning that can cause an argument to be misleading is the
failure of premises to be relevant to the conclusion they are offered to support. Even if a
premise is plainly true, if it is also irrelevant to the conclusion it is supposedly backing up, then
it cannot count as a reason for it, and the argument fails. Arguments that are fallacious by
virtue of having irrelevant premises often rely on distractions that draw attention away from
what truly matters for the conclusions at hand, and thus are sometimes employed as rhetorical
tricks by artful persuaders who aim to influence us by psychologically effective but logically
defective means. There are several types of informal fallacy that manifest this form of error,
often known as 'fallacies of relevance.' We'll consider six of them here.
.—-� _-_–._-_-_-_-_,-'
10.2 Appeal to Pity
One type of fallacy of relevance is the appeal to pity (also called ad misericordiam).
An argument commits the fallacy of appeal to pity if and only if its premises attempt
to arouse feelings of sympathy as a means of supporting its conclusion.
Consider, for example, an argument that was once made on behalf of clemency for Rudolf
Hess, a close associate of Hitler arrested in Britain during World War II and later sentenced to
life imprisonment for war crimes. In 1982, when Hess was old and in poor health, some people
argued that he should be freed from prison. The argument went this way:
1 1. Hess has already spent more than forty years in prison.
2. He is in his eighties now and his health is failing.
3. This elderly man should be permitted to spend his last years with his family.
4. Hess should be granted clemency.
But Hess's age and failing health were irrelevant to the real issue: his guilt as one of the
founders of a regime that had terrorized Europe. Many Russians, whose country had suffered
millions of deaths at the hands of the German invaders, recognized this argument as an
appeal to pity and objected vigorously. As a result, Hess's sentence was never commuted and
he died in prison.
A similar argument was offered recently by the mother of a sea pirate, who begged the
president of the United States for leniency in her son's case on the grounds that he was "lured
into piracy by older friends." According to a report in the Associated Press, the pirate himself
expressed contrition. "I am very, very sorry about what we did," he said through an
interpreter. "All of this was about the problems in Somalia." But even if we do feel sorry for
him, in view of his wretched existence in a war-torn, lawless land, that is hardly enough to
justify the murder of innocent merchant seamen on foreign-flag ships. The argument is
plainly an appeal to pity.
It's worth noting, however, that it's not only on behalf of scoundrels and criminals that
people resort to the appeal to pity. We find it in everyday life in many guises, including some
uses we may (wrongly) think free of this fallacy-for example, when a student argues,
2 You gave me a B in this course, but . . . can't you give me an A? If I don't have an A,
then it'll mean that my grade average will fall, and I won't be able to get into law
school! And I've been working hard all semester.
The argument in fact is:
2' 1. I've been working hard in this course.
2. Any grade below an A would adversely affect my chances for law school.
3. I should get an A in this course.
This argument commits the fallacy of appeal to pity. But not because of premise 1: plainly, how
hard the student has been working is not relevant to its conclusion, but that is the fallacy
known as 'beside the point' (more on this later). What's making the argument count as an
appeal to pity is premise 2: that premise shows that the argument attempts to support its
conclusion by making the professor feel sorry for the student. It might succeed in doing that,
but it fails to make its conclusion rationally acceptable.
More generally, an appeal to pity is a fallacious argument trading on the fact that feeling
sorry for someone is often psychologically motivating. Yet that is not a good reason for the
argument's conclusion. Logical thinkers would want to be able to recognize and avoid this
fallacy. For some tips on this, see Box 2.
1. An argument whose premises attempt to provoke feelings of sympathy that might move an
audience to accept its conclusion commits the fallacy of appeal to pity.
2. Any such argument should be rejected, since it provides no reason relevant to its conclusion
that is, it provides no rational support for it.
10.3 Appeal to Force
Another informal fallacy trading on feelings, though in an entirely different way, is the appeal
to force (sometimes called ad baculum, literally, 'to the stick').
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An argument commits the fallacy of appeal to force if and only if it resorts to a threat
as a means of supporting its conclusion.
In any argument that commits this fallacy, the arguer attempts to arouse feelings of fear in
someone as a way of getting her to accept a conclusion (it's as if he were saying, 'Agree with me
or else!'). At the end of World War II, when Allied leaders met at Potsdam, Germany, to decide
how Europe would be divided, Stalin's armored divisions already held Eastern Europe in an
iron grip guaranteeing Soviet influence there. Told that the Pope had suggested a political
settlement less accommodating to Soviet aims, Stalin harrumphed, "How many divisions does
the Pope have?"
Of course, the threat voiced in an appeal to force need not be a physical threat. It might
merely hint darkly of unfortunate consequences awaiting those who disagree with the arguer.
To detect (and avoid) the fallacy of appeal to force in arguments, the rule is to check their
premises as suggested in Box 3.
When Richard J. Daley was mayor of Chicago, from 1955 until his death in 1976, he
exercised near-autocratic control over the Cook County Democratic Party organization.
Public officials were well aware that they served at the pleasure of Mayor Daley and that
any evidence of their disloyalty could have adverse consequences. Every time Daley would
run for reelection, the word would go out to senior public officials serving in his
3 We think it might be a good idea for you to get out and campaign for Mayor Daley in
this election, Mr. Parks Commissioner [Street Commissioner, Fire Commissioner,
etc.], because if you don't, and Mayor Daley wins … well … you might be out of a
job! And … you know … we'd hate to see you lose your job! So, really, we're just
giving you a little bit of friendly advice here … that's all. We're looking out for you!
This may sound innocuous, but it's really a thinly veiled threat:
3' 1. If you don't campaign for Mayor Daley's reelection, you'll lose your job.
2. You ought to campaign for Mayor Daley's reelection.
(3') qualifies as an appeal to force. After all, the reason it offers (what'll happen to the addressee
if she or he doesn't campaign for Mayor Daley), although no doubt psychologically powerful as
a motivator of enthusiastic campaigning, is not relevant to the conclusion that the addressee
should campaign for Mayor Daley. In itself, it gives no reason why Daley deserves to be re
elected, so that people can campaign for him with a good conscience. Notice that it would
have been possible to give an entirely different argument for the same conclusion that would
commit no fallacy: campaigners could simply have said,
4 You ought to get out and campaign for Mayor Daley in this election because of all
the great things the Daley administration has done for the city of Chicago,
and then listed the accomplishments of the Daley administration. (In fact, there were many.) Thus
completed, (4)'s premises would be relevant to the argument's conclusion and might very well
support it. By contrast, (3')'s premise is completely irrelevant to the argument's conclusion.
1. An argument whose premises merely express a threat of unpleasant consequences for thos1e
who refuse to accept the argument's conclusion commits the fallacy of appeal to force.
2. Any such argument should be rejected, since its premises provide only a "reason" that is
irrelevant to the argument's conclusion-thus falling short of rationally supporting it.
10.4 Appeal to Emotion
So far, we've seen two ways in which fallacies of relevance might be committed by arguments
that offer premises appealing to our emotions in ways utterly irrelevant to supporting their
conclusions. A third variation on this common sort of mistake is found in the fallacy of appeal
to emotion.
An argument commits the fallacy of appeal to emotion if and only if it attempts to
support its conclusions by appealing to people's feelings rather than to their reason.
This fallacy is sometimes called ad populum-literally, 'to the people.' In any argument
that commits it, emotively charged language is used to try to persuade someone to accept a
certain conclusion. In some cases, the language employed for this purpose may include
images that carry emotive force, as can be seen from the immense popularity of this fallacy in
television commercials and other advertising media. But often appeals to emotion are made
by using words carefully chosen for maximum emotional impact. To detect and avoid this
fallacy, follow the rules in Box 4.
Appeal to emotion is, of course, a medium much beloved by stem-winding political
orators. In 1896, populist Democrat William Jennings Bryan drew upon biblical allusions to
argue that the gold standard in U.S. monetary policy was bad for working people:
5 You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns; you shall not
crucify mankind upon a cross of gold.
And forty years later, in the depths of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt
attempted to rally support for his reforms with emotive language of stirring intensity:
6 This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny.
Notice that each of these examples amounts to a premise offered in support of a conclusion
to the effect: 'Therefore you should support my programs!' They are both arguments with
implicit conclusions. And both try to move their audiences through the psychological
power of emotively charged phrases such as 'crucify mankind,' 'crown of thorns,'
'rendezvous,' 'cross,' and 'destiny.' As these examples show, the fallacy of appeal to emotion
is as likely to be committed by mainstream politicians as it is by demagogues and despots
(such as Adolf Hitler, who used it constantly). But it is a fallacious form of argument,
whoever indulges in it.
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Sometimes reasoning that commits the fallacy of appeal to emotion rests on a clever use
of images that provoke a strong emotional response. When President Lyndon Johnson was
running for reelection in 1964, his campaign sought to capitalize on prevalent voter fears about
the alleged recklessness of his opponent, Senator Barry Goldwater. In a charged, Cold War era,
some feared that Goldwater might be too quick to resort to nuclear weapons, and Johnson's
campaigners wanted to exploit this uneasiness. So the Democratic Party ran a television
commercial that opened with a view a of sunny meadow and a little girl picking flowers, then
cut to a dark screen with the fiery mushroom cloud of a nuclear explosion billowing up into
the night sky. Across a black screen the message then flashed: 'VOTE FOR PRESIDENT
JOHNSON.' One of the most notorious examples of emotively charged images in the history
of political advertising, the commercial was widely denounced as tasteless, prompting
Democrats to withdraw it.
1. Be on guard for arguments that attempt, through the use of emotively charged words or
images, to elicit a strong psychological response conducive to the acceptance of its
2. Any such argument commits the fallacy of appeal to emotion and should be rejected. Why?
Because its premises offer only "reasons" that are irrelevant, in the way suggested in (1), to the
argument's conclusion. No such argument can provide rational support for its conclusion.
The Bandwagon Appeal
Some forms of emotional appeal are intended to take advantage of common feelings that
seem to be part of human nature, such as the desire not to miss out on the latest trends-for
example, when books are marketed as 'best sellers' or a film is touted as 'the Number One Hit
Movie of the Summer!' This so-called bandwagon appeal exploits our desire to join in with the
common experiences of others and not be left out. But the reasons offered for buying the book
or seeing the movie merely note their popular appeal, not their quality. A best seller might be
only a shallow entertainment, a hit movie little more than a television sitcom. That they're
widely sought does nothing to support the claim that they're worth seeking.
Appeal to Vanity
Appeal to vanity (sometimes called 'snob appeal') is another of the varieties of ad populum
this time trying to exploit people's unspoken fears about self-esteem. When a car is advertised
as in (7), the advertiser attempts to persuade prospective buyers to buy the car by making an
appeal to their vanity.
7 Not for everyone-this is the car that tells the world who you are!
In another example of this argumentation tactic, Virgin Atlantic Airways has decided to attract
customers to its premium-class service by calling it, not 'first class,' but 'Upper Class.' Can you
see what is going on here?
10.5 Ad Hominem
Another way arguments can fail because of irrelevant premises is the very common fallacy of
ad hominem (literally, 'to the man'), which has less to do with emotion than with personal
attack. It is sometimes called 'argument against the person,' but we'll call it by its Latin name,
since that has now come to be familiar in everyday usage.
An argument commits the fallacy of ad hominem if and only if it attempts to discredit
someone's-or some group's-argument, point of view, or achievement by means of
personal attack.
That is, the fallacious ad hominem rests on some personal consideration strictly irrelevant
to the matter at hand, which is intended to undermine someone's credibility, as a means of
indirectly attacking the person's position or argument. The problem with such an ad hominem,
of course, is that in this way the question of the real merit of that person's position is evaded.
Instead, the ad hominem offers only a cheap shot aimed at the person herself. Before turning to
some specific arguments of this sort, notice that they all fail to support their conclusions-yet
they can be recognized easily and avoided in the way suggested in Box 5.
Examples of ad hominem are, unfortunately, easy to find-sometimes committed by
people you'd not expect to be committing fallacies. Planned Parenthood recently ran a series of
advertisements on buses and subways that featured a photo of several grumpy-looking men in
suits. Across the photo was mounted the ad copy, which read, "79% of abortion opponents are
men. 100% of them will never be pregnant." We may smile at this rhetorically clever
juxtaposition of image and slogan, but, make no mistake, this is an ad hominem against male
opponents of abortion. Instead of focusing on what those men's objections to abortion may be,
the effect of the ad is simply to dismiss the objections as men's views. But the views of men
on abortion or any other topic-cannot be legitimately rejected solely on the basis of their
provenance (that they are "men's views"). Rather, the question is: Are these views well
supported? It's not whose views they are that matters, but do the proponents have good or bad
arguments for their claims?
Suppose a new political scandal erupts in Washington. Senator Dunster has been caught
using public funds to pay for expensive luxury vacations for himself and his family, and
another legislator, Senator Brewster, has taken to the Senate floor to denounce this
impropriety. But Dunster is a Harvard man and cannot resist pointing out that Brewster's
college days were spent at Yale. In a speech, Dunster loudly responds,
8 These charges are all false! And these unfounded accusations are coming from
exactly the place we would expect. Apparently Senator Brewster, like all Yalies, cannot
resist the temptation to besmirch the reputation of a Harvard man!
Here Senator Dunster's argument is an ad hominem that attempts to discredit Brewster's
statements, not by speaking to their content (the accusations of impropriety), but by pointing
to Brewster's personal background-the fact that he is a Yale graduate. Its clear assumptions
are that all Yalies are naturally prejudiced against Harvard graduates, and that that is why
Brewster is saying these things! But Dunster's argument simply engages in personal attack:
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it introduces an irrelevant consideration that has no power to actually discredit the opponent's
claim (though it may appear to do so).
The thing to keep in mind, again, is that it's not who says it that makes a claim well
supported or not, but rather whether there are in fact good reasons to back it up. Those reasons
should be judged on their own merits: either they provide some support for the claim, or they
don't. In our example, we would of course need to hear Senator Brewster 's argument
presumably citing facts in support of the conclusion that Dunster had behaved
inappropriately-in order to determine this.
1. Beware of any argument that appeals to some personal facts (or alleged facts) that are
irrelevant to its conclusion.
2. Any such argument commits the fallacy of ad hominem and should be rejected, for its
premises are irrelevant to its conclusion-that is, they are offered as a means of attempting
to discredit an argument or point of view by discrediting the person who presents it.
The Abusive Ad Hominem
Sometimes ad hominem arguments attack a person's character. Suppose a moviegoer announces,
9 I have no desire to see Woody Allen's latest movie. I'm sure it's worthless, and I wouldn't
waste my money on it-not after what I know about him now! He betrayed Mia Farrow
and broke her heart when he became romantically involved with Mia's adopted daughter,
Soon-Yi Previn. So his movies are without artistic merit, as far as I'm concerned.
Now, (9) plainly commits the fallacy of ad hominem, since it seeks to discredit Woody Allen as a
film director not by invoking evidence that his movies are artistically questionable, but by a
personal attack that refers to his relationship to Soon-Yi Previn (whom he later married). But
this ad hominem is of a more abusive sort, since it attacks Allen's character-he is denounced
on moral grounds as a 'betrayer,' which is, of course, a term of contempt. But, whatever we may
think of Allen's personal qualities, does any of that prove that his films are bad? Isn't all of that
simply irrelevant to an assessment of his art?
Tu Quoque
Finally, the fallacy of ad hominem is also committed when one tries to refute someone's point
of view by calling attention to the person's hypocrisy regarding that very point of view. This is
sometimes called 'tu quoque' (literally, 'you also'). For example, consider how Thomas
Jefferson's writings must have sounded to the British in his day. Jefferson famously wrote, in
the Declaration of Independence, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." But one can easily imagine how
this must have been received in conservative circles in Britain in 1776. Tories certainly
regarded this lofty language as risible political rhetoric, since they knew very well that
Jefferson was himself a prominent slave holder. In London, Dr. Samuel Johnson scoffed,
"How is it that we hear the loudest yelps for 'liberty' among the drivers of Negroes?" Johnson's
remark could be expanded into an extended argument that looks like this:
10 1. Jefferson claims that all men are created equal and have rights to liberty.
2. But Jefferson himself is a slave owner.
3. He preaches lofty principles for others that he does not practice himself.
4. Jefferson's claims about liberty and equality are false.
Yet if any did actually offer such an argument, it would have committed the fallacy of tu quoque, a
form of ad hominem. The imagined argument, after all, tries to bring a personal matter-Jefferson's
real-life hypocrisy about race and human nature-into the discussion to cast doubt on his
assertions about human equality and rights. Now, it is of course true that the Sage of Monticello
did not permit his own black slaves to enjoy the very liberty and equality he so forcefully advocated
for himself and his fellow white men. But did that personal failure go any way at all toward
showing that Jefferson's claims about liberty and equality were false? Naturally, we all think that
people should not be hypocrites. People should practice what they preach. Yet if someone fails to
heed this moral maxim, and we point out his hypocrisy, we have not thereby proved that what he
preaches is false. In fact, we are only indulging in a form of ad hominem, a tu quoque.
Nonfallacious Ad Hominem
Before we leave the discussion of ad hominem, there remains one important clarification that
should be added. Some uses of argument against the person are not fallacious, for there are
contexts in which such an argument may be in order. In public life, for instance, the moral
character of a politician may be a highly relevant issue to raise during a campaign, since we do
very reasonably expect our elected leaders to be trustworthy. In the second example given
above, Senator Brewster's speech calling Senator Dunster's personal rectitude into question
amounts to a kind of personal attack, but it commits no fallacy (as does Dunster's reply), since
conduct that is unethical (or illegal!) would not be irrelevant to an assessment of a person's
fitness to serve as a senator. Brewster's remarks, then, could justifiably be seen as an ad hominem
argument but not a fallacious one, for they commit no fallacy of irrelevant premises.
Similarly, in the Anglo-American system of justice, which employs an adversarial model in
court-with attorneys on opposing sides each presenting an argument for their client's case
and trying to undermine their opponent's position-some of what happens in the courtroom
may appear to be ad hominem. Here, after all, attorneys might try to discredit a witness by
presenting evidence about his personal life.
But in fact this does not amount to a fallacious ad hominem at all, since in the courtroom,
the reliability of a witness is not irrelevant. Given that the purpose of a witness just is to give
testimony, it is highly relevant to know whether the person can be believed or not. Thus an
attorney does not commit a fallacy of ad hominem when she appeals to relevant personal
matters in an attempt to discredit the claims made by a witness. An attorney's job is to defend
her client's interest by aggressively pressing his case, and part of that may include presenting
facts about a witness's background and personal life in an effort to undermine his credibility.
This is a kind of personal attack, but it commits no fallacy.
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Logical thinkers must bear in mind that courtroom procedure is a specialized subject in
the law, and that we're not attempting here to venture into its complexities. When one is called
to serve on a jury, one should follow the instructions of the judge. The important thing to
notice now, however, is simply that there can be some uses of ad hominem that are not
fallacious, and that it is the context that determines when this is so.
10.6 Beside the Point
An argument might commit a fallacy of relevance by offering premises that simply have little
or nothing to do with its conclusion. Maybe they support some conclusion, but they don't
support the one given by the argument. When this happens, the argument commits a beside
the-point fallacy (also known as ignoratio elenchi).
An argument commits the fallacy of beside the point if and only if its premises fail to
support its conclusion by failing to be logically related to its conclusion, though they
may support some other conclusion.
Faced with an argument of this sort, we may at first find ourselves unable to identify the
source of the confusion. For example, imagine that opponents of cruelty to animals introduce
legislation to ban the mistreatment of chickens, pigs, and cows in certain 'factory farms.' But
suppose the corporations who own the farms respond,
11 These farms are not cruel to animals. After all, the farms provide the food that most
consumers want, and they do so in a manner that is cost-effective; moreover, these
poultry, pork, and beef products are nourishing and contribute to the overall health
of American families.
The odd thing about (11) is that nothing in its premises contributes toward providing support
for the conclusion, 'These farms are not cruel to animals.' Perhaps the premises support some
conclusion. But they don't support that one, since they offer no reason to think that the factory
farms in question are not cruel. As a result, (11) commits the beside the point fallacy.
Here's another example that does so as well. Early in Barack Obama's administration, a
state dinner at the White House was attended by a local couple who had not been invited and
had no authorization to enter the White House. They were, in effect, party crashers.
Threatened with prosecution under federal law for having breached White House security,
they responded that they should not be prosecuted because they had "made a sacrifice in time
Logical thinkers should be on guard for
1. Arguments whose premises are simply irrelevant to proving the conclusion.
2. Any such argument is defective, even if nothing else is wrong with it; it commits a
beside-the-point fallacy and should be rejected.
and money to get ready for the party." Now, let us suppose that it's true that they had made
such a sacrifice. Even so, how is that relevant to their claim that they do not deserve
prosecution for breaking the law? The proposed "reason" why they should not be prosecuted
(namely, the alleged "sacrifice in time and money") is not a reason that supports the
conclusion. This argument is plainly an instance of the beside-the-point fallacy.
Yet another example of this type of mistake was inadvertently provided by a radio listener
who responded to a BBC program predicting a crisis of overpopulation in the United Kingdom
by 2051. "We can meet this challenge," the listener confidently asserted, "because we all stood
together as one people when we were fighting the Nazis." But there is more than one problem
in this argument, not least of them the fact that none of the Britons who fought the Germans
in World War II are likely to be alive in 2051. So, whatever the coping skills of those who
prevailed in Britain's Finest Hour, their application in the envisaged crisis to come at mid
century seems unlikely. Moreover, it is not at all clear how a nation's possessing the military
skills necessary to defeat Hitler proves anything at all about their ability to overcome an
entirely different sort of problem in the foreseen population crisis. Thus the argument is only
a beside-the-point fallacy. Its premise, though manifestly true, provides no support for the
12 1. We all stood together as one people when we were fighting the Nazis.
2. We can meet the coming challenge of overpopulation.
10. 7 Straw Man
Finally, let us consider a type of informal fallacy committed by any argument where the view of
an opponent is misrepresented so that it becomes vulnerable to certain objections. The distorted
view may consist of a statement or a group of related statements (i.e., a position or a theory).
Typically ignored in such distortions are charity and faithfulness, the principles of argument
reconstruction discussed in Chapter 4. Given the principle of charity, interpreting someone else's
view requires that we maximize the truth of each of its parts (in the case of an argument,
premises and conclusion) and the strength of the logical relation between them. Given the
principle of faithfulness, such interpretation requires that we strive for maximum fidelity to the
author's intentions. It is precisely the lack of charity, faithfulness, or both, in the interpretation of
the views of others with whom the arguer disagrees that results in straw man.
An argument commits the fallacy of straw man if and only if its premises attempt to
undermine some view through misrepresenting what that view actually is.
Situations where this type of informal fallacy often occurs include deliberations, such as de
bates and controversies. Straw man is (regrettably) a common tactic in public life, often heard
in the rhetoric of political campaigns. Typically, the straw-man argument ascribes to an oppo
nent some views that are in fact a distortion of his actual views. These misrepresentations may
be extreme, irresponsible, or even silly views that are easy to defeat. The opponent's position,
then, becomes a 'straw figure' that can be easily blown away. But to refute that position is of
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1. A straw-man argument attempts to raise an objection 0 against a certain view-call it 'V.'
2. But the argument misrepresents Vas being in fact W-where Wis vulnerable to the objection 0.
3. The argument concludes by rejecting Von the basis of 0.
But does 0 really undermine V? It seems not. After all, 0 is an objection only to w; a distorted
rendering of V, not to V itself
course not at all to disprove the person's actual position. This can be seen in Box 7, which out
lines what's going on in straw-man arguments.
It is not difficult to find examples of this fallacy in political debates. Imagine two rival
political candidates who disagree about foreign policy: Barton declares that the nation should
not act unilaterally in using military force but do so only with the support of traditional allies.
But Burton tries to undermine Barton's credibility by arguing as follows:
13 1. My opponent's international policy is: Wait for foreign permission before acting.
2. Waiting for foreign permission before acting is inconsistent with promoting our
national security and our right to act in our own self-interest.
3. Both promoting our national security and our right to act in our own self-interest
are reasonable.
4. My opponent's international policy is unreasonable.
But suppose there is in fact no evidence that Barton does actually hold the view ascribed to her in
the first premise-then what? In that case, (13) is a straw-man argument. Seeking the support of
traditional allies before undertaking a potentially dangerous step is hardly the same thing as
"waiting for foreign permission before acting." Burton is misrepresenting Barton's argument.
Consider another example: some members of Congress announce that they favor trials in
civilian criminal courts for Guantanamo detainees. Their opponents then charge,
14 1. Those who favor such civilian trials are pro-terrorist.
2. To be pro-terrorist is to be against our country.
3. Those who favor such civilian trials are against our country.
To detect (and avoid) a fallacy of this sort, the rule is to check whether an argument's reasons
against a certain view can really count as reasons against that view. Always ask yourself whether
the target view has been reconstructed according to the principles of charity and faithfulness.
When objecting to a view V, if the argument goes, "View Vis wrong because it faces objection 0,"
keep in mind that, whether or not 0 is actual!), an objection to V depends on whether V has been
construed in accordance with faithfulness and charity. An obviously false view may be a view
nobody holds!
10.8 Is the Appeal to Emotion Always Fallacious?
Earlier in this chapter, the appeal to emotion was identified as one of the Fallacies of
Relevance. But, it will be objected, it simply cannot be that a logical thinker's only appropriate
attitude toward emotion is a wary distrust. Given the large role of emotion in human life
indeed, if we consider that life would surely be impoverished without it-philosophers can ill
afford to ignore emotion, and logical thinking ought to have a way of accommodating the
many benign manifestations of it that commit no fallacies.
What, then, are some of these? First, emotions plainly have an important role in motivating
our actions. Feelings, sentiments, desires, and ordinary inclinations and aversions of many sorts
all move us to act in everyday life in ways that involve no fallacious inferences. We need not go
so far as holding that reason "is and ought to be the slave of the passions" to recognize that our
feelings and desires motivate our actions. And actions motivated by feelings may be guided by
reason (e.g., "don't do to others what you'd not like done to you").
Second, being alert to the personal emotional commitments of our loved ones, friends,
and co-workers can give us reasons for action, or for forbearance. If we know what others care
about-especially what matters to them in deep and important ways-then we'll know how to
avoid saying things that will hurt their feelings. This is a concern about emotion (theirs!) that
commits no fallacy. Similarly, if we know that mentioning certain subjects will cause a certain
person to become enraged, then it's not fallacious to conclude that we should take his feelings
into account and try to avoid such talk in his presence unless it's necessary.
Third, emotions may appropriately move us to take action for the sake of strangers who
are suffering or in peril. When reports of famine, war, epidemics, and natural disasters moti
vate us to contribute to relief programs, we are following our feelings of compassion for our
fellow human beings and commit no fallacy. Likewise, when our instincts of fairness move us
to speak out on behalf of minorities subjected to prejudice or discrimination, there is no
fallacy in acting on these feelings. And when we read of outrageous acts of brutality and
violence, or criminal acts of an especially nefarious sort, there is no fallacy in concluding that
such acts ought to be punished, or prevented if possible. Finally, we may, of course,
appropriately and rationally respond to emotion in our desire to aid needy individuals, as
when a doctor acts to relieve her patient's suffering, or when we give our pocket change to a
homeless person begging in the street.
What all of the above examples have in common is this: they are appeals to emotion that
are not irrelevant as reasons for our conclusions. That is, they represent types of situation in
which one may rationally be moved by emotion. In the fallacy of appeal to emotion (ad
populum), by contrast, the use of emotion always represents a diversion from the matter at
hand, often a subtle attempt at manipulating one's feelings for the sake of some strictly
irrelevant consideration that does not actually contribute to supporting the argument's
conclusion (though it may appear to do so). Logical thinkers are advised to beware of such
trickery, as it amounts to an abuse of reason.
But the purpose of logical thinking is not to turn people into coldly rational beings
without emotions, like Star Trek's Mr. Spock. (Of course, since Spock is half-Vulcan and only
half-human, he may be inclined to overestimate the value of rigidly rational behavior and to
underrate the value of ordinary affections.) There are, after all, many occasions in life when it
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*25. Mafioso to shopkeeper: 'You got a nice business here. It' d be a shame if somethin' were to
happen to it.'
26. Advertisement: 'You've always known that Mercedes-Benz was the car for you. It's not a car for
everybody. But then, you're not just anybody. When you've truly achieved a place of distinction in life,
you know you're ready. Mercedes-Benz.'
27. According to contemporary biology, species evolve over time. But I have never seen any animals
evolving. Have you? Has anyone ever seen animals evolving? So, contemporary biology is false.
*28. "Everything that today we admire on earth-science and art, technique and innovations-is only the
creative product of a few peoples and perhaps originally of one race. [Therefore, on the Germans]
now depends also the existence of this entire culture. If they perish, then the beauty of this earth
sinks into the grave with them . . . The man who misjudges and disdains the laws of race actually
forfeits the happiness that seems destined to be his. He prevents the victorious march of the best
race and with it also the presumption for all human progress . . . All that is not race in this world is
trash."-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf.
29. Dear State Senator: Our organization believes that protecting the environment is an issue of
paramount importance. Unless your legislature passes the Clean Air and Water Act, we will urge all
business meetings, conventions, and tourists to boycott your state indefinitely.
*30. Darwin's theory of evolution cannot be correct. It holds that we all evolved from monkeys! But
monkeys do not evolve into people. And we are too different to have evolved from them. Thus
Darwin's theory of evolution has to be false.
31. Los Angeles has twenty or thirty downtowns. There is no conventional pattern of people commuting
to work in one direction in the morning and the reverse in the evening. So it seems there is no central
authority in organizing the city or its government .
32. French actress Brigitte Bardot insists that cruelty to animals is a serious crime and that we should
treat our dogs and cats humanely. But we cannot take this seriously. She is well known for
expressions of bigotry toward ethnic and religious minority immigrants in France.
*33. We in the industrialized world would suffer terribly if our government imposed energy-restricting
policies. Thus the government should refrain from making energy restrictions in our country.
34. My opponent, Representative Smith, says she favors abolishing the death penalty. But what she is
really saying is that it's just fine for murderers to be housed and fed for years at taxpayer expense,
and that it's OK with her if they are ultimately released to prey on our citizens again.
*35. In the Gospel of St. John, Nathaniel expresses doubt, on first hearing of Jesus' teachings, that there
could be a truly wise man from such an obscure, small town: "Nazareth! Can anything good come
out of Nazareth?" -John 1 :46:
36. President Gerald Ford granted his predecessor, Richard Nixon, a presidential pardon that spared
Nixon from a possible prison sentence for his involvement in illegal activities in the Watergate scandal
of 1972-74. Ford's advisers argued, "The humiliation of having to resign the presidency in disgrace is
punishment enough for poor Nixon."
37. Liberal economic theories and the policies that have sprung from them cannot be good for this
nation's economy over the long run, for these very theories and policies are now opposed by the
great majority of Americans.
38. You'd better be careful not to mention the chairman Mr. Grace's friend Lulu around Mrs. Grace. If you
mention her, I'll see to it that you're never promoted!
*39. State College should require basic computer literacy of all its students, since colleges everywhere are
introducing a requirement of this kind into their curricula.
40. The UN should not sanction India for selling weapons to Myanmar. After all, India is still a developing
country with millions of poor people in need of humanitarian aid.
Ill. Some of the following arguments commit a fallacy of appeal to emotion, and
some don't. Determine which commits which.
1. Cousin Ed is always getting into scrapes with the law and can't seem to stay out of jail. But Aunt
Betty and Uncle Jake love him nonetheless. So I ought not to make jokes about Ed in their presence.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Not a fallacy of appeal to emotion
*2. As your representative in Congress, I have sworn upon the altar of God to uphold the sacred freedoms
of our mighty democracy! Despite the scurrilous attacks of my yelping-dog opponents who accuse me
of tax evasion, I have always defended the American way! Thus I ought to be reelected.
3. News reports from Zambia describe a nation devastated by an epidemic of AIDS. When I read of
people dying for lack medical care, I feel horrible about this. Therefore, I'm contributing to relief
efforts to send doctors to Zambia.
4. "I feel very bad for the couple next door," said Mary Ellen. "Jack and Harry have been told that gay
couples are not welcome at their church. So I'm going to invite them to mine."
*5. Jurors in the Enron case were infuriated by the lies and deceptions perpetrated by the company's
executives. "We were appalled," one juror said later, "and therefore we asked for the stiffest
sentences possible."
6. In a famous television advertisement for an aftershave lotion, a commercial aired during televised
sports events and aimed at men, a woman in a revealing dress purrs, "There's something about an
Aqua Velva man."
7. The Da Vinci Code is the number-one best-selling book in America. So I really ought to read it.
8. I know she misses me. I miss her, too. So I'm going to e-mail her some photos of me that were taken
just yesterday. I know she'll like that.
*9. Dear Membership Committee: When I heard that the Davis family's application for membership in the
Country Club was rejected because some members did not like their religion, I was shocked. I was
furious. So I have decided to resign from the Country Club as of today.
*10. Now all the guys at school are driving pickup trucks. The bigger the better! Everybody in our school
has got one, and I feel that I've got to be part of this. So I am going to buy a pickup truck.
1 . For each of the following claims, construct an argument that attempts to support it but fails by virtue
of committing at least one of the fallacies discussed in this chapter.
A. Members of the Board, I think it's time now for me to be promoted.
<l: ('•
w Cl)
I :::)
c– Q
Cl) ()
– <l:
0 a:
0 a..
11.1 Argument as a Relation between Propositions
In this chapter and the next, we’ll return to a topic briefly addressed in Chapter 5: propositional
arguments. Here we’ll have a close look at propositions, the building blocks of propositional
arguments. Consider
1 1. If the Earth is a planet, then it moves.
2. If the Earth does not move, then it is not a planet.
(1) is a propositional argument because it consists entirely in the relation between the proposi
tions that make it up. Its premise and conclusion are compound propositions, which result
from logical connections established between two simple propositions: ‘The Earth is a planet’
and ‘The Earth moves.’ The connections ‘if … then … ‘ and ‘not’ are among the five types of
truth-functional connectives (or simply ‘connectives’) that we’ll study here-namely,
Truth-Functional Connectives
Standard English Expression
either Por Q
if P,then Q
P if and only if Q
* As we’ll see, negation is called a ‘connective’ by courtesy.
Here we are using capital letters such as ‘P,’ •�• and ‘R’ as symbols or “dummies” for any propo
sition. We’ll use other capital letters from ‘A’ to ‘O’ to translate propositions in English into
symbols, reserving P through W to represent non-specific propositions. Whenever possible,
we’ll pick the first letter of a word inside the proposition that we are to represent in symbols,
preferably a noun if available. For example, ‘If the Earth is a planet, then it moves’ may be
represented as ‘If E, then M’-where
The Earth is a planet
The Earth moves
We’ll resort to the same chosen symbol every time the proposition it symbolizes occurs again.
And if we have already used a certain letter to stand for a different proposition, then a letter of
another word, preferably a noun, in the proposition in question will serve. The argument form
of example (1) may now be represented by replacing each proposition occurring in its premise
and conclusion with a propositional symbol in this way, while momentarily retaining the con
nective ‘if … then … ‘ in English. The resulting translation is
1 ‘ 1. If E, then M
2. If not M, then not E
Let’s now consider the following arguments with an eye toward translating their propositions
into symbols:
2 1. Ottawa is the capital of Canada.
2. It is not the case that Ottawa is not the capital of Canada.
3 1. Either Fido is in the house or he’s at the vet.
2. Fido is not in the house.
3. Fido is at the vet.
4 1. Jane works at the post office and Bob at the supermarket.
2. Bob works at the supermarket.
5 1. TV is amusing if and only if it features good comedies.
2. TV does not feature good comedies.
3. TV is not amusing.
Once we have translated the propositions into symbols, we obtain
2′ 1. 0
2. It is not the case that not 0
3′ 1. Either For E
2. NotF
3. E
4′ 1. J and B
2. B
5′ 1. A if and only if C
2. Not C
3. NotA
Although (2 1 ) through (s’) feature connectives, not all propositional argument forms do:
(6) doesn’t.
6 1. p
2. p
In ( 6), the propositional symbol ‘P’ stands for exactly the same proposition in the premise and in the
conclusion. Known as ‘identity,’ any argument with this form would of course be valid, since if its
premise were true, its conclusion could not be false. But this is not our present concern. Rather, in
this section we’ve considered propositional arguments and discovered that their premises and
conclusions often feature truth-functional connectives. So let’s now look more closely at these.
11.2 Simple and Compound Propositions
Any proposition that has at least one truth-functional connective is compound; otherwise, it is
simple. Consider
<( z
n. I
� in
….: a:
� n.
7 Celine Dion is a singer and Russell Crowe is an actor.
This is a compound proposition, made up of the conjunction of two simple propositions,
8 Celine Dion is a singer.
9 Russell Crowe is an actor.
Conjunction is one of the five truth-functional connectives that we'll consider here-together
with negation, disjunction, material conditional, and material biconditional. For each connec
tive, we'll introduce a symbol and provide a truth-value rule that will be used to determine the
truth value of whatever compound proposition is created by applying that connective. Since the
truth-value rule associated with each connective defines the connective, each of them is a
'truth-functional connective.' But for the most part, we'll refer to them simply as 'connectives.'
Here is the picture that will emerge:
Connective In English In Symbols Symbol's Name
negation notP ~P tilde
conjunction PandQ P•Q dot
disjunction PorQ PvQ wedge
conditional if Pthen Q P:J Q horseshoe
bi conditional P if and only if Q P=Q triple bar
Before turning to each of these connectives, notice that there is always one connective
governing a compound proposition, called 'main connective.' By identifying the main connec
tive, we determine what kind of compound proposition a given proposition is: a conjunction, a
negation, a disjunction, etc. Obviously, in cases where a compound proposition contains more
than one connective, it is crucial to be able to determine which connective is the main one.
Negation is a truth-functional connective standardly expressed in English by 'not,' and
symbolized by'-', the tilde. Negation can affect one proposition by itself. Even so, we'll refer to
it as a 'connective' by courtesy. In ordinary English, the expression for a negation may occur in
any part of a statement. When a negation is added to a simple proposition, that proposition
becomes compound. (10), which may be represented as (10') exemplifies this:
1 0 Russell Crowe is not an actor.
10' ~C
Here the simple proposition that has become compound by adding a negation is 'Russell Crow
is an actor.' In (10'), we've used the tilde to represent negation, and C for the simple proposition
affected by it. When possible, we'll use the first letter of an important word occurring in the
proposition we wish to represent in symbolic notation.
Propositions affected by negation could also be themselves compound. For example,
11 It is false that both Mars and Jupiter have water.
12 It is not the case that Mary is not at the library.
To represent propositions that are negations, the symbol for negation always precedes what is
negated. (12) is the negation of 'Mary is not at the library,' which is already a negation. So we
have a double negation: the negation of a proposition that's itself a negation, which we can
represent by the propositional formula
12'~ ~ L
Since the two negations cancel each other out, (12') is logically the same as
12" L
Any proposition or propositional formula affected by a negation is a compound proposition.
The 'truth-value rule' that defines negation, and can be used to determine the truth value of a
proposition (or propositional formula) that's affected by that connective, is:
A negation is true whenever the negated proposition is false.
A negation is false whenever the negated proposition is true.
When a proposition is the logical negation of another, the two could not both have the same
truth value: where 'P' is true,'~ P' is false; where 'P' is false,'~ P' is true. For example, (11) above,
which is true, is the negation of 'both Mars and Jupiter have water,' which is false. But (14)
below is not the negation of (13), since both propositions are false.
13 All orthodontists are tall.
14 No orthodontists are tall.
Now consider these:
15 Some orthodontists are not tall.
16 Some orthodontists are tall.
(15) is the negation of (13), and (16) is the negation of (14), for those pairs could not have the
same truth value. But propositions that are logically the same would have the same truth value.
For example, if (17) is true, (18) is also true.
17 Lincoln was assassinated.
18 It is not the case that Lincoln was not assassinated.
(18) is a case of double negation: it is the negation of 'Lincoln was not assassinated.'
Notice that propositions featuring expressions such as 'it is not true that,' 'it is false that,'
'it never happened that' are commonly negations-as are some propositions containing
prefixes such as 'in-,' 'un-,' and 'non-.' For example,
<( z
0. I
� in
in 2i'.
,..: a:
� 0.
19 My right to vote is inalienable.
Here 'inalienable' means 'not alienable.' (19) is logically the same as
19' My right to vote is not alienable.
Similarly, since 'unmarried' means 'not married,' (20) and (20') are also logically the same:
20 Condoleezza Rice is unmarried.
20' It is not the case that Condoleezza Rice is married.
But (21) is not a negation:
21 Unmarried couples are also eligible for the prize.
Here 'unmarried' is not being used to deny the whole proposition. It affects only the word
Finally, notice that although verbs such as 'miss,' 'violate,' 'fail,' and the like have a negative
meaning, they need not be taken to express negations.
Conjunction is a compound proposition created by a truth-functional connective standardly
expressed in English by 'and,' and in symbols by '• ', the dot. The connective for conjunction is
always placed between two propositions, each of which called a 'conjunct.' Conjuncts may
themselves be simple or compound propositions. Let's consider the conjunctions of some
simple propositions:
22 Mount Everest is in Tibet and Mont Blanc is in France.
23 Mars and Jupiter have water.
In symbols, these are
22' E • B
23' M •J
Recall (11) above:
11 It is false that both Mars and Jupiter have water.
The formula that represents this proposition is (11'), which has parentheses to indicate that
both M and J are under the scope of the negation.
11 '-(M • J)
We'll have more to say on the use of parentheses and other punctuation signs later. Now let's
consider why conjunction is a truth-functional connective: because it determines the truth
value of the compound proposition affected by it, given the values of its members and this
truth-value rule:
A conjunction is true if and only if its conjuncts are both true. Otherwise, a
conjunction is false.
(22) is true since both its conjuncts are in fact true. But if one conjunct is false and the other
true, or both are false, then a conjunction is false. Thus (23) is false, since for all we know, both
of its conjuncts are false. The following are also false:
24 Mount Everest is in Tibet and Mont Blanc is not in France.
25 Mount Everest is not in Tibet and Mont Blanc is not in France.
Since Mont Blanc is in France, the second disjunct in (24) is false, which makes the
conjunction false. In a conjunction, then, falsity is like an infection: if there's any at all, it
corrupts the whole compound. (Logical thinkers who are contemplating a career in politics
should keep this in mind!) In (25)1 both conjuncts are false, since each is the negation of a true
proposition. In symbols:
25'-E •-B
Note also that, like (23), many conjunctions in ordinary language are abbreviated. For instance,
26 Rottweilers and Dobermans are fierce dogs.
This is just a shortened way of saying
27 Rottweilers are fierce dogs and Dobermans are fierce dogs.
Yet (28) is not short for a conjunction of two simple propositions, but is rather a single propo
sition about a certain relation between some such dogs.
28 Some Rottweilers and Dobermans are barking at each other.
Another thing to notice is that conjunction, as a truth-functional connective, is commutative
that is, the order of the conjuncts doesn't affect the truth value of the compound. Assuming that
(26) is true, the facts that make it true are exactly the same as those that make 'Dobermans are
fierce dogs and Rottweilers are fierce dogs' true, which are also the same that make (27) true.
However, we must be careful about this, since sometimes order matters. When it does, the
conjunction is not a truth-functional connective: for example,
29 He took off his shoes and got into bed.
The facts that make (29) true do not seem to be the same as those that make (30) true:
30 He got into bed and took off his shoes.
The order of events, and therefore of the conjuncts, does matter in these non-truth-functional
conjunctions-as it also does in (31) and (32).
<( z
Q. 1-
2 U)
(/) Q.
(\J 0
,…: a:
� Q.
31 He saw her and said 'hello.'
32 He said 'hello' and saw her.
Finally, note that besides 'and,' there are a number of English expressions for conjunction,
including 'but,' 'however,' 'also', 'moreover,' 'yet,' 'while,' 'nevertheless,' 'even though,' and
Disjunction, also a commutative connective, is a type of compound proposition created by the
truth-functional connective standardly expressed in English by 'or,' and in symbols by 'v', the
wedge. In representing a disjunction, the connective is placed between two propositions called
'disjuncts,' which may themselves be simple or compound propositions. Here are two disjunc
tions, first in English and then in symbols:
33 Rome is in Italy or Rome is in Finland.
33' I v F
34 Rome is not in Italy or Paris is not in France.
34'-I v-F
(33) and (34) are disjunctions and thus compound propositions. Disjunction is a truth
functional connective because it determines the truth value of the compound proposition it
creates on the basis of the values of its members and this truth-value rule:
A disjunction is false if and only if its disjuncts are both false. Otherwise, a
disjunction is true.
Given the above rule, at least one of the disjuncts must be true for the disjunction to be true.
So (33) is true, but (34) is false. (35) is also false, for both its disjuncts, both of them compound
propositions, are false:
35 Either snow tires are useful in the tropics and air conditioners are popular in Iceland,
or it is not the case that Penguins thrive in cold temperatures.
35' (S • A) v ~ P
Clearly, the conjunction (S • A) is false because both conjuncts are false, and – P is false because
it is the negation of P, which is true. Since both disjuncts in (35) are false, given the truth-value
rule for disjunction, (35) is false.
In addition to 'or,' disjunction can be expressed by 'either … or … ' and 'unless,' and other
locutions of our language. It is also sometimes found embedded in a negation in 'neither …
nor … '(where negation is the main connective). Thus these are also disjunctions:
36 She is the director of the project, unless the catalog is wrong.
36' Either she is the director of the project, or the catalog is wrong.
(37) is a shortened version of (37'):
37 Neither the CIA nor the FBI tolerates terrorists.
37' Neither the CIA tolerates terrorists nor the FBI tolerates terrorists.
Since 'neither … nor … ' is a common way to express the negation of a disjunction, (37) is log
ically the same as (or equivalent to)
38 It is false that either the CIA tolerates terrorists or the FBI tolerates terrorists.
Thus both (37) and (38) may be symbolized as the negation of a disjunction:
38'-(CvF )
Note that here the main connective is negation, not disjunction. Furthermore, (37) and (38) are
logically equivalent to (39), which may be symbolized as
39 The CIA doesn't tolerate terrorists and the FBI doesn't tolerate terrorists.
39'- C • -F
Finally, a truth-functional disjunction may be inclusive, when both disjuncts could be true
('either P or Qor both'), or exclusive, when only one could be ('either P or Qbut not both'). This
book focuses on inclusive disjunction, whose truth-value rule is given above.
Material Conditional
Material conditional, a type of compound proposition also called 'material implication' or simply
'conditional,' is created by a truth-functional logical connective, standardly expressed in English
by 'if … then … ,' and in symbols by '::)', the horseshoe. For example,
40 If Maria is a practicing attorney, then she has passed the bar exam.
A conditional has two members: the proposition standardly preceded by 'if' is its antecedent,
and the one that follows 'then,' its consequent.
The conditional is a truth-functional connective because the value of the compound
proposition it creates is determined by the truth value of the antecedent and consequent,
together with this truth-value rule:
A material conditional is false if and only if its antecedent is true and its consequent
false. Otherwise, it is true.
Thus any conditional with a true consequent is true, and any conditional with a false
antecedent is true.
The two propositions in a conditional, which may themselves be either simple or
compound, stand in a hypothetical relationship, where neither antecedent nor consequent is
being asserted independently. Does (40) assert that Maria is a practicing attorney? No. Does it
z (/)
<( z
::j Q
a. I
L in
(/) a.
� er:
� a..
claim that she has passed the bar exam? No. Rather, in any conditional, 'If P, then �• P and Q
stand in a hypothetical relationship such that P's being true implies that Qis also true. To chal
lenge a conditional, one has to show that its antecedent is true and its consequent false at once.
Notice that sometimes the 'then' that often introduces the consequent of a conditional sen
tence may be left out. Moreover, besides 'if … then … ,' many other linguistic expressions can be
used in English to introduce one or the other part of a conditional sentence. Such expressions
may precede that sentence's consequent, its antecedent, or both-as shown in the examples
below, where double underlines mark the antecedent and single underlines the consequent:
Maria has passed the bar exam, provided she is a practicing attorney.
Supposing that Maria is a practicing attorney. she has passed the bar exam.
On the assumption that Maria is a practicing attorney. she has passed the bar exam.
Maria is a practicing attorney only if she has passed the bar exam.
That Maria is a practicing attorney implies that she has passed the bar exam.
We'll now translate these conditional sentences into our symbolic language, using 'M' to stand
for 'Maria is a practicing attorney' and 'E' for 'Maria has passed the bar exam.' Our formula rep
resenting any of these propositions has 'M' for the antecedent and 'E' for the consequent. It
lists 'M' first, then the horseshoe symbol, and 'E' last:
40' M :J E
Here the rule is:
To translate a conditional sentence into the symbolic language, we must list its
antecedent first and its consequent last, whether or not these two parts occur in
the English sentence in that order.
Let's now translate the conditionals below into the symbolic language using this glossary:
N = The United States is a superpower
I = China is a superpower
C = China has agents operating in other countries
0 = The United States has agents operating in other countries
41 If China is a superpower, then China and the United States have agents operating in
other countries.
41' I :J (C • 0)
42 It is not the case that if the United States has agents operating in other countries,
then it is a superpower.
42' – (0 ::J N)
43 China has agents operating in other countries provided that the United States and
China are superpowers.
43'(N • I) ::JC
44 If the United States doesn't have agents operating in other countries, then it is not a
44'- 0::J-N
45 That China has agents operating in other countries implies that either it is a super
power or the United States is not a superpower.
45' C ::J (Iv -N)
46 If either the United States or China has agents operating in other countries, then
neither the United States nor China is a superpower.
46' (0 v C) ::J -(Nv I)
47 If the United States is not a superpower, then it either has or doesn't have agents
operating in other countries.
47' – N ::J (0 v -0)
Note that 'P unless Q'. could also be translated as 'if not P, then Q' Thus 'China is a member of
the UN unless it rejects the UN Charter' is equivalent to 'If China is not a member of the UN,
then it rejects the UN Charter.'
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions. In any material conditional, the antecedent expresses
a sufficient condition for the consequent, and the consequent a necessary condition for the
antecedent. Thus another way of saying 'If P, then Q'. is to say that P is sufficient for � and Q
is necessary for P. A necessary condition of some proposition P's being true is some state of
affairs without which P could not be true, but which is not enough all by itself to make P true.
In (40), Maria's having passed the bar exam is a necessary condition of her being a practicing
attorney (she could not be a practicing attorney if she had not passed it, though merely having
passed doesn't guarantee that she's practicing). A sufficient condition of some proposition Q'.s
being true is some state of affairs that is enough all by itself to make Q true, but which may not
be the only way to make Q true. In (40 ), Maria's being a practicing attorney is sufficient for her
having passed the bar exam (in the sense that the former guarantees the latter).
In a material conditional
■ Its consequent is a necessary (but not sufficient) condition for the truth of its antecedent.
■ Its antecedent is a sufficient (though not a necessary) condition for the truth of its
z (/)
<{ z
� in
(/) CL
,..: a:
� CL
Material Biconditional
A material biconditional is a type of compound proposition, also called 'material equiva
lence,' or simply 'biconditional,' created by the truth-functional connective standardly
expressed in English by 'if and only if,' and in symbols by '!!!!', the triple bar. Some other
English expressions for the biconditional connective are 'just in case,' 'is equivalent to,'
'when and only when,' and the abbreviation 'iff.' Each of the two members of a biconditional
could be either simple or compound. Here is a biconditional, in both English and symbols,
made up of simple propositions:
48 Dr. Baxter is the college's president if and only if she is the college's chief executive
48' B= 0
The truth value of the compound proposition the biconditional creates is determined by the
truth value of its members, together with this truth-value rule:
A material biconditional is true whenever its members have the same truth value
that is, they are either both true or both false. Otherwise, a biconditional is false.
Given this rule, for a biconditional proposition to be true, the propositions making it up must
have the same truth value-that is, be both true or both false. When a biconditional's members
have different truth values, the biconditional is false. (49) through (51) are false, for each
features propositions with different truth values.
49 The Himalayas are a chain of mountains if and only if the Pope is the leader of the
Anglican Church.
50 London is in England just in case Boston is in Bosnia.
51 Parrots are mammals if and only if cats are mammals.
By contrast, the following biconditionals are all true because in each case its members have the
same truth value:
52 Lincoln was assassinated if and only if Kennedy was assassinated.
53 Beijing is the capital of France just in case Bill Gates is poor.
54 That oaks are trees and tigers are felines are logically equivalent.
In any biconditional, each member is both a necessary and a sufficient condition of the other.
Thus in (48), Baxter's being the college's CEO is both a necessary and sufficient condition for
her being the college's president, and her being the college's president is both a necessary and
sufficient condition for her being the college's CEO. So a biconditional can be understood as a
conjunction of two conditionals. Thus we can represent (52) in either of these ways:
52' L=K
52" (L :::l K) • (K :::l L)
) is the conjunction of two conditionals whose antecedent and consequent imply each
other. That is why the material equivalence relation is called a 'biconditional,' and, obviously,
this connective is commutative.
■ Any proposition that is affected by a truth-functional connective is compound. Otherwise, it is
■ The truth value of a compound proposition is determined by factoring in: (1) the truth values
of its members, and (2) the truth-value rules associated with each connective affecting that
■ Negation is the only connective that can affect a single proposition.
1 . What is a compound proposition?
2. What are the five logical connectives? And what does it mean to say that they are truth-functional?
3. Besides 'and,' what are some other words used to express a conjunction?
4. Besides 'either … or … ,' what are some other words used to express a disjunction?
5. Besides 'if … then … ,' what are some other words used to express a conditional?
6. Besides 'if and only if,' what are some other words used to express a biconditional?
7. In a material conditional, which part is understood to present a necessary condition of the other?
Which part is understood to present a sufficient condition of the other?
8. How could the biconditional be rephrased using other truth-functional connectives?
II. For each of the following propositions, determine whether or not its main
connective is a negation. Indicate double negation whenever appropriate.
1. Either London's air pollution is not at dangerous levels or San Francisco's isn't.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Not a negation
2. It is false that London's air pollution is at dangerous levels.
*3. San Francisco's air pollution is unhealthy.
4. It is not the case that Mexico City's air pollution is not harmful.
5. Non-dangerous levels of air pollution are rare in big cities.
6. Dangerous levels of air pollution are illegal.
*7. Dangerous levels of air pollution violate the Kyoto Protocol.
8. It is not the case that dangerous levels of air pollution violate the Kyoto Protocol.
9. Dangerous levels of air pollution are not illegal.
*10. Cleveland's air quality now reaches non-dangerous levels of pollution.
z Cf)
<( z
::J Q
Cl. I
� U)
U) �
.,..:. a:
Ill. For each of the following propositions, determine whether or not its main
connective is a conjunction.
1. Mexico City's air pollution is not harmful, but Houston's is.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Conjunction
2. Dangerous levels of air pollution are illegal and unhealthy.
3. Chicago's air is polluted; however, Washington's is worse.
*4. Rome's air is as unpolluted as Cleveland's.
5. In Toronto, air pollution is a fact of life; moreover, people are resigned to it in the summer.
6. New York's polluted air is often blown out to sea by westerly winds.
*7. The Kyoto Protocol mandates steps to reduce air pollution, but the United States has not complied.
8. London's air pollution is not at dangerous levels; however, that's not the case in San Francisco.
*9. Either Vancouver has low levels of air pollution or Montreal has dangerous levels of air pollution.
10. It is not the case that Canada is not a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol.
IV. For each of the following propositions, determine whether or not its main
connective is a disjunction.
1. Neither China nor North Korea is a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Not a disjunction
*2. China and North Korea are not signatories of the Kyoto Protocol.
3. Either the United States complies with the Kyoto Protocol or it doesn't.
4. It is not the case that Mexico City's air pollution is either harmful or unhealthy.
5. Mexico City's air pollution is neither harmful nor unhealthy.
*6. New York's polluted air blows either out to sea or north to Canada.
7. Dangerous levels of air pollution violate health laws as well as the Kyoto Protocol.
*8. Dangerous levels of air pollution violate either the Kyoto Protocol or internal regulations.
*9. San Francisco's air pollution is at dangerous levels unless there is fresh air blowing from the sea.
10. It is false that neither China nor North Korea is a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol.
V. For each of the following propositions, determine whether or not its main
connective is a material conditional.
1. If the United States and China sign the Kyoto Protocol, then the biggest polluters agree to comply.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Conditional
2. That London's air pollution is not at dangerous levels implies that London is complying with the Kyoto
*3. Either Montreal has dangerous levels of air pollution or Rome does.
4. Mexico City's air is not harmful provided that Houston's air is healthy.
*5. Chicago's air is unhealthy only if it has dangerous levels of pollutants .
6. Washington's air pollution is not a fact of life unless people are resigned to it.
7. That Canada has signed the Kyoto Protocol implies that Canada is willing to comply.
*8. It is not the case that if London has dangerous levels of air pollution, the United Kingdom has not
signed the Kyoto Protocol.
9. Either Mexico City has air pollution or if Houston has it, so does Vancouver.
*10. That China has not signed the Kyoto Protocol implies that neither Canada nor the United Kingdom
has signed it.
VI. For each proposition in Exercise V that is a conditional, mark its antecedent with
double underline and its consequent with single underline (*4, *7, and *10).
1. SAMPLE ANSWER: If The USA and China sign the Kyoto Protocol, then the biggest polluters agree to
VII. For each of the following propositions, determine whether or not its main
connective is a material biconditional.
1. Only if Chicago has dangerous levels of air pollutants is its air unhealthy.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Not a biconditional
*2. China has signed the Kyoto Protocol if and only if North Korea has.
3. Washington's air pollution is a fact of life just in case people are resigned to it.
4. If London's air pollution is not at dangerous levels, the United Kingdom has signed the Kyoto
*5. Montreal has dangerous levels of air pollution if Rome does.
*6. London's air pollution is at dangerous levels if and only if its air is unhealthy.
7. It is false both that Houston's air is harmful and that it is unhealthy when and only when it reaches
dangerous levels of pollution.
*8. Chicago's air is unhealthy just in case it has pollutants that are either dangerous or otherwise unhealthy.
9. Dangerous levels of air pollution violate the Kyoto Protocol if and only if they violate UN environmen
tal regulations.
10. New York's air does not reach dangerous levels of pollution only if it is either blown out to sea by
westerly winds or dispersed by thunderstorms .
In each of the following, a proposition is taken either to be or not to be a condition that's necessary,
sufficient , or both for the truth of another proposition. Provide the correct representation of each
using the propositional symbols in parentheses and connectives as needed.
z rJ)
N) · (N ::J 0) or 0 = N
2. ‘John hunts’ (J) is necessary for ‘John is a hunter’ (H).
*3. ‘This figure is an isosceles triangle’ (I) is a sufficient for ‘This figure is a triangle’ (F).
4. ‘Fluffy is a cat’ (C) is not a sufficient condition for ‘Fluffy is a feline’ (F).
5. ‘Mary is a sister’ (A) is necessary and sufficient for ‘Mary is a female sibling’ (F).
*6. ‘Laurence is not British’ (B) is not necessary for ‘Laurence is not European’ (E).
11.3 Propositional Formulas for
Compound Propositions
Punctuation Signs
As we have seen in some examples above, parentheses, brackets, and braces can be used to remove
ambiguity in formulas by indicating the scope of their logical connectives. When a compound
proposition is joined to a simple proposition or to another compound proposition by a logical
connective, parentheses are the first recourse for determining the scope of occurring connectives
if necessary. When the compound proposition is more complex, brackets may be needed, and for
even more complex compound propositions, braces. Thus parentheses are introduced first, then
brackets, and finally braces. For examples illustrating their correct use, see Box 3.
The compound proposition (P • Q} :::> R is a conditional, while P • (Q:::> R) is a conjunction.
Without brackets, the proposition (P • Q} :::> R v ~ S is ambiguous, since it is unclear which con
nective is its main connective: it admits of two different interpretations, one as a conditional,
the other as a disjunction. Finally, the main connective in ~ {[(P • Q} :::> R] v ~ S} is the negation
in the far left of this formula, which affects the whole formula. Compare ~ [(P • Q} :::> R] v ~ S.
Now, without braces, the scope of that negation is the conditional marked by brackets, and the
whole formula is not a negation but a disjunction.
Well-Formed Formulas
A formula representing a proposition, whether simple or compound, is well formed when it is
acceptable within the symbolic notation that we are now using. To determine whether a com
pound formula is well formed, the scope (or range) of its truth-functional connectives matters.
parentheses ‘()’as in: (P • Q) :::> R
brackets ‘[]’as in [(P • Q) ::) R] v ~ S
braces ‘{}’as in: ~ {[(P • Q) ::) R] v ~ S}
Within the scope of negation falls the simple or compound proposition that follows it.
Negation is the only connective that has a single formula, simple or compound, within its
scope. For the other connectives, each has two formulas (simple or compound) within its
scope. Well-formed formulas (WFFs) often require punctuation signs to mark the scope of
their connectives.
Recall (52 11
) above, (L :::J .K) • (K:::, L), which is a well-formed formula with two conditionals
set inside parentheses to eliminate ambiguity: parentheses are needed here to indicate that
the compound proposition is a conjunction of two conditionals.
A different arrangement of punctuation signs could yield a different proposition even
when all propositional symbols remain the same, as shown by L :::, [K • (K :::, L)]. This is a
conditional featuring a simple proposition as antecedent and a compound consequent
that’s a conjunction of a simple proposition with another conditional (one made up of
simple propositions). If that conditional is false, we can say that by introducing negation
and braces in this way: – {L :::J [K • (K :::J L)]}. These are all WFFs, but the formulas in Box 4
are not.
Symbolizing Compound Propositions
We’ll now have a closer look at some compound propositions. But first, consider
55 Fox News is on television.
Since there is no connective here, (55) is a simple proposition that we may symbolize as
55′ F
By contrast, (56), symbolized below as (561), has a negation and is therefore compound.
56 CBS News is not on television.
Now consider (57), an abbreviated version of the longer proposition (57′):
57 Fox News is on television but CBS News is not.
57’ Fox News is on television but CBS News is not on television.
Either way, we have a compound proposition featuring two connectives: conjunction and
negation. The main connective, however, is the conjunction, whose scope is the entire
compound proposition. The scope of negation is only the second proposition. The underlying
principle for determining this is
(M v – F)]
T T F \;
y ��
1 . Why are punctuation signs part of the symbolic notation for propositions?
2. What’s the scope of a negation?
3. When Pis false and Q is true, what’s the value of P :::i Q?
4. Define P”” Q using only material conditional and conjunction.
2 (j"J
a: z
LL �
<i! iii
f– a:
iii Q.
Q. z 0 ::J
a: 0 0.. 0..
C'J 2
…: 0
X. Which of these formulas are WFFs, and which aren't? For each WFF, determine
whether it's simple or compound. If compound, identify the main connective.
2. (•Fv-E)
*3. F.a- F
4. (-A• – E) v A
*5. – (A :J -A) :J (F – B)
*7. B • (0 v C}
8. (A :J F) • – (C :J -8)
*9. -{E.aB) v-F
10. – (A :J -C) :J – (F :J E)
XI. For each of the following propositions, determine whether it is simple or
compound, and, if compound, identify its main connective.
1. Franklin D. Roosevelt was not a senator.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Compound. Negation.
2. Warren G. Harding did not finish his term in office.
*3. Ronald Reagan was reelected if and only if Mondale was defeated.
4. If Lyndon Johnson was born in Texas, then so was Eisenhower.
5. Either Arnold Schwarzenegger was a popular actor or Richard Nixon resigned.
*6. William McKinley was assassinated.
7. Nixon visited China only if Nixon traveled in Asia.
8. Woodrow Wilson will be remembered, unless the League of Nations was a folly.
*9. Theodore Roosevelt was a war hero, but he also built the Panama Canal.
10. Theodore Roosevelt was born into a wealthy family of prominent New Yorkers.
11. It is not the case that John F. Kennedy was from Colorado.
*12. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 while on a visit to Dallas.
13. Either Calvin Coolidge was a conservative or he was from New England.
14. Franklin D. Roosevelt went to Yalta in 1945 for a meeting with Allied leaders.
*15. Neither Eisenhower nor Kennedy was a pacifist.
16. It is false that Thomas Jefferson was not a Virginian.
17. Lyndon Johnson liked to entertain, but he did not like his Texas ranch.
*18. Millard Fillmore signed the Fugitive Slave Act.
19. It is not the case that James Madison was from Pennsylvania.
20. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a New Yorker if and only if Martin Van Buren was, too.
XII. Symbolize each proposition in the exercise above (*3, *6, *12, *15).
XIII.Some of the following propositions involve more than one connective. For each of
them, identify the main connective and provide the correct propositional formula.
1 . It is false that Gus Hall was not a Communist.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Negation – – H
2. If Lincoln was the tallest president, then either Theodore Roosevelt or John F. Kennedy was the
*3. Either Franklin Roosevelt did not like Stalin at all, or he admired both that Stalin was unyielding
against Hitler and that he stuck by his decisions.
4. Ronald Reagan was from Illinois just in case Gerald Ford was from Michigan and served in the House
of Representatives.
5. If Harry Truman was a skillful politician but very plain-spoken, then he was not an unskillful politician.
*6. Herbert Hoover either was president during the stock market crash of 1929 or he wasn't.
7. It is not the case that Dirksen was from Ohio and had a mustache if and only if Taft was from Ohio.
8. Either both Taft and McKinley were Republicans or Dirksen was from Ohio.
*9. That Taft was a conservative Republican implies that neither Harding nor Dirksen were conservative
10. Richard Nixon and Harry Truman both played the piano provided that Dirksen was not from Ohio.
11. It is not the case that both Truman did not play the piano and his daughter Margaret was not serious
about music.
*12. It is not the case that Gerald Ford was a football star at the University of Minnesota just in case
Truman played the piano and his daughter Margaret was serious about music.
13. John F. Kennedy and George H. W. Bush both served in the navy in World War II only if Gerald Ford
did, too.
14. If that Bill Clinton is a moderate Democrat implies that Lyndon Johnson was a liberal, then that Taft
was a conservative Republican implies that both Harding and Goldwater were conservative
*15. If it is true that Bill Clinton smoked marijuana but he did not inhale, then it is false that Dirksen was
from Ohio if and only if he had a mustache.
XIV. For each of the following propositional formulas, identify its main connective.
1. -(K v [(L v P) • 0]}
0 LL
<l: ..J
2 CJ)
a: z
oo LL -1-..J –
UJ (/) 0 UJ
UJ (/) 0 UJ
� a3
� ‘, under which we place the final
result (inside the box). But we can determine the possible truth values of the conditional only
after we first find the possible truth values of the antecedent, H • M, and the consequent, – B.
Those truth values make up the column under’•’ and the column under’-‘. The final step con
sists in applying the rule for the truth value of the conditional to those two columns.
As we’ve seen, in a truth table, the number of truth values assigned to each simple proposition on
the left-hand side depends on how many different propositions occur in the formula at the top of
the right-hand side, whose truth value we wish to determine. For any simple proposition there are
only two possible truth values (true and false); therefore, for a compound proposition such as – P,
only two rows are needed. But with more propositions, the number of truth values would increase
according to the formula 2n : with two, it’s four lines; with three, it’s eight lines; with four, it’s
sixteen lines; and so on. In the case of (62), then, we need four lines. And, just to make sure that
we get all possible combinations of truth values, we’ll adopt this convention: in the column under
whatever letter symbol is farthest to the left, we put T in the top half of the rows and F in the
bottom half; and in the column under the other letter symbol to the right of that, we put a
sequence of alternating Ts and Fs.
<( (/J
a: (/)
l{) 0
,..: a:
� Q.
11.6 Logically Necessary and Logically
Contingent Propositions
What, then, have we learned about the truth values of the compound propositions on the
right-hand side of truth tables (62) and (63)? Just this: that each is neither necessarily true nor
necessarily false, but instead sometimes true and sometimes false, depending on the truth
values of the component simple propositions and the logical connectives. Propositions that
yield such truth values are contingencies. A compound proposition is a contingency if its truth
table displays at least one T and at least one F in the column under the main connective. In
(63), there is at least one T and at least one F under the ':::i'-and in (62), under the'•'. In light
of those results, each of these compound propositions is a contingency.
Contradictions are compound propositions that are always false, simply by virtue of their form
(and regardless of the actual truth values of their component simple propositions). In a truth
table for a contradiction, the column under the main connective symbol is all Fs. Consider
64 B =-B
Since (64) contains no proposition other than B, which occurs twice, the algorithm 21 yields two
places for truth values, one for T and the other for F. Accordingly, the truth table runs:
65 B B = -B —+—-
This truth table reveals (64) to be a contradiction.
Some propositions are tautologies: they are always true, simply by virtue of their form (and
regardless of the actual truth values of their component propositions). The truth table of a
tautology would have all Ts under the formula's main connective. The negation of (64) above is
a tautology, which reads,
66 -(B = – B)
The truth table for this proposition shows all Ts under the formula's main connective:
67 B -(B = – B)
; w
(67) gives the truth value of (66), thus confirming that it is a tautology. Among well-known
tautologies in logic are the so-called principles of excluded middle, P v – P, and non-contradiction,
-(P • -P). For further practice, check that these are tautologies by constructing a truth table for
each. Keep in mind that
The negation of a contradiction is a tautology, and the negation of a tautology is a contradiction.
1 . How are truth tables used to define the five propositional connectives?
2. In a truth table for a compound proposition, how do we know how many horizontal rows are
required? What is the rationale for this?
3. In a truth table for a compound proposition, which column is the most important? And what does
that column tell us?
4. What is a tautology?
5. What is a contradiction?
6. What is a contingency?
XX. For each of the following formulas, construct a truth table to determine whether it
is a contingency, tautology, or contradiction.
1. W:J-K
SAMPLE ANSWER: Contingency
WK W :J -K
2. (L v N) vA
*3. B :J (M :J B)
4. -J • (G vN)
*5. – [(A • B) :J (B • A))
6. D v (-M :J -0)
7. -[-(A • B) =(-Av -B)]
*8. (-A v-B) :J (B •A)
9. (F :J -N) • -(F :J -N)
*10. – A""+ K v -H)
11. (0 v M) :J (M V 0)
*12. -[(-A • H) v -(H :J -1)]
13. (E • -G) :J G
14.A "'-A
15. – (A = B) "' -L
*16. – {� • (8 • C)] = [(A • B) • Cl}
17. – {[(A • B) v (-B :J A)) :J B}
*18. (A • B)..,, (B • A)
19. (-B :J A)"" [(B v -0) :J CJ
*20. (A= B) = [(A :J B) • (B :J A)]
o ui
– 0
a: a:
<t 0…
(/) 1-
(/) z
�� 1-
� z
_J 0
<t 0
�:'.J 0 _J
0 0
*2. Earth is not the center of the universe or our planet is special. (E, 0)
3. Either our planet is special or it isn’t. (0)
*4. Earth is not the center of the universe just in case there is something special about our planet. (E, 0)
5. There is something special about our planet: however, Earth is not the center of the universe. (0, E)
6. It is false that either our planet is special or it isn’t. (0)
•7. If Earth is the center of the universe and there is something special about our planet, then there is
something special about our planet. (E, 0)
8. It is not the case that human life has value if and only if human life has value. (H)
9. Human life has a purpose, but it is not the case that it has value. (L, H)
10. Human life has value only if it has a purpose. (H, L)
*11. Human life has value and a purpose if and only if it is not false that human life does have value and a
purpose. (H, L)
*12. It is not the case that both Earth is the center of the universe and there is something special about
our planet just in case it is false that human life has value and a purpose. (E, 0, H, L)
13. Neither is Earth the center of the universe nor is there something special about our planet. (E, 0)
*14. Neither is Earth the center of the universe nor is there something special about our planet if and only
if both Earth is not the center of the universe and it is not the case that there is something special
about our planet. (E, 0)
15. Either human life has both value and a purpose or if it is false that there is something special about
our planet, then Earth is the center of the universe. (H, L, 0, E)
Write down ordinary English sentences for each of the formulas below following this glossary: ‘F’ = Fred
is at the library; ‘M’ = Mary is at the library; ‘L’ = The library is open; ‘I’ = I have Internet access; ‘E’ =
The essay is due on Thursday.
SAMPLE ANSWER: 1. Mary is at the library but the library is not open.
2. F .. (L • M)
*3. F ss (L v – M)
4. (L • I) :::, (F v M)
*5. E”” (L:::, I)
■ Writing Project
6. (E • L) :::, (M v F)
*7. – [- F:::, (- L v M)]
8. (M • F) “” (E • L)
Find five compound propositions in English where the words used to translate the logical con
nectives don’t accord with the truth-value rules for those connectives. Write a short piece
arguing that the connectives in your examples are not truth-functional. Suggestions: look for
conjunctions that are not commutative, or ‘if … then … ‘ sentences where the consequent
appears not to be a necessary condition of the antecedent (e.g., ‘If I have money for bus fare
then I’ll take the bus’).
Propositional Letters
From A to O for specific
From P to W for
unspecific ones
■ Chapter Summary
~ negation
• conjuction
v disjunction
:::, Conditional
“‘ Biconditional
Punctuation Signs
( ) parentheses
I ] square brackets
{ } braces
Propositions: the building blocks of propositional arguments. Each proposition is either true
or false, and either simple or compound.
Compound proposition: any proposition whose truth value is in part determined by the
truth-value rule of one of the truth-functional connectives. It falls into one or another of
these categories:
1. Tautology. Always true, by virtue of its form. Its truth table shows only Ts under the main
2. Contradiction. Always false, by virtue of its form. Its truth table shows only Fs under the
main connective.
3. Contingency. Neither always true nor always false. Its truth table shows at least one T and
one F under the main connective.
Five Connectives and their truth-value rules:
1. Negation. True if and only if the proposition denied is false.
2. Conjunction. True if and only if its conjuncts are both true.
– �
t:: :::i
g CJ
__J a:
<( __J
w –
(9 (/)
� w
� _J
0 Ul
w – 2
‘= ::)
::i a:
<( _J
w ‘, and in the second premise and conclusion under’-‘. In this argument
there are no simple propositions; to test for validity, therefore, we scan only the rows in
columns under the connectives: in the premises, these are the columns under the horseshoe
‘:::,’ and the tilde’-‘, and in the conclusion, it’s the column under the tilde’-‘. We’re looking for
a row in which all the premises are true and the conclusion false, which would indicate inva
lidity. But the scan shows that there is no such row in this truth table.
5 MC
The absence of such a row means that (4′), and therefore also (4), is valid. This test proves
validity because the truth table gives an exhaustive list of all possible combinations of truth
values of the premises and conclusion, and no horizontal row shows that the former can be
true and the latter false at once. Thus in all arguments with (4′)’s form, the premises entail the
conclusion. Consider these arguments:
6 If Professor Tina Hare is at the University of Liverpool, then she works in England.
Professor Tina Hare doesn’t work in England. Thus Professor Tina Hare is not at the
University of Liverpool.
7 If the Earth is not a planet, then Mars is not a planet. But Mars is a planet. Hence, the
Earth is a planet.
For your own practice, construct a truth table for these arguments to check their validity. You’ll
see that their final result will be exactly like that in (s) above.
Let’s try one more argument, this time more complex.
8 Since France is not a member of the union, it follows that Britain is not. For if France
is not a member, then either the Netherlands is or Britain is.
We can reconstruct (8) as
8’ 1. France is not a member of the union.
2. If France is not a member of the union, then either the Netherlands is a member
of the union or Britain is a member of the union.
3. Britain is not a member of the union.
which has the form
8″ -F, -F :J (N v B) :. -B
To test (8″) for validity, we first note that since three different simple propositions occur in it,
the truth table will need eight horizontal lines. Once we write down all possible combinations
of truth values for these simple propositions on the left-hand side of the truth table, we then
calculate the truth values of premises and conclusion and enter the results under each
connective symbol on the right-hand side. Here is the truth table, with the rows showing the
argument’s invalidity indicated by an arrow:
9 F NB -F, -F 🙂 (N v B) :. -B
FTT T T T T F +-
The more complex formula on (9)’s right-hand side is the one representing the argument’s
second premise: it’s got three connectives in it. How do we determine which is the most
important? We do this by reading carefully and looking at the parentheses: they tell us that it is
the horseshoe placed between – F and (N v B). But in order to determine the truth values in the
column under the horseshoe, we first have to know the possible truth values of its antecedent, -F,
and its consequent, (N v B). Once we have the value of – F, which can be obtained by applying
the rule for the truth value of negation to F on the left-hand side of the truth table, we enter
those values under – F, the first premise of the argument (so they don’t need to be written twice
if desired). The value of (N v B) can be obtained by applying to the values of N and B the rule for
the truth value of the disjunction on the left-hand side of the truth table. To calculate the value
of – B, we proceed in a manner similar to that in which we calculated the values of – F. Once
this is done, then, ignoring all the other columns, we scan each horizontal row showing the
truth value for each premise and conclusion on the right-hand side of the truth table. We ask
ourselves: is there any horizontal row in which both premises are true and the conclusion false?
And the answer is Yes! It happens twice: on rows 5 and 7. Thus the argument form (8″) has been
proved invalid, and so any argument that has that argument form, such as (8) above, is invalid.
■ When we use a truth table to check an argument’s validity, we first write the formula captur
ing the argument’s form at the top on the right.
■ Each different type of proposition that occurs in that formula goes at the top on the left.
■ The rows under the formula itself offer an exhaustive list of possible combinations of truth
values for premises and conclusion.
■ To decide whether an argument form is valid or not, we scan each row under the formula.
■ Any row showing that there is a configuration of truth values in which premises are true and
the conclusion false proves that the argument form is invalid.
■ If there is no such row, then the argument form is valid.
(!) (/)
� UJ
:,t:: _J
o en
UJ <(
� ::J
– ::?:
I::: :::) 0 (9
::i a::
<( _J
UJ J, J :::> -8 :. H :::> -8
F F F .I .I T ..I T
2. If Quebec is a part of Canada, then some Canadians are voters. If Ontario is a part of Canada, then some
Canadians are voters. Hence, if Quebec is a part of Canada, then Ontario is a part of Canada. (8, C, 0)
*3. Algeria will not intervene politically if and only if Britain will not send economic aid. Thus Algeria will in
tervene politically unless France will not veto the treaty, for Britain will not send economic aid only if
France will veto the treaty. (A, B, F)
4. Neither Detroit nor Ann Arbor has cold weather in February. If Michigan sometimes has snow in
winter, then either Detroit or Ann Arbor has cold weather in February. Therefore, it is not the case that
Michigan sometimes has snow in winter. (D, A, M)
5. Either the examinations in this course are too easy or the students are extremely bright. In fact, the
students are extremely bright. From this it follows that the examinations in this course are not too
easy. (E, B)
*6. If John is a member of the Elks lodge, then either Sam used to work in Texas or Timothy is a police
officer. But it is not the case that Sam used to work in Texas, and Timothy is not a police officer.
Therefore, John is not a member of the Elks lodge. (J, A. I)
*7. Both antelopes and Rotarians are found in North America. But Rotarians are found in North America
if and only if French police rarely drink gin. It follows that if it is not the case that French police rarely
drink gin, then antelopes are not found in North America. (A, 0, F)
8. Dogs are not always loyal. For rattlesnakes are always to be avoided unless either dogs are always
loyal or cats sometimes behave strangely. (D, A. C)
9. If either Romans are not fast drivers or Nigeria does have a large population, then it is not the case that
both Nigeria does have a large population and Argentineans are coffee drinkers. Hence, Romans are
fast drivers, for Argentineans are coffee drinkers only if Nigeria does not have a large population. (F, N, A)
*10. We may infer that mandolins are easy to play but French horns are difficult instruments. For man
dolins are easy to play if and only if either didgeridoos are played only by men or French horns are
difficult instruments. But if French horns being difficult instruments implies that didgeridoos are not
played only by men, then it is not the case that mandolins are easy to play. (M, F, D)
11. If both Ellen is good at math and Mary is good at writing, then Cecil is a pest. It follows that Mary is
good at writing. For either Cecil is not a pest unless Mary is not good at writing, or both Ellen is not
good at math and Cecil is a pest. But Cecil is a pest if and only if Ellen is good at math. (E, M, C)
C) (/)
� UJ
� ….I
UJ – 2
!= ::) Oc,
:::::i a:
<l: -1
w <I:
I- 0
C) i'.=
() Q_
I a:
() Q_
*12. Penguins are not commonly found in Arabia. For manatees like being underwater unless penguins being
commonly found in Arabia implies that alligators do not like being underwater. But penguins are
commonly found in Arabia if and only if neither alligators nor manatees like being underwater. (E, M, A)
13. If Jupiter is a moon, then it orbits a planet. It is not the case that Jupiter orbits a planet. Therefore,
Jupiter is not a moon. (J, 0)
14. Aluminum in antiperspirants is not safe. For it is safe provided it is not absorbed into the blood
stream, but it is absorbed into the bloodstream. (A, F)
15. If tree leaves change their color, then chlorophyll is broken down. But chlorophyll is broken down if and
only if both red pigments begin to fill the cells and tree leaves change their color. Thus either chlorophyll
is broken down or both red pigments begin to fill the cells and tree leaves change their color. (L, C, E)
12.2 Some Standard Valid Argument Forms
As we saw in Chapter 51 any argument that has one valid form (or more) is itself valid and counts as
a substitution instance or example of that form (or forms). And any argument that's a substitution
instance of an invalid form is itself invalid. There are, however, numerous valid and invalid forms
that propositional arguments may have. As a result, it is not always possible to learn about the
validity or invalidity of a propositional argument just by recognizing that it's an instance of a valid
or an invalid form. But being able to recognize at least some of the most common valid and invalid
forms can nonetheless be very helpful. Here we'll revisit five such forms that we've already
encountered briefly in Chapter 5 and learn more about how to spot arguments that instantiate them.
Modus Ponens
A common valid argument has a conditional premise, another premise affirming that conditional's
antecedent, and a conclusion affirming its consequent. For example,
10 1. If Jose is a firefighter, then he works for the fire department.
2. Jose is a firefighter.
3. Jose works for the fire department.
This argument exemplifies the valid argument form called 'modus ponens' (literally, 'mode of
putting or affirming'), which in symbols is
10' l, p:::) Q
3. Q
Because the antecedent in a material conditional expresses a sufficient condition for the truth
of the consequent, and the antecedent is asserted as being true in a modus ponens, any
argument with this form is valid. In other words, if it's true that P implies Q, and also true that
P, then Q's truth follows necessarily. The validity of arguments with this form is demonstrated
by truth table (11).
11 p
As you can see, there is no horizontal row in this truth table on which both premises are true
and the conclusion false.
Modus To/lens
Another very common valid argument form is modus tollens (literally, 'mode of negating'). An
argument is an instance of this form when it has two premises, one of which is a conditional
and the other a negation of that conditional's consequent. Its conclusion is a negation of the
conditional's antecedent. For example,
1 2 1. If copper is a precious metal, then it is expensive.
2. But copper is not expensive.
3. Copper is not a precious metal.
The form of this argument is modus tollens, which runs
12' 1. P :J Q
Recall that, in a material conditional, the consequent expresses a necessary condition for the truth
of the antecedent. If Q is necessary for P, then if it is not the case that Q, it is not the case that P.
That is, denying the consequent of the conditional premise entails the denial of its antecedent.
Any argument that is a substitution instance of modus tollens is valid, as shown by this truth table:
13 P Q p :J Q, -Q :. -P
Contraposition is an argument form consisting of a single premise that is a conditional and a
conclusion that switches the premise's antecedent and consequent and makes each fall under
the scope of negation. For example,
14 1. If Anna is a revolutionary, then Anna is opposed to the established order.
2. If Anna is not opposed to the established order, then Anna is not a revolutionary.
0 a:
<( (J)
02 z a:
(J) l.l..
LU 1-
2 Z
0 LU (J)2 :::::,
(\J (9
� – �
‘= :J
0 CJ
:J a:
<( ..J w Q :. -Q :::>-P
Hypothetical Syllogism
Hypothetical syllogism is labeled this way because it has two premises (that’s the ‘syllogism’ part) and
because its premises (as well as its conclusion) are hypothetical or conditional statements. Consider
16 1. If Elaine is a newspaper reporter, then she is a journalist.
2. If Elaine is a journalist, then she knows how to write.
3. If Elaine is a newspaper reporter, then she knows how to write.
This argument has the form
16 1
1. p ::J Q
2. Q ::JR
3. p ::J R
(161) allows us to see that (16) mirrors hypothetical syllogism, which is a valid argument form.
A closer look at this form reveals that premise i’s consequent is premise 2’s antecedent, and
premise i’s antecedent together with premise 2’s consequent are, respectively, the antecedent and
consequent of the conclusion. Obviously, since the antecedent of a conditional expresses a sufficient
condition for the truth of its consequent, when P is a sufficient condition for Q, and Q a sufficient
condition for R, it follows that P is a sufficient condition for R (16) is a substitution instance of this
form and is therefore valid. The following truth table shows the validity of hypothetical syllogism:
17 p Q R P::JQ Q::JR :. p ::J R
F F F .I I I.
Disjunctive Syllogism
Finally, in our sample of valid argument forms, there is one that does not use conditionals at
all: disjunctive syllogism. The form is labeled this way because it has two premises (that’s the
‘syllogism’ part) and because one of its premises is a disjunction. Here, one premise presents a
disjunction, and the other denies one of the two disjuncts, from which the affirmation of the
other disjunct then follows as the conclusion. For example,
18 1. Either my car was towed away by the police or it was stolen.
2. My car was not towed away by the police.
3. My car was stolen.
(18) is a substitution instance of disjunctive syllogism, and as such may be correctly represented
in one of the two possible arrangements for the premises of that argument form, depending on
which disjunct is denied:
18a 1. p V Q
18b 1. p V Q
3. p
In the case of (18), since the negation affects the first disjunct of the disjunctive premise, the correct
representation is (18a). But the principle underlying either version of disjunctive syllogism is: given
the truth-functional definition of inclusive disjunction, if a premise that is an inclusive disjunction
is true but one of its disjuncts false, it follows that the other disjunct must be true. Thus any
argument mirroring (18a) or (18b) is valid-as demonstrated by this truth table:
19 P Q PvQ, -P :. Q
More Complex Instances of Valid Forms
When we set about trying to analyze propositional arguments, it’s immensely helpful to be
able to recognize these five basic valid argument forms, because any time you find an
argument that has one, you thereby know that it’s valid! No further procedure is required. For
the argument to be valid, it is enough that the general form of the argument’s premises and
conclusion mirror that of a valid form. This means that the premises and conclusion of a valid
argument could feature connectives other than those featured in the valid form mirrored by
that argument. That’s fine, provided that main connectives are exactly the same. Let’s make a
list including this and other considerations to keep in mind when deciding about the form of
propositional arguments:
#1. The order of the premises does not matter for an argument to have the form of a
modus ponens, modus tollens, hypothetical syllogism, or disjunctive syllogism.
#2. The English expression for a connective may be other than the standard one.
<( (/) 0�
z a:
(/) LL
w f
� z
(/) � :J
N ('.)
C'i a:
� – ‘.2
I:: 🙂
9 (.’J
…J a:
<! …J
w B
2. B :::> J
3. E :::> J
Now consider the following arguments, together with their correct representations:
24 1. Costa Rica is a peaceful country and doesn’t have an army.
2. Costa Rica is a peaceful country and doesn’t have an army only if it doesn’t have
public unrest.
3. Costa Rica doesn’t have public unrest.
24′ 1. C • -A
2. (C • -A) :::> -N
3. -N
25 1. Joey was either tried in Europe or extradited to the United States.
2. That Joey was either tried in Europe or extradited to the United States implies that
his defense failed and he is not free.
3. Joey’s defense failed and he is not free.
25’ 1. J v E
2. (J v E) :::> (D • -F)
3. D • -F
If we focus strictly on the main connective in premises and conclusions, then it’s clear that
both arguments turn out to be substitution instances of modus ponens. This is so because each
consists of a conditional premise (which happens to come second) and another premise that
asserts the antecedent of that conditional (which happens to come first). Neither the order of
these premises nor the fact that they themselves are compound propositions made up of several
connectives affects the status of the arguments as instances of modus ponens.
1 . Explain the validity of modus ponens by reference to the necessary and sufficient conditions in a
material conditional.
<x: Cf)
0 '.2 z a:
;:': 0
(/) LL
w 1-
'.2 Z
(/) '.2
"' a:
� – �
_J er:
<( _J w <(
I- 0
0 �
z- (/)
� 0
0 Cl.
I er:
0 Cl.
2. Which sense of disjunction is required for disjunctive syllogism to be valid? Which of the valid forms
employs disjunction?
3. Suppose the order of the premises in a valid propositional argument is changed. Does that affect
the validity of the argument?
4. When you have established that an argument is a formal fallacy, what have you discovered about
that argument?
V. The following formulas are instances of modus ponens, modus to/lens, contra
position, hypothetical syllogism, or disjunctive syllogism. Say which is which.
1. A:) -B
SAMPLE ANSWER: Modus ponens
2. (KvN)vA
*3. L:) -M
B:) L
B:) -M
4. -(F • H)
A:) (F • H)
*5. -E:) -D
*6. (A v LP (B • C)
-(B • C) 🙂 -(A v L)
7. -C v -A
*8. (A • -F) 🙂 -G
-(A• -F)
9. J:) A
A:) -C
J:) -C
10. -H 🙂 -(Ev A)
(Ev A):) H
11. -B = C
( -B ""C):) -A
*12.A v(G vF)
-(G VF)
13. A :J 0
14. C vO
15. (G v F) :J A
(A :J 0):J (G v F)
(A :J 0) :J A
VI. The following arguments are instances of the valid forms discussed above.
Symbolize each and identify its form.
1 . Wynton Marsalis is an authority on music, for he is a famous jazz trumpeter who is equally well
known as a performer of classical music. But if he is a famous jazz trumpeter who is equally well
known as a performer of classical music, then Wynton Marsalis is an authority on music. (F, A)
SAMPLE ANSWER: F :J A, F .. A Modus ponens
2. Ernie is a liar or Ronald is not a liar. It is not the case that Ronald is not a liar. Therefore, Ernie is a liar. (E, L)
*3. If Staten Islanders are not Mets fans, then Manhattan's being full of fast talkers implies that Queens
is not the home of sober taxpayers. Thus if it is not the case that Manhattan's being full of fast talk
ers implies that Queens is not the home of sober taxpayers, then it is not the case that Staten
Islanders are not Mets fans. (I, M, H)
4. Penelope is not a registered Democrat. For Penelope is a registered Democrat only if she is eligible
to vote in the United States. But she is not eligible to vote in the United States. (D, E)
*5. If Democrats are always compassionate, then Republicans are always honest. For if Democrats
are always compassionate, then they sometimes vote for candidates who are moderates. But
if they sometimes vote for candidates who are moderates, then Republicans are always honest.
(D, M, H)
*6. If Emma is a true pacifist, then she is not a supporter of war. Emma is a true pacifist. It follows that
she is not a supporter of war. (E, A)
7. If this cheese was not made in Switzerland, then it's not real Emmentaler. Therefore, if it is real
Emmentaler, then it was made in Switzerland. (C, E)
*8. Either gulls sometimes fly inland or hyenas are not dangerous. But hyenas are dangerous. So, gulls
sometimes fly inland. (G, H)
9. If both Enriquez enters the race and Warshawsky resigns, then Bosworth will win the election. But if
Bosworth will win the election, then Mendes will not win the election. Thus if both Enriquez enters the
race and Warshawsky resigns, then Mendes will not win the election. (E, A, B, M)
*10. Microbes are not creating chronic diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and even schizo
phrenia. Hospitals need to improve their cleaning practices only if it is the case that microbes are
<( U) 0 � z a:
w f
� z
U) �
N (')
N a:
� – ‘.2
t: :::)
0 (.’)
:::::i a:
<( …J
w <(
t- 0
(.') j::
0 0..
I a:
0 0..
creating many chronic diseases such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and even schizophrenia. It
follows that hospitals need not improve their cleaning practices. (M, H)
11 . California farmers grow either vegetables that thrive in warm weather or citrus fruits and bananas.
Since they don't grow citrus fruits and bananas, they must grow vegetables that thrive in warm
weather. (A, C, B)
12. Steve's attacker was not a great white shark. An attack of the sort he suffered last week must be by
either a great white shark or by a shark of another type that felt threatened in the presence of a
swimmer unknowingly wading into its feeding area. Therefore, Steve was attacked by a shark of
another type that felt threatened in the presence of a swimmer unknowingly wading into its feeding
area. (G, A)
13. Calcium is good for healthy bones. Either vitamin D is good for healthy bones or calcium is not good.
Therefore, vitamin D is good for healthy bones. (C, D)
14. If herons wade either in mud holes or lagoons, then they catch bacterial infections. But they don't
catch bacterial infections. Thus herons wade in neither mud holes nor lagoons. (H, L, I)
15. If she has a tune stuck in her head, she is either happy or annoyed. Therefore, if she is neither happy
nor annoyed, then she doesn't have a tune stuck in her head. (H, A, N)
1. Construct an argument of your own for each of the argument forms listed in exercise M-
2. Construct truth tables for each of the argument forms listed in exercise (VI).
12.3 Some Standard Invalid Argument Forms
Already we have seen that arguments may have defects of various kinds that cause them to
fail. Types of defects that undermine arguments constitute the so-called fallacies, among
which, as we have already seen at some length, the informal fallacies figure prominently.
Now we must consider their analogues in propositional logic, which include some of the
formal fallacies.
All formal fallacies have in common that they occur in an argument that has a superficial
similarity to some valid form but departs from that form in some specifiable way. They are there
fore instances of failed deductive arguments. Recall that an argument is invalid if it is possible that
an argument with the same form could have true premises and a false conclusion. To prove the
invalidity of an argument, then, it is enough to find a single case of an argument with exactly the
same logical form whose premises are true and conclusion false. Consider the following argument:
26 1. If the messenger came, then the bell rang about noon.
2. The bell rang about noon.
3. The messenger came.
This argument is invalid because it is possible for its premises to be true and its conclusion
false. Even if the premises and conclusion all happen to be true in a certain case, there
are other scenarios in which arguments with an identical form could have true premises and
['-___ s_o_M_ E_ F_O_R_ M_A _L_F _A_L_LA_C_I_E _s ___ ]
Either P orQ
Either P or Q
Therefore not Q Therefore not P
if P, then Q
Therefor P
if P, then Q
Not P
Therefore not Q
a false conclusion. Suppose that the messenger didn't come, but the bell did ring about
noon, though it was a neighbor who rang it. In this scenario, (26)'s premises are true
and its conclusion false. Thus the scenario amounts to a counterexample that shows the
invalidity of (26).
It is often possible to find real-life counterexamples that prove the invalidity of certain
arguments. Yet we could do without such counterexamples, since to show that an argument is
invalid, it is sufficient to describe a 'possible world' (which may or may not be the actual
world-it's simply a scenario involving no internal contradiction) where an argument with the
same form would have true premises and a false conclusion.
Thus the invalidity of an argument can be proved in the way just shown: one tries to
describe a scenario where the premises of the argument in question are true and its conclusion
is false. If such a scenario is not forthcoming, we may first extract the argument form-which,
in the case of (26), is
26' 1. p:) Q
3. p
Then we try to find an example of an argument with the same form that in some possible
scenario would have true premises and a false conclusion. For example,
27 1. If Barack Obama is a Republican, then he is a member of a political party.
2. Barack Obama is a member of a political party.
3. Barack Obama is a Republican.
(27) shows that, in a scenario where the possible world is the actual world, an argument
with the same form as (27) has true premises and a false conclusion. By the definition of inva
lidity, (27) is invalid. At the same time, it amounts to a counterexample to any argument with
the same form.
<t: U) 0�
z a:
;:: 0
(/) LL
w 1-
� z
U) �
(') (9
0-i a:
� – �
_J a:
<l'. _J
UJ <l'. IZ
I- 0
– (/)
Y'. 0
0 Cl.
UJ 0
I a:
0 Cl.
Affirming the Consequent
The above notoriously invalid arguments are both instances of affirming the consequent.
Affirming the consequent is the fallacy committed by any argument featuring a
conditional premise, another premise affirming that conditional's consequent, and
a conclusion affirming its antecedent.
Affirming a proposition amounts to saying that it is true. In arguments that commit this
fallacy, what is affirmed is the consequent of a material conditional. This always expresses
only a necessary, but not a sufficient, condition for the truth of the conditional's antecedent.
As a result, the truth of the consequent never guarantees that of the antecedent (which
is the conclusion in affirming the consequent). Here is a more complex example of affirming
the consequent:
28 1. If the Olsons are deer hunters, then, if they hunt, they do not hunt pheasants.
2. If the Olsons hunt, then they do not hunt pheasants.
3. The Olsons are deer hunters.
28' 1. 0 ::J (H ::J ~ A)
2. H ::J -A
As with any instance of affirming the consequent, (28) is invalid. The invalidity of the form is
shown by this truth table:
29 P Q p ::J Q, Q p
As you can see, there is a horizontal row in this truth table on which both premises are true and
the conclusion false.
In a modus ponens, a premise affirms the antecedent (not the consequent) of the other premise
(while the conclusion affirms the consequent).
■ Thus watch out for any argument that appears to be a modus ponens but is not, since its conditional
premise's consequent is affirmed by the other premise (while its antecedent is affirmed by the
argument's conclusion).
Denying the Antecedent
Another formal fallacy that may undermine propositional arguments is denying the antecedent.
Denying the antecedent is the fallacy committed by any argument featuring a condi
tional premise, another premise denying that conditional's antecedent, and a conclu
sion denying its consequent.
Suppose we run across an argument of this sort:
30 1. If Oscar is a violinist with the Boston Symphony, then he can read music.
2. In fact, Oscar is not a violinist with the Boston Symphony.
3. He cannot read music.
Clearly, this argument is invalid. Oscar's being a violinist with the Boston Symphony Orchestra is a
sufficient condition of his being able to read music (if he's in the BSO, that guarantees that he can
read music). But it's not a necessary condition, since lots of people can read music who are not in the
Boston Symphony! Thus the conclusion, 'Oscar cannot read music,' does not follow with necessity.
In brief, (30) is invalid because it commits the fallacy of denying the antecedent. More generally, any
argument that instantiates this fallacy is invalid because denying the antecedent of the conditional
premise amounts to saying that that antecedent is false. But the antecedent of a material conditional
expresses a sufficient (though not a necessary) condition for the truth of the consequent: so the
antecedent could be false and the consequent true. Thus from a denial of the antecedent of a
conditional, it does not follow that its consequent is also to be denied. The argument is an instance
of denying the antecedent. Any argument that commits this fallacy has this invalid form:
30' 1. p:) Q
3. -Q
The invalidity of denying the antecedent can be shown by truth table (31):
31 P Q p:) Q, -P :. -Q
FT T T F �
In a modus tollens, the consequent of the conditional premise is denied by the other premise (while
its antecedent is denied by the conclusion).
■ Thus watch out for any argument that appears to be a modus tollens but is not, since its condi
tional premise's antecedent is denied by the other premise (while its consequent is denied by
the argument's conclusion).
0 a:
< (f)
0 2 z a:
(f) LL
w f-
2 Z
(f) 2
C') 0
N a:
�- 2
I::: :::J
0 (‘J
::i a:
<( _J
w <(
f- 0
('J i=
::,::: 0
0 CL
I a:
0 CL
Affirming a Disjunct
Another formal fallacy is affirming a disjunct:
Affirming a disjunct is the fallacy committed by any argument featuring a premise that is an
inclusive disjunction, another premise affirming one of the disjuncts, and a conclusion denying
the other disjunct.
Affirming a disjunct is an invalid form because, as we saw earlier in our discussion of the
truth-functional connectives, 'or' is to be understood in the inclusive sense (i.e., either P or Q
or both)-not the exclusive sense (i.e., either P or Q but not both). The inclusive disjunction is
true in all cases except where both disjuncts are false. Thus assuming that a certain inclusive
disjunction is true, denying one disjunct (which amounts to saying that it is false) entails that
the other disjunct must be true. But affirming one of its disjuncts (which amounts to saying
that it is true) does not entail the denial of the other-that is, does not entail that the other is
false. (In the case of an exclusive disjunction, what we are calling 'affirming a disjunct' would
not be a fallacy.) Consider the following example:
32 1. Either my car was towed away by the police or was stolen.
2. My car was in fact towed away by the police.
3. My car was not stolen.
Is there any way this conclusion could be false if both premises were true? Yes! A possible
scenario is that thieves came in the night and broke into my car, then drove it to an illegal park
ing space, from which the police towed it! If that were the case, then both of (32)'s premises
would be true and its conclusion false at once. Thus the conclusion does not follow necessarily
from the premises-it is not entailed by them. So the argument is invalid. But the thing to
notice is that (32) instantiates version (a) of the invalid form affirming a disjunct. This fallacy is
committed by any argument of one of these forms:
32' a l. p V Q
3. -Q
b 1.PvQ
2. Q
3. -P
Since, here, the 'either … or … ' connective in (32) is inclusive, to affirm one of the two
alternatives does not entail a denial of the other. In any case where the disjunction is inclusive,
an argument with either of (32')'s forms is invalid. The invalidity of affirming a disjunct is
clearly shown by this truth table:
33 P Q PvQ, p
:. -Q
We have identified three invalid argument forms that correspond to three types of formal fallacy.
Whenever you find an argument that has one, a truth table is not required. All you need to do to
prove invalidity is simply to show that the argument has one of these forms: affirming the con
sequent, denying the antecedent, or affirming a disjunct. If you can keep separate in your mind
these three invalid forms and the five valid forms discussed earlier, you should find it much
easier to distinguish valid and invalid propositional arguments.
Note that in a disjunctive syllogism, a premise denies one of the disjuncts of the other premise,
and the conclusion asserts the other.
■ Thus, watch out for any argument that appears to be a disjunctive syllogism but it is not, since
one of its premises asserts a disjunct of the other premise, while its conclusion denies the other.
YIII Review Ouestjons
1 . How does the type of disjunction at work in disjunctive syllogism bear on the fallacy of affirming a
2. How does affirming a disjunct differ from disjunctive syllogism?
3. How does affirming the consequent differ from modus ponens?
4. How does denying the antecedent differ from modus to/lens?
5. What's the cash value of recognizing that an argument commits a formal fallacy?
IX. Some of the following arguments commit formal fallacies, and some don't.
Indicate which do and which don't, identifying formal fallacies and valid argument
forms by name.
1. If the defendant's 2007 Toyota sedan was used as the getaway car in the robbery, then it was not in
the mechanic's garage with a cracked engine block on the date of the crime. But it was in the me
chanic's garage with a cracked engine block on that date! From this it follows that the defendant's
2007 Toyota sedan was not used as the getaway car in the robbery.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Modus to/lens. Valid.
2. If this car has faulty brakes, then it's dangerous to drive. But this car does not have faulty brakes.
Therefore it's not dangerous to drive.
*3. If our public officials take bribes, then there is corruption in our government. But if the mayor and
several City Council members were paid to support the appropriations bill, then our public officials
take bribes. So, if the mayor and several City Council members were paid to support the appropria
tions bill, then there is corruption in our government.
4. Barry is a union member, for he will not cross the picket line. And if he were a union member, then he
would not cross the picket line.
*5. Ireland does not allow abortion. Either Ireland allows abortion or Ireland is a conservative country.
Hence, Ireland is a conservative country.
(‘) 0
N cc
� – :”!:
f:: ::J
0 (‘)
:J a:
<l'. _J
w <l'.
I- 0
(') �
– (/)
0 Q..
I a:
0 Q..
6. Either we'll stop polluting the environment or life on Earth will eventually die out. But in fact we will
stop polluting the environment. Thus life on Earth will not eventually die out.
*7. If Desmond is a successful film critic, then he is a good writer. But Desmond is not a successful film
critic. Therefore, he is not a good writer.
8. These sculptures are expensive only if they' re rare. So it must be that they are rare, since they're very
*9. If cardiac surgeons are Mercedes-Benz drivers, then they have driver's licenses, so if cardiac
surgeons don' t have driver's licenses, then they are not Mercedes-Benz drivers.
10. If Bob has no record of military service, then he is not a combat veteran. It follows that Bob has no
record of military service, since he is not a combat veteran.
*11. Either Darwin's theory provides a roughly accurate account of the origin of the human species or the
method of carbon-14 dating that has been used to establish the age of hominid fossils is not reliable.
But that method is reliable. Therefore, Darwin's theory provides a roughly accurate account of the
origin of the human species.
12. Atkinson will run for reelection unless Hernandez does. Accordingly, Atkinson will not run, because
Hernandez will run for reelection.
*13. Zebras are mammals. But if zebras are mammals, then they are warm-blooded creatures. From this
we may infer that zebras are warm-blooded creatures.
14. Since clams are not mammals, they are shellfish. For if clams are shellfish, then they are not
*15. If Frank Sinatra was born in Brooklyn, then he was a New Yorker. But Sinatra was not a New Yorker,
so he was not born in Brooklyn.
16. Jack will buy either a bulldog or a Labrador retriever. But in fact Jack will buy a Labrador retriever.
Therefore, Jack will not buy a bulldog.
*17. If Tom's barbecued steaks are tender, then they weren't overcooked. Since Tom's barbecued steaks
weren't overcooked, we may conclude that they are tender.
18. If this scarf isn't too colorful, then Anne will like it. But this scarf is too colorful. Therefore, Anne will not like it.
*19. Barbados is sunny; however, London often has rain. But if it is not the case that both Barbados is
sunny and London often has rain, then Nebraska is densely populated. Therefore, Nebraska is not
densely populated.
20. If tortillas or tamales are Japanese dishes, then burgers and pizza are Mexican dishes. Therefore, if it
is not the case that then burgers and pizza are Mexican dishes, then neither tortillas nor tamales are
Japanese dishes.
X. The following arguments exemplify valid or invalid forms of the sort discussed
above. For each of them, provide the correct symbolic notation, name the argument
form it exemplifies, and say whether it's valid or invalid.
1. Ankara is the capital of Turkey. Consequently, Turkey's capital is in Asia Minor, for if Ankara is the
capital of Turkey, then Turkey's capital is in Asia Minor. (A, C)
SAMPLE ANSWER: A:::, C, A:.C. Modus ponens; valid.
2. Either Big Joey will finally get whacked or his family will become more powerful. But Big Joey will not
get whacked. So his family will become more powerful. (J, 0)
3. Bengal tigers are not seen anywhere in the world today only if they are extinct. But Bengal tigers are
not extinct; hence, they are sometimes seen in the world today. (8, E)
*4. If Eminem is a hip-hop artist, then he is a musician. But Eminem is not a hip-hop artist. We can infer
that he is not a musician. (E, M)
5. If belief in evolution is not prevalent in America, then high school science education is ineffective. It
follows that if high school science education is effective, then belief in evolution is prevalent in
America. (8, E)
*6. Homer Simpson will vote in the election unless he decides that all the candidates are crooks. Since
he has in fact decided that all the candidates are crooks, Homer will not vote in the election. (H, D)
*7. That fruit bats sleep in the daytime implies that they fly only at night, for if fruit bats sleep in the
daytime then they are nocturnal creatures, and if they are nocturnal creatures then they fly only at
night. (B, N, F)
8. Plutonium is radioactive. For either plutonium is radioactive or both argon and cobalt are, too, but it
is not the case that both argon and cobalt are radioactive. (F, A, C)
9. If Christina Aguilera is a big star, then her songs are featured on MTV. It follows that Christina
Aguilera's songs are featured on MTV, since she is a big star. (C, H)
10. That Eric is a NASCAR fan implies that he doesn't mind loud noise. Thus if Eric does mind loud
noise, then he is not a NASCAR fan. (E, H)
*11. If Boris is a member of the Communist Party, then he is not an enthusiastic supporter of big
business. But Boris is an enthusiastic supporter of big business, so he is not a member of the
Communist Party. (M, E)
*12. Jason would buy a house in Acapulco only if he won the lottery. Since he did win the lottery, it follows
that he will buy a house in Acapulco. (J, L)
13. Tigers thrive in either Africa or East Asia provided that either Africa or East Asia has warm weather. Either
Africa or East Asia does have warm weather. Hence, tigers thrive in either Africa or East Asia. (A, E, F, I)
14. If I have a pickup truck and drive long distances, then I'm contributing to greenhouse gases. And I'm
contributing to greenhouse gases. Therefore, I have a pickup truck and drive long distances. (I, D, G)
15. If working adults spend a lot of time online, they don't get enough information. If they don't get
enough information, they're badly informed. Thus if working adults spend a lot of time online, they're
badly informed. (0, I, B)
1. Give two examples of your own illustrating the following: affirming the consequent, denying the
antecedent, and affirming a disjunct.
2. Use the method of counterexample discussed above in connection with the formal fallacies to
explain why those two examples are invalid.
<( (j)
0 2 z a:
(j) LL.
UJ f-
2 Z
0 UJ
(j) 2
<:') (')
N a:
� – 2:
t:::: ::)
9 (‘)
…J a:
<( …J
w Q,P :. Q
p :::> Q, -Q :. -P
P :::> Q, Q :::> R :. P :J R
P V Q,-P :. Q
p. Q … p
P, Q :. p • Q
p ;. p V Q
(P :::> Q)=(-Q :::> -P)
-(P • Q)=(-P v -Q)
-(P v Q) = (-P • -Q)
(P V Q) “”(Q VP)
(P • Q)=(Q • P)
(P :::> Q) = (-P v Q)
(P “” Q) = [(P :::> Q) • (Q :::> P)]
(P”” Q) = [(P • Q) v (-P • -Q)]
Proofs of validity may be formal or informal. In a formal proof, the relation of entailment is taken
to obtain strictly between certain well-formed formulas of a system of logic that need have no
interpretation in a natural language (such as English, Portuguese, Mandarin). Furthermore, the
basic rules of inference and replacement used in formal proofs are such that they could be used
to prove the conclusion of any valid propositional argument from its premises. On the other
hand, in the informal proofs proposed here, entailment is taken to be a relation that obtains
between certain propositions that are expressible in a natural language. When a proof is offered
as involving only formulas, it is assumed in the informal approach that these have an
interpretation in a natural language. Moreover, the basic rules offered in our informal approach
fall short of allowing proofs of validity for any valid propositional argument.
Q_ r
Q_ –
<( 9 ….J
U.. LL
:::::i 0
Q_ (/)
::2’ LL
(/) 0
<( a:
'- �
‘= ::J
0 <.'J
::i er:
<( …J
w <(
I- 0
<.'J �
z- (/)
0 Q..
0 D..
We'll construct proofs to check the validity of certain arguments and assume that those
arguments have an interpretation in English-even though for convenience's sake they may
be offered only in the symbolic notation. For valid arguments that are expressed in English,
we'll first translate them into the symbolic notation. Then we'll proceed to prove their valid
ity by using the rules listed above in a way that we'll explain shortly. These rules can be used
to demonstrate the validity of many propositional arguments, and we'll next see just how
this is done.
Whether in a formal or informal approach, all proofs of validity require that we assume
that, for any valid argument, it must in principle be possible to show its validity by the proof
procedure, which shows that a valid argument's conclusion follows from its premises once we
apply to those premises one or more basic rules of inference and/or replacement. Such rules
are 'basic' in the sense of being accepted without a proof. (Since any proof at all within this
system would assume at least some of them, there are basic rules that cannot be proved within
the system.)
How to Construct a Proof of Validity
Let's now put our basic rules to work and demonstrate the validity of the following
34 Both Alice and Caroline will graduate next year. But if Caroline will graduate next
year, then Giselle will win a scholarship if and only if Alice will graduate next year. So,
either Giselle will win a scholarship if and only if Alice will graduate next year, or
Helen will be valedictorian.
First, we translate the argument into the symbolic notation as follows:
34' A• C, C:::) (G = A):.(G = A) v H
We can now prove that this argument's conclusion, (G = A) v H, follows from its premises.
How? By showing that such a conclusion can be deduced from (34')'s premises by applying to
them only basic rules of inference and replacement. Our proof, whose four steps (numbered
5, and 6) aim at deducing the intended conclusion from (34')'s premises, runs
3411 1.A•C
2. C:::) (G =A)
3. C • A
5. G=A
6.( G=A) v H
:.( G=A) vH
from 1 by Com
from 3 by Simp
from 2 and 4 by MP
from 5 by Add
In line 3
we deduce C•A by applying commutation (see Com in the rules above) to premise
1. Any time we deduce a formula, we justify what we've done on the right-hand side of the
proof. In this example, the justification includes expressions such as 'from,' 'and,' and 'by' that
we'll later omit ('from') or replace by punctuation marks ('and' and 'by'). Note that a proof 's
justification requires two things: (a) that we state the premise number to which a certain rule
was applied (if more than one, we write down the premises' numbers in the order in which
the rule was applied to them), and (b) that we state the name of the rule applied. After justify
ing how a formula was deduced from the premise/s of an argument, that formula can be
counted as a new premise listed with its own line number. Since C • A in line 3 has been
deduced from the argument's premises, it is now a premise that can be used in further steps
of the proof. In fact, it is used in line 4 to deduce C in the way indicated on the right-hand
side of that line. Premises 2 and 4 allow us to deduce G = A in line 5, which follows from them
by modus ponens (MP). In line 6, addition (Add) allows us to deduce the formula that proves
(34)'s validity: namely, the conclusion of that argument. We have thus shown that its
conclusion follows from its premises, and we have done so by showing that it can be obtained
by applying only basic rules of inference and replacement to those premises. Thus (34) has
been proved valid.
Proofs vs. Truth Tables
As we've seen, in the case of truth tables, the truth values of an argument's premises and
conclusion are assigned according to rules associated with the truth-functional connectives
involved in that argument. Although here we've defined only five such connectives, their total
number is in fact sixteen. This is a fixed number. By contrast, the actual number of valid
argument forms and logically equivalent expressions that could be used to construct proofs of
validity may vary from one deductive system to another. Furthermore, the proof procedure
allows for no fixed number of steps to correctly deduce an argument's conclusion from its
premises: it often depends on which premises and basic rules we decide to use.
Since in these respects proofs permit a certain degree of flexibility, it is sometimes
possible, within a single system of basic rules, to construct more than one correct proof to
demonstrate the validity of a certain argument. That is, unlike a truth table, a proof is not a
mechanical procedure that always yields a result in the same way in a fixed number of steps.
Moreover, it might happen that, in constructing a proof for a certain valid argument, we err
in our assessment of its validity. We might simply "fail to see" at the moment that certain
rules can be put at the service of deducing that argument's conclusion from its premises and
mistakenly conclude that the argument is invalid. That's why we say that, for any valid
argument, one could 'in principle' construct a proof of its validity. It must be admitted,
however, that proofs do have one big advantage over truth tables: namely, that the latter tend
to be very long and unwieldy when an argument features propositions of many different
types. Proofs face no such problem.
1 . In what does the method of proof consist?
2. Do proofs offer any advantage over truth tables?
3. What is a rule of inference?
4. How are rules of inference used in a proof?
5. What are rules of replacement?
6. In this section, a distinction has been drawn between a formal and an informal approach to proofs.
What is that distinction?
0… 1-
� e
:::i 0
0… (/)
� LL
U) 0
– �
!:: ::::>
_J a:
<t _J
w B
2. -B
3. -A
4. -B v C
5. -A • ( -B v C)
2. 1. -D ::, -E
2. Ev~(/::, D)
3.1::, D
4. –(I::, D)
6. –E
7. –D
9. E • D
*3. 1. -D • C
2. F::, -C
3. -F::, (Ev D)
4. – -C::, -F
5. C ::, -F
6. C::, (Ev D)
7. C • -D
9. Ev D
10. D v E
4. 1. – A • (Av E)
2. -A
3. (Av E) • -A
6. Ev -E
*5. 1. (G ::, D) ::, -F
2. D ::, F
3. D • C
4. – F::, -D
5. (G ::, D) ::, -D
7. –D
8. -(G::, D)
6. 1. A ::, -(B ::, -D)
2. -(B ::, -D) ::, -D
/:.-A. ( -B V C)
1, 2 MT
2 Add
3, 4 Conj
/:.E • D
I:. D v E
I:. Ev -E
I:. -(G :J D)
3.D !:. ~A
4.A:::> ~D
5. –D
•7. 1 . (D ::, C) v -(A v B)
2.A /;. -D V C
3. -(Av B) v (D ::, C)
a: >-
5. ~~(Av B) 0… I-
0… –
6. D::, C <i:: e
7. ~ D v C
8. 1. (~D • C) • H I:. ~H v -D ::::i 0
0… (f)
2. ~D • C � LL
3. ~D
i7.i 0
C) :::> ~(A• B)
2. – D :::>(A• B) !:. D v ~(D::, C)
3. ~(A• B) :::, -~D
4. (D :::> C) :::> –D
5. (D :::> C) :::> D
6. ~(D :::> C) v D
7. D v ~(D :::> C)
*11. 1. (~H v L) :::> ~(I • G)
2.G • I /:. -L • H
3.1 • G
4. –(I• G)
5. ~(~H v L)
6. ~~H • -L
7. H • ~L
8. ~L • H
12. 1. ( B :::> C) v ~A
2. -( B:::, C) vA I:. A= ( B::, C)
3. ( B:::, C):::, A
4. ~Av ( B:::, Cl
5. A:::, ( B :::> C)
6. [A :::, ( B :::, C)] • [( B :::, C) :::, A]
LL f-
0 dj
>- 2
I:: :::,
g C)
_J a:
<( _J
LL 1-
0 Z
>- �
t:: :::>
g (‘.)
_J er:
<( _J
w <(
I- 0
('.) i=
z- (/)
::.:'. 0
0 0…
I er:
0 0…
Some invalid forms. When an argument has any of these forms, it commits a formal fallacy
and is invalid:
1. Affirming the Consequent
2. Denying the Antecedent
3. Affirming a Disjunct
■ Key Words
Truth table for arguments
Modus ponens
Modus tollens
Hypothetical syllogism
Disjunctive syllogism
p:) Q 'Q :. p
p 🙂 Q '-P :. -Q
p V Q 'p ,', -Q
Formal fallacy
Affirming the consequent
Denying the antecedent
Affirming a disjunct
Proof of validity
Propositions and
Immediate Inferences
In this chapter you'll read about logical relations between categorical propositions,
which are the building blocks of syllogistic arguments. The topics include
Standard categorical propositions and the class relationships they represent.
Non-standard categorical propositions and their translation into standard categorical propositions.
How to represent categorical propositions in Venn diagrams and in traditional logic.
The Square of Opposition, both traditional and modern versions.
The problem of existential import.
Other immediate inferences from categorical propositions.
(f) Zw
f- z if) w
0 a:
a: �
0… w
_J f
<( ::i:
00 -w
a: 2 0 ""' 0 == w
f- 0
<( z
0 <(
13.1 What Is a Categorical Proposition?
Categorical Propositions
Categorical propositions are propositions that represent relations of inclusion or exclusion
between classes of things, such as
1 All philosophers are wise persons.
2 No philosophers are wise persons.
Or between partial classes, such as
3 Some philosophers are wise persons.
Or between partial classes and whole classes, such as
4 Some philosophers are not wise persons.
The relationships between classes that matter for categorical propositions are, then, these
■ Whole inclusion of one class inside another
■ Mutual, total exclusion between two classes
■ Partial inclusion, whereby part of one class is included inside another.
■ Partial exclusion, whereby part of one class is wholly excluded from another
In the above examples of categorical propositions, 'philosophers' is the subject term and 'wise
persons' the predicate term. These terms are the logical, rather than syntactical, subject and pred
icate of a categorical proposition. Each of them denotes a class of entities: that made up by all
and only the entities to which the term applies. Thus 'philosophers' denotes the class of philoso
phers and 'wise persons' the class of persons who are wise.
Categorical propositions (1) through (4) illustrate four ways in which the class of philosophers
and the class of wise persons can stand in relationships of inclusion or exclusion. Each of these
relationships may be represented in one of the following ways:
1 ' All philosophers are wise persons.
2' No philosophers are wise persons.
3' Some philosophers are wise persons.
4' Some philosophers are not wise persons.
In traditional logic, first developed in antiquity by Aristotle (384-322 BCE), the standard
notation to represent the logical form of categorical propositions is to use 'S' as a symbol for
any subject term, and 'P' for any predicate term. In that notation, then, the logical form of the
above categorical propositions is, respectively,
1. All Sare P
2. No Sare P
3. Some S are P
4. Some S are not P
In traditional logic, only statements that can be shown to have these logical forms qualify as
expressing a categorical proposition. Any such proposition always represents one of the four
relationships between classes mentioned above, which can now be described by using the
symbols 'S' and 'P,' which stand for the classes denoted by the proposition's subject and predicate.
Those relationships are as in Box 1. But we can also represent them by circle diagrams, in which
case we'd have
< C'-·
<J) z
� �
I ifJ
s: 0
(') er: – a…
(f) (f) Zw
I- z u5w
0 a:
Q_ w
0 LL
a: �
Q_ w
….J 1-
<t: ::;
00 -w
a: 2 02 0_ w
I- 0
<t: z
0 <t:
All Sare P Some Sare P
Some S are not P
Nos areP
Note that in the first two diagrams the terms' S' and 'P' stand for classes, while in the other two
the symbol 'x' is introduced to stand for at least one member of the class denoted by 'S.' If at
least one member of that class is included in the class denoted by 'P,' that's logically equivalent
to saying that some S are P. If at least one member of the class S is not included in the class
denoted by 'P,' that's logically equivalent to saying that some S are not P.
■ In (1), the entire class of Ss is included inside the class of Ps.
■ In (2) the classes of Ss and Ps wholly exclude each other.
■ In (3), part of the class of Ss is included in the class of Ps.
■ In (4), part of the class of Ss is wholly excluded from the class of Ps.
Standard Form
Statements (1) through (4) above illustrate standard form categorical propositions. They are all
composed of certain basic elements. Among these are, of course, the subject and predicate
terms (which are not the grammatical but rather the logical subject and predicate of the
proposition). Another basic element of standard categorical propositions is its so-called
quantity, marked by a quantifier: an expression indicating whether the proposition's relation of
inclusion or exclusion involves whole or partial classes. In (1) and (2), this is done by means of
the universal quantifiers 'all' and 'no' (the latter combining the universal quantifier with
negation), in (3) and (4) by 'some,' which is a particular (in the sense of non-universal)
quantifier. Standard categorical propositions are also said to have quality: each categorical
proposition is either affirmative or negative, depending on whether it lacks or contains
negation. Statements (1) and (3) are affirmative, while (2) and (4) negative. Finally, there is the
copula or verb of being, that may occur in singular ('is'f'is not') or plural ('are'/'are not'). These,
then, are the basic elements of any categorical proposition in standard form.
Any standard-form categorical proposition has
■ A quantity (it is either universal or particular)
■ A quality (it is either affirmative or negative)
■ A subject term and a predicate term
■ A copula connecting those terms
In any given categorical proposition, it is the combination of quantifier and the presence
or absence of negation that determines its type. As shown in Box 2, there are four types of
standard categorical propositions, each with its characteristic logical form-namely, universal
affirmative, universal negative, particular affirmative, and particular negative.
In traditional logic, the capital letters 'A,' 'E,' 'I,' and 'O' are used as names of the four
types of categorical proposition. Each letter is a shorthand way of referring to propositions
falling under one of the four types. The use of these letters is a mnemonic device invented
by traditional logicians from the Latin words affirmo ('I affirm') and nego ('I deny'). The first
vowel of each word stands for the universal categorical propositions-'A' for universal affir
mative and 'E' for universal negative-and the second vowel for particular propositions
'!' for particular affirmative and 'O' for particular negative. Hereafter, we'll refer to each of
the four types of categorical proposition by using these letter names. Thus consider again
our previous examples:
1 All philosophers are wise persons.
2 No philosophers are wise persons.
3 Some philosophers are wise persons.
4 Some philosophers are not wise persons.
These illustrate, respectively, an A proposition, an E proposition, an I proposition, and an 0
A Universal Affirmative All Sare P
E Universal Negative No Sare P
I Particular Affirmative Some Sare P
0 Particular Negative Some S are not P
<( ,:-.
;:: Q
<( �
I ii)
s: 0
cri a:
� 0..
Cf) Cf) z UJ
I- z
– UJ
Cf) 0: 0 UJ
0.. LL
0: –
0.. UJ
__J I
<( �
– UJ
0: � 0�
(9 -UJ
I- 0
<( z
0 <(
Non-Standard Categorical Propositions
Of course, very few propositions are already in the standard form-that is, only some have
explicitly all the elements found in an A, E, I, or O proposition. However, it seems possible to
translate many non-standard categorical propositions into one of these forms by making
some changes. For example, (s) is a categorical proposition that can be translated into the
A proposition (s'):
5 Cobras are dangerous.
5' All cobras are dangerous.
Quantifiers such as 'each,' 'every,' 'any,' 'everything,' 'everyone,' and the like are universal, and
therefore logically equivalent to 'all.' Note that they are often omitted in propositions such as (5).
When that happens, the quantifier must be made explicit if the proposition is to be in standard
form. Furthermore, certain conditionals can also be translated into A propositions: to say that
all cobras are dangerous is logically equivalent to saying that
5" If something is a cobra, then it is dangerous.
Therefore, when you encounter conditionals such as (s"), you must translate them as A
propositions. Keep in mind that the default quantifier for any seemingly universal affirmative
proposition is 'all,' except when careful reading of the proposition suggests a non-universal
quantifier. For example,
6 The dogs bark at night.
This does not translate into an A proposition in standard form, but rather into an I proposition,
such as
6' Some dogs are nighttime barkers.
Although (6') sounds odd in English, what matters here is logical form: translating a proposition
into standard categorical form often has that linguistic side-effect.
What about non-standard universal negative propositions? Consider
7 No one in my class plays Scrabble.
Since (7) is an E proposition, we'll make the necessary changes to obtain one in the standard
form. For example,
7' No classmates of mine are Scrabble players.
Here again, a conditional can be translated into an E proposition: to say 'No classmates of
mine are Scrabble players' is to say
7" If someone is my classmate, then that person is not a Scrabble player.
Note that a conditional that can be adequately translated into an E proposition must have a
negation in its consequent. Now consider
8 There are classmates of mine who play Scrabble.
This translates into the I proposition
8' Some classmates of mine are Scrabble players,
as does
8" Classmates of mine who play Scrabble exist.
That is, any proposition about what exists or "what there is" translates into an I proposition,
provided it doesn't have negation. When such a proposition does have negation, as in
9 There are classmates of mine who do not play Scrabble,
it translates into an O proposition, such as
9' Some classmates of mine are not Scrabble players.
We'll have more to say on translation under "Existential Import" below. But in the next section
we'll first consider some inferences that can be drawn from categorical propositions.
Review Ouestjons
1 . What are categorical propositions? Describe their parts and types.
2. For each type of categorical proposition, give an example in non-standard form, and then translate
it into standard form.
3. In a standard-form categorical proposition, what are the functions of the copula and the
4. What do A and/ propositions have in common? And what about E and 0?
5. What do A and E propositions have in common? And what about/ and 0?
II. In the following categorical propositions, mark subject terms with one line and
predicate terms with two lines, and determine their quantity and quality.
1. SAMPLE ANSWER: Some newspapers are sound sources of information. Particular affirmative.
2. All natives of Mars are aliens.
*3. No political scandals are situations sought by city officials.
4. All police officers are persons who get the facts.
5. Some psychological studies are not rigorous studies.
*6. Some railroad engineers who are not car owners are train users.
7. All human rights that concern freedom are self-evident rights recognized by the UN.
*8. Some single-celled organisms that thrive in the summer are bacteria that are not harmful.
9. Some bananas that grow in non-tropical countries are not Central American fruits.
10. No daisies observed so far by experts and non-experts alike are flowers that can be found at the
North Pole.
<( C'-•
(/) z
;= Q
<( f
I ii.i
s: �
cry a:
� Q_
(/) (/) z LJ..J
Q ()
1– z
– LJ..J
(/) 0: 0 LJ..J
a.. LJ..
0: –
_.J 1-
<{ ::5
() 0
– LJ..J
0: � 0
� ('J_
1– 0
<{ z
() <{
Ill. For each categorical proposition above, determine whether it is of type A, E, /, or 0.
SAMPLE ANSWER: I proposition.
IV. In the following categorical propositions, mark subject terms with one line,
predicate terms with two lines, and determine their quantity, quality, and type.
1. No poodle is a dangerous dog.
SAMPLE ANSWER: No poodle is a dangerous dog. Universal negative, E.
2. Some chemicals are acids.
*3. Some firefighters are not men.
4. No vegetarians are fond of mutton.
*5. Some precious metals were not available in Africa.
6. No vehicle that has no flashing light on top is an emergency vehicle.
*7. Some historians are persons who are interested in the future.
8. Some blizzards that produce no ice are not road hazards.
*9. All spies are persons who cannot avoid taking risks.
10. Some universities that are not very selective are institutions that charge high tuition.
V. Select four categorical propositions from exercise above, one for each of the four
types, and represent each of them with a diagram of the sort suggested at the
beginning of this section.
SAMPLE ANSWER: 1. No poodle is a dangerous dog.
VI. Match each of the following sentences with a type of categorical proposition and
rewrite it in standard form:
1. There are Bostonians who are not Red Sox fans.
SAMPLE ANSWER: 0. Some Bostonians are not Red Sox fans.
*2. No movie star loves being ignored by the media.
3. Every mollusk is a shellfish.
*4. No member of Congress who's being investigated can leave the country.
5. If someone is a mayor, then she is a politician.
*6. There are mathematical equations that do not amount to headaches.
7. A college with a high out-of-state tuition is not within my budget.
*8. There are dogs that don't bark.
9. Precious metals are still available in many parts of Africa.
*10. Speedy vehicles that don't put their occupants at risk exist.
For each of the following diagrams, write down two categorical propositions that could be represented by it,
one in the standard form and the other in some non-standard form.
1. 3.
13.2 Venn Diagrams for Categorical Propositions
We may now represent the four types of categorical propositions by means of standard Venn
diagrams (devised by the English logician John Venn, 1834-1923). A Venn diagram for a cate
gorical proposition employs two intersecting circles, the one on the left representing the class
denoted by its subject term, the one on the right the class denoted by its predicate. Let's first
consider a Venn diagram and some equivalent notations for a universal affirmative
proposition, such as
10 All U.S. citizens are voters.
Boolean Notation:
A Proposition:
All Sare P
C’i a:
� Q.
(/) (/) z UJ
f- z
– UJ
(/) a: 0 UJ
a: –
_j �
4: –
00 – UJ
a: � 0�
CJ –
4: z
0 4:
The Venn diagram representing (10) consists of two intersecting circles, one for the subject
term (‘U.S. citizens’) and the other for the predicate (‘voters’).
Since, according to (10), all members of the class denoted by its subject term are members of the
class denoted by its predicate term, the crescent-shaped part of S that has no members (i.e., that
representing U.S. citizens who are not voters) has been shaded out in the diagram. With the
Venn-diagram technique, shading a space means that that space is empty. Thus, in the above
diagram, S non-P is shaded out, to represent that there is nothing that is S that is non-P. This is
consistent with reading (10) as saying that the subclass of U.S. citizens who are not voters is an
empty subclass-or, equivalently, that there are no U.S. citizens who are not voters.
On the previous page, (1o)’s translation is provided, first, in the algebraic notation
introduced by the English mathematician George Boole (1815-1864), which reads, ‘S non-P
equals o,’ and then in the notation of traditional logic, reading ‘All S are P.’ What both say is
captured by the Venn diagram in the box: namely, that the subclass of S non-P (represented by
the shaded portion of the diagram) is empty.
Now let’s look at (11), an instance of the universal negative.
11 No U.S. citizens are voters.
Boolean Notation:
E Proposition:
No Sare P
Since (11) is a universal proposition, its Venn diagram shows an empty subclass that has been
shaded out: the football-shaped center area, the intersection of’ S’ and ‘P,’ which represents the
U.S. citizens who are voters. The diagram thus captures that (11) denies that there are any such
voters: in other words, asserting (11) amounts to saying that the class of voting U.S. citizens has
no members. To the left of the diagram, (n)’s Boolean notation ‘S P = o’ tells us that the sub
class ‘S P’ is empty. Immediately below, we find (n)’s notation and type in traditional logic.
Keep in mind that, for any universal categorical proposition (whether affirmative or negative),
there will be a part of the circles shaded out, to indicate that that part has no members.
Next, consider the particular affirmative
12 Some U.S. citizens are voters.
Boolean Notation:
I Proposition:
Some Sare P
This time, no universal claim is being made, but rather a particular one: a claim about part of a
class. As a result, the diagram shows no shading at all, but an ‘x’ instead, in the area where there
are some members. Since ‘some’ logically amounts to ‘at least one,’ (12) is equivalent to
12′ There is at least one U.S. citizen who is a voter.
Putting an ‘x’ in the football-shaped center space indicates that that space, ‘SP,’ is not empty
in effect, that it has some members (at least one). To the left of the diagram, we find (12)’s
Boolean translation’ SP=#= o,’ which tells us that the subclass ‘SP’ (i.e., the football-shaped area
in the center) is not empty-together with its type and notation in traditional logic.
Finally, what about a particular negative? Consider
13 Some U.S. citizens are not voters.
Boolean Notation:
0 Proposition:
Some S are not P
cry a:
� CL
(/) (/)
I- z -w
(/) a:
0.. u…
Oz a: –
0.. w
_J � <l: –
-w a: � 0� 0_
<l: z
The two intersecting circles represent the two classes of things related in a categorical
proposition-the one on the left, the class denoted by its subject, the one on the right, the
class denoted by its predicate. The circles also determine four subclasses that we may
identify with the spaces drawn. The space in the center, where they overlap, represents the
subclass of things that are both Sand P at once (i.e., the subclass of things that are simulta
neously members of both classes), which is indicated by the notation ‘SP.’ The crescent
shaped space on the left represents the subclass of things that are S but not P, where the
negation is indicated by a bar over the symbol ‘P.’ The crescent-shaped space on the right
represents the subclass of things that are P but not S, where the negation is indicated by a
bar over the symbol ‘S.’ The space outside the two interlocking circles represents the class
of things that are neither S nor P. As we have seen, with these spaces we can use the Venn
diagram technique to represent the class inclusion and exclusion relationships described in
each of the four standard categorical propositions. To see how this works, let’s start with a
concrete example. Consider the four categorical propositions that may be constructed out
of ‘U.S. citizens’ as the subject term and ‘voters’ as the predicate term. All four relationships
of inclusion and exclusion between the class of U.S. citizens and the class of voters, as rep
resented in those propositions, are captured in the Venn diagram in Box 3. There we may
U.S. citizens
Non-U.S. citizens
identify the following subclasses: (1) U.S. citizens who are voters, (2) U.S. citizens who are
not voters, (3) voters who are not U.S. citizens (which would include, for instance, those who
vote in other countries), and (4) non-U.S. citizen who are non-voters (which would include,
for instance, not only current citizens of other countries who do not vote, but also Henry
VIII, Julius Caesar, and even things like the Eiffel Tower, the Magna Carta, and the Grand
Canyon-in fact everything we can think of belongs to one or the other of these four possi
ble subclasses).
For each categorical proposition, then, there is a Venn diagram that shows the relation
ship of inclusion or exclusion that it involves. The bottom line is:
■ The areas displayed by a Venn diagram relevant to representing a categorical proposition
are three: those inside each intersecting circle and their intersection itself.
■ A Venn diagram for an A or E proposition shows a shaded area where there are no
members. No ‘x’ occurs in this diagram.
■ A Venn diagram for an I or O proposition shows an ‘x’ in the area where there are
members. No area is shaded in this diagram.
1. In the previous section, Venn diagrams were used to represent categorical propositions. Explain
how this technique works.
2. What do Venn diagrams for universal propositions have in common? What about those for particu
lar propositions?
3. What does it mean when spaces are shaded out in Venn diagrams for categorical propositions?
And what’s the meaning of an ‘x’ placed in one of the circles?
4. What do the two circles stand for in a Venn diagram for a categorical proposition?
(9 w
C\I 0
C’) a:
� 0..
(f) (f) z LU
f- z
– LU
(f) 0:
0: –
__J !;;: <( –
(.) 0
– LU
0: 2 0
2 0_
f- 0
<( z
0 <(
IX. Determine whether each Boolean notation for the diagram on the right is correct.
If it isn't, provide the correct one.
Incorrect. It should be:
S P,¢.0
2. S P¢c 0
*3. SP ¢c 0
s p
4. SP� 0
X. For each categorical proposition below, first identify its letter name and
traditional notation. Then select the correct Venn diagram and Boolean notation
for it from the following menu:
Venn Diagram
s p
(‘) a:
� 0..
(f) (f) Zw
1- Z
(f) a:
a… lJ…
a: –
a… w
…..I ……
<( �
a: � 0
� (.'J –
…… 0
<( z
0 <(
(1) SP= 0 (2) SP= O
Boolean Notation
(3) SP :it: 0 (4) S P :it= 0
1. No Sumo wrestlers are men who wear small-size shirts.
SAMPLE ANSWER: E proposition; no Sare P. Venn Diagram 2, Boolean notation 1.
2. Some sports cars are very expensive machines.
*3. All llamas are bad-tempered animals.
4. Some grocers are not members of the Rotary Club.
5. All waterfalls are places people in kayaks should avoid.
*6. No spiders are insects.
7. Some advertisers are artful deceivers.
8. Some cowboys are not rodeo riders.
*9. No atheists are churchgoers.
10. All oranges are citrus fruits.
11 . Some rivers that do not flow northward are not South American rivers.
*12. If a number is even, then it is not odd.
13. There are marathon runners who eat fried chicken.
14. Some accountants who are graduates of Ohio State are not owners of bicycles.
*15. Not all oils are good for you.
16. Some reference works are books that are not in the library.
17. If an architect is well known, then that architect has good taste.
*18. Nothing written by superstitious people is a reliable source.
19. Chiropractors who do not have a serious degree exist.
*20. Some resorts that are not in the Caribbean are popular tourist destinations.
13.3 The Square of Opposition
The Traditional Square of Opposition
Categorical propositions of the above four types were traditionally thought to bear logi
cal relations to each other that enable us to draw certain immediate inferences. These are
single-premise arguments, to some of which we'll turn now. We'll first look at the imme
diate inferences represented in the Traditional Square of Opposition, a figure that looks
like this:
(All Sare P) (No Sare P)
s s
u u
0 0
(Some S are P) (Some S are not P)
The relations represented in the Traditional Square of Opposition, which involve two
categorical propositions at a time, are as follows:
Established Between
A and O; E and I
I and 0
A and I; E and O
Let's now take up each of these relations in turn.
Name of Related Propositions
Sub contraries
Superalterns: A and E
Subalterns: I and 0
Contradiction. Propositions of the types in diagonally opposite corners of the Square are
contradictories. Propositions that stand in the relation of contradiction cannot have the same
truth value: if one is true, then the other is false, and vice versa. Thus A and O propositions will
always have opposite truth values if their subjects and predicates are the same, as will proposi
tions of types E and I. Thus if (1) is true, (4) is false:
1 All philosophers are wise persons.
4 Some philosophers are not wise persons.
On the other hand, if (1) is false, then that's logically the same as saying that (4) is true.
Similarly, if it's true that
3 Some philosophers are wise persons,
(that is, there is at least one philosopher who is a wise person), then it is false that
2 No philosophers are wise persons.
(j) (j)
f- z
And conversely, if (3) is false, then (2) is true. When we infer the truth value of a proposition
from that of its contradictory, as we've been doing here, we make a valid immediate inference:
a single-premise argument whose conclusion must be true if its premise also is. But contra
diction is only one sort of valid immediate inference according to traditional logicians; as we
shall see next, there are others.
O w A and O ¢ <::i Contradictories
n_ LL
� � E and I ¢ <::i Contradictories
n. w
….J f-
< ::!'.
– w Contrariety, Subcontrariety, and Subalternation. The Traditional Square of Opposition also
a: �
g � includes the following logical relationships between propositions, which are valid given
� o certain assumptions that we'll discuss presently:
< z
A and E ¢ Contrariety
I and 0 ¢ Subcontrariety
A and I ¢ Subalternation
Eand 0 ¢ Subalternation
Contrary propositions cannot both be true at once, but can both be false. For instance, by con
trariety, if (14) is true we can infer that (15) is false:
14 All bankers are cautious investors.
15 No bankers are cautious investors.
That's because these categorical propositions cannot both be true. Yet they could both be false
(as in fact they are).
But contrariety differs from subcontrariety, and neither of these is the same as contradiction.
Subcontrary propositions can both be true at once but cannot both be false. By subcontrariety, if
(16) is false, then (17) is true:
16 Some students are vegetarians.
17 Some students are not vegetarians.
These categorical propositions cannot both be false but could both be true (as in fact
they are).
Finally, there is the relationship of subalternation, which is a little more complex, since the
correct inference of truth values varies depending on whether we go from the universal
proposition to the corresponding particular, or the other way around. Logically speaking, to say
that an A proposition and the corresponding I proposition are in the relation of subalternation
is to say that if the A proposition is true, then the I proposition must be true, as well, but also
that if the I proposition is false, then the A must be false. And similarly, for an E proposition
and the corresponding 0, to say that they are in the relation of subalternation means that if the
E proposition is true, then necessarily the O proposition is true, but also that if the O is false,
then the E must be false as well. In either case, the universal proposition is called 'superaltern,'
and the particular of the same quality 'subaltern.' So
Subalternation is a logical relation between:
A and I (A superaltern, I subaltern)
E and O (E superaltern, 0 subaltern)
In this relation:
Truth transmits downward (from superaltern to subaltern)
Falsity transmits upward (from subaltern to superaltern)
Let's reason by subalternation as traditional logicians would. Suppose it's true that
18 All trombone players are musicians.
Then it must also be true that
19 Some trombone players are musicians.
This suggests that truth transmits downward. At the same time, since it is false that some
trombone players are not musicians, it follows that it is also false that no trombone players are
musicians-and this suggests that falsity transmits upward. But a false superaltern such as (14)
clearly fails to entail a false subaltern, since that some bankers are cautious investors is true.
14 All bankers are cautious investors.
And a true subaltern such as (17) fails to entail a true superaltern, since that no students are
vegetarians is false.
17 Some students are not vegetarians.
Truth-Value Rules and the Traditional Square of Opposition Let's now summarize all rela
tionships represented in the Traditional Square of Opposition, together with the rules to be
used for drawing immediate inferences from it:
Contradiction: Contradictory propositions cannot have the same truth value (if one is true, the
other must be false, and vice versa).
Contrariety: Contrary propositions cannot both be true at once, but can both be false.
Subcontrariety: Subcontrary propositions cannot both be false at once, but can both be true.
Subalternationfrom the superaltern to subaltern (i.e., from the universal proposition to the particu
lar proposition of the same quality):
If the superaltern is true, then the subaltern must be true.
If the superaltern is false, then the subaltern is undetermined
Subalternationfrom the subaltern to superaltern (i.e., from the particular proposition to the universal
proposition of the same quality):
If the subaltern is true, then the superaltern is undetermined.
If the subaltern is false, then the superaltern must be false.
/J) Zw
f– z -w
/J) 0: Ow
Q._ LL
a: –
Q._ w
….J f-
<( ::;
0: ::?: 0 "<;:
0 � w
f– 0
<( z
0 <(
Given the relationships of contradiction, contrariety, subcontrariety, and subalternation repre
sented in the Traditional Square of Opposition, then assuming the truth values listed on the
left, we can infer the values listed on the right.
If A is true ¢ E is false, 0 is false, and I is true.
If A is false ¢ E is undetermined, 0 is true, and I is undetermined.
If Eis true ¢ A is false, I is false, and O is true.
If Eis false ¢ A is undetermined, I is true, and O is undetermined.
If I is true ¢ A is undetermined, E is false, and O is undetermined.
If I is false ¢ A is false, E is true, and O is true.
If O is true ¢ A is false, E is undetermined, and I is undetermined.
If O is false ¢ A is true, E is false, and I is true.
Existential Import
Although inferences by contrariety, subcontrariety, and subalternation are all licensed as valid
by the Traditional Square of Opposition, our ability to draw such inferences is undermined by
a significant difference between universal propositions, on the one hand, and particular
propositions, on the other: namely, that the latter (I and 0) have existential import while the
former (A and E) do not. That is, I and O propositions implicitly assume the existence of the
entities denoted by their subject terms. Since 'some' is logically the same as 'at least one,'
therefore an I proposition such as (20) is logically equivalent to (20'):
20 Some cats are felines.
20' There is at least one cat that is a feline.
Note that 'there is at least one cat … ' amounts to 'cats exist.' Similarly, an O proposition such
as (21) is logically the same as (21'), which likewise presupposes that some cats exist:
21 Some cats are not felines.
21 ' There is at least one cat that is not a feline.
On the other hand, A and E propositions are logically the same as conditionals: (22) is equiva
lent to (22') and (23) to (23').
22 All cats are felines.
22' If anything is a cat, then it is a feline.
23 No cats are felines.
23' If anything is a cat, then it is not a feline.
Understood in this way, a universal categorical proposition doesn't have existential import,
since it is equivalent to a conditional, a compound proposition that is false if and only if its
antecedent is true and its consequent false. So (22') would be false if and only if there are cats
but they are not felines, as would (23') if there are cats but they are felines. If cats did not exist,
the antecedents of these conditionals would be false, and those conditionals true (independent
of the truth value of their consequents).
Thus the inference by contrariety is undermined: given this understanding of universal
propositions, contrary propositions could both be true in cases where their subjects are empty
(i.e., have no referents). Consider (24), which is equivalent to (241):
24 All unicorns are shy creatures.
24' If anything is a unicorn, then it is a shy creature.
Since nothing is a unicorn, (24')'s antecedent is false, and the whole conditional therefore true.
Now consider its contrary, (25), which is equivalent to (25'):
25 No unicorns are shy creatures.
25' If anything is a unicorn, then it is not a shy creature.
Here again, since nothing is a unicorn, (25')'s antecedent is false, and the whole conditional
therefore true. Clearly, then, (24) and (25) could both be true! It follows that, unless we assume
that the subject term of a true universal proposition is non-empty, we cannot infer that its con
trary is false.
Now, what about subcontrariety? This involves I and O propositions-which, in the modern
understanding, do have existential import. Although, given the Traditional Square of Opposition,
subcontraries cannot both be false, in the modern understanding they can. Consider now
26 Some unicorns are shy creatures.
This is equivalent to
26' There are unicorns and they are shy creatures.
Thus understood, (26) is false, since there are no unicorns. Compare
27 Some unicorns are not shy creatures.
This is equivalent to
27' There are unicorns and they are not shy creatures.
Since there are no unicorns, (27) turns out to be false as well. Thus (26) and (27) could both be
false at once. It follows that we cannot draw valid inferences by subcontrariety.
Finally, consider subalternation. From what we have just seen, this relation also begins to
look suspicious. How can one validly infer, for example, from an A proposition that has no
existential import, an I proposition that does? Of course, I-from-A and O-from-E inferences
might seem unproblematic at first, whenever the things denoted by their subject terms exist
for example, trombone players, accountants, and tigers. But when we're talking about entities
whose existence is questionable, inference by subalternation leads to absurdities, such as
28 1. All unicorns are shy creatures.
2. Some unicorns are shy creatures.
Since the conclusion in (28) is equivalent to (26') above, the argument appears to have "proved" that
unicorns exist! This attempt to draw a conclusion by subaltemation fails because it ignores the fact
that the premise has no existential import, while the conclusion (its subaltern) does have it.
(/) (/) z lJJ
I- z
– lJJ
(/) a: 0 lJJ
Q_ u..
a: –
_J I
<{ �
– UJ
a: � 0
� CJ –
I- 0
<{ z
0 <{
The Modern Square of Opposition
Some qualifications of the allowable valid inferences according to the Square of Opposition
are needed to restrict the range of valid inferences involving categorical propositions. As
shown in Box 6, the Modern Square modifies the traditional one so that it leaves out the
relationships of subalternation, contrariety, and subcontrariety, retaining only contradiction as
a relation sanctioning valid immediate inferences. Contradiction holds between A and O and
between E and I propositions, which are in opposite corners of the Square, marked by the two
diagonals, as shown in Box 6.
From this Modern Square, we can see two things about a proposition and the negation of
its contradictory. First, they are logically equivalent: if the proposition in one corner is true,
then the negation of its contradictory must be true; and if the proposition in one corner is
false, then the negation of its contradictory must be false. Second, they entail each other: any
(All Sare P)
(Some S are P)
(No Sare P)
(Some S are not P)
inference from a proposition to the negation of its contradictory preserves truth value and is
therefore valid.
Here, then, is a complete list of the equivalences (and entailment relations) between a
proposition of one of the four standard types and the negation of its contradictory sanctioned
by the Modern Square of Opposition:
1. A= not 0
2. E= not I
3. I= not E
4. O= not A
So, given (1), if 'All oranges are citrus fruits' is true, then 'It is not the case that some
oranges are not citrus fruits' must be true; and vice versa. But given (4), if 'Some oranges are
not citrus fruits' is true, then 'All oranges are citrus fruits' must be false while 'It is not the
case that all oranges are citrus fruits' must be true. You should try, as an exercise, to run an
example for each of these equivalences. The bottom line is that for the listed propositions,
each pair have the same truth value: if one is true, the other must also be true; and if one is
false, the other must likewise be false. The former yields validity, the two combined logical
equivalence. Venn diagrams are consistent with the modern view of the Square of
Opposition. After all, it is only for particular propositions that we're required to use an 'x' to
indicate where there are members of the subject class (if they exist at all). Universal proposi
tions never require us to indicate where there are members, but only where there aren't any
(i.e., by shading).
Logical Equivalence
When two propositions are logically equivalent, if one is true, then the other is also true; and if
one is false, then the other must be false as well. This is because the conditions under which they
are true or false are the same. Thus logically equivalent propositions have the same truth values:
they are either both true or both false. As a result, one of them could be substituted for the other
while preserving the truth value of the larger expression in which they occur, provided that nei
ther occurs in a special context that could not allow such substitutions. For example, a proposi
tion 'P' is logically equivalent to 'It is not the case that not P'; therefore, one can be replaced by the
other while preserving the truth value of the larger expression in which one of them occurs, pro
vided that, for instance, the expression does not occur inside quotation marks.
When two propositions are logically equivalent, if one is true, the other is true as well. This
satisfies the definition of entailment or valid argument: logically equivalent propositions entail
each other. Any argument from one to the other is valid.
1 . What is an immediate inference?
2. Which immediate inferences are valid according to the Traditional Square of Opposition, and which
according to the Modern Square of Opposition? Support your answer with examples.
3. Subalternation works differently depending on whether it is an inference from superaltern to sub
altern or vice versa. Explain.
4. What does it mean to say that certain propositions have existential import? Which categorical
propositions have it, according to the modern interpretation of the Square of Opposition?
(/) (/) z LlJ
I- z
(/) a: 0 LlJ
a. u..
Oz a: –
a. LlJ
.J I
<( �
– LlJ
a: � o""'
I- 0
<( z
0 <(
XII. For each of the following, first name the type of the proposition related to it by
contrariety or subcontrariety, as the case may be, and state that proposition.
Then assume that the proposition given is true and determine the truth value of
its contrary or subcontrary.
1. All Icelanders are believers in elves.
SAMPLE ANSWER: E. Contrary. No Icelanders are believers in elves. False.
2. No epidemics are dangerous.
*3. Some humans are not mortal.
4. No riverboat gamblers are honest men .
*5. All labor unions are organizations dominated by politicians.
6. Some conservatory gardens are not places open to the public.
*7. Some lions are harmless.
8. No used-car dealers are people who can be trusted.
*9. Some bats are not nocturnal creatures.
10. Some historians are interested in the past.
XIII. For each of the propositions above, assume that it is false and determine the
truth value of its contrary or subcontrary. (*4, *6, *10)
SAMPLE ANSWER: 1. E. Contrary. Undetermined.
XIV. For each of the following, give the letter name of its contradictory and state that
1. All bankers are fiscal conservatives.
SAMPLE ANSWER: 0. Some bankers are not fiscal conservatives.
*2. No Democrats are opponents of legalized abortion.
3. Some SUVs are vehicles that get good gas mileage.
*4. All professional athletes are highly paid sports heroes.
5. Some tropical parrots are not birds that are noisy and talkative.
*6. Some chipmunks are shy rodents.
7. No captains of industry are cheerful taxpayers.
*8. Some cartographers are amateur musicians.
9. All anarchists are opponents of civil authority.
*10. Some airlines are not profitable corporations.
XV. First suppose each categorical proposition listed in the previous exercise is true.
What could you then know about the truth value of its contradictory? Second,
suppose each proposition in the list is false. What could you then know about the
truth value of its contradictory?
XVI. For each of the following, first name the type of the proposition related to it by
subalternation and state that proposition. Then assume that the proposition
given is true and determine the truth value of its superaltern or subaltern.
1. Some westerns are not good movies.
SAMPLE ANSWER: E. Superaltern. No westerns are good movies. Undetermined.
2. Some string quartets are works by modern composers.
*3. No butterflies are vertebrates.
4. No parakeets are philosophy majors.
*5. Some comets are not frequent celestial events.
6. All Internal Revenue agents are hard workers.
*7. Some porcupines are not nocturnal animals.
8. Some Rotarians are pharmacists.
*9. No extraterrestrials are Republicans.
10. All amoebas are primitive creatures.
XVII. For each of the propositions above, assume that it is false and determine the
truth value of its superaltern or subaltern. (*4, *8, *10)
SAMPLE ANSWER: 1. E. Superaltern. False.
XVIII. For each proposition below, first give the letter names of all propositions related
to it according to the Traditional Square of Opposition, specify those
relationships, and state those propositions. Then, assuming that each proposition
listed below is true, what would be the truth values of the given propositions?
(Tip for in-class correction: Move clockwise through the relations in the Square.)
1. All tables are pieces of furniture.
SAMPLE ANSWER: E. Contrary. No tables are pieces of furniture. False.
0. Contradictory. Some tables are not pieces of furniture. False.
I. Subaltern. Some tables are pieces of furniture. True.
2. Some griffins are mythological beasts.
3. No liars are reliable sources.
*4. Some bassoonists are anarchists.
5. All trombone players are musicians.
(/) (/) z LI.J
1– z
(/) LI.J
0 a:
0.. LI.J
0 LL
a: �
0.. LI.J
….J 1-
<( ::;
– LI.J
a: � 0� C)_ LI.J
1– 0
<( z
0 <(
*6. No Americans are people who care about global warming.
7. All white horses are horses.
*8. All acts of cheating are acts that are wrong.
9. Some cyclists are not welcome in the Tour de France.
*10. Some things are things that are observable with the naked eye.
XIX. Assuming that the propositions listed in the previous exercise are false, what is
the truth value of each proposition related to them by the Traditional Square of
Opposition? (*3, *5, *7)
SAMPLE ANSWER: E. Contrary. No tables are pieces of furniture. Undetermined.
0. Contradictory. Some tables are not pieces of furniture. True.
I. Subaltern. Some tables are pieces of furniture. Undetermined.
1. Assuming that the propositions listed in (XVIII) above are true, use the Modern Square of Opposition
to draw a valid inference from each of them.
SAMPLE ANSWER: All tables are pieces of furniture.
It is false that some tables are not pieces of furniture.
2. Consider propositions such as 'No centaur is a Freemason,' 'All hobbits live underground,' and 'Some
Cyclops are nearsighted.' What's the matter with them according to modern logicians? Explain.
*3. Determine which logical relation among those represented in the Traditional Square of Opposition
holds between premise and conclusion in each of the following arguments. Is the argument valid
according to the Modern Square of Opposition? Discuss.
A. All automobiles that are purchased from used-car dealers are good investments. Therefore,
some automobiles that are purchased from used-car dealers are good investments.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Subalternation. Invalid by the Modern Square.
B. Some residents of New York are dentists. Therefore, it is not true that no resident of New York is
a dentist.
*C. No boa constrictors are animals that are easy to carry on a bicycle. Therefore, it is false that boa
constrictors are animals that are easy to carry on a bicycle.
D. Some motorcycles that are made in Europe are not vehicles that are inexpensive to repair.
Therefore, it is not the case that all motorcycles that are made in Europe are vehicles that are inex
pensive to repair.
*E. It is false that some restaurants located in bus stations are places where one is likely to be
poisoned. Therefore, some restaurants located in bus stations are not places where one is
likely to be poisoned.
F. It is not the case that some politicians are not anarchists. Therefore, no politicians are anarchists.
*G. No pacifists are war supporters. Therefore, it is not true that some pacifists are war supporters.
13.4 Other Immediate Inferences
We'll now turn to three more types of immediate inference that can be validly drawn from
categorical propositions: conversion, obversion, and contraposition. In some cases, conversion
and contraposition allow an inference from a universal to a particular proposition, but the
validity of those inferences requires the assumption that the subject terms in the universal
premises do not refer to empty classes such as mermaids and square circles.
Conversion allows us to infer, from a categorical proposition called the 'convertend,' another
proposition called its 'converse' by switching the former's subject and predicate terms while
retaining its original quantity and quality. Thus from an E proposition such as
29 No SUV is a sports car,
we can infer by conversion
29' No sports car is an SUV.
Here the convertend's subject and predicate terms have been switched, but its quantity and
quality remain the same: universal negative. The inference from (29) to (29') is valid: if (29) is
true, then (29') must be true as well (and vice versa). Similarly, by conversion, an I proposition
yields an I converse when the subject and predicates terms of the convertend are switched.
For example, the converse of (30) is (30'):
30 Some Republicans are journalists.
30' Some journalists are Republicans.
If (30) is true, then (30') must also be true and vice versa-so the inference is valid and the two
propositions are logically equivalent.
For A propositions, however, an inference by conversion in this straightforward way would
not be valid. For, clearly, (31 1 ) does not follow from (31):
31 All pigs are mammals.
31 ' All mammals are pigs.
Rather, an A proposition can be validly converted only 'by limitation-for (311
') does follow from (31)
31" Some mammals are pigs.
In such a case of conversion by limitation, the convertend's quantity has been limited in the
converse: the valid converse of an A proposition is an I proposition where the subject and
predicate terms have been switched and the universal quantifier 'all' replaced by the non
universal quantifier 'some.'
Finally, note that in the case of O propositions, there is no valid conversion at all. If we
tried to convert the true proposition (32), we'd get the false proposition (32').
32 Some precious stones are not emeralds.
32 Some emeralds are not precious stones.
(f) w
w u..
(j) (j)
f- z -w
(/) cc
Q.. LL
Oz cc –
a.. w
_j � <( –
-w cc � 0� C) –
f- 0
<( z
0 <(
This proves the invalidity of the inference from (32) to (32'). For any O proposition, an immediate
inference by 'conversion' commits the fallacy of illicit conversion, and the same fallacy is com
mitted when an A proposition is inferred by 'conversion' from another A proposition. To sum up,
here are the rules for conversion:
Convertend Converse Inference
A All Sare P Some Pare S (Valid by limitation only)
E No Sare P No Pare S VALID
I Some Sare P Some Pare S VALID
0 Some S are not P (No valid conversion)
A categorical proposition's obverse is inferred by changing the proposition's quality (i.e., from
affirmative to negative, or negative to affirmative) and adding to its predicate the prefix 'non.'
The proposition deduced by obversion is called the 'obverse,' and that from which it was
deduced, the 'obvertend.' The inference is valid across the board. Thus from the A proposition
(33) it follows by obversion (33'):
33 All eagles are birds.
33' No eagles are non-birds.
From the E proposition (34), obversion yields (341):
34 No cell phones are elephants.
34' All cell phones are non-elephants.
The obverse of I proposition (35) is (35'):
35 Some Californians are surfers.
35' Some Californians are not non-surfers.
The obverse of O proposition (36) is (36'):
36 Some epidemics are not catastrophes.
36' Some epidemics are non-catastrophes.
In each of these, the obvertend's predicate has been replaced in the obverse proposition by the
predicate for its class complement, which is the class made up of everything outside of the
class in question. For instance, for the class of senators, the class complement is the class of
non-senators, which includes mayors, doctors, bricklayers, airplanes, butterflies, planets,
postage stamps, inert gases, and so forth .. . in fact, everything that is not a senator. The class
complement of the class of horses is non-horses, a similarly vast and diverse class of things.
For the class of diseases, the class complement is non-diseases. And so on. The expression that
denotes any such complement is a term complement.
All Sare P. All Pare S.
s p
NoSareP. NoPareS.
Some Sare P. Some PareS.
Some S are Some P are
�� �£
Unlike conversion, obversion is a valid immediate inference for all four types of categorical
proposition. For each of the four pairs of categorical propositions listed below, an immediate
inference from obvertend to obverse would be valid: if the obvertend is true, the obverse would
be true too. The following table summarizes how to draw such inferences correctly:
Obvertend Obverse Inference
A All Sare P No Sare non-P VALID
E No Sare P All Sare non-P VALID
I Some Sare P Some Sare not non-P VALID
0 Some S are not P Some Sare non-P VALID
(J) (J)
f- z
0 a: Q_ w
0 LL
a: �
Q_ w
_J f-
<( �
a: 2 0
2 0_
f- 0
<( z
0 <(
All Sare P. No Sare
s p
No Sare P. All Sare
Some Sare P. Some Sare
not non-P.
Some S are Some Sare
not P. non-P.
s p
Contraposition allows us to infer a conclusion, the contrapositive, from another proposition by
preserving the latter's quality and quantity while switching its subject and predicate terms,
each preceded by the prefix 'non.' Thus the contrapositive of (37) is (37'):
37 All croissants are pastries.
37' All non-pastries are non-croissants.
Given contraposition, an A proposition of the form 'All S are P' is logically equivalent to
another A proposition of the form 'All non-P are non-S.' Recall that whenever two propositions
are logically equivalent, they have exactly the same truth value: if (37) is true, (37') is also true,
and if (37) is false, (37') must be false. And, as noted in Box 7 in the previous section, whenever
two propositions are logically equivalent, we may infer the one from the other: any such
inference would be valid. To visualize this relationship between (37) and (37'), you may want to
have a look at the corresponding Venn diagrams in Box 12 (think of' S' in the diagram as
standing for 'croissants' and 'P' for 'pastries').
All Sare P.
No Sare P.
All non-Pare
No non-P
are non-S.
The contrapositive of an I proposition is another proposition of exactly the same quality and
quantity (that is, another I proposition), where the subject and predicate terms have been
switched and prefixed by 'non.' The contrapositive of (38) is (38'):
38 Some croissants are pastries.
38' Some non-pastries are non-croissants.
But (38) and (38') are not logically equivalent, as can be seen in the corresponding Venn
diagram in Box 12. Thus any inference drawn from one to the other by contraposition would
be invalid, an instance of the fallacy of illicit contraposition.
With E propositions there is also a danger of committing the fallacy of illicit contraposition.
But the fallacy can be avoided by limiting the quantity of the original E proposition in its contra
positive. That is, an E proposition's valid contrapositive is an O proposition in which subject and
predicate have been switched and pre-fixed by 'non.' Thus consider
39 No leopards are reptiles.
The correct contrapositive, one that limits the quantity of (39) while preserving its quality, is
(39'), which is also true.
39' Some non-reptiles are not non-leopards.
(40) is inferred from (39) by contraposition without limitation, which makes the inference invalid.
Cf) w
<J) <J)
t- z
0 a:
0… w
0 u..
a: �
0… w
….J t-
<( �
a: � 0� (!J –
t- 0
<( z
0 <(
Some Sare P. Some non-P
are non-S.
Some Sare Some non-P
notP. are not non-S.
40 No leopards are reptiles; therefore, no non-reptiles are non-leopards.
Contraposition of an O proposition yields a logically equivalent O proposition; thus inferences
from one to the other are always valid. Thus from (41) we can validly infer (42) by contraposition:
41 Some athletes are not runners.
42 Some non-runners are not non-athletes.
CONVERSION: Switch Sand P, keep the same quality and quantity(exceptions: A and 0)
Convertend Converse Inference
A All Sare P Some Pare S (Valid by limitation only)
E No Sare P NoPareS VALID
I Some Sare P Some Pare S VALID
0 Some S are not P Not valid
OBVERSION: Change quality and add prefix 'non' to P
Obvertend Obverse Inference
A All Sare P No Sare non-P VALID
E No Sare P All Sare non-P VALID
I Some Sare P Some Sare not non-P VALID
0 Some S are not P Some Sare non-P VALID
BOX 14 ■ Co n tinued
CONTRAPOSITION: Switch Sand P and add prefix 'non' to each (exceptions: E and I)
Premise Contrapositive Inference
A All Sare P All non-Pare non-S VAUD
E No Sare P Some non-Pare not non-S (Valid by limitation only)
I Some Sare P Not valid
0 Some S are not P Some non-Pare not non-S VAUD
XXI. Use each of the following categorical propositions as a premise in an inference
by conversion, indicating when any such inference is not valid or has restrictions.
1. No accountants are spendthrifts.
SAMPLE ANSWER: No accountants are spendthrifts.
No spendthrifts are accountants.
2. All beagles are dogs.
*3. Some candidates are not incumbents.
4. Some trees are conifers.
*5. All amateurs are non-professionals.
6. Some contrabassoons are antiques.
*7. No quarks are molecules.
8. Some union workers are not clerks.
*9. All owls are nocturnal creatures.
10. No podiatrists are assassins.
XXII. Use each of the following categorical propositions as a premise in an inference
by obversion.
1. Some octogenarians are regular voters.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Some octogenarians are regular voters.
Some octogenarians are not non-regular voters.
2. All streetcars are public conveyances.
*3. Some popular songs are hits.
4. All alloys are metals.
*5. Some psychotherapists are not Democrats.
U) Zw
I- z
U) �
_J I-
<! �
a: L
O L (9 -w
I- 0
<! z
0 <!
6. Some robberies are violent crimes.
*7. All hexagons are plane figures.
8. No provosts are alligator wrestlers.
*9. Some Labrador retrievers are affectionate pets.
10. No office buildings are abstract objects.
XXIII. Use each of the following categorical propositions as a premise in an inference
by contraposition, indicating when any such inference is not valid or has
1 . All infectious diseases are illnesses.
SAMPLE ANSWER: All infectious diseases are illnesses.
All non-illnesses are non-infectious diseases.
*2. Some used-car salesmen are not fast talkers.
3. No non-assassins are violent persons.
*4. Some citizens are non-voters.
5. Some ethicists are not non-vegetarians.
*6. No musicians are non-concert goers.
7. Some non-aligned nations are not non-signers of the recent UN agreement.
*8. Some police officers are cigar smokers.
9. All turkeys are native American wildfowls.
*10. Some pickup trucks are not non-expensive vehicles.
XXIV. For each of the following categorical propositions, give its valid converse,
obverse, and contrapositive (when possible). Indicate any exceptions and
inferences that are valid by limitation only.
1. Some non-angular figures are not non-circles.
Converse; not valid.
Obverse; some non-angular figures are circles.
Contrapositive; some circles are not angular figures.
2. Some non-popular magazines are tabloids.
3. No UN members are non-polluters.
*4. All airports are non-crowded places.
5. Some non-surgeons are medical doctors.
6. All non-airplanes are non-flying objects.
*7. Some non-eagles are not non-friendly birds.
8. No non-musicians are guitar players.
*9. No sanitation workers are non-city employees.
10. All non-biogs are non-sound sources of information.
1 . Explain the notions of conversion and contraposition by limitation by appealing to logical equivalence
and valid inference. Support your explanation with examples.
*2. The following inferences are drawn by conversion, obversion, or contraposition. First, determine
which is drawn by which, and whether each inference is valid. If not, could the inference be made
valid? Explain.
*A. Some students of the social sciences are not psychology majors. Therefore, some psychology
majors are not students of the social sciences.
*B. No movies starring Jennifer Lopez are non-suitable films for viewing by adults. Therefore, all
movies starring Jennifer Lopez are suitable films for viewing by adults.
C. All dolphins are whales. Therefore, all non-whales are non-dolphins.
*D. Some tigers are non-Bengali felines. Therefore, some Bengali felines are non-tigers.
E. Some government officials are not persons who have taken bribes. Therefore, some persons
who have taken bribes are not government officials.
F. All news reports are pieces of writing done with word processors. Therefore, some pieces of writ
ing done with word processors are news reports.
*G. No warmongers are pacifists. Therefore, no non-pacifists are non-warmongers.
*3. The following immediate inferences are drawn by one of the relations in the Traditional Square of
Opposition, or by conversion, obversion, or contraposition. Determine which is drawn by which, and
whether the inference is valid.
A. Some non-pacifists are not non-conscientious objectors. Therefore, some conscientious
objectors are not pacifists.
SAMPLE ANSWER: Contraposition, valid.
B. No animals that are avoided by letter carriers are lap dogs. Therefore, it is not the case that some
animals that are avoided by letter carriers are lap dogs.
*C. Some candidates for public office are not persons who are well known. Therefore, no candidates
for public office are persons who are well known.
D. All carpenters are non-union members. Therefore, no carpenters are union members.
*E. Some hallucinations are not mirages. Therefore, some mirages are not hallucinations.
F. No non-dangerous animals are creatures that are kept in zoos. Therefore, no non-creatures that
are kept in zoos are dangerous animals.
(f) (f) Zw
Qo f- z -w (f) a: Ow 0.. LL
Oz a: –
0.. w
_.J f-
<! �
00 -w a: 2
02 0_
f- 0 <! z
Here you’ll read more about traditional logic. This chapter is entirely devoted to
syllogistic arguments. It first explains what categorical syllogisms are and then
examines two methods of checking them for validity. The topics include
Recognizing categorical syllogisms.
How to determine the form of a syllogism on the basis of its mood and figure.
Testing syllogism forms for validity using Venn diagrams.
Distribution of terms.
Testing syllogism forms for validity using traditional logic’s rules of validity.
Some patterns of failed syllogism.
14.1 What Is a Categorical Syllogism?
Beginning in antiquity with Aristotelian logic, and continuing for many centuries in other
schools of logic, a number of methods have been proposed for analyzing deductive arguments
of the sort we have broadly called ‘syllogistic.’ A syllogism is a deductive argument with two
premises. A categorical syllogism is a syllogism made up entirely of categorical propositions.
Thus there are several different kinds of syllogistic argument, some of which were considered
in Chapters s and 12. In this chapter, we’ll look closely at categorical syllogisms, which, for our
purposes here, we’ll refer to simply as ‘syllogisms.’ For example,
1 1. All rectangles are polygons.
2. All squares are rectangles.
3. All squares are polygons.
Argument (1) is a syllogism, since it has two premises and a conclusion, all of which are cate
gorical propositions. A closer look at (1)’s premises and conclusion reveals that it has exactly
three terms in the position of subject or predicate: ‘rectangle,’ ‘polygon,’ and ‘square.’ Each of
these denotes a category (or class) of things, and these categories are related in such a way that
the argument’s conclusion follows validly from its premises. According to that conclusion, the
class of squares is wholly included in the class of polygons, which must be true provided that
(1)’s premises are true. This is a valid deductive argument: its conclusion is entailed by its
premises. But other syllogisms might be invalid. When a syllogism meets the deductive stan
dard of validity, entailment hinges on relations among the terms of three different types that
occur as subject or predicate of the categorical propositions that make up the syllogism. Since
the validity of an argument depends on its having a valid form, several methods have been
proposed for determining when syllogisms have such forms. But before turning to these, more
needs to be said about the structure of standard syllogisms.
The Terms of a Syllogism
A standard syllogism consists of three categorical propositions, two of which function as
premises and one as a conclusion. Each of these has a subject term and a predicate term
denoting two classes of things, with the proposition as a whole representing a certain relation
of exclusion or inclusion among the classes denoted by its subject and predicate terms. Our
inspection of each of the categorical propositions making up (1) above showed that its
component propositions feature subject and predicate terms of three different types: namely,
‘polygon,’ ‘square,’ and ‘rectangle.’ In fact, this is something all standard syllogisms have in
common, since they all feature terms of three different types: the so-called major, minor, and
middle terms. The major term is the predicate of the conclusion. The minor term is the
subject of the conclusion, and the middle term is the term that occurs only in the premises.
Consider (1) again,
1 1. All rectangles are polygons.
2. All squares are rectangles.
3. All squares are polygons.
<!2 C'·
I- '.2
� (f)
By looking at the predicate and subject of (1)'s conclusion, we can identify this syllogism's
major and minor terms respectively: 'polygons' (the conclusion's predicate) and 'squares'
(its subject). Notice that each of these terms occurs also in the premises, but that does not bear
on their status as major and minor terms, which is determined solely by their functions as
predicate and subject of the conclusion. But in (1), there is also the term 'rectangles,' which
occurs in the subject and predicate positions in the premises. It is the 'middle term,' so called
because its function is to mediate between the two premises-to connect them, so that they're
both talking about the same thing. In any syllogism, the middle term occurs in both premises
but not in the conclusion. Another thing to notice is this: that although each of the three terms
of argument (1) is a single word, this is not so in all syllogisms-since sometimes phrases can
function as subject and predicate of a categorical proposition.
Let's now identify the major, minor, and middle terms in
2 1. No military officers are pacifists.
2.. All lieutenant colonels are military officers.
3. No lieutenant colonels are pacifists.
By using the rule just suggested, we can determine that the major term here is 'pacifists,' the
minor term 'lieutenant colonels,' and middle term 'military officers.'
The important thing to keep in mind is that in order to identify the three words or phrases that
are to count as the terms of a syllogism, we look first to the syllogism's conclusion. The major
term is whatever word or phrase turns up in the predicate place (i.e., after the copula) in the
conclusion. The minor term is whatever word or phrase turns up in the subject place
(i.e., between the quantifier and the copula) in the conclusion. And the middle term is the term
that does not occur in the conclusion at all but occurs in both premises-whether it be a single
word, as in (1), or a more complex expression, as in (2.).
The Premises of a Syllogism
The conclusion of (1) above is the proposition
I 3. All squares are polygons.
In the notation of traditional logic, this is symbolized as
It is common practice to represent the minor and major terms of a syllogism as 'S' and 'P'
respectively, and its middle term as 'M.' We'll adopt that practice and represent any syllogism
by replacing its three terms by those symbols, keeping logical words such as quantifiers and
negation. In the case of (1) above, we thus obtain
1 ' 1 All M are P
2 All Sare M
3 All Sare P
In a standard syllogism, the minor and the major terms occur in different premises. That con
taining the major term is the 'major premise.' Since (1)'s major term is 'polygons,' its major
premise is
1 . All rectangles are polygons.
In symbols this becomes
1'. All MareP
The premise that contains the minor term is the minor premise. Since (1)'s minor term is
'squares,' its minor premise is
2. All squares are rectangles.
In symbols this becomes
2'. All Sare M
You may have noticed that, in both examples of syllogism considered thus far, each has been
arranged with its major premise first, its minor premise second, and its conclusion last. This is
standard order for a reconstructed syllogism. Although in ordinary speech and writing a
syllogism's premises and conclusion might be jumbled in any order whatsoever, when we
reconstruct it, its premises must be put into standard order (this will become especially
important later). We can now determine which premise is which in (1) above:
1 ' 1. All M are P
2. All Sare M
3. All Sare P
Recognizing Syllogisms
However jumbled they may be in their real-life occurrences, syllogisms can be recognized by
first identifying their conclusions. Once we've identified the conclusion of a putative
syllogism, we can check whether it is indeed a syllogism: the conclusion's predicate gives us
the major term, its subject the minor term. Once we've identified these terms, we can then
look at the argument's premises and ask: Which premise contains the major term? (That's the
major premise.) Which contains the minor term? (That's the minor premise.) After listing
these in the standard order, as premises 1 and 2 respectively, and replacing its relevant terms
� ('•
f- �
< Cl)
3: g
� _J
� w
(Listed first)
Minor premise ¢ (Listed second)
When the minor term, major term, and middle term are replaced by ‘S,’ ‘P,’ and ‘M,’ as before,
we find this pattern:
4″ 1. All P are M
2. No Sare M
3. No Sare P
This is one among the many possible patterns of syllogisms. Some such patterns are valid,
others invalid. Before we turn to some methods for determining which is which, let’s have a
closer look at argument patterns of this syllogistic sort.
14.2 Syllogistic Argument Forms
Traditionally, syllogisms are said to have forms, which are determined by their figures and
moods. We’ll consider these one at a time, beginning with figure.
Since a syllogism has three terms (major, minor, and middle), each of which occurs twice in
either subject or predicate position, there are the four possible “figures” or configurations of
these terms for any such argument:
1st Figure
2nd Figure
3rd Figure
4th Figure
Each of these represents a syllogism's premises and conclusion in standard order without
quantifiers and copulas. The only feature that differs substantially among them is the arrange
ment of the two occurrences of the middle term in the premises. So it's the configuration of
the middle term in the premises that determines for any syllogism what its figure is. We can
emphasize that by representing the position of this term alone in each figure:
1st Figure
2nd Figure
3rd Figure
4th Figure
Thus it will be a simple matter to identify the figure of any syllogism: once we have identified
its middle term, we note whether it occurs in the subject or predicate place accordingly, and
then check which figure that amounts to. In this way, we can determine that arguments (1) and
(2) are in the first figure and (4), in the second figure. Using this method, we can determine the
figure of any proposed syllogism.
Consider this one:
5 Because some sharks are saltwater fish and no animals that can survive in a river are
saltwater fish, some sharks are not animals that can survive in a river.
First, we identify the conclusion of the argument-namely,
Some sharks are not animals that can survive in a river.
Since we now know that 'sharks' is the minor term and 'animals that can survive in a river' the
major, we can proceed to identify this syllogism's minor and major premises and reconstruct it
as follows:
5' 1. No animals that can survive in a river are saltwater fish.
2. Some sharks are saltwater fish.
3. Some sharks are not animals that can survive in a river.
By replacing the relevant terms with the symbols used above, (s')'s argument form is revealed as
5" 1. No Pare M
2. Some S are M
3. Some S are not P
Disregarding the quantifiers and copulas, we note the location of the middle term in each of
the premises and can easily determine that the syllogism is in the second figure.
What about mood? As we've seen, a syllogism is made up of three categorical propositions: two
make up its premises and one its conclusion. And any categorical proposition must be one or
■ Focus only on the occurrences of the middle term in the premises as either a subject
or a predicate.
■ The conclusion always has the minor term as its subject and the major term as its predicate.
The predicate and subject of the conclusion determine what are to count as the major and
minor terms in any syllogism.
■ 'P' stands for the major term and occurs in premise 1, which is the major premise
(i.e., the premise containing the major term).
■ 'S' stands for the minor term and occurs in premise 2, which is the minor premise
(i.e., the premise containing the minor term).
the other of four types: universal affirmative, universal negative, particular affirmative, or
particular negative-whose names (as we saw in Chapter 13) are, respectively, A, E, I, and 0.
The mood of a syllogism consists in a list of the names of its three component
In (s") above, the major premise is type E, the minor premise is I, and the conclusion is 0;
thus its mood is EIO. In the other examples above, the mood is (1) AAA, (2) EAE, and (4) AEE.
Now consider this argument form:
6 1. Some P are M
2. Some M are S
3. Some S are not P
In (6), both premises are type I, and the conclusion is type 0. Hence, (6)'s mood is II0 (and its
figure, the fourth). How about this one?
7 1. NoPareM
2. No Sare M
3. Some S are P
Since (7)'s premises are both type E and its conclusion type I, its mood is EEL At the same time,
given the position of (7)'s middle term, the argument form exemplifies the second figure.
Determining a Syllogism's Form
So (7)'s mood and figure together are EEI-2. Since the mood and figure of a syllogism consti
tute its form, we may equivalently say that (7)'s form is EEI-2.-as (6)'s form is II0-4, and so on.
The form of a syllogism, then, is given by the combination of its mood and figure.
In traditional logic, determining the forms of syllogisms was crucial to establishing their
validity, for it is the form that can reveal whether a syllogism follows or flouts certain rules of
validity that we'll consider later. Before we do that, however, let's review the steps described so far.
mood + figure = form
Let's try the whole process of finding a syllogism's form, starting at the beginning.
Consider this argument:
8 No campus residence halls without wi-fi are good places to live. After all, some
campus residence halls without wi-fi are old buildings, but some old buildings are
not good places to live.
Argument (8)'s conclusion is
No campus residence halls without wi-fi are good places to live.
How do we know? Because we have read the argument carefully and asked ourselves: What
claim is being made? (In addition, the premises are introduced by an indicator, 'after all').
Having found the conclusion, we then look for its predicate and subject, which are the major
and minor terms, respectively:
P = 'good places to live'
S = 'campus residence halls without wi-fi'
We can now identify the syllogism's major and minor premises. Since the major premise must
contain the major term, it must be
Some old buildings are not good places to live.
We can therefore put this as the first premise. Similarly, the minor premise must contain the
minor term, so it must be
Some campus residence halls without wi-fi are old buildings.
That is the second premise. Thus the reconstructed syllogism is
9 1. Some old buildings are not good places to live.
2. Some campus residence halls without wi-fi are old buildings.
3. No campus residence halls without wi-fi are good places to live.
Argument (9) illustrates a pattern that may be represented as
9' 1. Some M are not P
2. Some S are M
3. No Sare P
Any syllogism illustrating this pattern would be of the form OIE-1. For example,
1 0 1. Some CIA operatives are not FBI agents.
2. Some women are CIA operatives.
3. No women are FBI agents.
Now something has gone wrong with (10) and any other syllogism along the same pattern
that of (9') above. Clearly, any such syllogism may have true premises and a false conclusion.
Next we'll consider which syllogistic patterns are valid and which are not.
1. What is generally understood by 'syllogism' and 'categorical syllogism'?
2. How do we identify the major term, minor term, and middle term of a syllogism?
3. What is meant by 'major premise'?
4. What is meant by 'minor premise'?
5. When is a syllogism in standard order?
6. How do we identify the mood of a syllogism?
7. How do we identify the figure of a syllogism?
8. How do we determine the form of a syllogism?
II. For each of the following arguments, determine whether it is a syllogism. If it isn't,
indicate why, and move on to the next argument. If it is, put the syllogism into
standard order, and replace its major, minor, and middle terms with the appropriate
symbol 'P,' 'S,' or 'M.'
1. Some dinosaurs are not members of the reptile family. For no members of the reptile family are mammals
and some dinosaurs are mammals.
1 . No members of the reptile family are mammals.
2 Some dinosaurs are mammals.
3 Some dinosaurs are not members of the reptile family.
1. NoPareM
2. Some Sare M
3. Some S are not P
2. Some Japanese car manufacturers make fuel-efficient cars, but no fuel-efficient cars are pickup
trucks. Since all pickup trucks are expensive vehicles, therefore no Japanese car manufacturers
make expensive vehicles.
*3. All North American rivers are navigable. It follows that no North American rivers are non-navigable.
4. Some summer tourists are mountain climbers. For some risk takers are summer tourists and all
mountain climbers are risk takers.
*5. No Sinatra songs are popular with first graders, since all Sinatra songs are romantic songs and no
romantic songs are popular with first graders.
*6. Some men are Oscar winners but no Oscar winners are talk-show hosts. Thus some men are not
talk-show hosts.
7. Some persons knowledgeable about heart disease are not members of the American Heart Association.
For one thing, although some cardiologists are members of the American Heart Association, some
aren't. In addition, all cardiologists are persons knowledgeable about heart disease.
8. No eye doctors are optometrists but some eye doctors are professionals with MD degrees. It follows
that some professionals with MD degrees are not optometrists.
*9. All metals are substances that expand under heat. Therefore, it is not the case that some metals are
not substances that expand under heat.
10. No conservatives are supporters of gay marriage. Hence, some supporters of gay marriage are persons
who favor abortion rights, since no conservatives are persons who favor abortion rights.
*11. All computer scientists are programmers, and some programmers are pool players. It follows that
some computer scientists are pool players.
12. No movie reviewers are mathematicians. Since all mathematicians are experts in geometry and some
mathematicians are experts in geometry, it follows that no movie reviewers are experts in geometry.
Ill. For each of the following syllogistic forms, identify its mood and figure.
1. 1. Some M are P
2. Some M are S
3. Some S are not P
2. 1. No Mare P
2. No Sare M
3. No Sare P
3. 1. Some Pare not M
2. Some S are not M
3. All Sare P
*4. 1. All Mare P
2. Some S are M
3.AII Sare P
5. 1. Some Pare M
2. Some S are M
3. Some S are P
*6. 1. No P are M
3.AII Sare P
7. 1. Some Mare P
3. No Sare P
*8. 1. Some Mare not P
2. Some S are not M
3. NoS are P
9. 1. Some Pare M
2. All Sare M
3. All Sare P
*10. 1. Some Mare not P
2. Some S are M
3. Some S are P
11. 1. Some P are not M
2. Some M are not S
3. Some S are P
•12. 1. No Mare P
2. No Mare S
3. All Sare P
IV. Reconstruct each of the following syllogisms and give its form:
1. Since all Italian sports cars are fast cars, it follows that no fast cars are inexpensive machines,
because no inexpensive machines are Italian sports cars.
1 . No inexpensive machines are Italian sports cars.
2. All Italian sports cars are fast cars.
3. No fast cars are inexpensive machines.
1. NoPareM
2. AIIMareS
3. NoS are P
2. Because no airlines that fly to Uzbekistan are airlines that offer discount fares, some airlines that offer
discount fares are carriers that are not known for their safety records. For some carriers that are not
known for their safety records are airlines that fly to Uzbekistan.
*3. Since some residents of California are people who are not Lawrence Welk fans, and all people who
listen to reggae music are people who are not Lawrence Welk fans, we may infer that some residents
of California are people who listen to reggae music.
4. No members of the Committee for Freedom are people who admire dictators. For all members of
the Committee for Freedom are libertarians, and no libertarians are people who admire dictators.
*5. All loyal Americans are people who are willing taxpayers. Hence, all people who are willing taxpayers
are supporters of the president in his desire to trim the federal budget, for all loyal Americans are sup
porters of the president in his desire to trim the federal budget.
6. All Rottweilers that are easily annoyed are animals that are avoided by letter carriers; for some lap dogs
are not Rottweilers that are easily annoyed, but no animals that are avoided by letter carriers are lap dogs.
*7. No reptiles weighing over eighty pounds are animals that are convenient house pets. After all, all
animals that are convenient house pets are creatures your Aunt Sophie would like, but no creatures
your Aunt Sophie would like are reptiles weighing over eighty pounds.
8. Since some senators are people who will not take bribes, and all people who will not take bribes are
honest people, it follows that some senators are honest people.
*9. No explosives are safe things to carry in the trunk of your car. For some explosives are devices that
contain dynamite, and some devices that contain dynamite are not safe things to carry in the trunk of
your car.
10. No chiropractors are surgeons. Hence, some chiropractors are not persons who are licensed to perform
a coronary bypass, since some persons who are licensed to perform a coronary bypass are surgeons.
•11. No pacifists are persons who favor the use of military force. Hence, some persons who favor the use
of military force are not conscientious objectors, for some pacifists are not conscientious objectors.
12. Some rhinos are not dangerous animals, because all dangerous animals are creatures that are kept
in zoos, and some rhinos are not creatures that are kept in zoos.
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3. If one premise is universal and the other particular, then you must diagram the universal
premise first, whichever it is.
4. But if both premises are universal or both particular, then it doesn't matter which is dia
grammed first.
5. The major premise is diagrammed across the 'M' and 'P' circles, the minor premise across
the 'M' and 'S' circles.
6. Once you have diagrammed the premises, if the conclusion is thereby already unequivo
cally diagrammed across the 'S' and 'P' circles, then the argument is valid. Otherwise, the
argument is invalid.
Syllogisms that violate any of the following rules are invalid:
RULE 1: A syllogism must have exactly three terms. An argument that violates this rule
commits the fallacy of four terms.
RULE 2: The middle term must be distributed at least once. An argument that violates this
rule commits the fallacy of undistributed middle.
RULE 3: If any term is distributed in the conclusion, it must be distributed also in one of
the premises. An argument that violates this rule commits either the fallacy of illicit process
of the major term (where the major term is distributed in the conclusion but not in the
major premise) or that of illicit process of the minor term (where the minor term is distri
buted in the conclusion but not in the minor premise). It is also possible for an argument
to commit both of these fallacies at once.
RULE 4: A valid syllogism cannot have two negative premises. An argument that violates
this rule commits the fallacy of exclusive premises.
RULE 5: If there is a negative premise, the conclusion must be negative; and if there is a
negative conclusion, there must be one negative premise. An argument that violates this
rule commits either the fallacy of affirmative from a negative, or the fallacy of negative from
two affirmatives.
RULE 6: If both premises are universal, the conclusion must be universal. An argument
that violates this rule commits the existential fallacy.
■ Key Words
Categorical syllogism
Syllogism form
Rules of validity
Venn diagram
Fallacy of four terms
Undistributed middle
Illicit process of the major term
Exclusive premises
Affirmative from a negative
Negative from two affirmatives
Existential fallacy
Illicit process of the minor term
3. premise 6. neither 8. neither 10. premise 13. conclusion
3. Badgers are native to southern Wisconsin. (they are always spotted there). 6. (In the past, every
person who ever lived did eventually die.) [This suggests that] all human beings are mortal. 9. Online education is
! great option for working adults in general, regardless of their ethnic background. (there is a
large population of working adults who simply are not in a position to attend a traditional university). 12. (There
is evidence that galaxies are flying outward and apart from each other.) [So] the cosmos will grow darker and
colder. 15- Captain Binnacle will not desert his ship, even though it is about to go down, (only a cowardly
captain would desert a sinking ship), and (Captain Binnacle is no coward). 18. The University of California at
Berkeley is strong in math, (many instructors in its Math Department have published breakthrough papers
in the core areas of mathematics). 20. (No one who knowingly and needlessly endangers his or her life is
rational.) [Thus] college students who smoke are not rational, ( every college student who smokes is
knowingly and unnecessarily endangering his or her life. 25. (all Athenians are Greeks) and that
(Plato was an Athenian), [we may infer that] Plato was a Greek.
4. no argument 10. argument 13. no argument 16. argument 18. no argument 20. argument
4. argument 6. explanation 9. argument 10. explanation
3. rhetorical power s- evidential support 8. logical connectedness 10. linguistic merit and rhetorical power
11. rhetorical power 12. evidential support and logical connectedness 15. linguistic merit
2. rhetorical power 4. evidential support 6. logical connectedness 8. evidential support 10. logical connectedness
12. rhetorical power
3. weak logical connectedness 6. strong logical connectedness 9. failed logical connectedness
3. impossible. This scenario is ruled out by the definition of rational acceptability. 6. possible. 8. impossible. This
scenario is ruled out by the definition of linguistic merit. 10. impossible. This scenario is ruled out by the
definition of rhetorical power. 13. possible 15. possible
3. expressive 5. directive 7. informative 10. expressive 12. directive 15. expressive 18. commissive 20.
4. imperative 7. declarative 10. interrogative 13. declarative 16. exclamatory 19. declarative
3. interrogative; (b) asking a question (directive); (c) expressing annoyance at the hearer’s conduct toward
Harry (expressive) 5. exclamatory; (b) reporting that the dog bites (informative); (c) requesting that people refrain
from entering a place (directive) 7. interrogative; (b) asking a question (directive); (c). reporting that the person
may be pretending to be sleeping (informative) 10. declarative; (b) reporting a fact (informative); ((c). expressing
hope that things will go better in the future (expressive)
3. (A) Those players are automata resembling humans. (B) Those players act mechanically.
6. (A) We are coming near to a mountain that is a volcano. (B) We are about to have a crisis.
9. (A) Jim wears two different hats. (B) Jim plays two different roles, or has two different official responsibilities.
12. (A) That city is populated by insects. (B) That city is crowded, with many people in the street.
15. (A) He is a piece of burnt bread. (B) He’s finished
2. Indirect speech act. Recast: asserting that Abe is a person of no authority.
5- .Indirect speech act. Recast: requesting that we press criminal charges now.
7. Figurative language. Recast: For teenagers, flip-flops are fashionable items.
3. small ekphant -df. ;l,;wnt that is smaller than most slsPbims
5- human bein,i -\!i, featherless biped
7. hw::i!: =d£ beast of burden with a flowing mane
3. contextual 5. reportive 7. contextual 9. ostensive
3, too broad and too narrow 5, too narrow 7, too broad and too narrow 9, too broad
3. nonbelief 5- belief 7. nonbelief 9. belief
4. The nonbelief about whether the Sun will rise tomorrow. 6. The belief that the Earth is a planet.
8. The non belief about whether galaxies are flying outward. 10. The belief that I am thinking.
12. The nonbelief about whether there is life after death. 14. The nonbelief about whether humans have
evolved or were created by God.
1. Because under special circumstances (e.g., a threat) a person’s behavior may not express his actual beliefs.
The same could happen if he is insincere-that is, he intends to misrepresent his beliefs. 6. The options are
belief, disbelief, and nonbelief about whether there is life after death.
3. inaccurate 5- vague statement: “tallness” doesn’t clearly apply or fail to apply to a person of that height.
7. evaluative statement: the statement uses ‘better than’ to evaluate two things. 10. accurate 13. accurate
15. evaluative statement: the statement evaluates something as being unjust.
3. empirical statement 5- empirical statement 7. not an empirical statement 10. empirical statement
13. empirical statement 15- not an empirical statement.
2. Not true because that’s only likely, not certain. 4. Not true because there are no records to prove that they knew
they were in America. 5. Not true because it was a citizen of the U.S.S.R who did it. 7. Not true because the shape
of the country only resembles that of boot.
3. inconsistent. The beliefs are contradictory. 5.consistent. In a possible world, both beliefs could be true.
7. inconsistent. The beliefs are contradictory. 9. inconsistent. The beliefs are contradictory. 11. consistent. These
beliefs are true in all possible worlds. 13. inconsistent. The beliefs are contradictory. 15- inconsistent. Both beliefs
are necessarily false.
3. Conceptual 5- Conceptual 7. Other. The content features “inhumane” and is therefore evaluative. 8. Empirical
11. Other. This content features “delicious” and is therefore evaluative. 13. Empirical 15. Empirical.
3. nonconservative 5 .conservative 7. nonconservative 9. conservative 11. conservative 13. nonconservative
15. nonconservative
3. irrational 5. irrational 7. rational 9. irrational
3. Anyone born in Germany is a European. 6. Whatever the Federal Reserve Board says banks will do is probably
what they will do. 9. She is not telling the truth. 12. Canadians are used to cold weather. 15. Jane is a cell-phone
user. 17 Religious theories should not be taught in biology courses in public schools. 20. Pelicans are birds.
24. Planets with dry lake beds might have had life at some time.
3. No real vegetarian eats meat. Alicia is a real vegetarian. Thus she doesn’t eat meat. Hence, there is no point in
taking her to Tony Roma’s Steak House. Extended argument. 5. If the ocean is rough here, then there will be no
swimming. If there is no swimming, tourists will go to another beach. Thus If the ocean is rough here, then tourists
will go to another beach. Simple argument. 7. No Democrat votes for Republicans. Since Keisha voted for
Republicans, she is not a Democrat. Thus she won’t be invited to Jamal’s party, for only Democrats are invited to his
party. Extended argument. 9. To understand most web pages, you have to read them. To read them requires a good
amount of time. Thus to understand web pages requires a good amount of time. Since I don’t have any time, I keep
away from the web and as a result, I miss some news. Extended argument. 11. Because Jerome is an atheist and
Cynthia’s mother does not like him, it follows that Jerome will not be invited to the family picnic next month. We may
also infer that Jerome will come to see Cynthia only when her mother is not around. Extended argument. 13.
Professor Veebelfetzer will surely be expelled from the Academy of Sciences. For he admits using false data in his
famous experiment on rat intelligence. As a result, his name will also be removed from the list of those invited to the
Academy’s annual banquet next fall. Extended argument. 15. Since books help to develop comprehension skills, web
pages do that, too. After all, in both cases one must read carefully to understand what is presented. Simple argument.
4. extended, with more than two conclusions 7. extended, with more than two conclusions 10. extended, with at
most two conclusions
3. inductive 6. inductive 8. deductive 10. deductive 12. inductive 15. inductive 18. inductive 20. deductive
23. inductive 25- deductive
3. non-normative s, non-normative 7. normative 9. non-normative 11. normative 13. non-normative
15. non-normative 17. non-normative 19. non-normative
4. aesthetic and moral 6. prudential and moral 9. legal 10. prudential 13. moral and prudential 15.aesthetic and
prudential 17. prudential 20. moral and prudential
3. Whatever is designed by Sir Norman Foster is beautiful. 6. Whatever takes you where you want to go faster is
better. 9. Married people deal better with financial problems. u. Hit songs are the best songs. 15- Soldiers ought
to do whatever their commanding officer orders them to do. 18. Whatever is the appropriate punishment for
murder is ethically justified. 20. You ought to obey the law.
4. valid 7. valid 10. valid 13. valid 16. invalid 19. valid 22. invalid 25. invalid 28. valid
3. logically possible 5. logically possible 8. logically impossible
3. Either M or B
s- Either C or S
7. If M, then C
2. a is L
No LisD
a is notD
5-All A are P
Some Pare F
Some A are F
8. No Iis F
o is I
o is not F
3. categorical argument s- propositional argument 7. categorical argument 9. propositional argument
11. propositional argument 13. categorical argument 15- categorical argument
4.All Care D
No Tare D
No Care T Categorical
6. If M, then L
NotM Propositional
9. If 0, then F
If not F, then not 0 Propositional
11.All Bare I
SomeB are C
Some I are C Categorical
13. No Sare G
No Sare D Categorical
15- No Pis S
v is P
v is not S Categorical
18. If 0, then H
NotO Propositional
20. Either M or not]
Not] Propositional
3. hypothetical syllogism 6. modus tollens 9. contraposition 18. modus tollens
20. disjunctive syllogism
3. true s- false 7. false 9. true
3. Most C are E
mis notE
mis notC
Counterexample: an argument in which C = American citizen, E = people permitted to vote
in the United States, and m = a two-year old American citizen.
5. NoA are E
Some A are H
No Hare E
7.fis D
Some Dare B
2.false 4.false 6.false 8.true
an argument in which A = fish , E = mammal, and H = aggressive animals.
an argument in which f = a certain mute dog, D = dog, and B = barking animal.
2. Entailment does matter, since an argument can’t be sound unless it has it. 4. There is a relationship
between validity and truth: in a valid argument, if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.
4. logically impossible 6. logically possible 8. logically possible 10. logically impossible 12. logically possible
3. deductive 6. inductive 9. deductive 12. deductive 15. inductive
2. causal argument s- analogy 8. analogy 9. statistical syllogism 11. causal argument 14. enumerative induction
3. statistical syllogism, reliable 6. enumerative induction, not reliable 9. causal argument, reliable 12. statistical
syllogism, reliable 15- enumerative induction, not reliable 18. analogy, not reliable 21. analogy, reliable
23. causal argument, undeterminable (the reliability of the argument depends on that of the cited source)
25. causal argument, reliable
3. appeal to ignorance 6. false cause 7. weak analogy 9. appeal to unqualified authority 12. appeal to
unqualified authority 15. hasty generalization 18. appeal to ignorance 19. appeal to unqualified authority
3. false cause/hasty generalization 5. false cause/appeal to unqualified authority 7. hasty generalization/false
cause 9. false cause 11. appeal to unqualified authority 12. appeal to ignorance 15- weak analogy/hasty
2. fallacy 4. not a fallacy 5. fallacy 7. fallacy 9. not a fallacy
1. Hasty generalization. Not a fallacy when the sample of tigers so far observed is very large, comprehensive,
and randomly selected. 3. Appeal to ignorance. Not a fallacy when the experts agree that the concept of’centaur’
is empty and plays no role in explaining anything.
3. that the mind is different from the body 5. that supernatural beings are only fictional 7. that Aaron is a hunter
9. that if a plane figure is a circle, then it is not a rectangle
3. both s- conceptual 7. conceptual 9. both
3. begs the question s- begs the question 7. both 10. both 13. begs the question against 16. begs the question
against 19. begging the question
4. impossible 6. impossible 8. possible 10. impossible
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3. BURDEN OF PROOF on S. Since the argument has at least one false premise, its conclusion could be false.
5- BURDEN OF PROOF on 0. S’s argument is now rationally compelling. 7. BURDEN OF PROOF on 0. The
conclusion of her argument could be false (it has at least one false premise).
1. The argument begs the question, because in order to accept its premises you have to accept its conclusion. And
it begs the question against those who argue that marriage is a union between two persons independent of their
genders. 5. To be deductively cogent, the argument must: (1) be valid, and (2) have premises that are not only
acceptable, but more clearly acceptable than its conclusion. 6. Such an argument could not be cogent, since it
wouldn’t be truth-preserving-and, as a result, its conclusion could be false (even with all premises true). But the
argument need not be rejected on that ground, since it could be inductively strong, thus making its conclusion
reasonable to believe. 10. The burden is on you. It means: it’s your turn. You must offer an argument or accept
defeat in the debate.
3. accident 6. false alternatives 9. complex question 12. false alternatives 13. accident 15. accident
4. complex question 6. false alternatives 9. accident 12. begging the question against 15- complex question
17. begging the question / begging the question against 20. accident 22. begging the question 25- accident
3. not plainly vague 5, not plainly vague 7. plainly vague 9. not plainly vague 12. plainly vague 15- plainly vague
3. composition 7. division 10. slippery slope
13. composition 17. slippery slope 20. composition 24. division 27. division 30. amphiboly 33. amphiboly 37.
slippery slope 40 composition
2. beside the point (NOT appeal to pity) 4. appeal to pity 7. appeal to emotion (bandwagon) 10. ad hominem
13. ad hominem (tu quoque) 16. straw man 19. beside the point 22. beside the point 25- appeal to force 28. appeal
to emotion 30. straw man 33. appeal to pity 35- ad hominem 39. appeal to emotion (bandwagon)
2. fallacy of appeal to emotion 5. not a fallacy of appeal to emotion 9. not a fallacy of appeal to emotion
10. fallacy of appeal to emotion (bandwagon appeal)
3. negation 7. not a negation 10, not a negation
4. not a conjunction 7, conjunction 8, not a conditional 9, not a conjunction
2. not a disjunction 6. disjunction 8. disjunction 9. disjunction
3. not a conditional s- conditional 8. not a conditional 10. conditional
4. Mexico City’s air is not harmful provided that Houston’s air pollution is healthy. 7. That Canada has signed
the Kyoto Protocol implies that Canada is willing to comply. 10.That China has not signed the Kyoto Protocol
implies that neither Canada nor the UK has signed it.
2. biconditional s- not a Biconditional 6. biconditional 8. biconditional
3. I :J F 6. -(-E :J -B)
3. WFF 5. not a WFF 7. WFF 9. not a WFF
3. compound; biconditional 6. simple 9. compound; conjunction 12. simple 15- compound; negation of
disjunction/conjunction of negations 18. simple
3. E “” M 6. M 12. K 15- -( Ev I-
TIONAL CONNECTIVE standardly expressed by
'if and only if'; (2) COMPOUND PROPOSITION
that is true when both propositions joined have
the same TRUTH VALUE and false when they
have different truth values, 232-233, 236, 245.
TIONAL CONNECTIVE standardly expressed by
'if … then … '; (2) COMPOUND PROPOSI
TION that is true in all cases except when its
false, 229-231, 236, 245.
MEANING The content of an expression, 182.
One of Mill's five methods for identifying causes,
which holds that what different occurrences of a
certain phenomenon have in common is proba
bly its cause, and that factors that are present
only when some observed phenomenon occurs
are probably its cause, 128-129.
One of Mill's five methods for identifying
causes, which holds that when variations in one
phenomenon are highly correlated with those in
another, one is likely the cause of the other, or
both may be caused by some third factor, 129.
the TERM that occurs in both premises, 323ff.
GISM, the premise that contains the MINOR
TERM, 325ff.
the SUBJECT of the CONCLUSION, 323ff.
must be made explicit in ARGUMENT
with one CONDITIONAL premise, another that
affirms that conditional's ANTECEDENT, and a
See also RULE OF INFERENCE, 99ff, 230-231, 277.
with one CONDITIONAL premise, another that
denies that conditional's CONSEQUENT, and a
99ff, 261, 277- See also RULE OF INFERENCE.
the configuration of CATEGORICAL PROPOSI
TION types that make up its PREMISES and
CONCLUSION, 328-330. See also FORM.
MORAL JUDGMENT Judgment that concerns
EVALUATIONS or NORMS about what is good or
bad, right or wrong, not because it's sanctioned by
law or custom, but because it deserves praise or
blame in itself, 82-83, 384. See also NORMATIVE
NATURAL LANGUAGE Language of a speech
community. 4-5, 33-35, 184-185. See also ·FOR
SITION that is false in all POSSIBLE WORLDS,
57-58, 248, 384. See also CONTRADICTION.
SITION that is true in all POSSIBLE WORLDS,
248, 384. See also TAUTOLOGY.
NECESSARY CAUSE that is the one and only
possible cause of a certain event, 127-128,
NECESSARY CAUSE Cause of an event without
which that event could not occur, 127-128, 384.
NECESSARY CONDITION For any state of affairs,
some other state of affairs without which the for
mer could not be the case. In a CONDITIONAL,
its CONSEQUENT. 231ff, 261, 271. See also
NECTIVE standardly expressed by 'not';
VALUE is the opposite of that of the same propo
sition unaffected by the connective, 224-226, 243.
premises, 350.
NON CAUSA PRO CAUSA A variation of the
FALLACY of FALSE CAUSE committed by an
argument that misidentifies some event
contemporaneous with another as its cause, when
in reality it's not, 149-150, 385.
NONBELIEF Having neither a BELIEF nor a
premises) that falls short of entailing a CON
NONCONTRADICTION Deductive rule that a
proposition cannot be both true and false, 249, 385.
attack that, in context, is not irrelevant to the
CONCLUSION of an ARGUMENT, 211-212, 385.
whereby a sentence expresses a PROPOSITION
different from the one it would express if the con
tents of its parts were taken at face value, 35, 40.
stating that some members of a class have (or don't
have) a certain property or relation, 122, 125-127, 385.
NORM Rule intended to guide action or thought.
81-83, 385. See also AESTHETIC, LEGAL,
MENT that expresses a general rule, 81-83, 385.
TION inferred by OBVERSION, 312-313, 385.
ITY and adding the prefix 'non-' to its predicate,
312-313, 385.
from which an OBVERSE is inferred, 312-313, 385.
FALLACY of FALSE CAUSE committed by an
argument that overstates the causal connection
between two events, so that what is in fact only
a contributory cause is taken as a sufficient
cause, 144, 149-150, 385.
PARADOX Problem without apparent solution
involving claims that cannot all be true at once,
even though each seems equally true (or well
supported) by itself, 186-187.
or unresolved controversy, a standoff between
two rival but equally supported claims. No
progress can be made until new reasons are
offered to resolve the conflict, 166ff.
either 'Some S are P' or 'Some S are not P.' 288ff.
See also QUANTITY.
POSSIBLE WORLD Scenario that involves no
CONTRADICTION, 57-59, 104, 269, 385.
FALLACY of FALSE CAUSE committed by an
argument that mistakenly takes some earlier
event to be the cause of some later event, when
the two are in fact not causally related, 144,
148-149, 385.
PREDICATE Expression that assigns a property or
relation, 193.
SITION, the word or phrase coming after the
COPULA, 286ff, 323ff.
PREMISE REASON offered in support of a
or phrase typically suggesting that a PREMISE
comes next, g-12, 385.
PRESUMPTION Assumption or background
BELIEF whose truth is taken for granted, 161.
PROOF Logical procedure to demonstrate that a
CONCLUSION follows from some premises by
means of basic rules of INFERENCE and/or
replacement, 276ff.
PROPER NAME Word or phrase uniquely
designating a person, thing, or group.
PROPERTY Attribute, feature, or quality, 193-196, 386.
MENT that represents a state of affairs and is
complete in the sense of having a TRUTH
VALUE, 30-31, 103.
whose VALIDITY or invalidity hinges on
relations among PROPOSITIONS, 98-100,
222-223, 386.
PROPOSITIONAL LOGIC Study of the logical
relations among PROPOSITIONS, 1ooff.
concerns EVALUATIONS or NORMS about what
is in one's own self-interest, 82-84, 386. See also
PUNCTUATION SIGN Parentheses, brackets, and
braces used to mark the scope of logical
operators such as the TRUTH-FUNCTIONAL
the property of being either AFFIRMATIVE or
NEGATIVE, 288-289.
QUANTIFIER Term indicating QUANTITY. In a
usually 'all,' 'some,' or 'no'-that precedes the
SUBJECT TERM, 288-289.
the property of being either UNIVERSAL or
PARTICULAR, 288-289.
by good reasons and adequately connected to
other beliefs, 23-27, 386.
Index of Names
Allen, Woody, 216
Aristotle, 295
Austin, J. L., 55m
Boole, George, 302
Bryan, William Jennings, 213
Cruise, Tom, 205
Daley, Richard J., 212
Dickens, Charles, 18
Dylan, Bob, 19
Farrow, Mia, 216
Galilei, Galileo, 128
Goldwater, Barry, 214
Hess, Rudolf, 210
Hitler, Adolf, 210
Hogan, Paul, 14
Jefferson, Thomas, 216–217
Johnson, Lyndon B., 214
Johnson, Samuel, 216
Keats, John, 19
King, Larry, 158
Mill, J. S., 132
Newton, Isaac, 128
Plato, 44
Previn, Soon-Yi ch, 216
Protagoras of Abdera, 69
Richards, Keith, 205
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 213
Seacrest, Ryan, 204
Shakespeare, William, 19
Socrates, 74, 223
Stalin, Josef, 212
Venn, John, 301-305
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