Posted: February 26th, 2023

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Project Guidelines and Rubric

QSO‐321‐J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3 MA

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Project Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3

1 of 7 2/12/2023, 10:42 AM


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

• Recommend opera�ons management methods and techniques to increase value for customers

• Evaluate how opera�ons management generates value for an organiza�on

• Explain local, na�onal, and global sustainability in rela�on to func�onal areas of business


You work as the chief supply‐chain officer at the large interna�onal corpora�on, Na�onaliTeas. Na�onaliTeas manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Its mo�o is “Keeping people and their taste buds awake (when they

want to be awake).” Its mission is “Make the world more awake through rejuvena�ng and refreshing beverages and sustainable prac�ces that upli� workers, communi�es, and souls.” Its vision is “to be the most respected

tea manufacturer across at least three con�nents for our tea and our ac�ons, which will be driven by a commitment ethical sourcing, minimal waste, and empowerment of our employees.”

You would like to establish an opera�onal goal of having your corpora�on apply for a B Corp Cer�fica�on within the next two years. You believe this would add value to the organiza�on and help it to priori�ze a stronger

focus on sustainable opera�onal prac�ces. You have conducted a preassesment based on the recommenda�ons for applying for B Corp Cer�fica�on, and you’ve evaluated the corpora�on’s current strengths and areas for


Now you need to develop a proposal for the board of directors that explains why priori�zing the triple bo�om line (TBL) through working toward B Corp Cer�fica�on has organiza�onal value. You must also propose three

high‐impact ini�a�ves to help strengthen the corpora�on’s commitment to people, planet, and profit based on your evalua�ons.


1. Part One: Jus�fica�on of Benefits: Jus�fy the value of working toward more inten�onally incorpora�ng the TBL framework into organiza�onal decision making, specifically how ethical business prac�ces

regarding people, planet, and profit can benefit society, the environment, and the company’s profit. Specifically, address the following:

A. Key Components: Explain the three key components of the TBL framework and how each component benefits businesses and society.

B. Organiza�onal Value: Provide a jus�fica�on regarding the value and benefits of using the TBL framework to inform corporate decision making, and explain connec�ons between the organiza�onal mission

and the organiza�onal vision.

C. B Corpora�on Benefits: Briefly describe the organiza�onal benefits of a�aining B Corp Cer�fica�on.

2. Part Two: Opera�onal Recommenda�ons: Read through the Preassessment Evalua�on Summary (located in the Suppor�ng Materials sec�on) for each aspect of the TBL (people, profit, and planet). You will need

to provide a detailed descrip�on of the ini�a�ves that will create the needed improvement. You should note the organiza�onal and societal value of the ini�a�ve along with the opera�onal management

techniques recommended to plan and complete each ini�a�ve. For each of your three ini�a�ves, address the following:

A. Organiza�onal Impacts: Describe the organiza�onal benefits of each ini�a�ve, specifically no�ng the expected posi�ve impact of comple�ng each. Examples of posi�ve impacts include be�er alignment to

the organiza�on’s mission, vision, and culture statements; increased amounts of funds or resources saved; and improvements to the organiza�on’s brand.

B. Societal Impacts: Describe the societal benefits of each ini�a�ve, specifically no�ng the expected posi�ve impact of comple�ng each. Examples of posi�ve impacts include increased community building

and posi�ve environmental impact.

C. Customer Impacts: Describe the consumer benefits of each selected ini�a�ve, specifically no�ng the expected posi�ve impact of comple�ng each. Examples of posi�ve impacts include increased alignment

to target markets, improved product access and availability, and improved customer sa�sfac�on.

D. Business Risks: Explain the business risks associated with priori�zing, planning, and resourcing each ini�a�ve and how these risks will be considered and monitored.

E. Opera�onal Management Techniques: Recommend an opera�onal management strategy or technique (e.g., project management, lean manufacturing, or Six Sigma) that is appropriate to implement for each

selected ini�a�ve, and explain why.

F. Defining Requirements and Scope: Define the requirements for the successful implanta�on of each selected ini�a�ve as well as the scope of each. Describe how changes to the requirements and scope

would impact �melines, budget, and risk.

G. Roles and Responsibili�es: Explain the key internal and external stakeholders who would be involved in planning and implemen�ng each selected ini�a�ve, as well as why each iden�fied stakeholder is

needed to successfully implement the ini�a�ves.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Submit your project using one of the two formats listed below. Please note that your submission should include both Part One and Part Two of your project. For either format, sources should be cited according to APA


• Wri�en Report: Submit a 1,500‐ to 1,700‐word Word document. Use APA style.

• Slideshow Presenta�on: Submit a 10‐ to 12‐slide presenta�on with speakers notes. Your slideshow should be submi�ed as a PowerPoint or PDF document. Example tools that could be used to create your

slideshow include:

◦ PowerPoint



Project Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3

2 of 7 2/12/2023, 10:42 AM

◦ Canva

◦ Prezi

Suppor�ng Materials

The following resource support your work on the project:

Reading: Project Preassessment Evalua�on Summary PDF

This document presents the results of Na�onaliTeas’ preassessment for a�aining B Corp Cer�fica�on.

Project Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Jus�fica�on of Benefits: Key

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Explains the three key
components of the TBL
framework and how each
component benefits businesses
and society

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or

omissions; areas for
improvement may include adding
further details and examples to
fully explain one or more key
components of the TBL

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Jus�fica�on of Benefits:
Organiza�onal Value

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Provides a jus�fica�on regarding
the value and benefits of using
the TBL framework to inform
corporate decision making and
explains connec�ons between
the organiza�onal mission and
the organiza�onal vision

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include adding
more or more relevant reasons to
incorporate the TBL in decision
making or further explaining how
the TBL helps an organiza�on’s
mission and vision

Does not a�empt criterion


Jus�fica�on of Benefits: B
Corpora�on Benefits

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Briefly describes organiza�onal
benefits of a�aining B Corp

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing further organiza�onal
benefits of a�aining B Corp

Does not a�empt criterion 5

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Organiza�onal Impacts

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Describes the organiza�onal
benefits of each ini�a�ve,
specifically no�ng the expected
posi�ve impact of comple�ng

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
clarifying how each ini�a�ve
benefits the organiza�on, for
example, through alignment to
the organiza�on’s mission, vision,
and culture statements;
increased amounts of funds or
resources saved; and
improvements to the
organiza�on’s brand

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Societal Impacts

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Describes the societal benefits of
each ini�a�ve, specifically no�ng
the expected posi�ve impact of
comple�ng each (e.g., increased
community building or posi�ve
environmental impact)

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
clarifying how comple�ng each
ini�a�ve benefits society and the
posi�ve impact of comple�ng
each (e.g., increased community
building or posi�ve
environmental impact)

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Customer Impacts

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,

Describes the consumer benefits
of each selected ini�a�ve,

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Project Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3

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Customer Impacts excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

of each selected ini�a�ve,
specifically no�ng the expected
posi�ve impact of comple�ng
each (e.g., increased alignment to
target markets, improved
product access and availability,
or improved customer

proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
clarifying how each ini�a�ve
benefits customers, no�ng the
expected posi�ve impact of
comple�ng each (e.g., increased
alignment to target markets,
improved product access and
availability, or improved
customer sa�sfac�on)

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Business Risks

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Explains the business risks
associated with priori�zing,
planning, and resourcing each
ini�a�ve and how these risks will
be considered and monitored

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more relevant
business risks associated with
each ini�a�ve or adding more
detail to clarify the poten�al

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Opera�onal Management


Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Recommends an opera�onal
management strategy or
technique (e.g., project
management, lean
manufacturing, or Six Sigma) that
is appropriate to implement for
each selected ini�a�ve, and
explains why

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
providing a stronger ra�onale to
support using the suggested
opera�onal management
strategy based on the strategy,
ini�a�ve, and company

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Defining Requirements and Scope

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Defines the requirements for the
successful implanta�on of each
selected ini�a�ve as well as the
scope of each, and describes
how changes to the
requirements and scope would
impact �melines, budget, and

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more cri�cal
requirements or more relevant
metrics to evaluate the success
of the ini�a�ves or the impact of
changes to scope on ini�a�ve
planning and resourcing

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Opera�onal Recommenda�ons:
Roles and Responsibili�es

Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Explains the key internal and
external stakeholders who would
be involved in planning and
implemen�ng each selected
ini�a�ve, as well as why each
iden�fied stakeholder is needed
to successfully implement the

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors or
omissions; areas for
improvement may include
iden�fying more relevant
stakeholders or further
explaining the relevance of the
iden�fied internal and external
stakeholders to the ini�a�ves

Does not a�empt criterion 10

Ar�cula�on of Response Exceeds proficiency in an
excep�onally clear, insigh�ul,
sophis�cated, or crea�ve manner

Clearly conveys meaning with
correct grammar, sentence
structure, and spelling,
demonstra�ng an understanding
of audience and purpose

Shows progress toward
proficiency, but with errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, nega�vely
impac�ng readability

Submission has cri�cal errors in
grammar, sentence structure,
and spelling, preven�ng
understanding of ideas


Cita�ons and A�ribu�ons Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with few or no minor

Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with consistent
minor errors

Uses cita�ons for ideas requiring
a�ribu�on, with major errors

Does not use cita�ons for ideas
requiring a�ribu�on


Total: 100%

Project Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3

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Project Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3

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Project Guidelines and Rubric – QSO-321-J7599 People Planet and Profit 23EW3

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QSO 321 Project Preassessment Evaluation Summary

Based on an evaluation of the organization’s current state and recent initiatives, the areas listed below
have been identified as being in need of improvement based on the triple-bottom-line framework and B
Corp Certification requirements.

 A more formal structure or stakeholder group is needed to review social and environmental

performance regularly and accurately.

 Employee pay is low, both for hourly and salaried employees.

 Attrition rates are high, resulting in a significant loss of company resources.

 Employees lack the autonomy to shut down unsafe practices and processes.

 Required trainings are frequent, but professional development for growth is very limited in both
opportunities and funding.

 The organization needs to regularly screen and evaluate suppliers for social and environmental

impact, not just when an initial partnership is begun.

 The majority of materials used to grow, manufacture, ship, and sell the tea are not locally

 Although some supplying farms do have some sustainable practices in place, not all facilities and

practices are designed to restore or preserve the environment.

 Most energy sources, especially energy sources for domestic locations, are not renewable.

 The organization has not conducted any kind of environmental assessment since 2010, and that
assessment was only conducted to identify areas of opportunity, not for certification.

 Cost and time are prioritized in shipping, resulting in the inefficient use of transportation and a
high carbon footprint.

 Quality control is conducted randomly, but isn’t an ingrained part of the workflow process.

 There are no product guarantees available to customers.

 Customer feedback is primarily collected through online reviews of purchased products or sales
locations, rather than customer surveys.

The following areas have been identified as being strengths of the organization based on the TBL
framework and B Corp Certification requirements:

 The organization’s mission, vision, code of ethics, and culture statement strongly support

sustainable, ethical practices.

 The organization has identified key goals and metrics to monitor and evaluate sustainable
business practices.

 Employees are very content with benefits.

 Job-related training is thorough and frequent.

 There are established employee feedback programs with high rates of engagement.

 The organization is very diverse in its workforce, and employees report feeling safe and

respected at work.

 There are clear, measurable goals to continue growing diversity and inclusion throughout the

 The organization has set key requirements for its outsourced workforce, although regular
evaluations are lacking.

 The organization provides incentives and sets goals for suppliers regarding socially responsible
and environmentally friendly business practices.

 The supply chain has been evaluated by a reputable third-party company.

 Environmentally sustainable water conservation and treatment practices are a strength of the
organization and its suppliers, also benefiting many of the rural communities’ surrounding farms
and manufacturing facilities.

 Packaging is recyclable and minimal, despite frequent requests to change it to a shiny foil

 The mission, vision, and culture of NationaliTeas supports making high-quality, sustainable

products accessible to customers.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes

Organization’s mission,
vision, and culture lend
themselves to creating
positive social or
environmental change

Met Mission Statement: Make the world more awake
through rejuvenating and refreshing beverages and
sustainable practices that uplift workers, communities,
and souls.

Vision Statement: To be the most respected tea
manufacturer across at least three continents for our
tea and our actions, which will be driven by a
commitment ethical sourcing, minimal waste, and
empowerment of our employees.

Core values and company culture are also all in
alignment with encouraging and supporting positive
change and sustainability.

Governance structure
encourages regular review
of social and environmental
performance and impact of
the organization

Not yet met The board of directors, executive council, and
management all meet regularly; however, social and
environmental performance are rarely discussed. There
are many internal committees; maybe creating a new
one dedicated to this cause would be helpful?

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes
Organization has clearly
identified goals and metrics
used to measure and
manage social and
environmental issues
relevant to business

Met Goals related to water and energy conservation,
equitable access to products, and improving the
workplace culture are established, with processes and
plans in place to improve and track qualitative and
quantitative metrics.

Organization’s code of
ethics clearly identifies
expectations around
behavioral expectations,
bribery, corruption, and
political affiliations

Met The code of ethics is clear, comprehensive, and
incorporated into the company’s culture.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes

Majority of employees are
paid according to a fixed

Met 70% of employees are salaried. This excludes employees
of suppliers and manufacturing facilities, which are
separately owned and operated. Most hourly employees
work in customer-facing positions or maintenance.

Employees are offered
professional development
opportunities to learn and

Not yet met Employees have required trainings that are essential for
their job roles; however, training to learn and grow new
skills or deepen existing knowledge is limited.
Employees are provided $100 for professional
development funds each year to complete external
training, but it doesn’t cover much, and the process to
acquire the funds is extensive.

Lowest-paid employees
make more than federal
minimum wage

Not yet met Hourly employees start at federal minimum wage.
Raises can be earned after 90 days of employment in
$.25 increments.

Full-time, tenured workers
are offered company match
for retirement contributions

Met A 5 % match is offered on retirement contributions after
two years of full-time employment.

All full-time workers are
offered health insurance

Met All full-time workers are offered health insurance.
Employees feel their health insurance coverage is pretty
good—often better than other places they have worked.

Health and wellness
initiatives and policies are
offered beyond health

Met Health and wellness programs are offered, such as gym
reimbursements; significant discounts on health
trackers; financial incentives for healthy eating, activity,
and weight-loss goal completion; and discounts on
wellness services not covered by insurance.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes
Employees in
nonmanagement positions
have written permission to
shut down unsafe processes

Not yet met Nonmanagement positions do not have written
authority; however, they have been verbally told they
can do this.

Workers in manufacturing facilities who are employed
through manufacturing partners (not NationaliTeas)
have reported that a new emphasis on lean
methodologies has resulted in increased safety risks to
workers, who are afraid they will get into trouble for
stopping production.

Hazardous materials are
handled appropriately to
ensure employee health and

Met Hazardous materials are carefully handled and
monitored for the health and safety of employees and

Employees have sufficient
training to perform their
jobs safely and effectively
(i.e., employee onboarding,
ongoing core job
responsibility training,
cross-skills and career
advancement training, etc.)

Met Training is thorough and frequent, and provided based
on critical job responsibilities; however, it is only
frequent for those in nonleadership roles, leaving
leadership with little understanding of day-to-day

Organization regularly
evaluates worker
satisfaction and

Met Surveys, performance evaluations, check-ins, and other
forms of formal and informal feedback are regularly
used. Anonymous workplace surveys for feedback are
sent out once a month and are reviewed by managers
and the executive council.

Organization has low
attrition rates for

Not yet met There is a significant amount of employee turnover.
Most employees will stay for an average of two to three
years before leaving the organization, often after
completing a variety of professional trainings that help
them get more advanced roles or higher pay elsewhere.
Common reasons for leaving are low pay, lack of
autonomy, and lack of promotion opportunities.

Employees are paid fairly
for their skills and expertise

Not yet met In a recent compensation study for the organization, it
was found that employees are paid, on average, 10%
less than those in similar roles at similar institutions.
While additional self-directed professional development
is encouraged, it does not lead to any kind of additional
compensation. Raises are given only when employees
earn exceptional ratings across all evaluative criteria on
their annual review.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes

Organization has specific,
measurable goals to
improve diversity and
inclusion across the

Met The organization has clear goals and commitments to
strengthen diversity across the organization, which are
accompanied by plans and committed resources to
achieve these goals.

Organization regularly
screens and evaluates
significant suppliers and
support services for social
and environmental impact

Not yet met Suppliers and support services are screened when
initially being considered for partnerships, but they are
not regularly evaluated.

At least 40% of managers or
leaders identify as female

Met 43% of managers or leaders identify as female. The
board of directors and executive council are very diverse
in both gender and ethnicity.

Organization has clear goal
targets and initiatives in
place for purchasing local

Not yet met As a large organization whose operations span North
America, Africa, and Asia, NationaliTeas makes many
nonlocal purchases to cut costs and use one supplier for
items across the organization. No goals or initiatives are
in place, but the board of directors is open to ideas to
incorporate local materials where they can.

Organization takes part in
civic engagement
opportunities, such as
donations, to nonpolitical
causes, partnerships with
charitable organizations,
volunteering, or pro bono

Met Employees are provided time to volunteer with local
organizations and opportunities, and the organization
regularly contributes to national charitable
organizations and causes. Each month, 10% of the
revenue from purchases of one flavor of tea is donated
to a charitable cause.

Organization has set
requirements regarding
labor practices of
outsourced staffing that are
regularly evaluated,
including the following:
compliance with local laws
and regulations; compliance
with human rights and labor
standards; payment of a
living wage

Not yet met NationaliTeas encourages the ethical treatment of
outsourced staff, which impacts their manufacturing and
agricultural suppliers, but it does not set requirements.
Financial incentives for meeting recommended goals are
provided, but regular evaluations are not conducted.

Organization encourages
suppliers to improve social
and environmental

Met Financial incentives for meeting recommended goals are

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes

Organization’s products
and processes are
structured to restore or
preserve the environment
through agricultural or
manufacturing processes
designed to reduce
environmental impact in
comparison to typical
industry practices

Not yet met The organization’s processes are not any more
environmentally friendly than typical industry practices.
Occasional efforts are made to strengthen sustainability
efforts in individual locations (i.e., a recycling program
was instituted at the Denver office), but they are rarely
implemented across the organization. When suppliers
for tea are chosen or manufacturing partnerships are
begun, an assessment is done, and environmentally
friendly practices are a consideration, but they are not a
driving factor, nor are assessments a regular event.

60% or more of facilities,
both owned or leased, are
able to meet the
requirements of an
accredited green building
program (e.g. LEED, Green
Building Initiative, or

Not yet met Some locations have various environmentally friendly
infrastructures or initiatives (e.g., solar panels, energy-
efficient machinery, and water conservation initiatives),
especially offices in California and Colorado; however,
the board of directors has not allocated resources or
prioritized seeking certifications or recognitions for
green building programs.

Organization has an
management system (EMS)
that includes policies,
regular monitoring, stated
objectives, and resourced
programs to support
sustainable waste disposal,
energy and water usage,
and carbon emissions

Not yet met There are annual reports sent out to stakeholders that
briefly note metrics such as percentage of power coming
from renewable resources or gallons of water
conserved, but there are no official systems, policies, or
objectives in place to address these items.

Organization has
conducted footprint
assessments of the value
and supply chain by an
accredited third-party

Met Assessments were conducted in 2020, and a few
changes regarding reducing packaging and optimizing
shipping methods were recommended.

Organization’s energy
comes from at least 50%
renewable sources (e.g.,
solar, wind, or

Not yet met As noted above, some locations do use renewable
resources for power, but not nearly 50%.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes
Organization uses practices
designed to reduce carbon
emissions from
transportation, such as use
of the lowest-impact
delivery methods, use of
low-emission vehicles,
strategic planning of
transportation routes, etc.

Not yet met Shipping methods, in both delivery vehicles used and
planning of logistics, are not planned to reduce carbon
emissions. Currently, diesel-truck and airplane transport
are used most frequently, as these methods have been
found to be speedy and reliable, although also costly.

Majority of supplier farms
have established water
conservation practices
such as harvesting
rainwater, drip technology,
hydroponics, etc.

Met Most of the tea farms use water conservation practices
that are rather advanced and very efficient. Ten years
ago, a large financial incentive was offered to tea
suppliers to implement water conservation practices,
along with some helpful research NationaliTeas had
done on practices most appropriate for the region each
farm was located in. Most farms implemented the
recommended practices, which have also helped tea

Organization regularly
assesses water content,
release of wastewater, and
water conservation
practices across supplier,
manufacturing, and office

Met NationaliTeas does regular testing and assessments
regarding water conservation and wastewater, as the
product can be easily damaged by poor water
treatments, and the communities where tea leaves are
grown and processed can be significantly impacted by
improper wastewater practices.

Organization has a
company-wide recovery
and recycling program that
includes paper, cardboard,
plastic, glass, and metal

Not yet met Many individual locations have various recycling
programs, but there is not a company-wide program. In
the past, office and sales locations that have instituted
successful recycling programs have been rewarded with
an extra day of paid time off for employees on Earth

Packaging is recyclable,
nontoxic, and limited in
use to ensure a low
environmental impact

Met Tea satchels, tins, and additional packaging are all
recyclable. Some stakeholders wish to move to a shiny,
foil-like packaging that is not recyclable but is less
expensive and “looks pretty,” but this change has been
voted down repeatedly.

Organization tracks and
monitors chemicals used in
the supply chain

Met Chemicals, both hazardous and safe, are tracked closely
to monitor proper use, disposal, and cost.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes

Products or services
address a social or
economic problem for or
through customers

Met NationaliTeas is dedicated to making delicious, high-
quality products accessible to everyone, not just those
who can pay a premium.

Preassessment Criteria Met/Not Yet Met Notes
Organization creates
customer stewardship
through product
guarantees, quality control,
monitoring customer
satisfaction, ethical
marketing, etc.

Not yet met Quality control, customer satisfaction, and product
guarantees have been discussed at length, but little has
been done to dedicate resources to addressing these
gaps because the company has been generally
successful. Board members who repeatedly vote down
these kinds of suggestions claim that things are fine as
they are, so why pay money to change them?

Organization has programs
and processes to regularly
solicit customer testing and

Not yet met When new flavors of tea are created, storefronts will
solicit customer feedback through free samples;
however, not all locations offer these opportunities.
Customer feedback is primarily collected through free
online review sites such as Google or Amazon.

  • QSO 321 Project Preassessment Evaluation Summary
  • Governance





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