Posted: February 26th, 2023

reading comprehension

Assignment 6

· Read the legend “How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes” and the student retelling of that story. Using your knowledge 
of reading comprehension (e.g., literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, engagement of schema, self-monitoring), write a response in which you:

      Using your knowledge of 
reading comprehension (e.g., literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, engagement of schema, self-monitoring), write a response in which you:

· Identify and discuss one of the student’s 

 relating to reading comprehension;

· Identify and discuss one of the student’s 

 relating to reading comprehension

· See Appendix B for the scoring rubric.

You are to prepare a written response of approximately 350 – 500 words. Your response must demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge of the field. You are expected to demonstrate the depth of your understanding by applying your knowledge rather than by merely reciting factual information.

Your response will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

Purpose: the extent to which your response achieves the purpose of the assignment.

Subject Knowledge: the appropriateness and accuracy in the application of the subject knowledge

Support: quality and relevance of supporting evidence

Rationale: soundness of argument and degree of understanding of the subject

Descriptions of each criteria.


· Your response focuses on reading comprehension and explains both strengths and weaknesses.

· You cite specific evidence from both the passage and the retelling of the passage.

Subject Knowledge

· The application of subject knowledge is accurate and substantial, including the use of terminology.

· The distinction between inferential and literal comprehension is clearly stated.

· Areas where the student needs intervention are clearly identified and addressed.


· You provide examples from the text and/or retelling that are both relevant and important to the discussion.

· Support is sound and the examples are of high quality.

· The examples and the discussion of the examples are clearly related and in context.


· Your response is ably reasoned and relates each part of the discussion to the whole picture of the student’s comprehension.

· The choice of strength/weakness to discuss, the explanations given and the examples all show a comprehensive understanding of reading comprehension.

· The conclusions brings the threads of the discussion together.

How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes A Legend of the Iroquois

Long ago, the Earth was covered in darkness. None of the creatures living there knew what daylight looked like.

One day, all of the animals of the forest gathered together in a clearing. They wondered if it would be better to remain in darkness, or if it would be better to also have light. Deer, Chipmunk, Raccoon, Wolf, Bear, and many other creatures climbed to the top of the highest mountain. The mountain stood so tall that there were no trees on its top, and it was covered only with rocks. Millions of stars blinked in the dark sky overhead. The biggest and most powerful animal in the forest was the bear, and he was the first to reach the mountaintop. Bear stood on the highest peak, looked out over the forest below, and argued for remaining in darkness. He said that the creatures of the forest would be able to sleep better in darkness because there would be no light to keep them awake. Most of the other animals were afraid, and they agreed with Bear. Raccoon said that he did not mind the darkness because he was so smart that he could find plenty of food, even in the dark. Wolf was easy to please, too. She didn’t mind the darkness because she could howl in darkness or in light.

But one animal did stand up to Bear. Chipmunk, the smallest of the animals, argued that it would be better to have both light and dark. Chipmunk was very clever. As Bear continued to argue for darkness, she made many good arguments for light.

Slowly, the night passed. Bear grew tired of talking, but Chipmunk chattered on and on, as if she had all of the energy in the world. As the other animals dropped off to sleep, one by one, Chipmunk kept arguing. Finally, the first sunrise ever seen by the animals appeared over the top of the mountain. They woke up and were amazed by what they saw.

Chipmunk began to dance from rock to rock. Bear became angry because he didn’t get his way. He roared loudly and ran after Chipmunk. He chased Chipmunk all the way down the mountain. Bear was fast, and he reached out his giant paw to grab Chipmunk. Chipmunk got away, but not before Bear managed to scratch her

back with his long claws. And that is why, to this day, you can see stripes on

Chipmunk’s back!


How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes A Legend of the Iroquois

A 4th-grade student’s retelling of the legend and answering the prompt “What is the message of this story?”

The start of the earth was dark and all the animals could talk to each other. Lots of animals climbed a mountain. They saw stars but the ground was dark. The raccoon liked the dark. The bear was big and a bully. The chipmunk was the smallest animal but he wasn’t afraid of the bear. He talked and talked and talked. Everyone got tired and fell asleep but chipmunk started to dance. The bear chased the chipmunk and grabbed it with its paw. Chipmunk got away. Now chipmunks have stripes on their backs.

The main message of the story: If someone is mad at you, make sure you can run fast.


When analyzing this retelling, focus on:

· Overall impressions of the accuracy and completeness of the retelling.

· What is one strength and one weakness in this student’s retelling?

· What does this strength/weakness tell you as a teacher what the instructional needs are for this student?

· Identify key reading and comprehension skills that are and are not utilized by this student. (KEY FOCUS OF PAPER)

· Identifying key passages from both the text and the retelling to support your position.

· Analysis of Reading Comprehension – Grading Rubric


Advanced – 4

Proficient – 3

Basic – 2

Minimal – 1


CAEP R.1.2

Your response focuses on significant reading and comprehension skills.
A significant strength and weakness are identified and supported thoroughly with specific evidence from both the passage and the retelling of the passage (32 pts)

Your response focuses on reading and comprehension skills.
A strength and weakness are identified and supported with specific evidence from both the passage and the retelling of the passage (27.2 pts)

Your response focuses on reading OR comprehension skills.
A strength and weakness are identified and supported with specific evidence from the passage OR the retelling of the passage
(22.4 pts)

Your response is vaguely focused on reading comprehension.
A strength and weakness are identified but supported with little or no specific evidence (17.6 pts)



CAEP R.1.2

The application of subject knowledge is accurate and substantial, including the use of terminology.

The distinction between inferential and literal comprehension is clearly stated.

Areas where the student needs intervention are clearly identified and addressed (32 pts)

The application of subject knowledge is accurate, including the use of terminology.

The distinction between inferential and literal comprehension is apparent.

Areas where the student needs intervention are identified and addressed. (27.2 pts)

The application of subject knowledge is mostly accurate, including the use of terminology.

Some distinction between inferential and literal comprehension is made.

Areas where the student needs intervention are identified. (22.4 pts)

The application of subject knowledge is minimal or inaccurate, and terminology is lacking.

Little to no distinction between inferential and literal comprehension is made.

Areas where the student needs intervention are ignored. (17.6 pts)


CAEP R.1.2

Examples from the text and retelling are both relevant and important to the discussion.

Support is sound and the examples are of high quality.

The examples and the discussion of the examples are clearly related and in context. (32 pts)

Examples from the text and/or retelling are both relevant and important to the discussion.

Support is sound and the examples are of high quality.

The examples and the discussion of the examples are clearly related. (27.2 pts)

Examples from the text or retelling are relevant to the discussion.

Support and examples are present.

There is discussion of the examples. (22.4 pts)

Examples from the text or retelling are minimal or missing.

Little to no support or examples are present.

There is little to no discussion of the examples. (17.6 pts)


CAEP R1.2 Learner and Learning

The response is ably reasoned and relates each part of the discussion to the whole picture of the student’s comprehension.

The choice of selection of the strength/ weakness, the explanations given and the examples all show a comprehensive understanding of reading comprehension.

The conclusion brings the threads of the discussion together. (32 pts)

The response relates each part of the discussion to the whole picture of the student’s comprehension.

The choice of selection of the strength/ weakness, the explanations given and the examples all show a good understanding of reading comprehension.

The conclusion neatly summarizes the discussion. (27.2 pts)

The response focuses on the student’s comprehension.

The choice of selection of the strength/ weakness, the explanations given and the examples all show a basic understanding of reading comprehension.

The conclusion restates the main points. (22.4 pts)

The response minimally focuses on the student’s comprehension.

The choice of selection of the strength/ weakness, the explanations given and the examples all show little to no understanding of reading comprehension.

The conclusion is minimal or lacking. (17.6 pts)




Consistently follows APA format. There is a properly formatted and accurate reference page (NO errors) (10 pts)

Consistently follows APA format. There is a properly formatted and accurate reference page (1-2 MINOR errors). (8.5 pts)

Limited (3-5) APA errors in APA format including title page, running heads, citations, quotations or references. (7 pts)

More than 5 APA errors in format including title page, running heads, citations, quotations or references.(5.5 pts)


The presentation demonstrates exceptional use of standard
English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). NO
ERRORS. (12 pts)

The presentation demonstrates consistent use of standard
English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (1-2 MINOR errors). (10.2 pts)

The presentation demonstrates inconsistent use of standard
English conventions (mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (3-5 errors). (8.4 pts)

The presentation does NOT demonstrate use of standard English conventions
(mechanics, usage, grammar and syntax). (More than 5 errors). (6.6 pts)


Unit 6: Final Project 2

After reading the students’ retelling of the story “How the Chipmunk Got Its Stripes,” it has been determined that the student could recall some of the vital information from the text. However, the student missed several essential parts of the story that should have been included in the retelling. In order to master the retelling of the story, the student had to show that he understood the information read in the passage by identifying the story elements throughout the retelling. The student also needed to be able to infer to determine the moral of the story and why Bear was so angry with Chipmunk. My overall impression was that the student might have understood what he read but left out important details. Based on these findings, the student may lack some basic comprehension skills.

Based on the retelling, one of the student’s strengths was identifying the main characters. Throughout the retelling of the story, the student talked specifically about Bear and Chipmunk, which shows that the student can recall information and identify who the main characters were in the story. The student also talked about the relationship between Bear and Chipmunk. He let us know that Bear was a bully and that Chipmunk was not afraid of Bear, which shows that the student could identify the conflict between Bear and Chipmunk. Consequently, the student has some literal comprehension and inferential comprehension because he inferred that Chipmunk was not afraid of Bear. Although the student was able to recall information, more information was required.

A weakness identified was that the student left out many key details in the retelling of the story. Initially, the student left out how the animals wondered if it would be better to remain in darkness or to have light. If I had never read the story, I would be wondering, “Why did the bear chase the chipmunk?” or “Why do chipmunks have stripes?” The student left out these crucial details. In addition, although the student identified the main characters, he left out the other characters in the story. I thought it was important to know that Racoon and Wolf agreed with Bear to remain in darkness, while Chipmunk preferred light. Because the student left out so many vital details, it is clear that the student does not know how to self-monitor when reading.

The student utilized some literal comprehension because he was able to recall basic information from the text. For example, the student was able to recall that the main characters were Bear and Chipmunk. The student also utilized some inferential comprehension because he could infer that Chipmunk was not afraid of Bear based on Chipmunk disagreeing with Bear even though the student left out the information from the retelling. The student did not utilize the engagement of schema because he left out important details that show that he did not understand the story. The student also did not utilize self-monitoring because he would have listened to what he was reading to make sure he understood. The student would have also re-read the text to get a complete understanding of the text. If the student had self-monitored, he would have included the information about Bear and Chipmunk’s disagreement and the information that lets us know why Bear chased Chipmunk.

If this student were in my classroom, I would utilize questioning the student before, during, and after reading. Constantly questioning the student would allow the teacher to see if the student comprehends the text, makes inferences about the text, uses schema to help him understand the text, and if the student self-monitors. I would also give the student a graphic organizer for retelling a story. We would fill that organizer out while we read. The organizer would allow the student to identify the setting, the characters in the story, and what each character did. Next, the student would highlight the main characters in the story. After identifying the main characters, the student would identify the conflict in the story and identify if the conflict was resolved or escalated. After identifying all of the information, retell the story using all of the information on the graphic organizer. When the student does this, he should retell all of the information needed to show that he understands the story.


Unit 6 Retelling Passage (2021).
How the chipmunk got its stripes. Retrieved from

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