Posted: February 28th, 2023

Research report

I have a research report. I have attached the memo and synthesis review. you must find multiple sources from scholarly sources and professional sources. Must have at least 9 sources. Please follow RESEARCH REPORT GUIDLINES

To: Church Leadership Team

From: xxxxx

Date: January 24th, 2023

Subject: Proposal for Starting a Mentor Program at Our Church


In today’s fast-paced world, many of our church members are facing numerous challenges such as career pressures, family issues, and personal struggles. As a result, many of our members are feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the community. To address this problem, I propose starting a mentor program at our church that would match experienced and knowledgeable members with those who are seeking guidance and support.

The problem and why it should be investigated

The problem we face in our church community is a lack of mentorship and guidance for our members. Many of our members are going through challenging times and need support and guidance from someone who has been through similar experiences. Our youth members are facing challenges like peer and academic pressure that can be overwhelming without a mentor’s guidance. Many members of our community may feel isolated and unsupported as they navigate life’s challenges and may not know where to turn for help. This can lead to hopelessness and despair and to a decline in overall well-being and participation in church activities. Also, many of our members are new to the community and need someone to connect with and learn from.

To address this problem, I propose starting a mentor program at our church that would match experienced and knowledgeable members with those who are seeking guidance and support. The mentor program would consist of a selection process that would match mentors and mentees based on their interests, experiences, and goals. This program provides guidance and support for members of our community struggling with various personal or spiritual issues. Through the program, individuals will be paired with experienced and compassionate mentors who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement as they navigate life’s challenges. The program would be organized and managed by a team of volunteers responsible for recruiting mentors, selecting mentees, and organizing training and support sessions. The mentor program would be open to all members of the church, regardless of age or background. Mentors would be experienced and knowledgeable members of the church who have a passion for helping others and are willing to share their experiences and knowledge. Mentees would be church members seeking guidance and support in various areas of their lives such as career, family, and personal growth.

Secondary research I will conduct

To better understand the problem and potential solutions, we will conduct research using both professional and scholarly sources. Professional sources, such as articles from Christian leadership and youth ministry publications, will provide insight into best practices and successful models of mentor programs in other churches. Scholarly sources, such as research studies on the benefits of youth mentorship, will provide evidence of such programs’ effectiveness.

The research I conduct will provide valuable insights into the benefits of mentoring and the best practices for implementing a successful mentor program. By understanding the positive impact that mentoring can have on individuals who are struggling with personal or spiritual issues, we can better understand the importance of providing support and guidance to our community members. Additionally, by understanding the best practices for implementing a mentor program, we can ensure that our program is effective in addressing the needs of our community members.

The benefits of my research

There are several solutions that could be implemented to address the problem of a lack of support and guidance for individuals struggling with personal or spiritual issues. Some workable solutions include:

The mentor program would provide mentees with guidance and support that would help them navigate the challenges of their lives.

It would also help them to develop a sense of belonging and connection to the community. Mentors, on the other hand, would have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences and to give back to the community.

The mentor program would also benefit the church by creating a stronger, more connected community.

Offering counseling services: By offering counseling services, we can provide professional support for individuals who are struggling with personal or spiritual issues.

Providing educational resources: By providing educational resources, such as books, videos, and workshops, we can empower individuals to better understand and address their personal and spiritual issues.

Creating support groups: By creating support groups, we can provide a safe and supportive space for individuals to share their experiences


Starting a mentor program at our church is an opportunity to address the problem of a lack of mentorship and guidance in our community. It would provide mentees with the support and guidance they need to navigate the challenges of their lives and would create a stronger, more connected community. I propose that we start this program as soon as possible and I am willing to conduct the necessary research and work with the church leadership team and volunteers to make this proposal a reality.

Mentor Program in Church

Mentor Program in Church







In today’s fast-paced world, many of our church members are facing numerous challenges such as career pressures, family issues, and personal struggles. As a result, many members are feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from the community. To address this problem, there is a need to start a mentor program at churches that would match experienced and knowledgeable members to embrace benefits including support and guidance for individuals struggling with personal or spiritual issues, guidance and support that would help them navigate the challenges of their lives, develop a sense of belonging and connection to the community, creating a stronger, more connected community and providing safe and supportive space for individuals to share their experiences. Starting church mentorship programs have provided effective and positive outcomes membership engagement, growth and equity, and spiritual, economic and social growth, hence a significant program that requires practical analysis and evaluation to identify the best models for effective program implementation and monitoring program progress.

Membership Engagement Increment

Church mentorship programs provide an effective platform for spiritual and personal life experiences management that supports effective presentation on membership engagement. According to the authors, effective presentation on the church-based mentorship program has facilitated effective youth engagement in church activities and management of real-life experiences and personal lives (Hunter, 2022; Hanna, 2021). Furthermore, the author submitted that mentoring programs in churches provide a positive relationship with youths’ lives and effective development of future leadership and prosocial behavior. The author concluded that church-based youth mentoring program needs consistency, communication, and support (s the core of the mentoring program’s structure for youth engagement in the mentoring program and church, hence community’s needs are imperative for the community’s healthy youths’ lives. Similarly, in the program to start the Church mentorship program, there are the goals of increasing community and membership engagement not only in spiritual life but also in personal and social lives acquiring research-based evidence, and validating the program. Thus, previous studies have provided effective support for the establishment of a church mentorship program that is vital in increasing individuals’ and groups’ engagement for a positive outcome.

Growth and Equality

Church-based mentorship programs are vital in supporting equity and inclusion regardless of the different backgrounds of individuals. Additionally, church-based mentorship programs have significant effects on an individual social, economic, and cultural awareness, hence a need for church-based mentorship programs. In research to evaluate the effectiveness of a mentoring Program for Training Adventist Chinese Evangelists, the author offered extensive evidence both qualitative and quantitative to support the effectiveness of a mentoring program in Churches and schools (Tsui, 2021). Particularly, the Church-based mentoring program accommodated fundamental measures of effectiveness including training materials, learning process, mentoring process, feedback process, evangelistic preaching, appeals, authentic evangelism, dedication, evangelistic series experience, and preparedness for future evangelistic meetings. Furthermore, the outcomes provide effective evidence of the perceived effectiveness of the mentoring program in churches. The article concludes that developing leaders and Evangelists not only require short-term training but also long-term training that will support effective growth and equity despite notable background differences. The Church-based mentoring program among the Adventist Chinese evangelists, accommodate all gender, age, and pastoral experience. Similarly, the program of Church-based mentorship will provide an effective platform for continued leadership, evangelist, and pastoral experience, embracing spiritual and personal growth without considering individual’s backgrounds, supporting growth and equity.

Enhanced Spiritual, economic, and social growth

The church-based mentorship program has offered an effective platform for supporting and guiding individuals struggling with personal or spiritual issues, and navigation of life challenges for positive economic, social, and spiritual growth. In research to investigate the connection between spirituality and natural mentorship program, the researcher found that there is an association between spirituality and the existence of a natural mentoring relationship. The author’s support confirmed that Church-based mentoring programs among adolescent boys and girls created an effective platform for positive spirituality and social association with others. Hence the study confirmed the significance of mentoring due to the development of adolescent spirituality and social life experiences (Berinsterova, 2019). Additionally, in research to evaluate the effectiveness of Church-based mentoring programs am0ong Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nigeria, the study outcomes revealed that effective Church-based mentorship program posits a bidirectional relationship with Youth’s spiritual and social development in the church and community (Ishaya, 2022). Finally, a church-based mentoring program presents a positive contribution to an individual economic life development that is vital at individual and community levels. According to the author, creating spaces for informal mentoring within churches enables young adults to navigate life transitions in the post-high school and post-college years, supporting effective economic and education life (Stole, 2020). Significantly, the literature supports that a Church-based mentorship program offers an effective platform for supporting and guiding individuals struggling with personal or spiritual issues, and navigating life challenges for positive economic, social, and spiritual growth. However, the authors argued that the interconnection between religion and political power impacted notable social interaction and articulation (Becker et al., 2020). Generally, embracing a Church-based mentorship program is vital for effective performance and deliverability in the social, spiritual, and economic life of individual members and the community.


Accordingly to the in-depth literature review, starting a church-based mentoring program has fundamental research-based and evidence-based benefits. Notably, enhanced membership engagement, growth, and equity and increased economic, social, and spiritual development and growth are vital benefits for starting church-based programs. Therefore Starting church mentorship programs have provided effective and positive outcomes membership engagement, growth and equity, and spiritual, economic and social growth, hence a significant program that requires practical analysis and evaluation to identify the best models for effective program implementation and monitoring program progress.


Becker, S., Rubin, J., & Woessmann, L. (2020). Religion in Economic History: A Survey.
IZA Institute of Labor Economics. IZA DP No. 13371

Berinsterova, M. (2019). Spirituality and natural mentoring relationship among adolescent girls and boys in Slovakia.
International Journal of Children’s Spirituality, (24)2 1-12.



Hanna, J. C. (2021.). Dynamics of youth engagement in the local church. Retrieved April 6, 2021, from

Henderson, L., Williams, J., & Lawrence, E. (2018). The experiences of behaviorally at-risk adolescent girls in a mentoring program. M
entoring & Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 26(5), 482–502.

Hunter, P. (2022). Church-Based Mentoring Program: Increasing Youth Engagement. The University Of Dayton Press

Ishaya, I. (2022). Mentoring Youth for Mission in the Twenty-first (21st) Century: A Case Study of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Nigeria.
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS), (5)9, 190-198

Stole, S. (2020). Mentoring and its Impact on Young Adults in Church Congregations. St. Catherine University repository.

Tsui, T. (2021). “Perceived Effectiveness of a Mentoring Program for Training Adventist Chinese Evangelists.
Dissertations. 1763.


Writing Assignment #3

Research Report to a Decision-maker

Assignment Summary

You must write a
Report on the topic that you introduced in WA #1, the
Memo, and for which you gathered and reported on and reviewed your research sources in WA #2, the
Review. Your research report is the culmination of the work you have done with WA #1, the Proposal Memo and WA #2, the Synthesis Literature Review. Your
Report must be at least
long. In your Research Report, you will do the following for your readers:

define a workplace or community (neighborhood)problem persuasively and accurately.

propose one or more possible solutions to the problem or issue.

present one or more possible solutions to a clearly identified decision-maker (or group of decision-makers) who can implement the recommendation(s) you make for solving the problem or addressing the issue.

How WA #3, the Research Report relates to WA #1, the Proposal Memo and WA #2, the synthesis Literature Review

In the
Memo you decided upon a suitable topic (a workplace or community problem and one or more possible solutions) and introduced your topic to a decision maker (or group of decision makers). In the
Review you gathered research sources about your topic, identified themes related to the topic within your sources, and discussed how the sources related to each other in their treatment of the themes you identified (this is synthesis). Now, in the
Report, you must
present an explanation and discussion of your topic’s problem(s) and why the problem(s) need to be addressed –
supported by your research
and offer one or more possible solutions –
supported by your research. You will now have identified a problem, researched sources to get expert views about the problem(s). and offered one or more solutions to the problem – supported by research. You will have moved from identifying a problem to research the problem and possible solutions to reporting upon your research and findings to a decision maker.

What You Must Provide for WA #3, the Research Report

Your report presents a clearly defined workplace or community (neighborhood) problem (supported by research) and offers one or more possible solutions (supported by research).

Your report follows the approved report template/guide and contains all the components required by the assignment instructions.

Your review uses American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition citation style for citing sources within the text of your paper and in providing a reference page.

Your review meets word length requirements and follows correct business style.

Checklist to Guide you in Completing your Research Report

Components necessary for the Research Report:

letter to the decision-maker
(separate page from body of report)

executive summary
(separate page from body of report)

title page

table of contents
(separate page from body of report)


body of the report including headings and subheadings

conclusion(s) drawn from research findings and discussion

recommendations for implementation of the solution(s)

References page, with references listed in APA format
(separate page from body of report)

WA #4, Research Report, Requirements:

The complete report should be a minimum of 2000 words long, not including the list of references.

The complete report should also cite at least NINE (9) sources. At least FOUR (4) of them should come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. The sources will be integrated into the paper to explain the problem, provide evidence of the problem, and support the solution.

In the report, you will do the following:

define the problem persuasively and accurately

propose a solution or solutions to the problem or issue

present that solution to a decision-maker or group of decision-makers who can implement the recommendation.

Be sure to review the sample Research Reports in the Content area of the WRTG 394 classroom for examples of how fellow students have successfully completed this assignment that can offer you guidance and ideas for completing your assignment.

GRADE OF A Assignment Task:

To earn the grade of “A,” you should complete another assignment for this research report. The instructions for that assignment can be found in both the Sample Assignments area of Content in the 394 classroom, as well as in the WA #3, Research Report, assignment folder in the Assignments area of the classroom.

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