Posted: February 26th, 2023

the value and function of appropriate communication in professional contexts


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Explain the value and function of appropriate communication in professional contexts


You are a public information officer (PIO) and you need to create a training on the importance of different forms and styles of communication for various audiences. Using the

Project Two scenario PDF

provided, create a training that discusses how to communicate with the caller, the male subject, the press, and your department in this situation.


In your training, you will explore communication with four different audiences: the caller, the male subject, the press, and your department.

For each of these audiences, you will focus on the types of information that can be communicated, how information should be communicated, why it is important to communicate to each audience in a particular way, and how communicating to each group must align with the mission and brand of the organization.

Your assessment of each communication area will be based on how you address each one for all four audiences.

Using the scenario provided, address each of the following:

Audience: The Caller

In 100–150 words, answer the following:

  • What types of information can and should be communicated to the caller?
  • How should this information be communicated?
  • Why is it important to communicate to the caller in a particular way?
  • How should your communication with the caller align to the mission and brand of the organization?

Audience: The Male Subject

In 100–150 words, answer the following:

  • What types of information can and should be communicated to the male subject?
  • How should this information be communicated?

  • Why is it important to communicate to the male subject in a particular way?
  • How should your communication with the male subject align to the mission and brand of the organization?

Audience: The Press

In 100–150 words, answer the following:

  • What types of information can and should be communicated to the press?
  • How should this information be communicated?

  • Why is it important to communicate to the press in a particular way?
  • How should your communication with the press align to the mission and brand of the organization?

Audience: Your Department

In 100–150 words, answer the following:

  • What types of information can and should be communicated to your department?
  • How should this information be communicated?

    (Hint: You may want to use one of the sample forms provided in the Sage resource below.)

  • Why is it important to communicate to your department in a particular way?
  • How should your communication with your department align to the mission and brand of the organization?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Training Presentation

The training presentation should explain appropriate communication with each audience and should respond to all rubric criteria explained in the directions. The presentation may be delivered in the form of a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or other visual aid.

Supporting Materials

The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:


Sage Publishing’s Student Resources: Sample Forms

Choose from the forms included in the Sample Forms section of Sage Publishing’s Student Resources to demonstrate the importance of internal communication processes.

Presentation Template PPT

You may wish to use this template to organize your training presentation.

CJ 140 Project Two Scenario

The police are sent to a call for a male who is acting erratically. The caller is the neighbor of the male in
question, who, according to the caller, is “not himself.” The caller tells the dispatcher that the male
subject is on probation for drug offenses and has a long history of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
No additional information is available.

The police arrive at the residence, and the caller comes outside to see if he can “help” in any way. A
police officer asks the caller to remain in his home for the time being. The police officer knocks on the
door of the residence in question and is met by a female who is upset and crying. She tells them she is
the wife of the male subject. She also tells them that the male subject is 35 years old and has PTSD.

As the police are speaking to the woman at the front door, they hear a male voice yelling from inside the
home and can hear objects being thrown and glass breaking. The female tells them that there is no one
else in the house. She gives the officers permission to enter the home. As the police enter the home, a
second patrol unit arrives on the scene. There are now four officers on the scene.

As the officers enter the home, the scene rapidly escalates. The male subject has barricaded himself in a
back bedroom. Per procedural regulations, more backup is called in. Within minutes of the request for
additional police support, the press arrives to cover the situation.

A reporter approaches the scene and asks what is happening.

After 45 minutes, the situation is resolved when the police are able to convince the man to leave his
house. The man is taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital for evaluation.

Project Two


The Caller: Types of Information

The Caller: Information Communicated

The Caller: Importance of Communication

The Caller: Alignment to the Mission and Brand

The Male Subject: Types of Information

The Male Subject: Information Communicated

The Male Subject: Importance of Communication

The Male Subject: Alignment to the Mission and Brand

The Press: Types of Information

The Press: Information Communicated

The Press: Importance of Communication

The Press: Alignment to the Mission and Brand

Your Department: Types of Information

Your Department: Information Communicated

Your Department: Importance of Communication

Your Department: Alignment to the Mission and Brand


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