Posted: February 28th, 2023

Unit 7 Assignment: Community Education

 In this assignment, you are being asked to create a visual representation of the problem you selected for the Unit 6 Addressing Client Needs task









Substance abuse is the issue I’ve decided to tackle, specifically heroin and prescription

opioid addiction. In some context, the opioid crisis plaguing the country has reached an all-time

high for some time. Families, kids, and people of all ages who have used or had access to illegal

opioids like heroin and fentanyl are feeling the effects of this crisis. It’s a chronic illness that has

the potential to worsen people’s health as well as their social and financial situations (Mignon,

2022). The opioid system of medications includes those that reduce pain and induce euphoria.

When people no longer have a medical need for medicines, they nonetheless want to use them.

When OxyContin first hit the market, its designer claimed it was not addictive. Still, users

quickly learned otherwise, making him responsible for the drug’s popularity and the subsequent

opioid crisis. Family members, dependent children, the addicted person themselves, and anybody

else who knows and cares about them are affected by this issue (Clark, 2020). Addiction to this

or any substance often results from a combination of preexisting mental health issues,

environmental factors (such as exposure to other addicts in the family), and behavioral and

lifestyle choices (Olsen & Sharfstein, 2019). People may turn to opioids as self-medication when

they feel overwhelmed by the stresses of daily life. One possible reason for their drug usage is

that they have experienced some abuse, either mental, physical, or sexual, and are trying to numb

the pain. They need it since they’re in a lot of bodily discomforts. That may be because their

friends are doing it, too. This condition might lead to various negative outcomes, such as

repeated stints in jail, financial ruin, homelessness, health problems, visits to medical clinics, and

even the loss of one’s family and all their hard work. They will lose their jobs, families, money,

and dignity if they continue to take drugs; they will do things they wouldn’t ordinarily do to get

by; and they will lose themselves entirely if they don’t get clean or go to prison.


Users are unable to fulfill even their most basic demands because they either lose

everything or are willing to sacrifice everything for another high. Most drug users offer

everything for their habit and end up destroying their lives as a result. It affects every aspect of

their life because they prioritize drug usage above basic needs like food and shelter. Although

some individuals are able to cope, everyone who falls into this position eventually reaches the

same pit of despair (Miller, 2019). Drug abuse and opiate addiction treatment centers often

include a 30-, 60-, or 90-day stay, with the first phase including detox to rid the body of the

narcotics and the second phase involving therapy and behavioral modification. The client’s

progress and readiness to leave will determine whether he or she will be sent to a halfway house

or a recovery house as the next step. Halfway houses typically have residents for between three

and six months (Mignon, 2022).

After that, you’ll go on to a Recovery Home, where you’ll have greater freedom to do

things like pay rent and get a job; you’ll be able to remain there for at least 90 days, and maybe

longer if you follow the regulations. Further support is available in the form of A.A., NA, and

C.A. meetings so that each client may choose a support group that best fits their needs.

Individual, group, intensive outpatient, and telehealth counseling services are also available

(Mignon, 2022). After you’ve finished your own treatment, you’re free to become an A.A.

sponsor and aid others going through rehab. Many individuals who have struggled with

substance abuse have found success with drugs like Suboxone, Subutex, and Sublocade. Since

returning to one’s former neighborhood might be stressful for those still recovering from

substance abuse, some consoling professionals advise their clients to avoid it until they are

stabilized (Clark, 2020). The goal of treatment is to help the patient avoid relapsing by

identifying and addressing any factors that may increase the likelihood of relapse, such as any


circumstances that may serve as a trigger for substance use, as well as strengthening any areas in

which the patient may be particularly vulnerable.

Blueprints are one of the local services available to people in my region who are

struggling with substance abuse and opioid addiction. The first phase of their service, called

Blueprints Chapters, consists of 28 days of integrated day treatment and includes a luxury

apartment with no more than three people per room, round-the-clock structured supervision, a

personalized treatment plan, group and individual therapy, family therapy and education, holistic

therapy and education, life skill development, psychiatric evaluations, medication management

services, and a recovery fellowship. The second phase of treatment entails less intense and

community-based support for a shorter duration of time (between six and eight weeks). Those in

Chapter 3 get long-term treatment by remaining in a sober living facility while continuing to

engage in therapy either individually or in a group setting (Clark, 2020). Depending on where

you live and the setup of the treatment center you left, you may participate in Intensive

Outpatient Programs (I.O.P.), Telehealth therapy, group therapy, or individual therapy here.

Pyramid Healthcare is a rehabilitation center that provides services to the community.

Detox facilities, rehabilitation programs, halfway houses, and medication-assisted treatment are

just some of the services they provide (M.A.T.). They assist you in getting set up insurance if

you don’t already have it. They help you locate a halfway home or recovery house if you’re ready

to take the next step in your recovery journey after being at this facility (Mignon, 2022). To ease

one’s transition back into regular life as a sober individual, they provide a variety of programs

and group therapy. They have fantastic BHTs and staff willing to share their knowledge and

expertise with you, and they facilitate groups throughout the day to assist clients in adjusting to

life on M.A.T.s like Suboxone (Lowinson, 2019). A lack of financial resources or health


insurance might prevent a client from receiving these treatments. They may be too ashamed to

make an effort to clean up their act. They may be anxious about going there for fear of being

judged by their friends and relatives. Even if they’re committed to sobriety, they may decide to

leave after they arrive because the process is too challenging or they’re not emotionally prepared

to make the necessary changes in their lives (Miller, 2019). While working in this sector, it’s

important to remember that you can’t make someone accept aid if they don’t want it or aren’t

ready to receive it.

Working with someone who struggles with substance abuse or opioid addiction may be a

rewarding but challenging experience. There are several factors associated with this issue and

numerous approaches to addressing it. The client’s health, relationships, and life are all

negatively impacted, and they may even find themselves in undesirable situations. The client

must desire to be helped and saved in order to be saved (Lowinson, 2019). Another thing to keep

in mind is to be kind and accepting of your customers, no matter what they’ve done wrong or if

they feel they have no hope left in themselves.



Clark, G. D. (2020). Substance abuse education for nurse anesthetists: Differences in knowledge

of substance abuse between student nurse anesthetists who have completed a substance

abuse workshop and those who have not. Substance Abuse, 17(3), 167-


Lowinson, J. H. (2019). Substance abuse: A comprehensive textbook. Lippincott Williams &


Mignon, S. I. (2022). Substance abuse treatment: Options, challenges, and effectiveness.

Springer Publishing Company.

Miller, W. R. (2019). Educating psychologists about substance abuse. Substance

Abuse, 23(sup1), 289-303.

Olsen, Y., & Sharfstein, J. M. (2019). Opioid addiction. The Opioid


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