Posted: March 12th, 2023

Week 7

See attachment. No plagiarism!!! 

Answer the questions pertaining to Psychopharmacology.  A
minimum of

two paragraphs per question

Questions must be answered in detail and provide references if any are used.

1. What is delta (sup9)-tetrahydrocannabinol, and how does it work in the brain?

2. Name and describe one Dopamine or one Nor Epinephrine-based hallucinogen in detail. (I am looking for structural similarities to DA and NE, not necessarily what neurotransmitters they affect. Examples include Mescaline, MDMA, MDA, DMA, MDEPA, ect.).

3. Name and describe two Serotonin-based hallucinogens. (I am looking for structural similarities to 5-HT, not necessarily what neurotransmitters they affect. Examples include LSD, Bufotinine, Psilocybin, DMT, etc.).

4. A number of states have legalized recreational marijuana. Comment on the potential pharmacological impacts of legalized recreational use–NO PERSONAL OPINIONS. Stay on research-based information and stay with research-based journals. Ask me for help if needed.

5. REAL-WORLD ISSUE: Find information on the use of MDMA to treat PTSD.

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